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Jul 2, 2006
Real Name
About My Library
Have an interest in literature in translation. I buy and sell (try to anyway) books that I want or don't want on I have been focusing a lot lately on literary thrillers particularly those coming out of Europe. I have somewhere around 150 signed books. IMO LT was and is a brilliant idea. I love the format--the updating LT does always seem to make the site better, more accessibe and more fun.
About Me
60 years old. 4 years in the Coast Guard. Retired from the Postal Service in February 2013. That was nice. I can be a bit lazy though. Translator of Roberto Arlt's The Flamethrowers available at River Boat Books (see profile picture) and completing the two part book into English for the first time as River Boat has also reissued Naomi Lindstrom's translation of The Seven Madmen. I'm Married. Two grown up kids. One with a degree in Geology--the other a degree in Physics. Anyway I like to read. I like to mess around with my guitars. I like punk rock a lot and have a lot of vinyl from the late 70's--early 80's to prove it. I like Celtic punk. I like Ska and I like Reggae. I like to drink IPA's, stouts and porters. I've been following the New York Rangers since the 1971-72 season. That's a pretty long time. I'm pretty rabid about them. I like to travel. I would like to go overseas more but I've only been to Ireland once.
Elmira N. Y.
Favorite Authors
Etel Adnan, António Lobo Antunes, Guillaume Apollinaire, Roberto Arlt, Louis Armand, Margaret Atwood, Michele Audin, J. G. Ballard, Samuel Beckett, Peter Damian Bellis, Madison Smartt Bell, Thomas Bernhard, Wu Ming, Roberto Bolaño, Louis Paul Boon, Jorge Luis Borges, Charles Bukowski, Anna Burns, Camilo José Cela, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Javier Cercas, J. M. G. Le Clézio, J. M. Coetzee, Junot Díaz, Miguel Delibes, Don DeLillo, Virginie Despentes, Helen DeWitt, Assia Djebar, Alfred Döblin, Daša Drndić, Jean Echenoz, Umberto Eco, Nathan Englander, William Faulkner, James Fenton, Tibor Fischer, Patrick Flanery, Dario Fo, Sesshu Foster, Benito Pérez-Galdós, Witold Gombrowicz, Günter Grass, Graham Greene, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, Knut Hamsun, Rick Harsch, Eleanor Henderson, Zbigniew Herbert, Chester Himes, Michel Houellebecq, Bohumil Hrabal, Michael Hughes, Marlon James, Elfriede Jelinek, B. S. Johnson, Denis Johnson, James Joyce, James Kelman, Elias Khoury, John King, Naomi Klein, Arthur Koestler, Ahmadou Kourouma, Rachel Kushner, Halldór Laxness, Philip Levine, Mario Vargas Llosa, Alistair MacLeod, Curzio Malaparte, Jean-Patrick Manchette, Dominique Manotti, Luis Martín-Santos, Colum McCann, Cormac McCarthy, Martin McDonagh, Marshall McLuhan, Eoin McNamee, Enrique Medina, Fernanda Melchor, Pierre Merot, Philipp Meyer, David Mitchell, Emiliano Monge, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Alvaro Mutis, Pablo Neruda, Jo Nesbø, Marlene van Niekerk, Flannery O'Connor, Kenzaburō Ōe, Sofi Oksanen, Michael Ondaatje, Nicanor Parra, John Dos Passos, David Peace, Georges Perec, Leif G. W. Persson, Christopher Petit, Ricardo Piglia, Robert Pinget, Pola Oloixarac, Raymond Queneau, Arthur Rimbaud, Julian Rios, Manuel Rivas, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Robert S. Stickley, Philip Roth, Arundhati Roy, Anatoli Rybakov, Ernesto Sábato, Guillermo Saccomanno, George Salis, Lydie Salvayre, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Andrea Maria Schenkel, Arno Schmidt, Adania Shibli, Claude Simon, Patricia Smith, Pablo Martín Sánchez, Edward St. Aubyn, Wisława Szymborska, Antonio Tabucchi, Paco Ignacio Taibo, Johan Theorin, Olga Tokarczuk, B. Traven, William Trevor, Jane Urquhart, Paul Verhaeghen, David Foster Wallace, Rodolfo Walsh, Irvine Welsh, Paul West, Paul West, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Juli Zeh, Émile Zola

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