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Antonio Tabucchi (1943–2012)

Author of Pereira Maintains

193+ Works 6,804 Members 180 Reviews 14 Favorited

About the Author

Antonio Tabucchi was born in Pisa, Italy on September 24, 1943. He studied literature and philosophy at the city's university. He was a writer and academic. He was professor of Portuguese literature at the University of Siena and the Italian Cultural Institute in Lisbon. His works include Piazza show more d'Italia, Piccoli Equivoci Senza Importanza (Little Misunderstandings of No Importance), Requiem, uma Alucinaçaõ (Requiem: A Hallucination), Tristano Muore (Tristan Is Dying), and Racconti con Figure. Many of his works were adapted into films including Sostiene Pereira (Pereira Maintains) and Notturno Indiano (Indian Nocturne). In addition to his fictional writing, he translated works by Fernando Pessoa and other Portuguese writers into Italian. He received numerous literary prizes including the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres in France. In 1993, he was one of the founder members of the International Parliament of Writers and contributed articles to its journal, Autodafé. He died of cancer on March 25, 2012 at the age of 68. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Antonio Tabucchi en los Cursos de Verano de El Escorial, 2008.

Works by Antonio Tabucchi

Pereira Maintains (1994) 2,207 copies
Indian Nocturne (1984) 521 copies
Requiem (1991) 435 copies
Tristano Dies (2004) — Author — 242 copies
The Edge of the Horizon (1986) 207 copies
Time Ages in a Hurry (2009) — Author — 205 copies
The Woman of Porto Pim (1983) — Author — 201 copies
I volatili del Beato Angelico (1987) — Author — 149 copies
L' angelo nero (1991) 140 copies
Il gioco del rovescio (1981) 132 copies
Dreams of Dreams (1992) 117 copies
For Isabel: A Mandala (2013) — Author — 90 copies
Viaggi e altri viaggi (2010) 65 copies
La gastrite di Platone (1901) 50 copies
Il piccolo naviglio (1978) 47 copies
I dialoghi mancati (1988) 42 copies
Racconti con figure (2011) 26 copies
Stories with Pictures (2021) 20 copies
Racconti (2006) 9 copies
Il filo dell'orizzonte (2014) 6 copies
Los diálogos frustrados (1999) 4 copies
Saudade di libertà (2011) — Author — 3 copies
Lettere a capitano Nemo (2022) 3 copies
Ébano 2 copies
HİNT GECE MÜZİĞİ (1994) 1 copy
Cuentos confidenciales (1989) — Author — 1 copy
La vita è imperfetta (2022) 1 copy
Realidades Ajenas (2000) 1 copy
Che ore sono da voi? (2020) 1 copy
Tabucchi par lui-même (2019) 1 copy
Buchettino 1 copy
いつも手遅れ (2013) 1 copy

Associated Works

Dream Story (1925) — Introduction, some editions — 1,848 copies
The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories (2019) — Contributor — 140 copies
The Big Book of Modern Fantasy (2020) — Contributor — 111 copies
A Centenary Pessoa (1995) — Contributor, some editions — 66 copies
Het meervoudige leven van Fernando Pessoa (1988) — Contributor — 42 copies
Found in Translation (2018) — Contributor, some editions — 36 copies
Sostiene Pereira (2016) — Auteur adapté — 23 copies
The Quality of Light: Modern Italian Short Stories (1993) — Contributor — 13 copies
Die letzten Dinge: Lebensendgespräche (2015) — Contributor — 11 copies
Il treno di Recife (1974) — Translator, some editions — 2 copies
Toscane (1988) — Contributor, some editions — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



Depois de repetidas limonadas, Pereira pede um Porto seco.
inesaparicio | 78 other reviews | Jan 25, 2024 |
Another classic in the totalitarian genre, this one follows overweight Pereira as he tries to establish a culture section for a Lisbon newspaper as the dictatorship of Portugal comes to bear. Surprisingly wonderful for a book full of Pereira asking for an omelette aux fines herbes and a lemonade.
soylentgreen23 | 78 other reviews | Jan 9, 2024 |
Antes de deixar o livro esfriar, e, dar o tempo de lê-lo fechado, na mente, enumerarei minhas primeiras impressões ainda frescas, de bate pronto: é um pequeno grande livro, míseras cem páginas, mas dotadas de estilo, e, com diversos tempos como tema, lembranças, deja-vu, falha de memória, sonho; tudo baseado em histórias reais contadas a ele por amigos — no final há dedicatória e tudo. Os contos, são bastante estilísticos, e não há aquela disparidade gritante tão incômoda (tanto de tamanho quanto de qualidade) em livros de contos. O maior deles é justamente o melhor: "Núvens"; e o último é memorável pelo narrador lhe dar uma volta caso você tente encurralá-lo, qualquer tentativa de acompanhá-lo é frustrada (no bom sentido); e, pelo que entendi, implica em um looping de personagem-narrador alheio ao seu papel.… (more)
RolandoSMedeiros | 7 other reviews | Aug 1, 2023 |
A concise and tense short story-like novel about several days in the life of a minor newspaper editor's life in prewar Portugal. I am looking for the 1995 movie Sostiene Pereira ( According to Pereira) with Marcello Mastroianni.
markm2315 | 78 other reviews | Jul 1, 2023 |



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