Original topic subject: Introduce Yourself - 2024

TalkMystery and Suspense

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Edited: Jan 8, 3:31 pm

If you are a long-standing member of the group, a fairly recent member or are new to the group please spend a moment to introduce yourself to everyone. It’s a while since we have done this will help us to see who is active on the group, and if there is anything else we can do to promote activity on the group.

The Admins :)

Edited: Jan 8, 8:25 am

My name is Andrew and I live in South Yorkshire, England, and am one of the admins of the group. I was primary school teacher and headteacher / principal for many years. I have always been a great fan of mystery and suspense books, they are my go to books. In fact Peter James’ book Dead Simple helped me to cope following my mother’s funeral.

Hard to choose favourite authors but especially love detective fiction - some favourites would include Ellie Griffiths, Ann Cleeves, Peter James, Ian Rankin, Michael Wood, Denzil Meyrick, Simon McCleave, Val McDermid, Jacqueline Winspear, Helen Phifer, Jane Casey, Karin Slaughter.

I also love good thrillers, and even more so if there is a historical backdrop or treasure finding element.

Edited: Jan 8, 9:51 am

Hi everyone. It's me...Carol (Carol420), and I live in Battle Creek, Michigan. If you have Kellogg's cereal for breakfast, it was probably made in my town. I retired several years ago from our local zoo where I spent 28 of the best years of my life as the Conservation Education Program Co-Ordinator...BEST JOB EVER!!! I have read ever since I can remember...and I'm not going to tell you how long that has been:) I was reading long before I started school. I'll read almost anything that has print in it, but Mystery & Suspense and anything paranormal will always get my attention. I also read a lot of a genera that I know is controversial. On my reviews I ALWAYS put the genera so folks can either read them or skip them but ensures that no one should ever be surprised or offended. I have lots of authors that I consider favorites...most are the same ones that Andrew listed. I feel I am lucky to be able to call the folks on this site "my very good friends". Although I have never met them in person, they are still very special to me.

Edited: Jan 8, 3:24 pm

Hi, everyone! I used to be a librarian but I am currently retired. I am HUGE Mystery lover! Bonus if it has a female lead and/or involves an old house. I prefer books written decades ago instead of more recent. I watch a lot of tv shows as well; everything from Perry Mason to Hallmark Mysteries. I need to get better about posting reviews here because I do like to see what other people are reading.

Jan 10, 10:36 am

Hi everyone,
I too am a former librarian, specialising in work with children. I am now retired and still miss that life but am happy to have more time for reading and other activities.
I joined LT while my husband and I were living in the Netherlands for a few years, based in the Hague. It seemed to good time to catalogue my books and then I discovered that there was a lot more to the website.

I read a lot of Crime Fiction and thanks to this very friendly group am learning more about a genre less known to me, mystery novels. I have been made very welcome in a group that I know goes back a long way.

My thanks to those members who have 'friended' me. Being quite dim with computers I have not found out how to reciprocate I'm afraid.

Now based in the so- called 'Garden of England'- Kent in the south of the country I look forward to many more happy years of 'Mystery and 'Suspense'
shared books and chats.

Edited: Jan 10, 11:42 am

>5 Maura49: Maura ...just click on the person's name (on the right where it says 'members" or anywhere they have made comment), that you want to friend, and a bar will appear on their profile that says, "ADD FRIEND". Click on that the bar and LibraryThing will send an IM to that person saying you want to add them as a friend. They can either accept, or not. If they accept you will see them added to your friends and if you click on their profile page again you will see a green bar that says "FRIEND" so you will know that they accepted.

Jan 10, 12:30 pm

>5 Maura49: We are all very happy to have you with us Maura 😁 As Carol says if you click on a person’s name in the blue bars above any posts they make it will take you to the profile page for that person. Then on top right hand side there is a green button that says add friend. This should then help you to have loads of friends. Friends or not officially , I consider you a friend 😂

Jan 10, 12:32 pm

>4 genesisdiem: Great to have you with us. It’s good to see more and more books being written these days with female leads in the mystery and suspense field.

Edited: Jan 10, 2:17 pm

>5 Maura49: You're my friend too. :)

Jan 12, 9:28 am

Thank you Carol. I will save your comment and give this a go.

Jan 12, 9:30 am

>9 Carol420: I do appreciate the friendliness you and others have shown. Nice to see you popping up on other LT sites that I browse.

Jan 12, 9:33 am

>8 Andrew-theQM:
Thank you for the helpful hints Andrew and also for the friendliness which I appreciate. Some long standing groups can inadvertantly get into a clique but this is not the case at all with this one.

Jan 16, 6:24 pm

Sergeirocks, commonly known as ‘Sergei’, I’m a longtime member of LibraryThing. I hail from the northwest of England.

The majority of my reading comes under the Mystery & Suspense banner, but I branch out into sci-fi, sagas, historical fiction and the occasional western.

I do read a lot - I cut out watching TV specifically to have more time to read! But I also like to find time, now and again, for crosswords and sudoku.

Edited: Jan 17, 6:09 am

>12 Maura49: Thank you for the kind words. I belong to 5 sites total, that I do the same thing for that I do here. I'm still the admin on the Movie/Television group but I now have two other people to do the majority of the work on that one since it was a group that I "inherited". Believe me ...I had no business of being the main admin of that group since I don't watch TV and very few movies. I haven't heard from the original admin that I told I would "HELP", for three years now. The two admins that are doing that group now are doing a fantastic job and both are good friends.

Jan 17, 8:10 am

>14 Carol420: ‘I don't watch TV and very few movies’ 😂 That sums you up Carol, a lovely person that will do anything for anybody.

Edited: Jan 17, 1:15 pm

>15 Andrew-theQM: Thank you Andrew...that means a lot to me. My 5 groups, and this one is certainly included, are composed of the most pleasant, and considerate people I have ever met. We live in different parts of the world, may have different lifestyles, certainly have some different tastes in books...but it seems that everyone just wants to have a good time doing something that we all love...and that's reading. I wouldn't trade a single one of the folks that I've met on those 5 groups for anything in the world. Our world needs people like all of you...especially in today's times.

Jan 17, 4:48 pm

>16 Carol420: I always call it as I see it and agree re the people in those groups. Birds of a feather flock together, and as you say it’s never more needed with the tough and depressive times the world and we are all going through.

Jan 24, 10:22 pm

Hi! My name is Charity. I'm a writer, educator, and editor. I love to read mysteries and thrillers as well as YA fantasy.

Edited: Jan 25, 1:21 pm

>18 Charityannr: Hello, and welcome to the group. We welcome all reviews here, not only Mystery & Suspense books. Looking forward to seeing what you have read or plan to read.

Jan 25, 3:30 pm

>18 Charityannr: Hi Charity, welcome and it’s great to have you with us 😁

Jan 28, 10:58 am

>18 Charityannr: Hi, Charity. Welcome to the group, 🙂.

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