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Aug 3, 2011
Real Name
Maura Coleman
About My Library
I have a collection which I call varied but others might refer to as a hotchpotch. Quite a few books have come from bookclubs, the best being my books from Folio, beautiful to handle and a joy for a lover of classic 19th century novels like myself. I also enjoy crime novels and have masses of paperbacks in this genre. Finally I love travel literature and I have quite a few books by such masters in the genre as Paul Theroux and Colin Thubron. Gavin Young is also a big favourite.
About Me
I am a former children's librarian, now returned to the UK after several years living in The Netherlands. I am looking forward to having more English Language books available to me. Through an LT site I have discovered that here in Kent I live near the ' largest second-hand bookshop in England...' so I shall be exploring that.
I knew about "Library Thing" for ages and am pleased I have taken the plunge and joined up. It has been one of the big pleasures in my ex-pat life and I look forward to more exploration and involvement in the site in the future.
Maidstone, Kent, UK
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