Continuing Resolution - or how long will it take to approve a budget? Congressional shenanigans

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Continuing Resolution - or how long will it take to approve a budget? Congressional shenanigans

Edited: Oct 2, 2023, 5:09 pm

Rep. Jeff Jackson (NC) reports that McCarthy didn’t offer time for members to read the continuing resolution. What they found was a congressional pay raise slipped in there.

Oct 3, 2023, 7:29 pm
Kevin McCarthy Ejected as House Speaker in Historic Defeat, Sending House Into Utter Chaos
BREAKING: McCarthy Will NOT Run for Speaker Again

McCarthy is now FREE. GOPers can't blame him for anything that happens the rest of this year or the horrible election results which may be on the horizon in November 2024.

Oct 4, 2023, 2:22 pm

No opinions on McCarthy overall but a budget needed passed, so a compromise needed made. The Republican temper tantrum just demonstrates they aren't serious about legislating.

Edited: Oct 4, 2023, 5:02 pm

Well... no budget has actually been passed. The issue has just been delayed for 45 days, so who's going to be the adult in the room next time

Edited: Oct 4, 2023, 5:47 pm

There are so many right wing fringe players with safe seats. They held up McCarthy to begin with for 15 votes which shattered any record for the speaker's vote over and above and he was always the likeliest guy in the republican conference. Actually there really wasn't any other likely guy/gal or anything. Without a speaker they can't really even attempt to govern but many of them don't seem to care about that anyway. Part of the issue as well....when there is a slim majority it only takes a few bomb throwers to throw everything into chaos. Next time or 45 some days from now I'm pretty sure they'll have shut down everything. It wouldn't shock me if we don't see another house speaker until after the next election.

For the few clowns who are championing rules were put in place by the republican caucus when McCarthy came in and one of the rules is that anyone under indictment for a prison term of 2 years or more is ineligible to be speaker.

Donald doesn't make the cut.

Oct 5, 2023, 8:24 am

On radio yesterday a Canadian academic suggested that a handful of Rs up for election in D districts might declare themselves Independent and caucus with Democrats. So to break logjam, five or six Rs would need to caucus with Ds? Unlikely for that many to make such a consequential move?

"...Of the 435 voting seats in the House, 222 are held by Republicans. Democrats hold 212 seats.

Oct 5, 2023, 10:10 am

I don't believe they would need to declare themselves independent, but just vote for Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker. Not that I consider that likely.

Oct 5, 2023, 12:16 pm
McCarthy Reportedly Didn’t Ask Trump to Save Speakership Because He Didn’t Want to Endorse Him

Edited: Oct 12, 2023, 9:41 pm

Steve Scalise drops out of speaker’s race as House GOP faces leadership crisis

"There are still some people that have their own agendas, and I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs."

The world is watching this continuing MAGA-infused circus.

Oct 13, 2023, 1:20 am

>9 Molly3028: He has multiple myeloma which is what I have. His diagnosis is recent. He made the remark recently that it's very treatable. It's a lot more treatable than it use to be but it's not a walk in the park and it's considered incurable because it has a strong tendency to come back. It's called a blood cancer but you also could call it a bone cancer because it eats bones and it wrecks your immune system and without doubt his doctors want to be on that treatment as soon as possible. I get that he might be optimistic but you are deluged with a lot of information in the beginning and it's easy to go all positive or negative and you're only really going to start putting information together once the treatment starts and it helps to have someone alongside you to listen too because that makes it easier because they'll catch things that you won't but......he's going to start taking a chemo medicine, to weekly go into a clinic for more drugs to kill as many cancer cells as possible so as to get to the point where he can undergo stem cell collection and shortly after that he'll have to go into a hospital for two weeks or a little more for a stem cell transplant after which he'll be really run down and his immunity will have completely tanked. He's going to need stay away from people with viruses and not get sunburned for a long while afterwards....and just be careful. Now some people react better to treatment than others or some alterations to the treatment might have to happen as it goes along----it's also best if they can go with his stem cells and not someone else's. All this is going to be determined as he goes along.

I wondered how he was going to be able to do this because the speaker's job is not a walk in the park either. If he needs to take time away just from being a congressman he's going to have to do it.

Oct 13, 2023, 1:25 am

>10 lriley: Thanks for sharing!

Oct 13, 2023, 9:16 am

>11 bnielsen: no problem. It's just there are things he's going to need to do and questions still how he's going to react to the treatment and I wouldn't think he'd be able to keep up with all that goes into being speaker or a new speaker of the house nor do I think it would be a great thing for him to be stressed too much which isn't unlikely at all with the government shutdown happy republican caucus. He might not always have availability for emergencies that pop up which wouldn't be good for the country. I don't think the republicans though have anyone who would be good for the job.....certainly not Jim Jordan.

Oct 13, 2023, 10:32 am

Kick the speaker down the road??

Matt Glassman @MattGlassman312 | 2:36 PM · Oct 12, 2023:
Now @GAIGeorgetown {Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown U}. Then @CRS4Congress {Information for Congress from the Congressional Research Service in the Library of Congress}. Always: House procedure nerd.

With regard to a short-term elected Speaker pro tempore, important to remember that the House can do whatever it wants. Under current precedents, an elected Speaker pro tempore has essentially the same power as the Speaker. But in the past this hasn't been true. 1/

The upshot is that the House could elect McHenry (or someone else) SPT by resolution for a specified term with no strings attached (a clean SPT!), or they could specifically limit his authority (ex. may not appoint conferees, or whatever). 2/

They could even, in theory, build it the other way, and limit his authority to specific *grants* of power. (Rep. McHenry shall be SPT for 45 days, but with only the following authorities...). That seems cumbersome and dumb, but it's well within the House's right to do so. 3/

Note that the House already has multiple-tiers of SPTs in the rules/precedents, including the very-weak (slash undefined) version McHenry currently sitting in under Rule I, Clause 8(b)(3). Creating another layer of SPT on the fly is not a problem. 4/
SPT cheat sheet ( )

And as we've discussed ad nauseum here for 10 days now, McHenry's current SPT authorities under R1C8b3 is not at all defined in the rules and precedents, so he could just start doing stuff and they could build out the job via points of order and precedents. 5/

But ultimately, the easiest, cleanest, and IMO best thing to do if they can't elect a Speaker but want to get back to some business is to do a clean election of a SPT for a termed period. 6/6

Oct 13, 2023, 10:40 am

First on CNN: HHS awards more than $500 million to study Covid-19 vaccine nasal sprays and more
Jacqueline Howard | October 13, 2023

...The US Department of Health and Human Services announced Friday that it has selected three initial next-generation vaccine candidates to receive funding awards to help kick-start planning for Phase 2b clinical trials, slated to begin as early as this winter. Two of those studies involve intranasal vaccine candidates, and one involves a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine candidate...

Dec 1, 2023, 2:11 pm

Well, they finally did something right.

George Santos expelled from Congress in historic House vote

In their third attempt to oust him since May, House lawmakers voted 311 to 114 in favor of the expulsion resolution, including 105 Republicans who voted for it.

Jan 12, 12:49 pm
Speaker Johnson Announces He’s Sticking With Bipartisan Funding Deal

It appears that this House leader has a spine. The MAGA minority in Congress must be stepped on and crushed.