September 2021

TalkWhat did YOU buy today?

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September 2021

Sep 1, 2021, 5:49 pm

I arranged to meet my daughter halfway between our homes. The easiest landmark happens to be the Half Price bookstore in Lexington.
Er, um. I was just setting us up.
Left with a pile of beautiful journals as well as
Avant Gardeners
Edmund Dulac’s Rubaiyat $3!
Science Fantasy Correspondent $2
Vas You Ever in Zinzinnati? $5

And then we stopped in a Kids to Kids store, and I found Anno’s USA.

Sep 4, 2021, 12:43 pm

Still on the island, still book buying like crazy...
Today I brought home:
Tess Gerritsen: Choose me,
Julie Clark: The last flight,
Agnes Krup: Sommergäste (Summer guests),
Erskine Childers: The riddle of the sands, That seems to be recommended lit for holiday guests and islanders here, as it is set partly on/around the East Frisian Islands (The island I'm staying on is one of these ;) ).

Sep 6, 2021, 7:03 pm

My second favorite bookstore* re-opened a couple of weeks ago, and I got over there today. Damage done in the "sale" section:

The traveler, the tower, and the worm : the reader as metaphor, by Alberto Manguel
The book of imaginary beings, by Jorge Luis Borges
Chicago's Great Fire : the destruction and resurrection of an iconic American City, by Carl Smith
History of immigrant female students in Chicago public schools, 1900-1950, by Stephanie Nicole Robinson

*Sister store to my very favorite bookstore, which re-opened a couple of months ago.

Sep 8, 2021, 8:43 am

>3 lilithcat:
Oh, the Borges Book of imaginary beings looks so interesting!

The day before yesterday I paid ny last visit to the little island bookstore for this time - we went back home yesterday...
Brought home:
Samantha M. Bailey: Woman on the edge,
and, as gifts (for different people :p):
111 Gins, die man getrunken haben sollte (111 gins to have tasted) by Jens Dreisbach,
A story for a small bear by Alice B. McGinty and Richard Jones,
Hörnchen und Bär (Squirrel and bear) by Andreas H. Schmachtl.

Sep 9, 2021, 3:17 pm

Not on the island anymore, but book buying is still out of control...
Wanted to shop for a Litsy Halloween Swap and ended up on a buying spree (for myself) in my fave local bookstore:

Lafcadio Hearn and Benjamin Lacombe: Japanische Geister und Naturwesen (Japanese Ghosts and Nature Spirits),
Amy Lloyd: The innocent wife (in German),
Douglas Skelton: Thunder Bay (in German),
Kate Reed Petty: True Story,
Laura Sims: Looker,
Lucy Clarke: The Castaways,
Raffaella Romagnolo: Wie man einen Bestseller schreibt (How to write a bestseller).

Sep 10, 2021, 7:51 am

I stopped in to two libraries yesterday. Borrowed from one; but the other has a too tempting Friends room. 50 cents to $1.

Came away with
A War of Gifts, which I’ve already read; but it’s worth reading again. I do have an Enderverse shelf. The original short story had a huge impact on me.
New Decorator. I don’t really need the advice, but I do like looking. I’ll probably toss it back afterward.
The West Wing season 2. I didn’t ever have cable, so I mostly knew it by reputation. Enjoyed season 1 so much during the last administration. Ah, this is how it should be done.

Sep 22, 2021, 10:43 am

Wandered into a library sale and found one I’d been looking for, Mexican Gothic. Also found Revenge by Stephen Fry and The mystery of Mrs. Christie.

Sep 22, 2021, 10:51 am

>6 2wonderY: The West Wing is one of my favorite shows. You're really in for a treat!

Sep 22, 2021, 11:03 am

>2 Yuki-Onna: The Riddle of the Sands has been on my list of read someday titles for a long time.

I confess to my buying being a bit out of control, too. Only 1 ARC: The Heron's Cry by Ann Cleeves (pubbed this month, mystery).

These I bought:
* William Still: The Underground Railroad and the Angel at Philadelphia by William Kashatus (I also own a book William Still wrote; an order)
* The U.S. Constitution and Other Important Documents from the No Fear series (gives you a "plain text" translation; found while helping a customer find a pocket-size version of founding documents in US history)
* Ecstatic Nation: Confidence, Crisis, and Compromise, 1848-1877 by Brenda Wineapple (an order)
* Doomed Romance: Broken Hearts, Lost Souls, and Sexual Tumult in Nineteenth-Century America by Christine Leigh Heyrman (found while helping a customer find a book in US history)
* The Heroine with 1001 Faces by Maria Tatar (I'm familiar with Joseph Campbell's title; found this in the new books area -- Pre-Raphaelite art on cover caught my eye)
* The Bondwoman's Narrative: A Novel by Hannah Crafts (an order)

And a book I have on hold that I'll pick up this week: Character: The Art of Role and Cast Design for Page, Stage, and Screen by Robert McKee (I just heard it existed, I own his books on plot & dialogue -- as yet unread, like so many others....).

Edited: Sep 26, 2021, 10:20 pm

Picked up the McKee book I mentioned in the last message.

Brought home 2 ARCs:
* The French Gift by Kirsty Manning (pub 11/21; multiple time period fiction)
* _Yonder_ by Jabari Asim (pub 1/22; historical fiction)

Oct 2, 2021, 9:33 am

I found a short story collection at a Friends sale A Few Short Notes on Tropical Butterflies. Short stories aren’t normally my thing but the cover was so beautiful I couldn’t pass it by.

Oct 6, 2021, 9:55 pm

These were my last two September purchases:

* Three Cartesian Feminist Treatises by Francois Poullain de la Barre (18th C works, been on my list for years but then the author was mentioned in a recent magazine article, so...)
* The Vanished Days by Susanna Kearsley (historical fiction, she's an autobuy)