Round 69 - Starting May 10th, 2019

TalkOZ VBB - The Australian Virtual Book Box

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Round 69 - Starting May 10th, 2019

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Edited: Jul 8, 2019, 8:43 am

***This round is now complete***

The Australian Virtual Bookbox - Round 69


• Everyone who wants to participate volunteers two books. These need to be books you believe others would like to read, not rubbish you want to get rid of.
• List of books that are available at VBBOZ Books and books owed at In Transit.
• If you would like to join, just let us know and you will be added to the next round.
• You have 48 hours to respond and have your turn. If it appears that you may not have been sent a PM about your turn you will be given an additional 12 hours. If we still haven’t heard from you, you will be bumped to the end. If you are bumped you will be given 48 hours at the end of the round to take your turn along with others on the bumped list. If you find yourself on the bumped list you may post a request to be added to the end of the main list and take your turn as usual.
• Once a book of yours is removed from the box, please send it as soon as possible.
• If a book stays on the available list for more than two rounds it will be moved to the books to be replaced collection. Please keep track of these and replace them during your turn.
• Mid-series or end-of-series books are allowed in the VBB, but please limit yourself to offering only one such book at any time, unless you know the books are on another participant's wishlist.
• I will update books in the VBBOZ Library.

To join in you will need to have been a BookCrossing member for at least three months, and to have "wild released" at least ten books. This condition may be waived at my discretion.

On your turn:

1. Select the books that you want to take out of the box and list them in your post. (please keep all posts in the relevant thread)
2. Replace with the same number of books (or more) and link to the BookCrossing journal pages for each book(s).
3. Check the “Books to be replaced” collection and replace if needed.
4. If you want to skip your turn, you have the option to be placed at the bottom of the list for another try this round.
5. PM the owners of your selected books to notify them of your selection and address.
6. Please PM the next person to let them know they're up. You don't need to PM the next person if you are last on the main list. People on the bumped list will be PMed by vbboz.

The order of play is:


Bumped list:

*** You have books to be replaced

- It's your turn now

Edited: May 6, 2019, 7:45 am

Oops! Nothing to see here . . . ;-)

May 6, 2019, 7:47 am

Before this round begins I'd like to remove two books from the Donations List:
The Good Women of China

I shall add the following to Donations:
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters -
The Story of the Stone by Barry Hughart -
The Water's Edge by Karin Fossum (#7 in the Inspector Sejer series) -

May 7, 2019, 7:11 pm

Lucky last! Here's hoping I can find a dead tree book worth offering...

May 8, 2019, 6:09 am

I also need to remove The Day of the Triffids from the Donations list.

May 9, 2019, 6:45 am

Kicking off the round a little early.

I'd like to choose A Town Like Alice from lolkathryn.

And will add The Shifting Tide by Anne Perry, which is #14 in the William Monk series.

Will contact KLL now.

May 11, 2019, 7:22 am

I have told jennymidget it is her turn now.

May 11, 2019, 8:50 am

I need to replace "I Thirst for You", "Poison Fruit", "Sarah" and "Fetish"
I don't see anything I really want this time around, so I will just offer replacements:
Single White Vampire by Lynsay Sands -
M is for Magic by Neil Gaiman -
Excalibur by Sanders Anne Laubenthal -
One Book Many Brisbanes -

I'll message amberC for her turn :)

May 11, 2019, 11:26 pm

I will pass this round. I have contacted aussieangel2

May 11, 2019, 11:52 pm

what happened to my post?

I will try again

May 11, 2019, 11:57 pm

I replaced the books I needed to.

Chose The Waters Edge and The Shifting Tide.

Death of a Dreamer by M C Beaton.
My Best Friend's Girl by Dorothy Koomson
House of Dark Delights by Louisa Burton
My Grandmother Sends Her Regards & Apologises
The Hanging Tree by Ben Aaronovitch
Look Alive 25 by Janet Evanovich.

I hope this works this time

May 13, 2019, 11:37 pm

I have PMed freelunch to let him know it's his turn now.

May 14, 2019, 12:35 am

That came around quickly...

I'd like Tipping The Velvet from crimson-tide please

In its place I offer Trespassing On Einstein's Lawn by Amanda Gefter*

*if anyone takes it this month I will be a while sending, as my copy is currently being read by a friend.

May 14, 2019, 3:41 am

I have now contacted both the players on the bumped list so they can have a second chance for a turn.

The round will be closed off on Thursday night.

May 15, 2019, 9:02 am

Sorry for missing my turn! I was travelling last week abd then we've all been sick this week (#winning)

I have one book to replace, and have chosen' M is for Magic' from jennymidget (who i have PM'd)

I will replace with:

Olive Kitteridge:
The Resurrectionist:

Cheers, Kathryn/lolkathryn/kll

May 15, 2019, 9:31 am

Thanks Kathryn. Hope you are all feeling a little better.

May 16, 2019, 5:27 am

Sorry I missed my turn. I'd like to select Look Alive 25 by Janet Evanovich from Amberc.

I'll replace with Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult (used a pre-numbered label but having trouble adding the book details on the website. Will update when it's working).

I'll contact Amberc.

May 16, 2019, 6:30 am

Thanks for updating when possible, aussieangel2.

Thank you to everyone for another trouble-free round. 👍

The next round (Round 70, isn't that amazing!) will begin sometime in early July. I hope to be travelling again by then and internet access could be patchy. I'll give you all a heads ups on the actual starting date closer to the time.

Thanks again and happy reading. 📚

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