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Works by Farland David

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Associated Authors

Dave Wolverton Editor, Introduction
Algis Budrys Senior Editor
Kevin J. Anderson Contributor
L. Ron Hubbard Contributor, Author
Jennifer Roberson Contributor
Orson Scott Card Contributor, Author
Bob Eggleton Contributor, Cover artist
Frank Kelly-Freas Contributor, Cover artist, Director of Illustration
Echo Chernik Contributor, Cover artist, Illustrator
Jody Lynn Nye Contributor, Author
Bernardo Mota Illustrator
Trevor Smith Illustrator
Sean Williams Contributor
Larry Elmore Contributor
Robert Silverberg Contributor
Mike Resnick Contributor
Anne McCaffrey Contributor
Michael Talbot Illustrator
Ciruelo Contributor, Illustrator
Rebecca Moesta Contributor
Brandon Sanderson Contributor
Nnedi Okorafor Contributor
Stephen Youll Cover artist
Richard Flood Contributor
Matt Stawicki Cover artist
Daniel Tyka Illustrator
Brittany Rainsdon Author, Contributor
K. D. Julicher Contributor, Author
KRISTIE KIM Illustrator
Randy Henderson Contributor
Anaea Lay Contributor
L. Ron Hubbard Contributor
Timothy Jordan Contributor
Val Lakey Lindahn Contributor
Cassandre Bolan Illustrator
Terry Madden Contributor
Kirbi Fagan Illustrator
Liz Colter Contributor
C. Stuart Hardwick Contributor
Paul Eckheart Contributor
Oleg Kazantsev Contributor
Leena Likitalo Contributor
Megan E. O'Keefe Contributor
Shauna O'Meara Contributor
Amanda Forrest Contributor
Vanessa Golitz Illustrator
Adam Brewster Illustrator
Seonhee Lim Illustrator
K.C. Norton Contributor
Andrew Sonea Illustrator
Sarah Webb Illustrator
Stephen Hickman Contributor
C. L. Kagmi Contributor
Andrew L. Roberts Contributor
Jake Marley Contributor
Todd McCaffrey Contributor
Walter Dinjos Contributor
Andrew Peery Contributor
Sean Hazlett Contributor
David VonAllmen Contributor
Ville Meriläinen Contributor
Lawson Stephen Contributor
Robert J. Sawyer Contributor
Doug C. Souza Contributor
Anton Rose Contributor
Dustin Steinacker Contributor
Greg Opalinski Illustrator
Krystal Claxton Contributor
Sharon Joss Contributor
Daniel J. Davis Contributor
Kary English Contributor
Martin Shoemaker Contributor
Michael T. Banker Contributor
Quinlan Septer Illustrator
Amit Dutta Illustrator
Steve Pantazis Contributor
Alex Brock Illustrator
Taylor Payton Illustrator
Shuangjian Liu Illustrator
Emily Siu Illustrator
Megan Kelchner Illustrator
Michelle Lockamy Illustrator
Megan Nelson Illustrator
Tung Chi Lee Illustrator
Larry Niven Contributor
Tim Napper Contributor
Zach Chapman Contributor
Choong Yoon Illustrator
Howard Lyon Illustrator
Scott R. Parkin Contributor
Auston Habershaw Contributor
Amy M. Hughes Contributor
Samantha Murray Contributor
Brenda Rodriguez Illustrator
Alana Fletcher Illustrator
Jonathan Ficke Contributor
Jerry Pournelle Contributor
Erin Cairns Contributor
Bruce Brenneise Illustrator
Darci Stone Contributor
Kyna Tek Illustrator
Cole Hehr Contributor
Janey Bell Contributor
Eneasz Brodski Contributor
Vida Cruz Contributor
Ven Locklear Illustrator
Amy Henrie Gillett Contributor
Anthony Moravian Illustrator
Adar Darnov Illustrator
Diana Hart Contributor
Sidney Lugo Illustrator
Reyna Rochin Illustrator
Bea Jackson Illustrator
Erik Bundy Contributor
Quintin Gleim Illustrator
Jazmen Richardson Illustrator
Duncan Halleck Illustrator
Maksym Polishchuk Illustrator
N. R. M. Roshak Contributor
Eric Cline Contributor
Andrea Stewart Contributor
Chrome Oxide Contributor
Jon Eno Illustrator
Stephen Sottong Contributor
Alisa Alering Contributor
Aldo Katayanagi Illustrator
Sida Chen Illustrator
Karsen Slater Illustrator
Olivia Xu Illustrator
James J. Eads Illustrator
Luis Menacho Illustrator
Joshua Meehan Illustrator
Shannon Peavey Contributor
Lucas Durham Illustrator
Marilyn Guttridge Contributor
Jackie Albano Illustrator
Tiffany England Illustrator
Brian Trent Contributor
Kodiak Julian Contributor
Alex Wilson Contributor
Tina Gower Contributor
Sergey Poyarkov Contributor
Pete D. Manison Contributor
Lisa Smedman Contributor
Octavia E. Butler Contributor
Julius Schwartz Contributor
Stoney Compton Contributor
David Phalen Contributor
D. A. Houdek Contributor
Karawynn Long Contributor
Tom Drennan Contributor
Douglas Jole Contributor
Elizabeth E. Wein Contributor
Charles M. Saplak Contributor
Vaughn Heppner Contributor
Eric Flint Contributor
Lisa Maxwell Contributor
Steve Duff Contributor
Lauren Fitzgerald Contributor
George M. Harris Illustrator
James Gladu Jordan Contributor
Frank Savino Illustrator
Sheila Hartney Contributor
Ron Ginzler Contributor
Jana Komarek Illustrator
W. Eric Schult Contributor
Stephen J. Crowley Illustrator
David C. House Illustrator
C. Ellis Staehlin Contributor
Mark Schimming Contributor
D. E. Lofgran Contributor
Mike Aspengren Illustrator
Bruce Hallock Contributor
Steve Centeno Illustrator
Jeffrey M. Swan Illustrator
Susan J. Kroupa Contributor
Frederik Pohl Contributor
Alan Barclay Contributor
Audrey Lawson Contributor
Mano Sotelo Illustrator
H. R. van Dongen Contributor
Frank Frazetta Cover artist
Jack Williamson Contributor
A. C. Crispin Contributor
Dan Gollub Contributor
Mark Budz Contributor
M.C. Sumner Contributor
Christine Beckert Contributor
Edd Cartier Illustrator
Stephen Woodworth Contributor
Gene Bostwick Contributor
James S. Dorr Contributor
Sam Wilson Contributor
Wendy Rathbone Contributor
Kevin Kirk Contributor
Larry Ferrill Contributor
Brian Burt Contributor
Bronwynn Elkko Contributor
C. Maria Plieger Contributor
Astrid Julian Contributor
Mike E. Swope Contributor
Carla Montgomery Contributor
Maureen Jensen Contributor
Stefano Donati Contributor
Amy Sterling Casil Contributor
J.C. Schmidt Contributor
Vincent DiFate Contributor
David Masters Contributor
Chris Flamm Contributor
Steven Mohan Jr. Contributor
Ron Collins Contributor
Brian Wightman Contributor
Scott M. Azmus Contributor
Ladonna King Contributor
Scott Nicholson Contributor
T.M. Spell Contributor
Eric Kotani Contributor
Tim Jansen Contributor
Josh Pemberton Illustrator
Jennifer Ober Illustrator
Qianjiao Ma Illustrator
Andrew Dykstal Contributor
Sam Kemp Illustrator
Yingying Jiang Illustrator
Allen Morris Illustrator
Carrie Callahan Contributor
Aliya Chen Illustrator
Emerson Rabbit Illustrator
Rustin Lovewell Contributor
Kyle Kirrin Contributor
Dean Wesley Smith Contributor
Preston Dennett Contributor
Wulf Moon Contributor
David Furnal Illustrator
Alice Wang Illustrator
Christopher Baker Contributor
Mica Scotti Kole Contributor
Christine Rhee Illustrator
Brian C. Hailes Illustrator
Kai Wolden Contributor
John Haas Contributor
Rob Prior Contributor
David Cleden Contributor
Elise Stephens Contributor
Xiaomeng Zhang Illustrator
Alan Dean Foster Contributor
J.A. Becker Contributor
S. M. Azmus Contributor
Edwina Mayer Contributor
Nathan Hale Illustrator
Arlene C. Harris Contributor
Jim Zaccaria Illustrator
Brian Plante Contributor
Callan Primer Contributor
David T. Hubbard Illustrator
M. W. Keiper Contributor
Arthur M. Doweyko Illustrator
S. Seaport Contributor
Diane Dillon Contributor
Patrick Haslow Illustrator
Malcom Twigg Contributor
Fruma Klass Contributor
Mia Hopper Illustrator
Kyle David Jelle Contributor
Brian Herbert Contributor
Mike Jack Stoumbos Contributor
Brook West Contributor
Doug Beason Contributor
Janet Martin Contributor
Ken Rand Contributor
Janet Berliner Contributor
Sara Backer Contributor
E. Robertson Rose Contributor
Eric Williams Illustrator
Roge Gregory Contributor
Morgan Burke Contributor
Arthur Roberg Illustrator
Igor Baranko Illustrator
William J. Austin Contributor
Heidi Stallman Contributor
Joseph P. Loftus Contributor
Syne Mitchell Contributor
Ed Gorman Contributor
Jerry Craven Contributor
Steve Turner Illustrator
Carrie Pollack Contributor
Charles Sheffield Contributor
Ulia Sumenko Illustrator
Julia H. West Contributor
Viktoria Dunayeva Illustrator
Rebecca E Treasure Contributor
Bo Griffin Contributor
Cati Coe Contributor
Azure Arther Contributor
André Mata Illustrator
Ann Miller Jordan Contributor
Michael Panter Contributor
Sue Storm Contributor
J. F. Peterson Contributor
Desmond Astaire Contributor
Lazarus Black Contributor
Steve Rissberger Contributor
Z. T. Bright Contributor
Grant Avery Morgan Contributor
Shira Daemon Contributor
Nick Jizba Illustrator
Zaine Lodhi Illustrator
N. V. Haskell Contributor
Natalia Salvador Illustrator
Ari Zaritsky Illustrator
Annalee Wu Illustrator
Jerome Tieh Illustrator
Frank Herbert Contributor
Lee Allred Contributor
David L. Felts Contributor
Brett Stump Illustrator
Majid Saberinejad Illustrator
Alan Smale Contributor
Jack Hines Illustrator
Gordon R. Menzies Contributor
Ron Lindahn Contributor
Paul Lehr Contributor
Tenzin Rangdol Illustrator
Melissa Lee Shaw Contributor
Em Dupre Contributor
Daniel Bitton Illustrator
Mariah Salinas Illustrator
Sethe Nguyen Illustrator
André Mata Illustrator
Ryan Cole Author
Rupam Grimoeuvre Illustrator
Sara Fox Author
Isabel Gibney Illustrator
Jennifer Bruce Illustrator
Stephen Spinas Illustrator
Erik Lynd Author
H. Lean Illustrator
Jeff Weiner Illustrator
Ben Hill Illustrator
Jerry Kelly Designer
Madolyn Locke Illustrator
Shiyi Yu Illustrator
Dan Watson Illustrator
Will Knight Illustrator
Katherine Kurtz Contributor
Sonny Zae Contributor
Storm Humbert Contributor
Leah Ning Contributor
F. J. Bergmann Contributor
Zack Be Contributor
J.L. George Contributor
Tim Boiteau Contributor
Andy Dibble Contributor
C. Winspear Contributor
Michael R. Gardner Contributor
Katie Livingston Contributor
David A. Elsensohn Contributor
Mike Perkins Contributor
H.L. Fullerton Contributor
R. M. Graves Contributor
Stewart C. Baker Contributor
Christoph Weber Contributor
Tim Powers Contributor
Rachael K. Jones Contributor
Stephen Merlino Contributor
J. W. Alden Contributor
Matt Dovey Contributor
Sylvia Anna Hivén Contributor
Ryan Row Contributor
Jon Lasser Contributor
Julie Frost Contributor
Darrell K. Sweet Cover artist
Paul Youll Cover artist
Gary Meyer Cover artist
Stephan Martiniere Cover artist
Tim White Cover artist
Vladimir Nenov Cover artist
Bob Hobbs Illustrator
Omar Rayyan Illustrator
Brian Lee Durfee Illustrator
Allen Koszowski Illustrator
Mike Roberts Illustrator
Jody C. McMurrian Illustrator
Lubov Nicolaeva Illustrator
Denis Martynec Illustrator
Thomas Whittaker Illustrator
Ira Crowe Illustrator
Kyle McCarley Narrator
Yuri Galitsin Illustrator
William Sala Illustrator
Evan T. Thomas Illustrator
Gary Davis Illustrator
Jane Walker Illustrator
Matthew Stork Illustrator
Shaun Tan Illustrator
Caponigro John Illustrator
Jessie J. Flores Illustrator
Darren Albertson Illustrator
Yevgeny Rzhanov Illustrator
Scott Werner Illustrator
Mike Deweese Illustrator
Andrew Kokorin Illustrator
Victor Preyer Illustrator
Stefan Kasabov Illustrator
Csaba Olajos Illustrator
Ted Guerin Illustrator
Steve Munsinger Illustrator
Dino Hadžiavdić Illustrator
Crystal H. Marvig Illustrator
Christina Alberici Illustrator
Camber Arnhart Illustrator
Brandon Knight Illustrator
Adrian Massaro Illustrator
Talia Spencer Illustrator
Paul Otteni Illustrator
Killian McKeown Illustrator
Rob Hassan Illustrator
Dale Ziemianski Illustrator
Preston Stone Illustrator
Jonas Špokas Illustrator
Gary McCluskey Illustrator
Eldar Zakirov Illustrator
Lionel Baker, II Illustrator
Kent Martin Illustrator
Oleg Dergatchov Illustrator
Irvin Rodriguez Illustrator
John Stevens Illustrator
Patrick Stacy Illustrator
Ivan Gregov Illustrator
Kenneth Scott Illustrator
Brett Hess Illustrator
Richard Moore Illustrator
Anatoly Pristypa Illustrator
Vlada Monakhova Illustrator
Heidi Taillefer Illustrator
Dave Hartman Illustrator
Dan Duncan Illustrator