Print list

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Print list

Edited: Apr 20, 11:59 am

I'm trying to print a list of books using the cover icons, but can't find the printer button. I found the printer on the "list" of books, but can't find it under the "covers" of books.

Apr 20, 12:00 pm

>1 lpbc1988: There is a button at the top of the catalog that has a little printer on it (next to the lightning bolt). That will take you to a page that is printable, and you'll need to use your browser's print function to send it to the printer. Usually this option is in the menu, or you can press CTRL+P on the keyboard as a shortcut

Apr 20, 12:37 pm

Yes, I see the print button when I view my collection by "list", but when I switch to "covers" the print button disappears.

Apr 20, 12:38 pm

Oh, I see what you mean- I used CTRL P and it worked. Thank you!