Limited Editions Club catalogue

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Limited Editions Club catalogue

Edited: Apr 6, 11:27 pm

Most members of the Fine Press Forum are probably also members of the George Macy Devotees forum, but for those who are not, over the last few months I have been compiling a definitive catalogue of all Limited Edition Club books as a LT wiki with pictures of every book and links to the LEC Monthly Letters when they are available. It can be viewed at -

The LEC published from 1929 until 2010, and so far 62 of the 80 years have been completed, but the Monthly Letters for some books are still missing.
If per chance you have a Monthly Letter for any of the ones that are missing, or are able to scan a better quality copy, please send me a PM and I will reply with an email address to which you can send it for inclusion into the list.

Edited: Apr 7, 12:55 am

>1 wcarter: I'm wondering if maybe the list might work a bit better if the titles were in bold. I did the first two as an example. Your call, though.

Apr 7, 12:58 am

>2 Glacierman:
Good idea. I like it and will follow through.

Apr 7, 1:08 am

>3 wcarter: I used the editing features provided: highlight the text and hit the "B" button. Super quick that way.

Apr 7, 2:35 am

>4 Glacierman:
My main trouble is solving the CAPTCHA that is often required, particularly if you are doing a lot of editing. My eyesight is not as good as it used to be and I sometimes have to go through eight screens of pictures before I get it right. Utterly ridiculous and frustrating!!!

Apr 7, 5:07 am

>1 wcarter: Fantastic resource. Much appreciated.

Apr 7, 5:21 am

>5 wcarter: hmmm Warwick are you sure you're not a robot?

Apr 7, 6:52 am

>7 filox:
The problem is that the more editing of the wiki that you do, the harder and more frequent the CAPTCHAs become, and I do a lot of editing!
Designed to stop vandalism, but very frustrating for the genuine user.

Edited: Apr 7, 1:17 pm

Fabulous work, wonderful resource, thank you :)

Suggestion -- and I know this all takes a lot of time and work --

Consider having them in descending order, so under 1929 you would have the first book, Travels of Lemuel Gulliver, followed by Leaves of Grass, etc. And at the end of 1930 (bottom of that list) you would have Fables of Jean de la Fontaine. You may even consider numbering them -- I think it would make things easier, but again, I know that all takes a lot of work.

Also of note, "The First Series" were the first 12 books published between 1929-1930. The last series was the 58th in 1997-1998, and in 1998 they stopped with the series altogether.

Also, I'm just amazed you found all those Monthly Letters!! Some of them I have never seen before...

Apr 7, 5:11 pm

>9 astropi:
Thanks for your comments.
I think keeping them in alphabetic order is simpler.

Apr 7, 6:59 pm

>10 wcarter: Certainly makes it easier to locate a given title.

Apr 7, 7:36 pm

Thanks to PBB and kermaier we have seven new documents in the form of Monthly Letters and announcements added to the database.

Edited: May 6, 6:41 am

IT IS DONE!!!!!!

After eight months and about 600 hours of work, the Complete List of Limited Editions Club books is finished.

Every book has extensive details about it, a link to a picture, and where available, a link to the appropriate Monthly Letter.

A reminder that the list can be accessed at -

I realise there will be typos, errors and omissions as I am yet to edit the list. Please bring any you find to my attention.

Anyone who has copies of the missing Monthly Letters or Announcement Cards, please scan or photograph them and then send me a personal message by clicking on my name at above left beside the 13, and follow the prompts on the right side of the screen. I will reply with an email address where you can send them to me.

I rewarded myself by purchasing a copy of the last book I catalogued, the 1972 Panchatantra. I worked in to towards the middle from both ends of the list to give myself some variety and this was 637th. book catalogued.

May 6, 7:44 am

>13 wcarter:

Congratulations, and many, many thanks, Warwick.

May 6, 10:06 am

Magnificent work on such a valuable resource!

May 6, 10:10 am

>13 wcarter: Brilliant work, thank you.

May 6, 10:36 am

>13 wcarter: I especially enjoy the inclusion of the letters (often missing from the used market copies). Makes copies I already found more enjoyable with the added context. Once again, many thanks!

May 6, 12:00 pm

Thank you very much, Mr. Carter!

The so called "letter" for Genesis, illustrated by Jacob Lawrence, is just an invitation to an event (presentation of the book). Does anyone have the real letter?

May 8, 1:54 am

>13 wcarter: Impressive! Thank you very much.