What did YOU buy today? April 2024

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What did YOU buy today? April 2024

Edited: Apr 3, 6:22 pm

Dang. Somebody put a new book on our historical fiction display. I'm putting it in my personal library: The Wartime Book Club by Kate Thompson.

Apr 3, 6:51 pm

From the NYRB I received A Strange and Sublime Address by Amit Chaudhuri. From the FoL: The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout
Dinner with the President: Food, Politics, and a History of Breaking Bread at the White House by Alex Prud'homme
The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession by Michael Finkel

Edited: Apr 4, 6:26 pm

And another ARC, this one historical fantasy: The Cautious Traveller's Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks (pub 6/24).

Edited: Apr 4, 7:07 pm

While working at the FoL bookstore today a customer commented about a nice book of poetry. She put it back so I decided I had to have it In Flanders Fields: and Other Poems of the First World War by John McCrea. It was published in 2013 in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the start of the war. Came with a nice slipcase and has beautiful illustrations all for $1.

Apr 4, 7:31 pm

>4 varielle: Oooooh. Jealous!

Apr 9, 12:17 pm

There are 384 members of this group but it looks like it’s only me and ReneeMarie who are buying. I’m sure you guys are buying books. What did you get today? Curious minds want to know. 🧐

Edited: Apr 12, 11:36 am

Sorry, just me again. I've been sitting on a self-purchased online gift card & I just used it plus a few bucks & ordered (used) 2 books, 2 CDs, & 2 Doctor Who DVDs.

* Cuddy by Benjamin Myers
* Heart of Fire by Victoria Holmes

* World Clique by Deee-Lite
* _End of the Summer_ by Dar Williams

* Doctor Who Time-Flight
* Doctor Who The Green Death

Edited: Apr 15, 4:20 pm

I have been bad. I went to my fav remainder place and an out of town FoL:
Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates by Tom Robbins
Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstein
One Cent Magenta by James Barron
An Awfully Big Adventure by Beryl Bainbridge
A Thousand Miles up the Nile by Amelia Edwards
Death in the Afternoon by Ernest Hemingway
Sex Variant Woman by Joanne Passet
Delux Bluegrass Mandolin Method
Saviors: Two Novels by Malcolm Mackey
Footnotes by Peter Fiennes
The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock by Imogene Gowar
Nature Poem for every Night of the Year by Jane Hunter
The Tenth Man by Graham Greene
The Sakura Obsession by Naoko Abe
Venice: Pure City by Peter Ackroyd
Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold
Long Ago in France by M. F. K. Fisher

Whew! I may have a problem.

Apr 15, 5:41 pm

>9 varielle: May?

Pretty sure I have the Gowar. And I might have to see whether my library has the Bainbridge. I have a slight problem, too, but more in the past than now. I think.

My Peter Davison DVD arrived at work today already. Yay.

Apr 16, 5:16 pm

I forgot I ordered one that came today: Ask Baba Yaga: Otherworldly Advice for Everyday Troubles by Taisia Kitaiskaia

Apr 20, 4:44 am

HI. I join your conversation. For some time now I have been attracted to flower photography. Every now and then I also try to produce some shots without the ambition of reaching the levels of the great masters of photography that I like to study in books. Yesterday I ordered another book. It is a book edited by William A. Ewing: Flora Photographica: Masterpieces of Flower Photography from 1835 to the Present. I already have another book by William A. Ewing with a very similar title but which covers a different period: Flora Photographica: The Flower in contemporary Photography. I think I'll have to create a category specifically for the flower books I'm collecting. I will inform you of any developments and for now I wish you a good day.

Edited: Apr 20, 4:32 pm

Back to the FoL and found:
Bellman & Black: A Novel by Diane Setterfield Unfortunately I forgot I already had this one.
Memoirs of a Bastard Angel by Harold Norse They’ve had some racy ones at the FoL lately. 😜
She Always Knew How: Mae West: A Personal Biography (Applause Books) by Charlotte Chandler
Poetry of Robert Frost by Robert Frost
Chaplin: His Life and Art by David Robinson
Leonardo's Notebooks: Writing and Art of the Great Master by da Vinci Leonardo

Edited: Apr 20, 7:24 pm

Dang. YouTube has been costing me money lately. Today I bought a historical novel: News of the Dead by James Robertson.

Apr 23, 6:09 pm

I stumbled on a few that might have been somebody’s collection: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes: the Illuminating Diary of a Professional Lady by Anita Loos this is a 9th print but still from 1926
Anita Loos: A biography by Gary Carey

Edited: Apr 26, 5:15 pm

Bought 3, at least 1 of which I already own (but in a size for younger eyes).

* Muse of Fire: World War I as Seen Through the Lives of the Soldier Poets by Michael Korda
* The Paris Network by Siobhan Curham
* The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens

Apr 26, 8:01 am