Author division is a pen name for another author


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Author division is a pen name for another author

Apr 1, 3:24 am

Hello, is the real person behind (one of several pen names, apparently). I'm not sure how to deal with this, any information or help is welcome.

Edited: Apr 1, 3:57 am

You need to alias Patrick Bousquet (2) to Patrick Bauwen.

To do this you need to copy the author code of that URL - bauwenpatrick . Now go to the disambiguation page for the pen name, and to 'edit the division'

At the top of that page, instead of assign, you want alias. It should be clear how to proceed.

Apr 1, 3:57 am

Got it! Thanks :-)

Edited: Apr 1, 4:01 am

You certainly did, and even before I finished explaining. Great job.

Now you know what to do next time.