How to delete works that are none?

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How to delete works that are none?

Feb 18, 1:31 pm

Is there a way to delete works that are none, just named as paperback or works that are no books but rather an author profile?

Feb 18, 1:47 pm

>1 Dariah: There is no way to do anything about items in someone else's library. You can only do things on work-level, not book level.

Eg. Setting a canonical title would fix the title on work level, but there isn't really a way to tell what 'Bestselling_ Alex Michaelides (Paperback)' is, so you can just leave it as is and ignore. Or put a disambiguation notice that if people want it combined with proper work, they should edit the title

Feb 19, 11:46 am

>2 SandraArdnas: Thank you for explaining the possibilities. It is unfortunate that there are no options to improve this data, but also understandable that items in other libraries cannot be edited.