Is this spamming?

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Is this spamming?

Feb 13, 1:06 pm

I have found a user who seems to be combining their collection with advertisments, using books and tags. I am not sure whether this should be reported or not. Any thoughts?

Feb 13, 1:45 pm

That's an odd case. I would normally think the links in the tags are spam. But they link to sites that no longer exist (for the few I checked). So they may be used to say, here's the site where I got this pdf.

Feb 13, 2:07 pm

My guess would be a bad import since they added 4,000 items in one day

Feb 13, 5:15 pm

Also, there's an awful lot of rubbish in that 4000 items too — books with no titles and not much else, lots of what appear to be porn magazines (said he, primly).

Feb 13, 5:18 pm

And a lot of duplicates.

Edited: Feb 13, 5:25 pm

A lot of duplicates, too.

This one is very interesting

This member seems to have over 80 copies, but he's not the only one with multiples.

Edited: Feb 18, 11:53 am

>6 MarthaJeanne: That’s an odd entry in several ways. No title or author, but a review & assorted covers (none w/clearly legible title). Then the members list which is just weird. What is it?

ETA: one cover title (?) reads RYGAR, which is a video game, according to Google