Jeff's (mahsdad) Big Fat Reading 2024


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Jeff's (mahsdad) Big Fat Reading 2024

Jan 22, 3:23 pm

I usually hang out in the 75 Book Challenge. But I saw this group in Tim's State of the Thing email. I don't normally read big books, but I do on occassion and I think I'll keep track of them here.

Late last year, I decided to tackle IQ84, at 1157 pages, its probably the biggest book I've read in a while. I just broke thru 1,000 pages. Should be done in another week or so.

Jan 22, 5:00 pm

Started a new thread with a different title to better match my threads in the 75 group.

Jan 24, 12:29 pm

And another welcome to the group, Jeff ;-)

Jan 24, 3:14 pm

>1 mahsdad: I loved IQ84. It didn't feel like 1000+ pages but maybe I was at a stage in my life where big books were less impressive. I read it before going to Japan in 2016 and when I got to Tokyo I was thrilled to see how the characters travelled through time and space - very much how I had imagined it.
Have fun!

Jan 25, 12:46 pm

>3 connie53: >4 Cecilturtle: Thanks for stopping by. I'm not going to be monitoring this thread, please visit me on my other one. I put the wrong title in this one. It didn't match with my thread in the 75 group, so it wouldn't line up right in my starred topics listing.

>4 Cecilturtle: IQ84 is a really good book. Very odd, in the best way Murakami is.