Sorting Title Alphabetically

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Sorting Title Alphabetically

Jan 11, 2:16 pm

I clicked the blue "Title" column but it keeps showing my books out of order.

You see here it goes from B's to A's then to H and ".H"

Even if I sort the other way it still has the A's at the beginning.

Am I missing something?

Link to image of my issue.

Edited: Jan 11, 3:01 pm

As someone said in your other topic, the sort is correct, assuming that titles like A Foreign Love Affair is set with the sort at 3, because it is usual to skip articles in sorting titles. 3 means that the title is sorted on the third character (A space F). You can change this in Edit Book, if you don't like it, but you will have to change it every time you enter a book whose title starts with an article.

BTW I combined a few books that had not combined properly because of bad Amazon data.