KWharton will read another 12 books in 2024

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KWharton will read another 12 books in 2024

Jan 4, 5:47 pm

Kia ora koutou, hello everyone,

I will stick to my realistic-but-challenging goal of 12 ROOTs for 2024, because I will of course read a lot more books from the library!

Happy reading everyone, and all the best for 2024.

Edited: Jan 4, 5:53 pm

Jan 5, 1:35 am

Hi Katherine, good to see you back with the ROOTers. All the best for 2024 for you too.

Jan 5, 6:16 am

Happy ROOTing, and thank you for supporting your local library!

Jan 5, 9:05 am

Welcome back! I hope this year is a good one for both ROOTs and library books!

Jan 5, 5:22 pm

Welcome back and have a great reading year!

Edited: Feb 22, 2:58 am

Thanks everyone!

I'm doing well so far:
So You Want to Talk about Race fantastic, practical book about anti-racism, good for people who haven't read much about it and for those who have.
The Big Questions: What is New Zealand's future? was a good read, especially since it's a few years since it was written, so I could see whether the author was on the right track or not.
I have also started The Stone Sky, finally finishing The Broken Earth trilogy.

Now I shall go and update my ticker.

Mar 27, 4:13 am

I finished The Stone Sky. I left quite a bit of time between the books and I think I probably read it a bit too quickly, so I didn't let the story sink in as well as I could have. Some fascinating questions and a very big world. I read a comment somewhere that it's a retelling of Black history and I could see that in some places, but not in others.

I also read Love for the Lost. I thought I could guess where it was going right from the start, but I was wrong. I quite like the way Catherine Fox has characters from her other books pop up again, but it can be easy to miss them. I do wonder if she has written any books with main characters who feel free and comfortable about themselves and about sex! I hope that some of the characters from this book will turn up later having a happier time.

Apr 1, 4:19 am

Hi Katherine. About the first book you mentioned here. I loved that book very much.