NorthernStar's Notes for 2024

This is a continuation of the topic NorthernStar's Notes for 2023.

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NorthernStar's Notes for 2024

Jan 1, 2:25 pm

Hooray - I had more than enough to continue my topic this year! Other than that, nothing to report for 2024 so far.

Jan 1, 2:26 pm

Happy New Year! May all your reads be 5-star ones this year!

Jan 1, 2:30 pm

Also, I remembered to update the wiki master list of Green Dragon personal reading threads.

This is a link if anyone else wants to do it:**Master_Thread**_Personal_Reading_Journ...

Jan 1, 3:19 pm

Happy New Year!

Jan 1, 4:39 pm

Happy New Year! Happy New Thread!

Jan 1, 5:35 pm

Happy New Year!

Jan 1, 7:02 pm

>3 NorthernStar: Happy New Year! May you have the perfect snow/winter, spring, summer and fall for all the outdoor activities you Excell at, and great reading throughout the year.

Also, thank you for the wiki reminder.

Jan 1, 9:26 pm

Woo hoo! Glad you made it.

Jan 2, 9:22 am

Happy New Year! I hope it is full of good things!

Jan 2, 9:41 am

Keep the good books and hot beverages close at hand in 2024! Happy new year!

Jan 2, 2:47 pm

Thanks for all the new year's wishes! and >8 Bookmarque: - love the picture - wine, cheese, and books are an excellent combination.

Jan 2, 3:09 pm

Happy New Year and happy new thread!

Jan 2, 3:14 pm

Finished Another Margaret by Janice MacDonald. Enjoyed this mystery. Some 20 year old secrets affect a university reunion. Started in 2023, finished 2024.

Jan 2, 4:25 pm

>11 NorthernStar: Sweet! Glad you like it. Had a lot of fun making them for everyone.

Jan 5, 2:32 pm

Starter Villian by John Scalzi. Waited for it to be available through the library, and it finally came up. Enjoyed this, especially the cats.

Jan 5, 5:31 pm

>15 NorthernStar: Starter Villain was so much fun! I enjoyed it a lot as well. If you like cats and/or dolphins, this book makes you happy ;)

Jan 5, 6:08 pm

>15 NorthernStar: & >16 Alexandra_book_life: Yes, it was a lot of fun. The dolphins were hilarious. I want one of those cats!

Jan 6, 10:23 pm

Stealing From Wizards: Volume 2 and Stealing From Wizards: Volume 3 by R. A. Consell. Finished off this series, at least for now. Wizard school adventures and a lost heir. I really enjoyed this. There is definitely room for another volume.

Jan 10, 3:12 pm

Such Sharp Teeth - Thanks Sakerfalcon, really enjoyed this. A different take on getting bitten.

Jan 10, 3:31 pm

I found out last night that Lois McMaster Bujold has released another Penric - Demon Daughter. Last night it wasn't up on Kobo yet, but when I just checked it was there. Hooray! It is next on my list (as soon as I finish the book I'm reading).

Jan 11, 7:04 am

>19 NorthernStar: I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

>20 NorthernStar: Hurrah!

Jan 11, 2:48 pm

Finished The Monitor by Janice MacDonald - Randy Craig is still teaching university classes part time at Grant McEwan College in Edmonton, but takes on a side job monitoring an internet chat room to help make ends meet. This was a trip back in time to earlier Internet days, when dial-up was still common, cable connections were state-of-the-art, most of the internet was still text-based, and most of the online activity went on in chat rooms. I wasn't big into chat rooms, but my ex-husband was (and that's another story!). While keeping an eye on the interactions, Randy catches a few clues that suggest the death of a chat member's husband may not have been accidental, and someone online may have had a hand in it. I found the ending a little ambiguous, but on the whole enjoyed this.

Demon Daughter by Lois McMaster Bujold - latest Penric novella. So good to be back with Penric, Desdemona, and his family. Loved this.

Jan 11, 5:08 pm

>20 NorthernStar: Yes! It is wonderful news! I have it on my kindle now, but I have to finish some other books first. More Penric! More Penric! More Penric!

Jan 17, 12:47 pm

After Demon Daughter, I went on to the next Randy Craig mystery by Janice MacDonald - Hang Down Your Head. This one is also set in Edmonton, and features the Edmonton Folk Music Festival, which I go to every year with tardis and family. Randy has secured a job at the U of A working for the Folkways Collection, largely because of a substantial bequest which funds her position. The adult children of the donor are not happy about family money going to the cause, and are making some trouble about it. Then the brother is found murdered, in a setting reminiscent of a certain folk song (Tom Dooley). Randy, of course, is involved, and her policeman boyfriend is not happy about it. I loved the bits featuring the folk music festival. I am enjoying these books, but I think largely because of the Edmonton background.