Help Sorting Out Some CK Info After Work Separation


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Help Sorting Out Some CK Info After Work Separation

Dec 14, 2023, 2:57 pm

Hi Combiners! I am posting this here, in a separate thread, at Annie's suggestion. I am hoping to enlist your help with some Common Knowledge information that needs to be sorted out.

At the request of an author who recently contacted us, I have separated out his books, which had been combined into one massive work. I believe I have them all separated correctly, and am waiting to hear back from him regarding two German-language editions that need to be combined with their correct English original.

That said, the work from which I separated out all the other books still has a massive amount of CK data, clearly from multiple books, and I am not able at this time to track down which piece of information belongs to which book. And so I turn to you for help!

This is the work in question: The New Black Mask Quarterly (Number 4).

The author is this: Joseph L. Koenig

Many thanks for your help with this, and for everything you do to make LibraryThing a better site!