Self Help - Learning to care about education?

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Self Help - Learning to care about education?

Edited: Oct 21, 2023, 12:06 pm

Hi. Is anyone aware of any self-help/non-fiction books making the argument that you should care about school/college?

I'm having a bit of a crisis having to take all these hard, boring FILLER classes not related to my major. I worked hard for 6/8 weeks and then for 7 I was like: why? and skipped the assignments. Since 8 is the last week I've tried to make up for it and just do it. But those thoughts will keep coming back. Why do I have to do this? I DON'T have to do this, I can quit... etc. It's not what I want in the long term but it's so strong in the short term.

I was listening to a podcast recently about how a mentor taught three children how to really care about school growing up. Listening to them talk I was so jealous of what he instilled in them. No one did that for me. No one cared about my grades good or bad. I don't care about them either, I just want to get through this. The only reason I'm NOT quitting is because I have gotten a taste of the classes that are related to my major and those are actually *so* fun.

Anyway, not looking for advice from you all, just book recommendations since I don't have that teacher in person I'd love to read someone else's arguments For academia.