Pride month treasure hunt - hints for 3

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Pride month treasure hunt - hints for 3

Jun 21, 2023, 4:02 pm

13 Aquila: #3 is an award, so you are searching in Common Knowledge

34 Charon07: #3 was tough for me. I tried googling and could only find a much-better-known prize. In desperation, I looked in the Common Knowledge of all the LGBTQ SF books I could think of. Finally, when I looked at the awards won by The Left Hand of Darkness, and followed the link to the award page, I found it.

Jun 25, 2023, 12:54 pm

107 Taliesien: Accidental Creatures by Anne Harris won this award. Look at the CK for the award name and click on it. If you don't get the "You found a rainbow!" on the page don't be surprised. I only got it on about half of the correct pages but if you go back to the hunt page and hit refresh the count updates for finding it.

Jun 26, 2023, 6:20 pm

109 lorax: For #3 I tried all possible permutations of a better-known SF award before landing on this one

Try looking at the Awards and Honors section for SF books that you think might be a good match. Several are suggested in this thread.

Jun 26, 2023, 6:24 pm

110 AnnieMod: The key is positive LGBT depiction. Only one award styles its decisions this way.

113 Taliesien: ?? The rainbow doesn't show up on the award page I directed you to? Again, go to and click on the (only) Award listed to bring up the book award page to get the rainbow.