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May 21, 2023, 10:09 am

I think there a lot of truth in the little sign. Tell us what you are reading to do your part in ruling the world.

Edited: Jun 30, 2023, 7:56 pm

Carol's Reads In June
🏳️‍🌈 - ★
🏳️‍🌈Marauder - Clive Cussler - 5★ Group Read
🏳️‍🌈The Last Party - Cassidy Lucas - 4★ - Friend
🏳️‍🌈Switching Places - Morticia Knight- 5★
🏳️‍🌈Boy Issues - Morticia Knight- 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Born Daddy - Morticia Knight- 5★
🏳️‍🌈His Middle - Morticia Knight- 5★
🏳️‍🌈Secret Fire - Morticia Knight - 4★
🏳️‍🌈Pretty Puppy - Morticia Knight - 4★
🏳️‍🌈Ex Meridian - A E Via - 5★
🏳️‍🌈 A Nothing Special New Year - A. E. Via - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Fox & Bull - A.E Via - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Finding Their Way - A. M. Arthur - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈The Right One - Felice Stevens - 5★
🏳️‍🌈His Submissive - Jason Collins - 4★
🏳️‍🌈Change His Tune - Ariella Zoelle - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Contours and Cuddles - Della Cain - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Sculpture and Snuggles - Della Cain - 5★
🏳️‍🌈His Crimson Skye - Della Cain - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Music To His Ears - Ariella Zoelle - 4★
🏳️‍🌈Hide Bound - Jodi Payne & B A Tortuga - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Wholly Trinity. Les's Bar #3-Jodi Payne & B A Tortuga - 5★
🏳️‍🌈 A Dom and His Gentleman - Xenia Melzer - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Three Ties to Bind - Michelle Dare - 4★
🏳️‍🌈Huntsman - Morgan Brice - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Again, Fox Hollow - Morgan Brice - 4★
🏳️‍🌈The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse - Keith Hartman - 3★
🏳️‍🌈A Fighting Chance - Tatum West - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Perfect Fit - Aimee Nicole Walker - 5★ -
🏳️‍🌈Mr. Perfect - Aimee Nicole Walker- 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Pretty Poison - Aimee Nicole Walker - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Pop Star - Edna Finley - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Nobody's Prince Charming - Aimee Nicole Walker - 4★
🏳️‍🌈Under Cover - Amy Lane 5★
🏳️‍🌈Dark Hollow Road - Karen Ann Hopkins - 5★
🏳️‍🌈 Spook Country - William Gibson - No rating given
🏳️‍🌈The River - Peter Heller - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈The Perfect Mother - Matthew Farrell - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈Bones Under the Ice - Mary Ann Miller- 5★
🏳️‍🌈Retown - Boris Bacic - 5★
🏳️‍🌈One Down - Diane Wilkinson - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Saint Christopher and the Gravedigger Catherine Cookson - 3★
🏳️‍🌈The Various Haunts of Men - Susan Hill - 4★
🏳️‍🌈The Spite House - Johnny Compton - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈All Good People Here - Ashley Flowers - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Loving Edie - Merideth May - 3.5★
🏳️‍🌈The Haunting of Kinnawe House - Steven Rigolosi - 5★
🏳️‍🌈One By One - Freida McFadden - 4.5★
🏳️‍🌈The Dancing Girls - M.M. Chouinard - 5★
🏳️‍🌈Red on the River - Christine Feehan - 3.5★
🏳️‍🌈If I Die Tonight - Alison Gaylin - 4.5★

Jun 1, 2023, 8:38 am

Switching Places - Morticia Knight - (California)
Kiss of Leather Series book #8
Genera: M/M/M Romance/BDSM
Tai wishes Master Lucas wasn’t such an adamant Top, but he’s also crushing on the sweetly submissive Elliot. Could he have it both ways?...Maybe

I have loved the Kiss of Leather series from book #1 and this was just another great story to add to it. To start there was Tobey and Hunter’s housewarming party where we begin to see Tai, Lucas and Elliot’s lives and how they are beginning to notice one another. Tai and Lucas have been dancing around their feelings for a long time but when faced with trying to make an exclusive relationship work they know there are some big barriers to overcome. Elliot is incredibly sweet and just wants to help and serve all those around him but knows he needs to find someone for himself and stop admiring from a distance. I loved Tai when I met him in the previous books and couldn't wait to see him finally get his story. Lucas’s acceptance of Tai’s behavior and attitude is one of the things that shows that love will come even when you don’t expect it. I hated seeing Elliot get hurt when he was trying to find something for himself, but I loved that it gave Tai and Lucas the chance to pamper him and grow their relationship. This one seemed to be much more insulated than the previous ones, as we didn’t see much other than just these three working everything out together. A great deal of the story was told from Elliot’s or Lucas’s point of view, I believe that I felt more connected to Elliot and more cheering for his happiness than Tai or Lucas, who were already a settled couple. They did eventually find a common ground for all three to have an equal relationship. As with every book Morticia Knight writes, she shows a wonderfully diverse cast of characters that you HAVE to love. This series is a definite must read if you're a fan of M/M romances. The characters are always rich and diverse, actually... the entire package is nothing less than fabulous.

Jun 1, 2023, 9:02 am

The Lager Queen of Minnesota – J Ryan Stradal
Book on CD performed by Judith Ivey

Helen and Edith are estranged sisters. Helen convinced their father to leave her the farm, and she and her husband started a very successful brewery with that nest egg. Edith lives quietly, working two jobs and raising her granddaughter, Diana.

As he did with Kitchens of the Great Midwest, Stradal reveals the intergenerational story through multiple points of view. Edith, Helen and Diana take turns being the focus of the story, and the timeline shifts from present day to the past and back again. This allowed me to gather background information and piqued m curiosity about where the story was headed.

I loved Edith and Diana. Helen, not so much. And yet, I sometimes wanted to shake Edith or slap Diana silly, or wrap Helen in a hug. Stradal populate the novel with a great cast of supporting characters, from the maintenance man at the nursing home, to the craft brewer who give Diana a chance, to Edith’s friends and fellow grandmas who are there to help when push comes to shove.

At its core this is a story about family. About the ties that bind us whether we recognize them or not. About perseverance and strength of character. About facing our fear of failure and taking risks. It’s about love and forgiveness.

Judith Ivey did a marvelous job of performing the audio version. Her Minnesota accent is spot on!

Jun 2, 2023, 7:27 am

His Submissive - Jason Collins - (North Carolina)
Genera: M/M Romance
JAKE: He might have saved me, but now he wants to keep me. One minute I’m falling down a slope in the mountains of North Carolina. The next, I’m waking up in a giant lumberjack’s bed. The goliath of a man wants me to stay until I’m better.
LEVI: He’s in my territory now, and that makes him mine. This stretch of the Smoky Mountains belongs to me. Out here on my own, I control it all from my mountainside cabin all the way down to the creek. I don’t want company, and I’ve never cared about romance. HUMM...If he wants to remain here while he recovers from his fall, he’ll have to follow my rules and obey my commands. And if he does as I say, I might just let him stay.

It was one of those romances that has a fairly unlikely setup, but if you can get past that, it’s a good enough story with strong enough characters to keep it going. Both of the main characters are believable, but as is often the case, just a little too good to be true unless you can turn off all your "disbeliefs" and go for the "made for each other" line. The setting is isolated for most of the story so there aren’t really any other characters aside from occasional people who appear for only one chapter. I have to admit that I’m a sucker for dominant, protective, and sexy Doms who take ownership over their submissives ...so Levi became my hero and Jake was a good character for his role in the story but some things about him...the job that was supposed to be waiting for him in Boston when the hike was over...why he didn't want to talk about his former teaching career or much of any other aspects of his life, especially when his and Jakes relationship became more than just friends...that didn't make much sense. Good enough story and characters for 4 stars.

Jun 2, 2023, 10:09 am

Dark Hollow Road - Karen Ann Hopkins -(Kentucky)
Possum Gap series Book #2
Genera: Physiological Thriller/Murder Mystery
When the body of a teenage boy is found by the river, Sheriff Sadie Mills is determined to solve the mystery. However, as she delves deeper into the investigation, she stumbles upon a four-year-old case of another boy who drowned in the Puissant River. Meanwhile, Possum Gap's new coroner Raymond Russo returns from his home in New Jersey, unknowingly bringing two of his family members on his trail. While Sadie moves forward from one clue to the other, Russo and his friend Darcy brave an interview with the Dover matriarch. Soon, Sadie and her friends unwittingly embroil themselves in a conspiracy involving drugs, murder, and betrayal that will have all of their lives in mortal danger.

Karen Ann Hopkins weaves a gripping murder mystery yarn with twists and turns galore. Every time you feel you've figured out the plot, Hopkins pulls the rug from under your feet over and over again. All the main characters have well-thought-out backstories and their own plot threads that make them seem like real people with real emotions, motives, and inner conflicts. The town of Possum Gap feels lived-in, with the members of the Dover clan bringing a colorful dynamic to the proceedings, especially the scenes involving Grandma Dover. Hopkins keeps her cards close to her chest as the complete mystery only gets revealed in the last few pages. I thoroughly enjoyed Dark Hollow Road and am looking forward to reading more of this series.

Jun 3, 2023, 9:06 am

>7 ColinMichaelFelix: Good to hear from you. Hope you enjoy your Linwood Barclay book. He's one of my long-time favorite authors.

Jun 3, 2023, 9:49 am

The Last Party - Cassidy Lucas - (California)
Narrator: Kirsten Potter
Genera: Mystery/Thriller
Some guests were not invited….Once again, the dark truths of life in sunny California are illuminated in this twisty and atmospheric psychological thriller about a 50th birthday celebration on a remote mountainside in Topanga Canyon, where things go terrifyingly wrong.

I liked the description of the book but there was such a large cast of characters that it became a bit confusing at times and to add to that, a great many of them were just "window dressing" and had really nothing to do with the story. To Dani Sanders, turning 50 seemed like one more disappointment in her life. Her career has come to a screeching halt, her nineteen-year-old daughter with developmental issues is regressing, and Dani’s ex-husband Craig, a fertility doctor worshipped by Hollywood’s elite, is constantly upending her life. Though she doesn’t feel much like celebrating, she can’t say no when her best friend insists on planning a “creative” birthday weekend in wild, wealthy Topanga Canyon. Dani and six of her closest friends gather in the hills above the canyon at “Celestial Ranch,” 18-acres of rugged, wooded mountainside where they’ll spend three days hiking, meditating, and enjoying catered cuisine. They will also indulge in a little bit of a short-acting psychedelic drug, DMT, designed to open their senses and transport them to a higher plain. As the weekend unfolds, they discover that is often the case when "close" friends know too much about one another long-buried tensions, unresolved grievances, and old secrets usually emerge...this leaves Dani to solve or at least come to grips with these issues in her life. Dani and her friends take the drug late at night on an open hillside beneath the stars. When Dani returns from her intense “trip,” she learns that one of her friends has gone missing. Then another one disappears. Soon, Dani finds herself alone on the dark mountainside, seemingly abandoned by the people who are supposed to love her most....or have they somehow been taken from her? Dani asks herself what could she have possibly done to deserve a devastating birthday night like this...and how will she make it to the morning alone? Overall, "interesting" is the best I can describe it. Not bad but not what I really expected either. If you like a twisty and atmospheric thriller about friendship and illusion, you will probably enjoy this one.

Edited: Jun 3, 2023, 11:33 am

Change His Tune - Ariella Zoelle - (Illinois)
Harmony of Hearts series Book 3
Genera: M/M Romance/Friends to Lovers
Ferris is straight, so why can’t he stop wishing his flirtations with his best friend would become real?
Tiago Álvarez: Flirting with Ferris is one of my favorite hobbies. He always playfully rejects me because he’s straight, but I don’t let that get my hopes down. That’s why I’m so shocked when he agrees to my silly idea to drive our fangirls wild by pretending there might be something more to our friendship. I want to make him see that we could have something real if he gave us a chance.
Ferris Valdemar: I’ve been telling Tiago no for so long that I don’t know how to tell him yes. But I really want to give in to my feelings for him that I’ve been running away from for far too long. But how do I tell Tiago that I want to be more than just friends?

This is the longest, most frustrating "slow burn" I believe I have ever read!! On the other hand it was one of the fastest "let’s get to it" i have ever seen just as soon as Ferris came on board with it. I mean, there has been ten...yes, count them...TEN years of frustrating build up. Ferris should have at least given Tiago a moment to catch his breath and grasp that there is a now a HUGE U-turn in their relationship from best friends to lovers and forever boyfriends. Ferris was honest with his concerns and issues, but it was Tiago that made the story 100% perfect. He was so caring, sweet and patient. He was also very honest in the fact that things don’t always go perfectly the way the movies and books portray it. Now, who could have imagined that?:) I've read this series for some time now and at last I am happy that nearly all the band members have finally sorted it all out and are finding their HEA with those that are not only their mates but are also their best friends. I wish this book had come in audio. It would have been so nice to have been able to listen to Tiago and Ferris speaking to one another and their conversations with their fellow band members. It is so sweet how this entire group cares so very much for their long-time friends. This book, like all so far in the series, was zero angst and spend quite a bit of time setting up the next book in the series. I can't wait to read Sal's story.

Edited: Jun 4, 2023, 9:08 am

Boy Issues - Morticia Knight - (California)
Command & Care Series Book #1
Narrator: John Solo
Genera: M/M Romance/BDSM (Slight)
One has the golden touch. The other buys whatever he wants. When love races in, which man will end up on top? Twenty-six-year-old silver Cruz loves working on fast cars but finding the right boy to care for eludes him. Forty-two-year-old billionaire CEO Donovan Fonterra’s only friend is his wealth. So, after his hot rod malfunction attracts a ripped young dude with a take-charge attitude, he can’t resist flashing the green light for some high-octane thrills. Will Silver and Donovan discover the key that turns their uninhibited passions into a forever love?

Donovan Fonterra has lived his life hiding who he is while doing all the work at his family’s firm so his younger brother can chase after women and his father can drink and golf with his friends. He does all this while being harassed and belittled by the other two men in his family. I hated his family about two seconds after I met them...then he has a chance meeting with Silver Cruz, when his sports car breaks down, an unfortunate event in one way but an event that will change his life, forever. We get to take that trip with Donovan as he changes and grows under his "Papi’s" (Daddy) care. He was such a miserable man without much self-respect in the beginning of the book. He was so afraid to let himself be who he was and allowed himself to be controlled by his family.... which I was ready and very willing to kill before the third chapter. Silver allowed and encouraged him to discover who he was and allow "his boy" to grow and shine. I love Morticia Knight's work and I believe I am close to owning every word she has ever put on paper.... this was certainly not an exception. I cheered when Donovan finally stood up to his toxic father and useless brother letting them know that he would no longer endure their emotional abuse, and what a joy it was to watch how he and Silver grow and thrive as a couple. The only drawback keeping this one from getting the usual 5-star rating was the ending that came way too abruptly. Also this one had way less sex and very little of the BDSM that this author usually allows her characters. I just wanted to eat Silver up... (in a good way), for his total care and nurturing side. Overall...another great story with wonderful characters by this author. Write faster Ms. Knight. I still have empty space on my bookshelves.

Jun 4, 2023, 1:52 pm

Saint Christopher and the Gravedigger - Catherine Cookson - (England)
Narrator: Derek Perkins
Genera: Historical Fiction?
Gravedigger John Gascoigne lives in Downfell Hurst with his wife, Florrie, their three children and his mother, Gran. John is a deep thinker but extremely taciturn—a man of few words and many grunts. Which is why everyone is alarmed when he’s hit on the head by a cricket ball, and it suddenly seems as if the words won’t stop. What’s more, he says he is talking to Saint Christopher—only no one else can see the saint, and they’re beginning to worry John’s not quite right in the head…Mad or not, John has some secrets he’s been keeping. But if he can’t stop talking, they won’t stay secret for long.

I don't even know where to start here, other than maybe calling the story "quirky" for lack of a better word at the moment. John is a sexton, or gravedigger of the local church. He’s a very serious and quiet man keeping mostly to himself. Only his family knows him well enough to say what his normal habits and behavior would be...that is until he is hit in the head with a cricket ball...then everyone knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE, and he won't shut up. Just before he and the cricket ball had their unfortunate encounter; John's anger was bubbling over the top, due to the increase in graves that he was digging because of the number of funerals due to the increased number of car crashes and this, in his way of reasoning, was the fault of St. Christopher. Old secrets from the past are no longer secret, and now it seems he's able to see and speak to the visiting, not very happy... Saint Christopher. The saint isn't being very helpful in trying to explain that HE is NOT the cause of the increase in accidents...it's the careless drivers...and please stop trying to blame it on him! Actually, I didn't think that St. Christopher spoke or acted very "saintly" sometimes...but I guess even a saint has his limits. I wouldn't call the book a comedy, but it was at times humorous. I've read a couple of other books by Catherine Cookson and because this one was so different in several ways... like how long it took for the story to even get started; how it seemed the author was searching and trying out different ways for the character of John to say what he wanted to say... and the ending could have used more of...well...an ending. Since I have never written a Best Seller, or even a Mediocre Seller, and Catherine Cookson has/did...I will sum up that it's NOT a bad story but it's not her usual. I would also add that Derek Perkins did an excellent job with the voices.

Jun 4, 2023, 9:50 pm

The Vanishing Half / Brit Bennett
3.5 stars

Stella and Desiree are twins born in a small town (Mallard, Louisiana) made up of light-skinned black people in Louisiana. They saw their father beat up by a couple of white guys when they were little, and he later died. At 16-years old, they left Mallard. After living in New Orleans for a while, Stella left Desiree on her own and Desiree never heard from her again. A number of years later, Desiree takes her “blueblack” daughter, Jude, and leaves her abusive husband to head back to Mallard, and when there falls for a man, Early – a “hunter” who looks for missing people. Early starts hunting for Stella for Desiree.

This was good. It was told from different points of view (Desiree, Jude, and later on, Stella, and Stella’s daughter Kennedy), and also different years (primarily the 60s through 80s). It as a bit surprising where Stella ended up (ok, maybe not, as I see it’s in the synopsis, though not mine!). The switch of viewpoints and timelines was easy enough to follow. I guess I kept hoping for a twist or something, but that didn’t really come. I guess I also expected a sort of “big reveal” at the end that also didn’t happen, but maybe that’s more true to life? It was nice to see a trans character written into the story.

Jun 5, 2023, 7:47 am

Bones Under The Ice - Maryann Miller - (Indiana)
Jhonni Laurent Series Book #1
Genera: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Jhonni Laurent is the first female sheriff of Field’s Crossing, Indiana—and now she has her first murder case. Two days after a blizzard hits Field’s Crossing, Indiana, Sheriff Jhonni Laurent discovers the frozen body of a high school senior under a 15-foot pile of snow and ice. Murder is rare in farm country, and this death marks the beginning of Jhonni’s first homicide case. Just as the investigation gets underway, Jhonni’s opponent for sheriff from four years ago wages a bitter reelection battle to oust her. Then, Jhonni finds another body, and further complications arise when a century-old feud between two families reaches its breaking point. Soon, a slew of newspaper articles causes the Indiana State Election Board to doubt her credibility. Jhonni must fight to maintain her reputation, keep the small farming community together, and find the murderer at large—all while demons from her own past threaten to crush her.

A few days after a blizzard, the body of a pregnant teenager is found in a snowdrift outside of rural Fields Crossing, Indiana. At first it was presumed that the Stephanie, the dead girl, was caught in the storm and had frozen to death. After the body thaws, they discover hammer blows to her head and conclude that she was murdered. The blows may not have killed her but The cold more than likely would have done the job. It soon became very obvious that someone had made sure that she would end up die at any rate. This small, rural town is now in a tailspin of recrimination and worry. The case now belongs to the new Sheriff in town...Jhonni Laurent, and it is her first murder case. She knows that she must solve it and do so quickly if she has any chance of reelection. Then a second body appears, and Sheriff Laurent must decide if they are connected or if she now has Two killers. of course, she is expected to do this with limited resources, a snoopy reporter, and her growing concerns that this case might well be her last. Like a lot of small towns everybody knows everything about everybody, and old and new grudges run deeper than any winter snow. Even though the sheriff narrates most of the story, there are some alternate, points of view from town residents whose actions show that they may know more than they are saying. Indeed, the story stresses the interconnectedness of small-town life. In Fields Crossing, farmers and retired people mingle and talk at The Skillet, the local restaurant. There are also cultural clashes between the hardworking farm families and the Martins, and the Tillmans, a group that is trouble for everyone in town, whose latest scheme is to add wind farming to their land. Overall, this is an engrossing mystery in which a small-town sheriff’s skills are tested when she’s tasked with solving cold-minded murders... by a new author...at least for me...with a great deal of promise if this one is any indication of what could follow.

Jun 5, 2023, 9:53 am

Gods of Jade And Shadow – Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Digital audiobook performed by Yetta Gottesman

From the book jacket: Casiopea Tun dreams of a life far from her dusty small town in southern Mexico. Yet this new life seems as distant as the stars, until she finds a curious wooden box in her grandfather’s room. She opens it – and accidentally frees the spirit of the Mayan god of death, who requests her help in recovering his throne . Failure will mean Casiopea’s demise, but success could make her dreams come true. In the company of the strangely alluring god and armed with her wits, Casiopea begins an adventure that will take her on a cross-country odyssey from the jungles of Yucatan to the bright lights of Mexico City – and deep into the darkness of the Mayan underworld.

My reactions:
Fantasy is not my thing, but this book completely captured me. I loved Casiopea, a young woman who is intelligent, curious, resourceful, and determined. She’s not about to take guff from anyone – human or demon. She’s up for every challenge she’s presented with on this crazy journey.

There is sometimes a handsome man or demon (or two) to help her. And there were a couple of instances where I thought her rescue was unnecessary. But on the whole, she shines as the strong female lead.

And I loved the rather open-ended conclusion. Where will she go? I can only imagine, but I’d be willing to read about her further adventures.

Yetta Gottesman does a wonderful job of performing the audio version. She has clear diction, and I liked the way she brought these characters to life. Casiopea really stood out as a strong female lead.

Edited: Jun 5, 2023, 2:07 pm

Contours and Cuddles - Della Cain
Collared Ever After series book #4
Genera: M/M Romance/BDSM- (age play)
Ash has the world at his feet—everyone says so. Then why does he feel like something is missing? Ash’s indie makeup brand is taking the industry by storm. He loves twisting gender norms on their head and making everyone feel gorgeous. If only he felt that way about himself. He keeps his scars hidden and his heart locked tight. Steve loves his job teaching mathematics at the local college, his turtle Tullah, and his friends. But something—no someone is missing. Someone to take care of, to love, to walk through life with. His last boyfriend saw his daddy side as smothering, and now Steve treads lightly when it comes to love. One night at Collared, two mixed-up orders and three minutes in the dark bring the two men’s worlds into collision and leave both wondering if maybe, just maybe, they found the man they were looking for.

This is a really sweet story with no angst whatsoever, but lots of kind, careful and thoughtful attention between two beautiful and likable characters. Steve and Ash have so much in common. Ash’s past is nothing short of traumatic. He still has both emotional and physical scars, but in spite of that he has made a good life for himself as well as a thriving business. Steve is also financially well off and absolutely loves his job. Both characters have seemingly storybook lives...but they’re not super plausible. As romantic partners, however, they work very well. Until I had started reading the huge amount of 'kink play" books in the M/M romance genera...I didn't know that there was such a thing as "age -play"...but all the "little/daddy" themed books seem to have such caring, happy people that I became interested in finding out more about the "kink". (I really hope that I'm not insulting anyone with that word, but "kink" is how these books are described so I guess I'm not being insulting to the folks that it concerns...at least I sincerely hope not.) Staying in sync with the personality of the participants in this type of story, the "daddy/little" play here goes from cautious baby steps straight into the deep end quite quickly, and while I would have liked to see that build a bit more, it’s crystal clear that both guys are completely comfortable and into each other. Both use completely clear, open communication about the kind of dynamic they want to share, and Ash quickly learns that his boy is a constant surprise. Overall, while this type of story is not for everyone, it can best be described as a happy, feel-good romance with tender, sweet, loving, believable characters that you would love to call your friends.

Jun 5, 2023, 8:40 pm

The Porcupine Year – Louise Erdrich
Digital audiobook narrated by Christina Moore

Book three in the Birchbark House series sees Omakayas growing into young womanhood. Her leadership qualities are blossoming and becoming evident to the members of her tribe. She has a bit more autonomy as she explores the area with her younger brother, which leads to some serious difficulties.

The entire tribe is affected by the encroachment of white settlers who force them from their ancestral lands and send them in search of a new home. They endure a very harsh season, nearly starving, and losing a couple of valued members of the group. But always, Omakayas and her people rely on their traditions, beliefs and cooperation to survive and prosper.

Christina Moore does a marvelous job of narrating the audiobook. This is a children’s series and the story is well-suited to an oral tradition. However, the text does have some marvelous illustrations. The text also includes a helpful glossary explaining / translating many of the Ojibwe terms used throughout the book.

Jun 5, 2023, 11:09 pm

Paris / Edward Rutherfurd
2.5 stars

Like many of Rutherfurd’s books, this is historical fiction that takes place over centuries, this one in Paris.

I listened to the audio and it was unfortunate it wasn’t in chronological order, like the others by him I’ve read. It was harder to follow as it jumped around. The storyline I found the most interesting was the building of the Eiffel Tower. Next to that, parts of the WWII storyline were good. Otherwise, I kind of got lost in the rest and wasn’t quite sure what was happening. I don’t know if much time was spent on Napoleon or the French Revolution, though they were both mentioned a few times, but if there was a longer storyline around those, I missed them. Being such a long book over many generations (and the back and forth in time didn’t help), it was hard for me to figure out who was who and how they were related. When I thought I had it, he’d flip to another time period and characters, then by the time we came back, I’d have forgotten.

Jun 6, 2023, 8:43 am

Spook Country - William Gibson - (Canada)
Blue Ant series Book #2
Narrator: Robertson Dean
Genera: Cyberpunk/Science Fiction/Thriller
No rating
Tito is in his early 20s. Born in Cuba, he speaks fluent Russian, lives in one room in a NoLita warehouse, and does delicate jobs involving information transfer.
Hollis Henry is an investigative journalist, on assignment from a magazine called Node. Node doesn't exist yet, which is fine; she's used to that. But it seems to be actively blocking the kind of buzz that magazines normally cultivate before they start up. Really actively blocking it. It's odd, even a little scary, if Hollis lets herself think about it much - which she doesn't. She can't afford to.
Milgrim is a junkie. A high-end junkie, hooked on prescription antianxiety drugs. Milgrim figures he wouldn't survive 24 hours if Brown, the mystery man who saved him from a misunderstanding with his dealer, ever stopped supplying those little bubble packs. What exactly Brown is up to Milgrim can't say, but it seems to be military in nature. At least, Milgrim's very nuanced Russian would seem to be a big part of it, as would breaking into locked rooms.
Bobby Chombo is a "producer" and an enigma. In his day job, Bobby is a troubleshooter for manufacturers of military navigation equipment. He refuses to sleep in the same place twice. He meets no one. Hollis Henry has been told to find him.

To say I didn't understand this book would be a huge understatement. Listening to it didn't provide any clues either. Well...I did like Milgrim, the junkie...he was on drugs for most of the story:) It had absolutely nothing to do with the authors writing skills, the narrator's reading or the story itself...it was simply that I had no idea what anything that was happening was even supposed to mean or relate to anything. That was totally on me...not the author or the book. That being said, I didn't feel it would be fair to the hard work of this author or to his book to give any kind of rating. Those folks born 40 or so years after me will probably understand every word and everything that is happening and be amazed.

Jun 6, 2023, 10:32 am

Cool Dead People: Obituaries of Real Folks We Wish We'd Met a Little Sooner
Jane O'Boyle
4/5 stars
This was such an original book about people we didn't know but still lived unusual lives. O'Boyle gathered these obituaries and compiled them in this book. Not a lengthy read but oh so interesting!

Jun 6, 2023, 11:36 am

The Hindi-Bindi Club – Monica Pradhan

This was highly reminiscent of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club. We have two generations of three immigrant families – mothers Meenal Deshpande, Saroj Chawla, and Uma Basu McGuiness; and daughters Kiran Deshpande, Preity Chawla Lindstrom, and Rani McGuiness Tomashot. The interconnected stories begin when newly divorced Kiran comes home (without any advance notice) to the Washington DC area where her parents and their friends have settled. Kiran has focused on her career as a surgeon, but she’s missing a life partner. She sees how her childhood friends have prospered in the marriages their parents arranged for them, so she has decided to ask her parents to find her a mate. Let the fireworks begin!

Pradhan alternates narrators from chapter to chapter, sometimes focusing on one of the daughters and sometimes on one of the mothers. The older generation struggled with leaving their homeland, coming to America and learning both the language and how to fit in. Their daughters consider themselves American first, and while they may have learned to make a few of the traditional Indian dishes their mothers are famous for, they’ve concentrated on education and careers. There is a constant push/pull between cultural tradition and modern sensibilities.

I enjoyed learning a bit more of the history of India, of the disparate cultures within the subcontinent, and particularly of partition and the resultant cultural/religious wars between Hindus and Muslims. I understood the mothers’ reluctance to relate some of their past experiences, but also felt the relief of secrets finally revealed and the understanding and healing that came from those discussions.

There comes a time in every mother/daughter relationship when the child matures to the point where they can relate to one another as two women and not just mother/child. As I was reading this novel I was reminded – and could easily recognize – when that dynamic changed for me and my mother.

Just as in real life, it’s not all drama and angst. There is plenty of humor, tenderness, laughter and tears of joy.

Oh, and there are some wonderful recipes included throughout the book. I want to try one or two of them myself.

Jun 6, 2023, 2:17 pm

Born Daddy - Morticia Knight - (California)
Command & Care series Book #2
Genera: M/M/Romance/Age Play

They both loved an evil man. In a wrenching journey to redemption, leaning on each other will change their lives forever. Grief-stricken Tate Myers can’t believe his Daddy and Master is gone. Reeling from the discovery of his dead lover’s secret life as a serial killer, he seeks answers from the one person who could help heal his heart. But when coffee shop chats with his Daddy’s best friend turn into an intense attraction, Tate wonders if he’s found the man to complete his recovery. Former undercover cop, Rogan Steele, is completely blindsided when he learns his long-time buddy was a sadistic murderer. And with his own judgment now in question, he strongly empathizes with the grieving young man left traumatized and helpless. However, as their meetings fan the growing flames between them, Rogan is terrified he can’t fill the unfamiliar dominant role that Tate so desperately needs. As their passion overpowers their hesitation, Tate aches to fully succumb to the older man’s control. If only Rogan doesn’t run away from what he was born to be—then they might stand a chance at forever. Will the shell-shocked pair surrender to their destiny and accept love’s risk? Or will the scars from their shared tragedy destroy their future as Daddy and boy?

How did he NOT KNOW??? How did he not see the signs that his now dead friend, was a serial killer? That's the question that Rogan struggles to try to understand. How did he never see it, especially when he was a former police officer? Those question go back and forth through Rogan's mind as he goes to Cam’s funeral...not for Cam the serial killer, but for Cam’s mother and perhaps to start the healing process for both of them, Tate...Cam’s "boy", and Rogan meet in the parking lot after the service and when Rogan offers Tate a ride home, he begins to learn more about his former friend...and none of it is good. Tate had no idea of what his "daddy" was...but neither Cam's friends nor the police believe that. I loved the story of Tate and Rogan and the evolution of their relationship. Tate is beside himself without his "daddy" and the realization that he is a suspect in Cam’s killings is eating him alive. It was a relief to find that he had the courage to try to talk to Rogan at all. He was honest and forthcoming about everything, even though Rogan was somewhat suspicious and didn’t understand Cam and Tate’s relationship at first. Tate having reached out to someone he could trust to help him get the structure he needed and meeting with Rogan a couple times a week provided him the outlet to discuss things and give him perspective. Rogan was a warm, caring, understanding individual that wanted to help Tate who he had begun to have feelings for. He was determined to do right by the people around him even when it made him uncomfortable. I found it a little hard to understand how he didn’t notice something was off about Cam, but as Rogan and Tate start putting pieces together it becomes clearer. It was great how he took care of Tate and took his time getting to know him...he gave Tate someone he could trust and count on. When their relationship deepens, Rogan took the time to learn and see if he could give Tate what he needed before they moved forward. It was quite an adventure to see them both learning how to be "daddy" and "boy" together.

Jun 6, 2023, 7:56 pm

A Fighting Chance - Tatum West - (Virginia)
A Bridge to Abingdon Series Book #2
Genera: M/M Romance
Dillon: I don’t do relationships. I’ve been abandoned all my life, and I don’t trust a soul except my own damn self. But there’s something different about Jack Chance. From his lithe, gymnast’s body to his soulful hazel eyes, he’s everything I never knew I wanted. When he’s wrapped up in my arms, begging for more, everything seems right about the world.I’m not boyfriend material—everyone in Abingdon knows that. I’ve got a moonshine-making hillbilly family, a heart hardened by war, and I walk into burning buildings for a living. Oh, and I’m still in love with my best friend. Jack shouldn’t want anything to do with me. He shouldn’t keep coming back each time I make a total a$$ of myself, and he shouldn’t forgive me when I keep refusing to tell him how I feel. And he should definitely run for the hills when I’m slapped with custody of my sister’s three kids. But he doesn’t run. Instead, he’s making pancakes the morning after they move in
Jack: I like a good project—maybe that’s why I’m madly, ridiculously, over-the-moon in love with Dillon Manning. I want him to see what I see when I look at him...a hero, a whole, real man. I’m addicted to his touch, his body, the way he kisses me so deeply and so tenderly. There’s more to Dillon than he lets on. I just want him to realize it. But Dillon is just about on my last nerve, and I’m ready to be done. That’s when the unthinkable happens. Dillon’s sister is caught up in a meth lab bust, and her kids have been breathing all of it in for months. It’ll take a village to get these kids healthy. And I’m Dillon’s village, whether he knows it or not. Every day, I’m falling more and more in love with him. I might be gentle, and loyal, and kind. But when our family is threatened, I’ll do everything in my power to keep us together—even if that means putting my own life at risk. Dillon Manning is worth it. I’ve always known that. And I’ll move heaven and earth to make sure that he knows exactly how I feel.

Wow! I loved Dillon and Jack's story. Even though the had a rocky beginning, it was so good to see them start out as a couple and work together through some very real and unexpected challenges. The only reason that this isn't a 5-star read for me is that some of the drama was really shattering making it almost unbreathable to read through.... but you just can't/don't want to stop. So much character, life and happiness are woven into these 293 pages that concludes with an ending that is super sweet...and may require a big box of tissues. I definitely plan on recommending this book to everyone I know that reads M/M romances.

Edited: Jun 7, 2023, 3:36 pm

Retown - Boris Bacic
part of Horror in Small Towns series #2
Genera: Horror
Every time you die, you wake up back in the town. It was supposed to be a simple business trip. Three days tops. But when Jason is unable to leave Riverton, he learns that there's a good reason why the remote town is so well hidden. Desperate to return home to his wife and daughter, Jason suffers death after death only to wake up back in Riverton. Trapped and unable to contact the outside world, he looks for a way to break the cycle - one that the townsfolk have been ensnared in for years prior to his arrival. The more he digs, the more dark secrets he uncovers, and the more he realizes how screwed he is. There's something far more sinister hidden behind the townsfolk's gloomy eyes and their vague answers. Something evil rooted deep within the town has its clutches on it. And it refuses to let go.

If it scares you, Boris Bacic has more than likely written a story about it. It reminded me of the offerings, like Pet Sematary that we get from Stephen King. Retown is a twisted tale filled with strange occurrences and despair. I had no idea where the story was going, and I was wrong so many times. In the age of so many predictable stories, I admire Boris Bacic's ability to completely throw the reader off without damaging the storyline. There were times throughout that Jason's despair was palpable. I found myself mentally willing him to overcome the forces of Riverton...but had figured out that that was probably not going to happen. I had previously read another book by this author, The Gathering, and thoroughly enjoyed it and this one was not an exception. His characters are often not the nicest people you will have ever met but yet you still want to root for them.

Jun 8, 2023, 7:27 am

One By One - Freida McFadden
Genera: Suspense/Thriller
Narrator: Alyson Krawchuk
A night spent sleeping on dirt and leaves is not how Claire Matchett expected to spend her vacation. She thought this would be a break from the stresses of work and raising her young children. A chance to repair her damaged marriage. A week of hiking and hot tubs with two other couple friends. It sounded like heaven. Then Claire’s minivan breaks down on a lonely dirt road. With no cell reception, the group has no choice but to hike the rest of the way to their hotel. But it turns out the woods aren’t as easy to navigate as they thought. Hours later, they are lost. Hopelessly lost. And as they navigate deeper into the woods, the members of their party are struck down mysteriously one by one. Has a wild animal been hunting them? Or is the hunter one of them? But as more time passes, one thing becomes clear: Only one of them will return home alive.

When these three couples leave for a vacation, they had no idea of what awaited them. Their car breaks down they find themselves stranded and lost in the woods . . . but worse than that...they suspect that they are not alone...and what or who is in the woods with them has no intentions of helping. This is the second book I’ve read by this author, and the plot was no less compelling. I was so drawn in by the story, that I started listening to it in the morning and finished it before midnight. From Goodreads: "One by one, they will get what they deserve…" Claire thought this would be a break from the stresses of work and raising her young children, along with a chance to repair her damaged marriage. A week of hiking and hot tubs with two other couples all friends, would amount to in her opinion...heaven. Of course, the old adage about "the best laid plans of mice and men" soon arises with the car breaking down, no cell reception, and their only choice is to hike...but these city folks had underestimated the unfamiliar woods. Hours later ...they're hopelessly lost. As they navigate deeper into the woods, the members of their party are mysteriously struck down one by one. The story is well-written, has memorable characters, although you will get frustrated with Claire and sometimes want to kill her yourself and just be done with her...it is filled with tension, and has a good plot along with several good twists and turns.

Jun 8, 2023, 8:52 am

Firekeeper’s Daughter – Angeline Boulley
Book on CD narrated by Isabella Star LeBlanc

From the book jacket: Eighteen-year-old Daunis Fontaine has never quite fit in, both in her hometown and on the nearby Ojibwe reservation. She dreams of a fresh start at college, but when family tragedy strikes, Daunis puts her future on hold to look after her fragile mother. The only bright spot is meeting Jamie, the charming new recruit on her brother Levi’s hockey team. When Daunis witnesses a shocking murder, she is thrust into an FBI investigation of a lethal new drug.

My reactions
Boulley’s debut is a gripping story. Daunis is a marvelous character: strong in mind and body, determined, observant, dutiful, intelligent and still a vulnerable teenager. She’s on the path to success, following her late uncle’s early example in her study of science. Intent on a career in medicine, she’s also well-versed in the traditional herbal medicines of the Ojibwe healers. But she IS a teenager, and her emotions sometimes overwhelm her.

Daunis has difficult decisions to make about whom to trust and whether to put her faith in the traditional teachings of her Ojibwe father, or follow the example of her white mother, uncle and grandmother. The situations she finds herself in are frequently dangerous and a couple of scenes are difficult to witness. Boulley keeps the tension high with a number of twists and turns in the plot. As happens in real life, not all the bad guys get what’s coming to them, but the ending is nevertheless satisfying.

Isabella Star leBlanc does a marvelous job of narrating the audiobook. Her pacing is good and I loved how she interpreted Daunis.

Jun 9, 2023, 7:43 am

Nothing Special VII Ex Meridian - A.E. Via - (Georgia)
Nothing Special series Book #7
Narrator: Aiden Snow
Genera: M/M Romance/Police procedural /Thriller
Take a man and strip him of his ability to feel compassion, empathy, remorse, or any of the emotions that make him human, but leave the ones that ignite rage and aggression and you have the perfect killing machine – now imagine two of them. Code names Ex and Meridian are synonymous for “guaranteed death” to international terrorists. Two broken men from the same crooked streets, recruited into an unsanctioned government program that few know about. Trained to operate most efficiently – lethally – together. When Ex returns from an op in Bolivia to learn his little brother has been accidentally killed in a feud between drug gangs, he’s stateside before he can consider the rules he’ll be breaking, and of course Meridian is right beside him. There’s mayhem on the streets of Atlanta and the police are losing control. If Godfrey and his elite team of detectives can’t get the job done, then they’d be happy to lighten their caseloads for them. And neither Ex nor Meridian cares about doing it quietly.

This book was awesome! Not only do we have EX and Meridian, two Alphas who are especially trained to stop any and all bad people and things, but also the entire Atlanta Narcotics Task Force are back with special appearances by Ty and Kel from The Bounty Hunters series! I disagree with the tile it IS SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL! The two killing machines are in town, trying to find a killer as fast as they can before they themselves will be called upon to do their duty. They are working against the clock to find out if the local drug task force is corrupt because they have not been convicting anyone for quite some time now. Said task force is headed by two lieutenants, Cashel Godfrey (God), and Leonidis Day, together with seven of the "baddest" cops in Atlanta...perhaps the entire state of Georgia. Enter now our two new bad, good guys...Ex and Meridian. They were both trained to do their jobs perfectly, without the slightest show of emotions...precise and without a single second thought. The perfect killing machines. But having someone you love killed can allow emotions long curtailed and tamped down to return to the surface again. God and his team have never met men like this before. Trained killers, but they aren't threatening God's team...they have an agenda, and they actually want to help God take someone down. God wonders if he and his team can trust two strangers with that much fire power. Ex and Meridian have been partners for a long time. They move in sync with each other in a flawless, graceful dance. After meeting God, Day and their team, they realize they might actually be able to act on the feelings they've been suppressing for years. Is it really possible to be partners and lovers? Does that make you more vulnerable or more dangerous? This story was so good! The excitement, the heat, the foreplay. All of it! As always, seeing God, Day, and the other men on the team is always "something special". I'm just hoping we see Ex and Meridian again too! I love listening to narrator, Aiden Snow. His voices of these characters were simply amazing. He let you hear the love, anger, anguish, loneliness and protectiveness among all these strong men. Good job again, Mr. Snow,

Edited: Jun 9, 2023, 8:15 am

Hide Bound - Jodi Payne & B A Tortuga - (New York)
Les's Bar series Book #2
Peter Marshall has had enough of working for Parks and Rec when he comes across an opening for a real carpentry job and decides to give it a go. Building things is his passion, so even though the shop seems a little out there, and the owner seems pretty grumpy, Peter decides to go for it. Brandon McPhail wishes he didn’t have to have to hire a new carpenter, but his current one is going out on maternity leave. He’s especially wary of this kid who can’t possibly be old enough to spell BDSM, let alone know what the lifestyle means. But Peter impresses Brandon with both his talent and his tenacity, so Brandon hires him on, reminding himself that he’s in a wheelchair due to his MS, he had a terrible experience in his last relationship, and despite how clueless Peter is about the lifestyle, he’s not interested in taking on another sub. The chemistry between them is undeniable, though, and it’s not long before they’re exploring what they can learn from each other. Peter is a natural at fulfilling Brandon’s needs, and Brandon thinks he’s teaching Peter everything he’s eager to learn, but when danger threatens, they have to help their friends through it while trying to navigate their new relationship.

The relationship between Peter and Brandon was special and a perfect match. There are 3 books in this series, and I believe each can easily be read as a stand-alone, but they are better if read in order, since previous characters meander through the stories. I had previously read book #1,Just Dex. In that book, we had met Peter and Brandon as Peter had visited Brandon's leather shop. In this book, we get to learn how they met and became that perfect couple. We also get to revisit Cyrus and learn about his life before he met Dex. I don't really understand the title of this series, since there is little to do with Les's Bar...but Les is a character and the bar is visited once in a while in each book. The book itself generally feels good because there is so much love, respect, between the two men. These authors really handle the kink element well...and the readers may not ever want to take up the lifestyle, they do learn that it's not as overwhelming as it sounds.

Jun 9, 2023, 9:55 am

Perfect Fit - Aimee Nicole Walker - (Georgia)
Fated Hearts series Book #4
Narrator: Conner Brown
Genera: M/M Romance
Two incurable bachelors, one incredible journey. Jagger Jackson hides behind a sexy playboy veneer, hoping people see him as a man who doesn't believe in love rather than one who doesn't deserve it. Miller Brexler's carefree bachelorhood is the perfect lifestyle for him, or so he's convinced himself and everyone around him. Can two imperfect men make a perfect fit? JJ and Miller are brought together when their best friends meet and fall in love. Though they try to resist one another, the attraction sparking between them refuses to be ignored. What starts as "just sex" could become so much more if JJ can come to terms with his painful past, and Miller is willing to admit that love may be the missing piece in his seemingly perfect life. Will these two stubborn hearts admit they might've been wrong about love, or will they allow the chance at true happiness to slip away?

Of the 4 books I’ve read in the "Fated Hearts" series this one so far has been my favorite. It was nice seeing their love build, that this wasn’t instalove right off. All have been great stories with sweet, wonderful characters but the plot in this one came across as more realistic. JJ has believed he doesn’t deserve love for the better part of his life. Having endured trauma no one should have to go through his guilt eats away at him to the point where he cuts himself off emotionally from all the people he loves. Miller likes his attachment free bachelorhood. He has no need for relationships being a "love them and leave them" kind of guy. He is in no way prepared for the attraction he feels for his mutual friend, JJ. We get to sit back and watch JJ and Miller give into their crazy attraction and insatiable lust. Believing it’s a one-off they are unprepared for the pull they have for one another. Deciding to try a "friend with benefits" type of relationship both men willing explore their desire for one another. Having two alpha men, who are deathly afraid of commitment come together, you know that there are bound to be snags along the way. JJ and Miller fight to be together and when they get to the point where they admit their feelings amazing things happen. The story is full of drama, angst, trauma, and a lot of sexy time. It was really good to finally hear JJ’s story and to see him find happiness with Miller.

Jun 9, 2023, 5:48 pm

Lake Of the Ozarks– Bill Geist

Subtitle: My Surreal Summers in a Vanishing America

This is a charming memoir of the author’s teen-year summers spent working at his uncle’s resort at Lake of the Ozarks in the mid 1960s. He was a busboy, a bellhop, a dishwasher, a janitor, a kids’ counselor, a groundskeeper, a chauffeur, a delivery man. He did any and all distasteful jobs and enjoyed the company of a bevy of lovely young women who served as housemaids and/or waitresses. The pay was abysmal, but they got free room and board, a fair quantity of beer, and, perhaps most importantly, a certain sense of independence. They also occasionally got pretty nice tips, which virtually all the staff used to help pay for their college educations. They made some life-long friendships, and a few romances led to marriage.

While my current sensibilities were sometimes appalled at the behavior these teens engaged in, I had to admit to fond memories of some of my own summer jobs, and especially of the summer staff I met at a local lake resort when I was singing with a band who was performing at the resort supper club one summer. Ah, the indestructability of youth!

Jun 10, 2023, 11:46 am

One Down - Diana Wilkeson - (England)
Narrator: Rose Robinson
Genera: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
I’m not being paranoid. It’s all there in the crossword clues...in black and white. There’s no doubt the threat is real. Today, the answers spell out my murder. May Third. Amanda. Silver Birch. Noontime. Assassination. Is Nathan, my estranged crossword-setter husband, really planning to kill me? Or is it someone closer to home? I check the door is bolted, slither to the ground, and count down the seconds to noon. There’s nothing left to do, and no one I can call. Who’d believe me anyway? The lady on the ground floor has already left the building, and my new boyfriend is on holiday. Or is he? A tread of footsteps. A rap at the door, and I close my eyes, hold my breath...

It gives you an entirely new outlook on crossword puzzles, that's for sure. Completing the crossword puzzle is a part of Amanda’s daily routine, a thing she does to distract herself. When she starts to see clues that are meant for her, anxiety and need for alcohol increases. She wonders if it could be Is her ex-husband sending a message to her through the clues. Afterall, he blames her for a horrible accident. Whoever it is, they mean to cause her paranoia or even worse, death. I was intrigued by this story. Amanda is an interesting character and evoked a few emotions. She’s tragic, vulnerable, frustrating and relatable all at once. She’s an interesting case study for addiction and the hold it can take on a person. One moment, I wanted to hug her and the next, I wanted to shake some good old common sense into her. She certainly didn’t always make good life choices. She didn’t however, deserve to have the experiences she was having. Nathan...the ex-husband, liked to think he’s strong but, like Amanda, he battles insecurities and addiction also. They just manifest differently. There was definitely a narcissistic streak in him and kept you wondering if he was a good guy or a bad guy. In fact, Diane Wilkinson plants seeds of doubt all the way through and at one point you just give up and suspect everyone...everyone except that is except Teddy. The story is told mainly from the point of view of Amanda and Nathan and the plot is certainly unique and develops well. I was well and truly hooked. To sum it up the book is a compelling, dark, twisted, clever psychological thriller about addiction and revenge. If you like puzzles or are looking for a gripping read, this book is absolutely perfect.

Jun 10, 2023, 12:10 pm

Darling Girl
Liz Michalski
3/5 stars
This is a dark remake about the Peter Pan story which revolves around Holly, whose mother is the original Wendy from the fairy tale. Holly finds out that her daughter Eden, who has been in a coma for years is gone. Holly is convinced that Peter Pan took her and she gets help from Christopher Cooke, a former soldier to find her daughter before it is too late.

Jun 10, 2023, 1:33 pm

Nothing Special VIII- Swat Ed, Fox & Bull - A E Via - (Georgia)
Nothing Special Series Book #8
Genera: M/M Romance/Police Procedural
A fox can set many traps to catch his target—but this one only needs one to catch his. Dominic “Bull” Walker is used to the simpler things in life. Give him his own land to work, a strong horse, and twelve hours of daylight, and he is a contented man. But when someone threatens to take away the successful ranch that took him two years to rebuild, he’ll accept any help he can get to defend it. Mandel “Fox” Tucker is a sixth-generation SWAT soldier. It’s embedded in his bones to protect and serve his community. So when he gets word of the vandalism occurring on the Walker Ranch, he quickly volunteers the free time he has, thanks to his recent suspension. The brief visit Fox had with Bull four months ago had been a contentious—but powerful—encounter. Therefore, he’s not surprised when he shows up on his doorstep unannounced and has to pull out some of his best tricks to get past the six-foot-four, stubborn Texan. Fox is only there to safeguard what’s most important to Bull. But being on the ranch brings an awareness to him that he embraces with both hands. Nature, peace… love—things he never found in the city.

This book follows perfectly in the footsteps of the other seven, (7), in this series. The books in this series diffidently need to be read in order, as many of the characters from the previous books come to visit. We've met Fox and Bull in some of the previous, Nothing Special books and the chemistry was electrical, even though they were then only secondary characters. A.E. Via has built a world of upstanding law enforcement officers, in the corrupt "book world" of Atlanta, Georgia. We would hope this doesn't represent reality...but unfortunately, it probably does to some extent...and not just in Atlanta. In this book we follow Fox into to a ranch outside of Atlanta to help out friends that we have met before. I was impressed how well she incorporated the ranching world and the law enforcement world in order to bring Fox and Bull together. We find Fox and Bull reunited on the ranch, when a SWAT assignment comes apart at the seams. Fox is then suspended and is at odds on what to do with himself. Meanwhile, on the ranch, Bull is still dealing with vandalism that threatens to take down his ranch once and for all. With a lot of time on his hands Fox shows up to help out. The author plays up the explosive chemistry from the previous story to create a ton of tension, making this a bit of a slow burn. She creates some very memorable side characters in addition to Fox and Bull. Pop, Bull’s father and Amelia are fantastic. We also meet Dale, the ranch foreman and Ridby, who might have some heat of their own to explore. Then there was a beautiful horse that Fox made fast friends with. Of course, God and Day and the reat of the gang make an appearance to help save the day. The guys are a tough as nails bunch but you can't help falling in love with Bull and Fox...and you can help them solve the vandalism that's occurring at the ranch. Another great addition to the series. I'm so looking forward to her next book.

Jun 10, 2023, 4:37 pm

The Luck Runs Out / Charlotte MacLeod
3 stars

Helen is kidnapped (temporarily) when she and her husband Peter are shopping and the kidnappers come in to rob the place. Luckily, she is soon found and brought back no worse for wear. Meantime, the agricultural college’s (where both Peter and Helen work) pregnant pig is also kidnapped. And the local farrier turns up murdered. What happened here? Was it all the same person, or are these unrelated crimes?

This was ok. I liked the first in the series better. This was pretty slow-moving. Some of the terminology felt… pretentious? (Trying to come up with a good word.) Maybe it was supposed to be, since there are so many academics in the book? I did lose interest periodically, so I missed how they figured out “who dun it”, though at least I did catch the “who”. I will read the next book in the series before deciding if I want to continue further.

Jun 10, 2023, 5:16 pm

Tell it to the Trees / Anita Rau Badami
4.25 stars

Varsha is 13-years old (or 12?) when her half brother, Hemant, is born. Varsha’s had a tough life until now: her mother was leaving her father when she was in a car crash and died. Not long after, her father headed to India to bring home a new bride. Varsha is so scared of her new Mama leaving that she hides Suman’s passport so she is unable to.

Why might Suman want to leave? Abuse. It’s why Varsha’s mother tried to leave. When Vikram (Varsha’s father) decides to rent out the little house behind theirs in this tiny rural area in B.C. a former classmate (whom he does not remember), Anu, comes from NYC in hopes of getting some writing done. While there, she befriends Suman and Vikram’s mother, Akka. And slowly figures out something is wrong with the family.

This was told from many different points of view, including Suman, Anu, Varsha, and Hemant, so we got to see almost everyone’s perspective of what was going on. Varsha became very possessive – she was very controlling (reminiscent of her father?); I initially felt badly for her, but came to quite dislike her. And the end? I liked it although many might not due to it being open-ended, so we don’t really know how it continues or what happens, though I suppose we can guess. I think this would make a good book club book with lots to discuss.

Jun 11, 2023, 8:58 am

All Good People Here - Ashley Flowers - (Indiana)
Genera: Mystery & Suspense
Narrator: Karissa Vacker
A journalist uncovers her hometown’s dark secrets when she becomes obsessed with the unsolved murder of her childhood neighbor—and the disappearance of another girl twenty years later. You can’t ever know for sure what happens behind closed doors.

Shifting between the time around January’s murder and the present, we are thrown back and forth. Though this should in all reality be confusing, Ashley Flowers does it masterfully. A good thriller for me is how much can the author give away and yet allow us to guess along and be surprised. The dual timeline definitely helps here as we are always thinking about January’s case from two different perspectives, gathering different insights from both the past and present. Ultimately, this made for a really interesting reading experience. It also helped to peel back the many layers bit by bit. A picture of the events surrounding January’s death slowly starts to form. If you think you figured out the truth...think again. There’s a twist that will send your brain spinning in a totally different direction. I felt all the twists and turns made sense within the storyline actually showing how complicated real crime investigations usually are. The truth is rarely as simple as we think it should be or would like it to be. This book portrays this beautifully. It's not a "true crime" thriller...but it could be with very little effort.

Jun 11, 2023, 3:14 pm

Finding Their Way - A.M. Arthur (Delawre)
Restoration Series Book 2
Genera: M/M Romance

Thanks to an abusive father and a string of bad relationships, Riley McCage learned the hard way that people are not kind without a reason. Now, after landing a job at popular bar Pot O Gold, Riley is on the right track...until the night Boxer finds him drunk and drugged in the back room of an exclusive sex party. Donald “Boxer” Boxwood wasn’t looking for anything beyond some casual kink until he peeled Riley off the floor and gave him a safe place to stay. But there’s something compelling about the guy crashing on his couch, and the two forge an instant friendship that eases into unmistakable attraction. Despite Riley’s hesitancy, Boxer knows one thing to be true: he needs Riley in his life. Riley risked everything to run away and build a new life for himself, and his secrets aren’t something he’d ever wish upon his kind, gentle new friend. But when the past comes to call, he’ll have no choice but to put his trust in Boxer, and believe people can change enough to deserve a second chance.

Riley McGage has a secret...his identity is bought and paid for to keep his angry, gay-bashing alcoholic police detective of a father from ever laying hands on him again. Riley is a bartender at the Pot 'O Gold bar in Wilmington, Delaware, and has met many a sexy man there. His current boyfriend, Brett does something unforgivable and coldhearted to Riley at a party. Another party attendee, Boxer, sees what’s going to happen and comes to Riley's rescue. Boxer is a hulking tattooed man who recognizes both Brett and Riley from the Pot 'O Gold, and steps in and takes Riley back to his place. Riley can’t believe that gentle giant Boxer is really as nice as he seems. They develop friendship, one based on mutual heartache and loneliness. Riley is grateful for Boxer’s help...then he needs someone to help rescue a stray, under nourished, dog, plus he also needs a place to stay while his housemate’s parents come for an extended visit. Boxer doesn't hesitate. It turns out that Boxer is an exceptional man. Having Riley in his home helps to bring the two men close enough to develop an attraction. I think I liked Riley’s growth and exploration just as much as Boxer did. This a love story that is both tentative and sweet. We meet some old friends when characters from the previous book come to visit and help Riley come to terms with his father. Rilley father is a police detective, and his partner is Detective Carey who Riley accidently meets. Riley is afraid that his cover is blown. He's successfully hidden from his homophobic father who caused his to leave home shortly after graduating from high school and who Riley has managed to avoid ever since. Everyone tells Riley his father has changed. They say he is now sober and desperately looking for his runaway gay son, but Riley doesn't dare to take that chance. There are really some great connections and fabulous communications between all the parties here. Riley may not have believed everything Boxer said at first, but he was never in doubt about how Boxer felt, especially about him, and how he felt about Boxer. Overall...the story has amazing characters, a great romance, and very little angst, that has you smiling.

Jun 11, 2023, 4:14 pm

Denali's Howl / Andy Hall
3.5 stars

In 1967, twelve people climbed Alaska’s (also North America’s) highest mountain, Denali (aka Mt. McKinley). The group was actually two groups “stitched” together before the climb, so many didn’t know each other, or didn’t know each other well, nor were really prepared to work (well) together. Only five survived. The author’s father worked for the park service at the time and was involved in the search afterward. This covers what is known of the climb, the aftermath, and speculation about what may have happened to the seven who never made it back.

I listened to the audio and it’s another where I sometimes lost interest. But the portions I paid attention to were interesting. Of course, in the 1960s, the hiking gear was not as advanced, nor was communication, so it was harder to know if there was really something wrong if you didn’t hear from someone via radio when you were supposed to. This book has made me interested to possibly look up some of the other books on the same mountaineering disaster on Denali.

Edited: Jun 12, 2023, 7:24 am

Loving Edie - Meredith May
Narrator: Candace Thaxton
Genera: Memoir/Cute Dog (is that a genera? It should be!)
Meredith May had a difficult childhood, with a mother who was physically present but emotionally absent. She learned early on to fend for herself, and never had to care for anyone else. When she and her wife, Jenn, adopt Edie, a sweet golden retriever puppy with saucer brown eyes and buttery white fur, Edie wins their hearts immediately. But it isn’t long after Edie joins the family that the problems begin. Edie is an unusually anxious dog. She cowers around most people and the slightest noise sends her into a frenzy. Edie’s fears become so intense that Meredith and Jenn can’t leave the house. Is this normal puppy behavior or something more? Meredith grows determined to fix Edie, but what will she do if Edie can’t be fixed?

It's a memoir type of story but was occasionally very, very hard to read. The author impulsively buys Edie, a golden retriever puppy, from a breeder. So many animals need loving homes; I am always saddened when someone chooses to buy a pet from a breeder. Okay....soap box safely put away! To make the situation even worse, the author's expectations were way, way, way over the poor puppies' capabilities. She expects Edie to be just like her two previous golden retrievers. Baby dogs are no different than baby people...each is different. I don’t understand how someone can claim to be a dog person and not understand that. Each dog is an individual with their own needs and preferences. When Edie turns out to be highly sensitive with special needs related to her anxiety, the author describes her as “broken.” I almost stopped listening at this point as it didn't seem that it was going to be good for that poor little puppy. She and her wife soon get frustrated at their inability to “fix” this sweet little girl, they actually discuss giving her up or...heaven forbid...having her euthanized. On the plus side, and I was glad to see there was a plus side... the author shares her story in an honest and compelling way, including how she and her wife were both traumatized as children, and how that trauma may be affecting their relationship with each other and with Edie. The author keeps trying to help Edie and eventually finds a team of people who can assist her. They learn to understand and trust each other. That journey is an interesting as well as a touching story.

Jun 12, 2023, 9:27 am

Icy Sparks – Gwyn Hyman Rubio
Book on CD performed by Kate Miller

From the book jacket: Rural Kentucky in the 1950s is not an easy place to grow up, and it’s especially hard for ten-year-old Icy Sparks, an orphan who lives with her grandparents. Life becomes even more difficult for Icy when violent tics and uncontrollable cursing begin – symptoms brought on by a troubling affliction that goes undiagnosed until her adulthood.

My reactions
We know much more about Tourette’s Syndrome today than during the timeframe of this story, and I hope even the residents of rural Appalachia would be more compassionate about a young girl so afflicted.

Icy Sparks jumps off the pages of this book straight into the reader’s heart. This is a child who is curious, intelligent, kind, loving, and who learns to stand up to bullies and fight for herself. She shows empathy and compassion in her dealings with others even when they ostracize and belittle her. I loved her friendship with Miss Emily, an obese woman who knows a thing or two about being friendless and lonely. I wanted to throttle the teacher who so obviously hated this child. I was glad that the principal showed more genuine caring for Icy and that he made efforts to help and encourage her. And I can’t say enough bad things about the hospital worker who delighted in inflicting pain (physical and mental) on the vulnerable patients in her charge. As distressing as that episode was for Icy, it helped define the woman she would become.

Kate Miller does an excellent job narrating the audiobook. She brought these characters to life, and I really loved how she interpreted Icy. However, I realized pretty quickly that this was an abridged audio, so I abandoned it in favor of reading the text.

Jun 12, 2023, 9:57 am

Mr. Perfect - Aimee Nicole Walker - (Georgia)
Sinister in Savannah series Book #2
Narrator: Tristan James
Genera: M/M Romance/Mystery & Suspense
Word-slinger. Purveyor of truth. Jaded heart. By day, Felix Franklin is an investigative journalist. By night, he produces Sinister in Savannah, an investigative podcast, with his two best friends. Felix's life revolves around three principles: fortune favors the bold, honesty is everything, and love is for schmucks. The podcast is back to investigate allegations that a local businessman is dabbling in money laundering. On the surface, everything about Cameron Spencer, aka The Auto King, appears to be perfect. The trio of trouble quickly learns all that glitters is not gold. Seeking the truth will challenge Felix's convictions and put his life in grave danger. The biggest threat to his well-being isn't an unknown villain; it's the reappearance of his first and only love. Jude Arrow had it all: great looks, charming personality, and a lucrative career as Atlanta's hottest news anchor. So, why had he recently relocated to Savannah? When the two reporters are forced to work together, Felix will get a chance to ask him. The answer will stun Felix until he remembers not to believe anything that comes out of the heartbreaker's pretty mouth.

It seems natural for some folks to carry some of their inferiority complexes that occurred when they were younger, into adulthood. Sometimes the bullying they got from these complexes stay with them longer...sometimes for an entire lifetime. I thought that this was going to be the case for Felix Franklin, when he met his first love Jude Arrow, again. The whole thing started back in college when someone told Felix that Jude had spread something derogatory about his mother. It was probably true...but still hurtful to young Felix none the less. Now Jude is back, and both he and Felix, are now more mature adults. Felix is an investigative journalist who has earned the reputation of always seeking and telling the truth and being relentless in pursuing justice for those who are unable get it on their own. Together with his two best friends, Rocky and Jonah, they created the "Sinister in Savannah" podcast which has gained a lot of listeners due to a recent case that was reopened and solved after it was botched up badly by both the police and lawyers who handled it. Injustice was committed and the wrong person was punished. Now we come to Jude who was the “Love of Felix’s Life,” up until the perceived betrayal during their freshman year in college. Jude moved to Savannah after his career had ended in Atlanta. He did this all because Felix was in Savannah. Jude now anchors the news for a local television network. Their paths cross again when a case that "Sinister in Savannah" is currently working on is found to have ties to a previous interview that Jude had done when he came back to Atlanta. Felix and Jude find that their love may be cold, but it is anything but dead. Now they just have to work out half a lifetime of grievances and miss understandings. For those who have read the first book, Ride the Lightning, it was focused on another couple, Jonah and Avery, but it laid out the groundwork for the storyline of this, the second book. The "Sinister in Savanah" series, has everything you could possibly want to create not only a really good story, laced with plenty of suspense, mystery, friendship, chosen family and love, but also memorable, likable characters.

Jun 13, 2023, 7:53 am

Marauder - Clive Cussler & Boyd Morrison - (Australia)
Oregon Files Series Book #15
Genera: Mystery & Suspense/Thriller
It's up to Juan Cabrillo and the crew of his ship, the Oregon, to stop a terrorist plot to release a deadly chemical weapon across the globe. While interrupting an attack on a Kuwaiti oil tanker, Juan Cabrillo and his team discover something even more dangerous: a ruthless billionaire's dying wish has allowed a paralyzing chemical to end up in the hands of a terrorist group. When an Oregon crew member falls victim to the poison, Juan Cabrillo will stop at nothing to find an antidote before it is too late. He and his team must connect an ancient mystery with a cunning modern enemy in order to save millions of innocent lives, including their own.

The "Oregan Files" has been one of my favorite series for a very long time. There are 17 books in the series and whether or not there will be any more after book #17, is anybody's guess. If there is...then there will be many more hair-raising adventures with Juan Cabrillo and the Oregan crew...if there isn't...it was a tremendous, unforgettable time that I will always remember. The Mystery & Suspense group on LibraryThing has been reading this series as a group since 2016 and we just finished this one, #15. The real "hero" of this series is The Oregon... a deceptively derelict-looking tramp steamer that contains more than a few "fun gadgets" cloaked in secrets. It was designed and run by her brilliant and heroic captain, Juan Cabrillo and his expert crew, as a for-profit Corporation, guided by Cabrillo's extremely moral compass, these books never fail to impress and captivate. We first met the Oregon, and her crew many years ago when they were first introduced as "guest" in another Cussler hero's series...Dirk Pitt, in Flood Tide ...another Cussler series well worth the time to read. This one is mostly set in Australia; our usual crew have to deal with a couple of dastardly Chinese business-people and their plan for a 'bigger than life" disaster during the Sydney new year celebrations. As usual, Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison have written a tale that is exciting as well as thrilling. The technology is believable, (I want some of it), and the plot is absorbing. The usual heroes are heroes in very sense of the word and the villains are as vile as they come...making for another great read. I have read all the "Oregon" series and they are the type of books that will keep you up all night reading...in a word..."Superb".

Jun 13, 2023, 10:58 am

Secret Fire - Morticia Knight - (Arizona)
Uniform Encounters series Book #1
Genera: M/M Romance
Police officer, Zach and Fire Marshal, Daryl would be perfect together—if they would ever quit fighting long enough to find out. A devastating fire and the secret behind it almost keep them from getting what they really need—each other. Mesa police officer, Zach is a fun-loving guy. Now that he’s hit the big three-o, he’s looking to stop the hook-up train and find someone he can get serious about. When a mutual friend suggests Fire Marshal Daryl, Zach assumes he must be joking. The surly marshal has given cranky a new meaning. It’s unfortunate, since he is one fine-looking man. A night of passion turns into the possibility of something more as they struggle to find their way to one another. But all of that becomes threatened when there is a devastating fire that causes many people to lose their lives. As they work together to uncover the truth, someone thinks they’ve asked too many questions—and plans to stop them before they can ask any more.

It's a story about an outgoing cop being set up with a prickly fire marshal, in which we get the awkward first interaction, the misunderstandings, the hot sex and again, too much miscommunication. I've read most of Morticia Knight's work and absolutely loved them all...but this one felt a bit alien...almost as if it was written on one of Ms. Knight's "off days". Not by any means a bad book...just didn't have the same feels as her others. The misunderstandings between the two became an on again off again thing and to me, it was just too simple and clichéd. The sexual chemistry between the two was however off the charts, but Daryl’s constant amateurish behavior often had me wanting to shake him. To Daryl's credit, he did take care of Zack and stay by his side when Zack really needed him, so that earned him some credits and the book 4 stars.

Jun 13, 2023, 11:37 pm

The Second Life of Samuel Tyne / Esi Edugyan
3 stars

In the 1960s, Samuel and his wife Maud live in Calgary, Alberta. They had immigrated from Ghana (or the Gold Coast, as it was called when they lived there when younger, and as they still call it). When Samuel’s uncle (in small town Alberta) dies and leaves his house and land to Samuel, he up and moves his family (they also have twin daughters) to this small town. The twins are 12 or 13-years old and bring their “friend” (really, an acquaintance, as they don’t really have friends), Ama, with them for the summer while her parents are in France.

This was pretty slow-moving, but it was better than I expected. I didn’t like the first book I read by this author (can’t currently recall the title), but I decided to give this a try, anyway. Wow, those twins… something a little (a lot) wrong in their heads. Did not like the twins at all. In fact, none of the characters were particularly likable (oh, Ama’s likable, but that’s about it; felt really bad for her, actually). But the story was ok, better than expected.

Jun 14, 2023, 8:08 am

The Various Haunts of Men - Susan Hill - (England)
Genera: Crime/Police procedural
Narrator: Steven Pacey
A woman vanishes in the fog up on "the Hill", an area locally known for its tranquility and peace. The police are not alarmed; people usually disappear for their own reasons. But when a young girl, an old man, and even a dog disappear, no one can deny that something untoward is happening in this quiet town. Young policewoman Freya Graffham is assigned to the case; she's new to the job, compassionate, inquisitive, and dedicated. She and the enigmatic detective Chief Inspector Simon Serrailler have the task of unraveling the mystery behind this gruesome sequence of events.

This is the first in a series by Susan Hill, who is best known for her gothic, and chilling suspense novels. My favorite will always be The Woman in Black. I will admit to being a bit annoyed that this book really had nothing to do with Simon Serrailler. He was a secondary character through the entire story. Another thing that more than annoyed this animal lover was that they killed the dog! Seriously...was that really necessary to the story? The main character made some choices that were flat out idiocy. I understand that people do stupid things sometimes, but this woman, Freya Graffham, needed a 'handler". I found that I was actually continuing to read in order to see her next "I'm going to get myself killed" choice. Before I knew it, I was at the end of the book, and by the grace of God and Susan Hill's pen...she was still alive...so all's well that ends well. I have to give Ms. Hill credit that she didn't write a "happy ever after ending".... nor did she write crappy dialogue trying to force readers into believing or disbelieving anything about her characters. She let the reader use their "God -given" brain to decide for themselves. 4 Stars and I'll continue to read this author.

Jun 14, 2023, 9:29 am

Wholly Trinity - Jodi Payne & B A Tortuga - (New York)
Les's Bar Series Book #3
Genera: M/M Romance/BDSM
Dr. Isaac Daniels and Detective Neil Thrope have been on and off Dom and sub since they met a few years ago. Isaac is all in but he’s not everything switch Neil needs, so good as things are between them, they both know it’s not enough. Being in the BDSM community, Isaac and Neil were there to help when sub, Alain Remy Broussard was assaulted by a pair of Doms who didn’t ascribe to the notion of safe, sane, and consensual. Their friend, Dom and therapist Cyrus Hughes offered Alain a place to stay and has been working with the boy to help him regain trust. When Cyrus is called out of town suddenly, he calls on Isaac, who agrees to take Alain in while he’s away. Isaac feels instantly protective of Alain, but it’s Neil who quickly bonds with the sub. With Alain in the house, Neil might have found the balance he craves but thought was too much to ask for. Isaac, though, has only ever had that kind of connection with Neil. Will the Dom be able to get on board and love both men as they, and he, deserve?

I have loved this series and meeting these wonderful guys. I always hate to see a series by Jodi Payne and B. A. Tortuga end. In the front of each book, it states...“Note to readers: Each book in this series is a true standalone”. When I read this...the 3rd in the series I found that IF I had read them out of order that I would have felt that I had really missed something that was significant to understanding this one. It was so very obvious that Neil and Alain clicked right from the start. It was also obvious that Doc and Neil still solidly remained very much a loving couple...but that they had drifted somewhat because Doc was unsure how to meet Neil's needs. Along came Alain. He was so sweet and just wanted to serve and be loved. That Louisianna boy sure knew how to cook. You could gain 20 pounds just reading the book:) He was the perfect fit for the switch Doc and the Dom, Neil. As I said, I loved this series and all the guys, but this book was a longer, slow burn for me than the other two books. Then in the next breath the last few chapters went past at what seemed to be warp speed. Suddenly Neil was in rehab...then, just as suddenly he was back home with his two men... then he was out of a wheelchair and able to go out to dinner. Does it work like that in real life? The ending came a bit too quick also, when Alain and Neil get their dream fulfilled and they live happily ever after as a threesome. Don’t get me wrong...I loved this series...I loved all three guys in this story and the other men in the first two books...and I really, really wanted everything they ever wanted to work out for them. I just wished the pace had been a little bit more even, and that there was by some miracle, another 50 books in the series.

Edited: Jun 14, 2023, 1:10 pm

The Premonition: A Pandemic Story
by Michael Lewis
4/5 stars
Fascinating look at epidemics particularly revolving around Covid. The author discusses what caused it, who was affected by it and the men and women who fought it and tried to deter it. Well written!

Jun 14, 2023, 7:35 pm

Music To His Ears - Ariella Zoelle - (New York)
Harmony of Hearts series Book#4
Genera: M/M Romance
Sal and Haverford are forced to live together, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it. Sparks fly between them, but will it lead to love?
Sal Henrik - Coming home from a world tour early to find out my roommate sublet my room sucks. But being forced to share my room with the most annoying attorney on the planet? I’d rather launch myself into the sun, thanks. Since that’s not an option, and I refuse to be chased out of my own room, I have to suck it up and share a bed with my enemy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I discover Haverford is a secret cuddlebug—and worst of all, I don’t hate it. If he insists on staying in my space and making me delicious dinners, he has no one to blame but himself for making me fall in love with him, right?
Haverford Delaroche - My peaceful subletting situation is thrown into total chaos when Sal comes home early. We start as enemies, but I begrudgingly develop a fondness for his fiery tenacity. That doesn’t excuse me waking up every morning to discover I’m cuddling him like my favorite teddy bear, though. But when it feels like he was made for me to hold, how can I resist falling for Sal when he’s everything I didn’t know I needed?

This one was a bit different that the other three. Sal and Haverford (Ford) didn't just jump into a relationship immediately. Sal didn't even want Ford in the apartment much less in his room. He found that his roommate had sublet his room to Ford while he was gone with the band and Ford's kitchen was being remodeled. Sal did everything in his power to show Ford how much he hated him and how much he wanted him gone. Ford just smiled, explained that wasn't going to happen...and then baked him delicious pies and cakes. They bickered and bantered back and forth like two old wet hens...but somewhere along the way they began to know each other...then they shared that first kiss and the rest was history. You can't go wrong with any of Ariella Zoelle's books in this series if you want a story with no angst, best friends touring and singing together, steamy romance, and a bit of humor.

Jun 15, 2023, 9:09 am

Pretty Puppy - Morticia Knight - (Nevada)
Command & Care Series Book #6
Genera: M/M Romance/Puppy Play
Breaking Daddy Lee’s heart wasn’t intentional, but Ash has paid the price in misery ever since. Surely, a teensy little lie and a bit of scheming to get Lee back won’t backfire…Ash first met Daddy Lee when he was a young pup and just beginning his kink journey. If only he hadn’t been so flighty and full of himself, he could’ve seen what a rare treasure he had in the handsome older Dom. But now that Ash is back in town, he’s determined to make Lee’s heart go pitter-patter again by being the best doggone boy ever. Five years ago, luxury resort owner, Lee Petrovsky, fell too hard and fast for the pretty Asher Griffin. Ever since then, he’s resolved to seek out only older, more mature boys. There’s only one problem—no one has ever crushed the walls of steel around his heart the way Ash did. That doesn’t mean he’d ever take him back, though. No one makes a fool out of him and gets a second chance. Can Ash prove to Lee that this time it isn’t just a case of puppy love?

It was a short book...142 pages. I loved the setting of the Pet Play event. I knew there were pups, but never knew there were kittens and even horses. You learn something new every day if you read enough book:) Asher doesn't think of the consequences that might occur as a result of some of his ideas. As a result of his latest one, he almost blew his chance with Daddy Lee with his outrageous plan to get him back. Since he had already spent the money and brought all his belongings, he should have just gone and seen Lee and apologized and told him how much he wanted to be his "pup" again. Of course, that would have made an even shorter story. I laughed so much during Ash's attempt to train the pups. What a visual that was!! The Command & Care series has been an entertaining and enjoyable venture into a world that few people outside of the Lifestyle even know exists. Good work Ms. Knight.

Jun 15, 2023, 2:17 pm

Pop Star - Eden Finley
Famous Series Book #1
Narrator: Iggy Toma
Genera: M/M Romance
Harley - What happens when the most successful boy band on the planet breaks up? How about 20,000 fans screaming my name. But the price of fame comes with an increased risk to my safety. I've been avoiding the dreaded B word for as long as I can, but after a close call with a rambunctious fan, I can't do it anymore. It's time to give in. I need to hire a full-time bodyguard. And when he shows up, he not only screams badass, he's another B word I try to stay away from: boyfriend material.
Brix - Protecting people is not what my company usually does, but the boss knows I need money, and the pop star is offering an insane amount to live with him and make sure no more crazy fans break into his house. I'm doing it for the money and nothing else. He may be the prettiest man I've ever seen, and I may feel sorry for the celebrity life he's been forced into since he was a teenager, but that doesn't mean anything. Just because he fascinates me, that doesn't mean I like him. It doesn't. Professionalism. I'm gonna live it. Breathe it. Enforce it... Mostly.

I have read several Eden Finley's books and have really liked them all. With Pop Star, she gives the reader a sort of an insight into the redemption of boy band bad boy Harley Valentine, last seen causing "problems" for Jet and Soren in Hat Trick. Harley wasn't a bad guy at all. The arrogant guy from Hat Trick is really a guy who has no control over his own life because his record label won't let him come out. Harley's really a sensitive guy, someone who isn't really sure about anyone, whether they only like him because he was a boy band star or that he can make lots of money for his record label. A new adorable guy then makes his appearance as Harley's personal bodyguard. Anyone that has read any books with this bodyguard theme knows about how long it's going to be before they are more than bodyguard and client. I absolutely adored Brix, who got the role of bodyguard to lover because he saw underneath the exterior and into Harley's heart who was longing to have someone think he was "enough". Harley was perfect for Brix, he wants to be able to give up control, so he doesn't have to think about the complications of being ex-military, his financial issues, his pressures and responsibilities to his father. It was great how they bounced off each other with quick wit, but also listened when they were giving advice and support. I really enjoyed how their love and story developed.

Jun 15, 2023, 3:32 pm

So, I'm jumpin the gun a bit for "Christmas in July" ... cataract surgery this month is messing with my reading and I just need "light and fluffy" ...

The Santa Suit – Mary Kay Andrews
Book on CD read by Kathleen McInerney

Ivy Perkins is newly divorced and struggling to launch an independent PR / marketing firm. Trying to get away from her ex (and her ex-best-friend), she buys an old farmstead sight unseen. The to-do list grows ever larger as her bank account dwindles. But she has a hunk of a real-estate agent, who is also a very handy man when it comes to fixing things. When she finds a vintage Santa suit in a closet, she begins researching the previous owners, and especially trying to find what happened to the little girl who wrote the note tucked in a pock of the suit.

This is a charming holiday rom-com with a bit of mystery. The small town is full of colorful characters, and as Ivy begins to become known around town she opens up to her new friends and to the possibility of a new romance.

The ending is neatly tied up in a pretty ribbon, but hey, it’s a holiday romance, so I’m okay with that. I was a bit disappointed that the storyline regarding the candy company – also related to Ivy’s getting her own marketing firm going – fizzled out. I wanted to know more about both Ivy’s and Nancy’s success.

Kathleen McInerney does a fine job of narrating the audiobook.

Jun 16, 2023, 9:36 am

Red on the River - Christine Feehan - (Nevada)
Narrator: Alyssa Bresnahan
Genre: Paranormal Mystery/Romance
Quiet and serene, Sunrise Lake is the perfect place for travelers and vacationers to get away. But with dangers both natural and man-made in the surroundings, no one is safe. Vienna Mortenson isn’t your typical gambler. She prefers to stay under the radar, using her poker winnings to support her family and her community, including the local search and rescue team, which she heads up. Out in the backcountry there’s no time for hesitation when lives are on the line. Vienna prides herself on being tough and decisive. She’s not the sort to make a fool of herself over a guy, especially one who left her high and dry without a backward glance. Zale Vizzini’s job constantly puts him in harm’s way. Working undercover and disappearing for months at a time isn’t exactly a recipe for a stable relationship. Despite the challenges and the risks, Zale wants something real with Vienna. He just needed time to figure out how to be in her life without putting her in danger. Now, he’s determined to win her back, and he’s ready to lay all his cards on the table. As their friends’ wedding approaches, Zale takes advantage of the festivities to make a play for Vienna’s heart. But there are more deadly forces waiting to strike in the rugged terrain of Nevada and the western Sierras. Soon both of their lives are threatened, and the odds are stacked against them.

It's been ages since I read a Christine Feehan book. I read all of, and absolutely loved her Dark Carpathian series...so was interested to see how this one was going to fare out. Different... but I believe will just as good, eventually. Few characters can match those sexy vampire-like beings from that series, but I did love Zale Vizzini in this one. I said..."will eventually be just as good", so I need to clarify that. About 60% of the book focused on the women bonding. There was so much detail on their group conversations and too much, mostly non-essential to the story detail, about their activities...hiking, kayaking, and climbing. Some of these details about the women were repeated multiple times. It was almost as if the story needed to be stretched out or the author had to account for a certain number of words. I'm used to there being plenty of "spooky activity" in her books and I kept waiting for something, anything other than hiking, climbing and kayaking...to happen. So many of the scenes seemed to have no real purpose. Please don't think that this book didn't have promise and some really good parts, or that it was in any way badly written. Based on her previous work I was just expecting a bit more. Because Christine Feehan has always produced top-of-the-line stories...I will happily read the next book in this series...and I may have to pay the Carpathians a revisit.

Edited: Jun 16, 2023, 3:51 pm

Nothing Special New Year - A. E. Via - (Georgia)
Nothing Special Series Book 7.5
Narrator: Aiden Snow
Genera: M/M Romance/Police Procedural
New Year's Eve is usually a night of fun and wild celebrations, but for a police officer, it can be the most dangerous night of the year. Officer Ellis Mason has worked as a beat cop on the streets of Atlanta for more than eight years, and he knows what it takes to survive them. But when Lieutenant Godfrey and his infamous narcotics task force issue a dire warning about a lethal drug that's coming to the city, Mason finds himself fighting a war he's not trained for, with God pushing him beyond his limits. Mason and his partner are both on high alert, but the moment he stops the tall, handsome drifter who wandered into town, Mason knows he doesn't belong. Jesse Holstrom is lost and possibly in trouble, but Mason's instincts tell him that it isn't the drug-dealing kind. Every night that Mason patrols by and sees Jesse huddled on a park bench, cold and alone, it pulls at his heart a little more. Mason doesn't know how the young man ended up homeless and lost in his neighborhood, but when Jesse ends up on God's radar, Mason knows he doesn't have long to find out. Mason promised himself he wouldn't let a good thing slip through his fingers again...not this year.

This isn't exactly a novella but it is a much shorter addition to the series that features our favorite task force members who as usual are working hard to keep Atlanta safe. The story revolves around a couple of the non-task force members. Officer Mason and his partner are on beat patrol when they find Jesse Holstrom who has been wandering the streets homeless and broke after traveling to Atlanta after a friend invites him to stay with him. However, said friend was arrested for procession of drugs, on his way to pick Jesse up from the bus station. In some ways this was a blessing in itself, however it left Jesse alone in a strange, sometimes dangerous city, struggling. One of his saviors...Ellis Mason, is smitten with him and after Jesse nearly starving and freezing to death, Mason convinces Jesse to trust him and their relationship begins. There is, of course a much larger story before we get to the happy ever after part...but it's well worth the wait.

Jun 16, 2023, 3:22 pm

The Farm – Joanne Ramos
Digital audiobook narrated by Fran de Leon.

Jane, an immigrant from the Philippines, is searching for a better opportunity to secure the future for herself and her daughter. So, the chance to become a “host” at Golden Oaks – a luxury resort in New York’s Hudson Valley – seems ideal. She’ll have every amenity: organic meals, a personal fitness trainer, daily massages, and an idyllic setting. All she has to do is be a surrogate mother for someone else’s child. But things at “The Farm” (as Jane and her fellow surrogates refer to it), aren’t as ideal as the brochures promise.

While the original premise seems plausible, the reality of Jane’s situation quickly devolves into a somewhat dystopian nightmare. She seems to be being played by not only those who run the operation but, perhaps, by one or more fellow surrogates. It also seems that the relative she’s entrusted with her daughter’s care while she spends nine months at Golden Oaks isn’t as trustworthy as Jane originally thought. All this adds to the tension … both for Jane and for the reader.

It certainly held my attention and I really wanted to see how Jane would fare in this scenario. I think this would be a work that book clubs would love to discuss.

Fran de Leon does a fine job narrating the audio. She has good diction and keep a good pace. There are a lot of characters, most of them female, and there were a few times when I got confused about who was speaking, but I quickly caught up.

Jun 16, 2023, 11:08 pm

The Dog Who Wouldn't Be / Farley Mowat
3.5 stars

In the 1930s, Farley Mowat and his parents moved to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. They wanted a dog. His father wanted a hunting dog, but since that was too expensive, his mother just bought a dog a little boy was selling for cheap door-to-door. They called him Mutt. This book includes stories that mostly focus on Mutt.

Actually my favourite chapter was the one with the two owls (Mowat used those owls in his fictional kids’ story, “Owls in the Family”). The book was more like short stories, but that’s ok. Mutt was a character. A lot of people seem to consider this a children’s book, but I didn’t think it read that way. A boy and his dog, sure. I suppose that would appeal, but it didn’t seem particularly written for kids. I’m rating it good.

Jun 17, 2023, 2:01 pm

The Haunting of Kinnawe House - Steven Rigolosi - (Maine)
Narrator: Doug Greene
Genera: Horror/Paranoral
The Haunting of Kinnawe House traces the destruction wrought by the preacher, Parthalán Kinnawe, over multiple generations. It also tells the story of a haunted young man who learns that, at his weakest, he is also at his strongest. Matthew Rollins, an aspiring singer/songwriter, takes a job as caretaker of Kinnawe House in Agamenticus, Maine. The haunting begins immediately upon Matthew's arrival, when the ghost of his mother appears. Threatening, ghostly strangers stalk the property. The cellar is filled with mysterious, foul-smelling casks. And with each day, Matthew's insomnia gets worse.

In 1746, famed fundamentalist preacher Jonathon Edwards is feeling the heat of his own sermons as he enters another year of keeping his private sins quiet while publicly chastising other sinners from the pulpit. To ease some of his guilt, he sends his servant Bebhinn and their illegitimate son, Parthalan, to help set up a new township on a strip of land along the coast of Maine. What Reverend Edwards does not know is that Parthalan is more than just a surly young man, and he has no use for Reverend Edwards's Heavenly Father, as he has his own darker and more demanding deity to worship. Parthalan takes over everything in the new town of Agamenticus: the plans, the people, the buildings, the church. Before long, he'll have convinced hundreds of people to abandon God and turn to his own dark master. Two and half centuries have passed when musician, Matthew Rollins, needs a place to get away from it all, a place to spend time rediscovering his passion and hopefully writing a few new songs. A mysterious invitation to spend the winter at the beautiful Kinnawe house in Agamenticus, Maine, arrives...truly an offer too good to refuse. Matthew then starts out on a journey that will have him questioning his sanity, questioning reality, and questioning his own lineage. The chapters alternate between past and present as we travel along with Matthew. He discovers the dark and terrible secrets of Kinnawe House as well as those of the now nearly non-existent town of Agamenticus...and comes to face with his own shadowy past. The book has ghosts, devil worshipers, human sacrifices, and a sleep-deprived spiral into hallucinations and madness. Matthew is a mystery story all by himself, complete with a body covered with scars, a mother in the madhouse and no father to speak of and old "friends" who seem to be anything but friendly. Parthalàn is an outstanding villain without not a speck of good in him. He's vicious and cruel and cunning and will stop at nothing to get what he wants even if he has to take it by trickery or by force. Another wonderful character in the story is Helen Crowe, who lives down the road from Kinnawe House and fully embraces her role as the archetypal sage and caregiver. She's a woman who knows the answers to all Matthew's questions but is smart enough to let him figure most of them out himself. She gives him hints along the way such as: always leave one window in the house cracked open; stay away from the cliffs after dark; whatever you do, don't go in the old, abandoned church down the road. Eventually, past and present will collide as Matthew and Helen come face to face with the evil that dwells...some of it willingly and some of it not...in Kinnawe House as well as the village. Those that love ghost stories and haunted houses will really like this one.

Jun 17, 2023, 11:32 pm

The Golden Tresses of the Dead / Alan Bradley
3.25 stars

Flavia’s sister, Feely, is getting married. Unfortunately, she discovers, in her wedding cake, a severed finger! Flavia quickly ports it away with the intention of finding out who it belonged to and how it got into her sister’s wedding cake. When Flavia and Dogger are invited to tea, they come across the dead body of who would have been their host.

I listened to the audio for this, again. I love Jayne as Flavia, but it’s more the characterization that I love. Like many other audios, unfortunately, it doesn’t keep my attention, so I did miss much of the story. I wanted to try at least one ebook in the series, rather than audio, to see if it held my attention, but (at least this time) my library only had the audio, so audio it was! The mysteries do not seem to be front and centre in any of the books in the series. I’d like to rate it higher, but I think I just missed too much of what was going on to do so.

Jun 18, 2023, 8:56 am

The River - Peter Heller - (Canada)
Genera: Mystery/Thriller
Wynn and Jack have been best friends since college orientation, bonded by their shared love of mountains, books, and fishing. Wynn is a gentle giant, a Vermont kid never happier than when his feet are in the water. Jack is more rugged, raised on a ranch in Colorado, where sleeping under the stars and cooking on a fire came as naturally to him as breathing. When they decide to canoe the Maskwa River in northern Canada, they anticipate long days of leisurely paddling and picking blueberries, and nights of stargazing and reading paperback Westerns. But a wildfire making its way across the forest adds unexpected urgency to the journey. One night, with the fire advancing, they hear a man and woman arguing on the fog-shrouded riverbank; the next day, a man appears on the river, paddling alone. Is this the same man they heard? And if he is, where is the woman? From this charged beginning, master storyteller Peter Heller unspools a headlong, heart-pounding story of desperate wilderness survival.

The setting for the story is a river in northern Canada where classmates Jack and Wynn, have gone to do some fly-fishing and whitewater canoeing. Jack and Wynn come from different backgrounds but are fast friends. Jack is a hard-working guy whose home is a Colorado ranch. Wynn is a more easygoing Vermont native. These differences become more obvious and important as the story moves forward. What they have in common is they share a love of books and the outdoors. Early on in their trip they agree turn back and warn a man and woman that they’d overheard arguing, that a forest fire is fast approaching. This decision to be helpful turns out to be one of the most fateful decisions that they have ever made. They discover a woman, Maia, near death and badly injured, apparently by her homicidal husband, Pierre. When Wynn unthinkingly radios Pierre that his "missing" wife had been found alive, Wynn and Jack realize they’re now in real and deadly danger. Jack and Wynn even become suspicious of each other while watching for Pierre and desperately trying to keep Maia alive...all the while paddling upriver to reach civilization and escape the ever-nearing fire. They can hear the fire which sounds to them like "a multitude of roaring turbines or the sudden shear of a plane, or a thousand thumping hooves, the thud of shields clashing, or the loud applause of multitudes….” The characters are several times brought to the brink of death. The ending portion of the story is a total shock. By this time, we have learned that in life justice can be an elusive thing and difficult and sometimes, impossible to control.

Edited: Jun 18, 2023, 1:33 pm

Sculptures and Snuggles - Della Cain
Collard Ever After series Book #6
Genera: M/M Romance/Little Play
Sometimes the one who got away…didn’t. Dustin’s world came crashing down when his position teaching art at the local college was cut. Little did he know it would become one of the best things to happen to him, forcing him to take his sculpting seriously and thrusting him onto the art scene. Now he has it all: money, gallery shows that sell out opening night, and a sculpture in one of the most prominent architectural marvels in his old city. Only, it isn’t everything at all—what is life without someone to love? Preston lived the corporate dream, climbing the ladder on his way up to a corner office. If only it didn’t take all of his waking hours and envelop him with enough stress to suck the joy out of life. When he’s asked to go to the city for the grand reveal of his company’s new sculpture, Preston’s happy for the change of pace. He soon discovers that the sculpture was designed by the only person he ever loved, the one he let get away out of fear. Could this be a new chance with his one true love?

I absolutely loved this entire series. This one was so cute and sweet. Dustin and Preston get a second chance when circumstances collide to put them both in the same place at just the right time. I was glad to see that Preston had the good sense and enough love yet for Dustin to tell his bosses at the really, really horrible self-centered company he worked for to "to take this job and shove it" instead of letting them walk all over him any longer. He was also smart enough to take his second chance to find true happiness with the guy that almost got away the first go round. There was no drama, no anger, or hate between them, nor was there much discussion about who they had seen or had a relationship with in the ten years that they had been apart. Just them getting back together and moving forward. If you like "Daddy/Little" books...I know and was frankly very surprised at how many folks there are out there that do...this series is absolutely perfect for you. The books do not need to be read in order as each feature different characters.

Jun 18, 2023, 5:24 pm

The Last Word – Ellery Adams

This is book # 3 in the Books By the Bay cozy mystery series featuring Olivia Limoges, her dog Haviland, and a group of writers who meet regularly to discuss their works in progress.

Olivia’s friend Harris Williams has just found the perfect house; built in the 1930s the house was moved to its new location to make way for a development. Olivia is surprised to learn that a famous author, Nick Plumley, is in town and also interested in the same house. After Harris moves in and begins renovations, he discovers a valuable painting hidden in a staircase. Could this be a reason for Plumley’s interest? Before Olivia can ask him, Plumley is murdered.

Well, there is much to be unpacked in this story. There’s the history of the nearby prisoner of war camp that housed Germans during WW2, and an escape from that camp that resulted in a guard being killed. The painting Harris uncovers seems to have a connection to the POWs.

There’s also the subplot of Olivia’s and police chief Rawlings nascent relationship. Can they put their pasts behind them and form an adult attachment? One thing I like about this series is how Adams slowly gives out the backstory of the characters, letting readers get to know Olivia, her extended family, and the residents of Oyster Bay over the course of the series.

Jun 18, 2023, 5:26 pm

Marrying Winterborne– Lisa Kleypas
Audiobook performed by Mary Jane Wells

Book two in the Ravenels series focuses on Lady Helen Ravenel. As the book opens, her engagement to Rhys Winterborne, the Welsh department-store mogul, has ended rather abruptly. But it wasn’t Lady Helen who broke it off, rather her cousin Kathleen. Now Lady Helen must take her future into her own hands. But Rhys wants assurances that she won’t back out, and that her family won’t interfere. So, he proposes “ruining her” so that she and her family will have no choice but to go along with the wedding.

I certainly understand why Kleypas is so successful at the Regency romance genre. The men are devastatingly handsome, occasionally brutish, always strong and determined, and attentive lovers. The ladies are equally strong-willed, determined, refined and chaste (at least until they are introduced to the joys of the bedroom). Almost everyone has a secret or two that could possibly cause a scandal from which they might not recover. The road to happily ever after is full of bumps and detours to add tension and keep the reader turning pages, but the couple will get there.

Mary Jane Wells does a great job of narrating the audiobook. 5**** for her performance.

Jun 19, 2023, 8:01 am

The Spite House - Johnny Compton - (Texas)
Narrator: Adam Lazarre-White
Genera: Horror/Paranormal
Eric Ross is on the run from a mysterious past with his two daughters in tow. Having left his wife, his house, his whole life behind in Maryland, he's desperate for money—it's not easy to find steady, safe work when you can't provide references, you can't stay in one place for long, and you're paranoid that your past is creeping back up on you. When he comes across the strange ad for the Masson House in Degener, Texas, Eric thinks they may have finally caught a lucky break. The Masson property, notorious for being one of the most haunted places in Texas, needs a caretaker of sorts. The owner is looking for proof of paranormal activity. All they need to do is stay in the house and keep a detailed record of everything that happens there. Provided the house’s horrors don’t drive them all mad, like the caretakers before them. The job calls to Eric, not just because there's a huge payout if they can make it through, but because he wants to explore the secrets of the spite house. If it is indeed haunted, maybe it'll help him understand the uncanny power that clings to his family, driving them from town to town, making them afraid to stop running.

The Spite House is this author's very well written, debut novel, and, I have to say he has come up with a frightening ghost story. Very few ghost stories actually frighten me anymore, but this one came very close. One thing that I believe makes it so, is that we are left feeling that we never really got to know the "why" or the "what" of some things. It seems that the Masson house...also called The Spite House...is notorious for being one of the most haunted places in Texas. The house was built out of spite...(hense the name), with its four-story bizarre design adjacent to an orphanage. There was a lot of history to be learned about the residents of the Spite House and those surrounding it, both past and present. However, there are still many questions that I feel are left unanswered with issues that didn't seem to get resolved for me. There are only so many ways you can write and describe a "haunted" house so of course there are similarities to other haunted house stories. Shirley Jackson’s "Hill House"...Stephen King’s hotel in "The Shining"...Richard Matheson’s "Hell House" Yet unlike all of those well- read haunts, Johnny Compton's haunted house is the stage setting for the haunted people that come across it. This is a book that has it's share of ghosts but it's underlying story is about anger, loss, and haunted pasts being passed down to innocent generations. This story was more than satisfying to "The Ghost Story Junkie" and I will certainly be adding Johhny Compton to the Stephen Kings' Shirly Jackson's, and my other favorite haunted house authors. Also...the narrator, Adam Lazarre-White, did a fantastic job with the different accents of the characters.

Edited: Jun 19, 2023, 2:27 pm

Pretty Poison - Aimee Nicole Walker -(Georgia)
Sinister in Savannah Series Book #3
Narrator: Triston James
Genera: M/M Romance/Mystery
By day, Rocky Jacobs is a private investigator. By night, he produces Sinister in Savannah, a true-crime podcast, with his two best friends. Is Tess Hamilton pretty poison or just unlucky in love? That's the question the trio of trouble will try to uncover. Tess, a woman accused of killing her three husbands, has been tried and convicted in the media, something Rocky knows all too well. When their investigation turns up nothing but dead ends, Rocky will keep digging. Is it because he believes in her innocence? Or does Rocky hope to find redemption for himself by achieving it for Tess? A stagnant case turns out to be the least of his problems. What happens in Vegas never truly stays stay there. For 15 months, Rocky has been running from a tragedy that shattered his life and countless others. The most painful casualty was the destruction of his marriage to Asher Dunleavy. When the sexy federal marshal turns up in Savannah, Rocky is reminded of his greatest love and deepest regret. Every minute spent in Asher's presence makes him yearn for the life they lost. Will Rocky drown in the sorrows of what might've been or fight for what could be?

This part of the Sinister in Savannah series deals with some very traumatic issues. Rocky suffers from PTSD, the emotional damage he carries from the trauma from a murder-suicide that occurred while he was on a case. That case and all that occurs happens again in the Prologue....so if you haven't read the series in order, you will still have an understanding of what has happened. A word of warning...while it’s not overly graphic, it’s still emotionally disturbing enough to cause distress or harm for those people for whom it’s a trigger and anyone that might feel anxiety. That is what Rocky is also dealing with. In the previous book, Mr. Perfect, we learned of Rocky’s husband and a mention of their Vegas wedding. Now we get to see the events that brought Rocky and his husband together but has devastated their marriage as well as his career. It’s the train wreck of a broken marriage that’s plastered across numerous chapters as we learn bit by bit, everything that tore them apart, just as the current case is bringing them back together. Aimee Nicole Walker does a masterful job of characterization and writing. In between we have the ongoing heartbreak of knowing that Miss Marla is dying, and the community is doing everything they can not to mourn but to cherish each day she remains with them. She’s still the heart of this series and the one the men turn to for hugs, love, irreverent advice, and her amazing casseroles. The case of Tess Hamilton that the men are investigating now is as fascinating as all the others. It’s full of implications, reflections on redemption and forgiveness, along with the ability to recover, heal and move forward. The story is an emotional journey, but an extraordinary story. It’s an incredibly way to wrap up the "Sinister in Savannah" trilogy. Even more so since the author has promised to revisit this universe with stories for characters, we met in each of the three novels who also deserve further attention. I can’t wait. I’m happy to leave the men...their partners and Miss Marla, in Savannah at this point in time. Just want to say that this is a truly amazing series. They should be read in the order as they were written for the character that will appear again in the other books in one way or another.

Jun 19, 2023, 11:07 pm

Out With It: How Stuttering Helped Me Find My Voice / Katherine Preston
3.5 stars

Katherine has stuttered since she was 7-years old. Her mother tried to get her help when she was younger, but at the time, Katherine just didn’t want to deal confront it. Her family and friends were always supportive, but of course, it was hard when meeting someone new or interacting with people she didn’t know. As she got older, she did try various things to stop the stuttering – to become “fluent”. Nothing lasted – some things might work temporarily, but the stutter always came back. Eventually, Katherine travelled to the US (from England where she grew up) to interview researchers and other stutterers. (Many people prefer the phrase “people who stutter”, but Katherine herself is fine with “stutterer”.)

I thought this was good. I learned a few things: many stutterers have trouble with their names; stuttering is more common among boys/men; most children do grow out of their stutters, but of course not everyone. Katherine was originally planning to write her book as an oral history and focus on the people she interviewed, but there actually ended up not being very much of that in the end; it obviously did turn into her own memoir. She probably could still write that oral history!

Edited: Jun 20, 2023, 8:26 am

Again, Fox Hollow #2 - Morgan Brice - (New York/Canada)
Fox Hollow Zodiac Series, Book #2
Narrator: John Solo
Genera: M/M Romance/Paranormal
Lynx shifter Noah Wilson narrowly escaped being captured by the Huntsman. While recuperating in Fox Hollow, he meets his fated mate, wolf shifter Drew Lowe. Noah has to return to Canada to finish filming his TV projects, so he and Drew visit when they can and come up with creative solutions to their long-distance relationship. Noah and Drew are sure they're meant for each other and start making plans. Drew's dreams make him wonder if he and Noah are more than fated mates—could they be a true pairing, destined to find each other lifetime after lifetime? Then Noah accidentally records a murder, and the killer is on his trail. Can he elude a master tracker and reach the safety of Fox Hollow, or will he and Drew have to wait to find happiness in another life?

Fox Hollow is a town, that misfit shifters who didn’t fit with their own kind founded as a haven. Later, a cluster of psychics arrived and set up their own parapsychology department at the local University. The main rule for living there is "Don't Eat Your Neighbor". I'm not especially crazy about "shifter" books but I am really, really crazy about Mogan Brice...so I finally decided to try this series. I have become fond of the character's internal wolves that never fail to give them advise...especially about hurrying up and claiming their soul mates. These two had to go very careful since they had been soul mates for several past generations and if they wanted to continue their reincarnations together, they would need to be sure that the curse that had been put on them several reincarnations ago, was broken for good. This took the help from several of Fox Hollow's witches. It's full of tension, danger, humor, chemistry and romance. A wonderful addition to the series with great characters and a fabulous ending.

Jun 20, 2023, 5:20 pm

Pray For Silence – Linda Castillo

From the book jacket: The Plank family moved from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to join the small Amish community of Painters Mill less than a year ago and seemed the model of the Plain Life—until on a cold October night, the entire family of seven was found slaughtered on their farm. Police Chief Kate Burkholder and her small force have few clues, no motive, and no suspect. Formerly Amish herself, Kate is no stranger to the secrets the Amish keep from the English—and each other—but this crime is horribly out of the ordinary.

My reactions
This is book two in the Kate Burkholder series, set in an Ohio county with significant Amish population. The differences between the Amish and the “English” make it difficult for the police, though Kate’s background does at least give her fluency in the particular German dialect spoken by the Amish.

She’s assisted in this case by state agent John Tomasetti. There’s a complicated relationship between these two, and both are suffering from past trauma and loss. This case brings many of their worst nightmares into the forefront and tests both their professional and personal relationships.

Kate also has several good, experienced, and highly competent cops on her team. I particularly loved the description of Officer Roland “Pickles” Shumaker: Wearing his trademark trench coat and pointy-toed cowboy boots, he looks like he’s just stepped off the set of some nuevo spaghetti western. He’s seventy-four years old, acts like he’s twenty-tow, and doesn’t look a day over eighty.

I love murder mysteries that feature strong female leads, and I look forward to reading more of this series.

But I feel I should offer a bit of a trigger warning: I enjoy reading about the investigation, including the gruesome details of the murders and the forensic clues that help lead to solving the crime. Castillo does a great job of giving fans of the genre such as me what we like about murder mysteries. But … this is a very violent crime with some very disturbing discoveries about the victims and the perpetrators. Descriptions of the crimes include torture, sex trafficking, mutilation of the corpse, child pornography, and “snuff” films.

Jun 21, 2023, 7:45 am

The Perfect Mother - Matthew Ferrell - (New York)
Narrator: Kate Handford
Genera: Mystery & Suspense/Psychological Thriller
My daughter is gone. She’s been taken. I grip the phone so hard I think it might break, and try to focus on what they’re saying. I realize I’m not crying, even though I feel like I’ve been split in two. And then they say a name that makes my blood run cold....Suddenly, my past and present collide. My heart pounds in my chest, memories flooding my head. I have to focus on my daughter, Nelle, but I can’t escape the panicked questions rushing in. How do they know about Betty? And what else do they know? I’m terrified I’ll never see Nelle again. But I’ve been hiding behind my lies for 20 years. If the truth finally comes out, will my daughter ever forgive me? I don’t know. But I have to save her first to find out.

I really enjoyed this story.... although it did take a few chapters to really understand what was happening. This is often the case when there are multiple timelines. By the middle of the book, or in my case, the audio, the reader/listener, has no problem understanding what was happening, and why. Laura is our protagonist. I loved her and I hated her, all at the same time. I’m pretty sure that was exactly what the author intended from the beginning. Some of the twists and turns are unanticipated and diffidently a surprise but they kept me staying with the book and guessing to the very end. This was my first Matthew Farrell book, but it certainly won’t be my last. If you love a good nail-biting psychological thriller, that’ll keep you engaged and guessing, then you may want to consider trying this one.

Jun 21, 2023, 4:21 pm

The Cat Who Played Brahms – Lilian Jackson Braun

Book five in the delightful cozy mystery series starring James Qwilleran (just Qwill to his friends), and his Siamese Koko. Qwill has been notified that he’ll be evicted when his building is sold, so he decides to take a sabbatical and take up a family friend’s offer of a remote cabin on a lake “up north.” He figures he’ll have peace and quiet and will be able to begin work on the book he wants to write. Mooseville is certainly NOT the big city, but something mysterious is going on; several of Qwill’s cherished possessions go missing and then a neighboring cabin owner is murdered.

I really enjoy this series. I like Qwill and I like Koko, and NO, the cat doesn’t talk but his meanderings and occasional reaction to a visitor frequently point Qwill in the direction of a significant clue. I also like the women in Qwill’s life. He’s always a gentleman but he operates alone, and he likes it that way.

This episode ends with a bit of a surprise twist and a cliffhanger. But having already read the next installment (my mistake … I read out of order) I was happy to get the background.

Jun 22, 2023, 7:25 am

His Crimson Skye - Della Cain
Country Daddy, City Little Series Book #5
Genera: M/M Romance//Daddy, Little/Age Play
Having your daddy move out sucks. Finding out you were never on the lease? That double sucks. Skye doesn’t believe in happy ever afters. He understood from day one that he and his daddy weren’t going to be always and forever. He just never expected to have his daddy randomly move out one day and to find himself soon to be apartmentless. With only a week left before his inevitable move to the middle of nowhere, Skye decides to spend one last evening at Collared. It’s not like he’ll be able to find someone to play with in the rural town he’ll soon call home. When Wilkin passed his bar exam, he had visions of big law firms, multi-million-dollar lawsuits, and becoming partner by forty in his future. An unexpected offer changes everything, bringing him back to his hometown instead. It might be the glamorous career he once envisioned, but it’s where he belongs. During a weekend in the city attending a conference, Wilkin meets up with some old law school buddies at Collared. When an adorable boy asks him to play, he can’t deny him. Wilkin’s not one for one-night stands, but for Skye, he’s willing to make an exception.

Skye couldn’t believe that when he got home, he found out that his daddy Sasha, had moved out. Skye knew he knew he would struggle with the rent alone but what else could he do. To make matters even worse he soon found an eviction notice on the door. Sasha, who I grew to despise after about 5 pages, had taken Skye's name off the lease so now in addition to everything else...he was also homeless. Sky was a " Little" and he remembers that the club, Collard was always where he felt safe and protected, so he decides to get dressed up for a night out. Now we meet Wilkins, who is a "Daddy". He had just returned home to his roots and also remembered good things about the club...that he could always go there and just be himself, his "daddy Dom" self. When he got there, he saw that a little, Skye... being told his membership had been cancelled. Guess who did that!! There was just something about him... and Wilkins found himself going over and using one of his guests passes to let the boy in. It was the start for them. I love "Daddy/Little" stories. There is always a happy ending with very little, if any trauma. The passion is beautifully shared, and the connection is just off the charts. I thoroughly enjoy this read.

Jun 22, 2023, 9:44 am

Last night I finished The Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (YA, fantasy), the second of her Crows duology set in her Grishaverse series, which I have not read.

I really enjoyed this duology, however, I'm just not tempted to read the first books in the Grishaverse (unless somebody convinces me otherwise LOL) and I just perused the reviews on Nikolai's Shadow King duology which didn't really give me inspiration to read on with his story (although he is a favorite character of mine from the Shadow and Bone Netflix series). I'm conflicted, maybe I'll try some of the other books in the future...

I also finished off a re-read of Kai Butler's Wormwood Summer (m/m, urban fantasy). I'm re-reading this series as her last book of the series just dropped and I have such a hard time remembering things if I haven't recently read them. Unless it is a book I read 30+ years ago and then for some reason I seem to remember them better.

Edited: Jun 23, 2023, 2:18 pm

read in May, but never reviewed

Gone - Ruby Speechley
4.5 ★
My son is missing, and everyone is lying to me. Last night my son, Shay, sneaked out of the house and didn’t come home. He promised not to go to the illegal party in the woods. But someone’s been attacked, and Shay has gone missing. The police want to know if he saw what happened. I’m worried he could be involved. After all the trouble he’s been in lately, mixing with the wrong crowd, coming home beaten up and scared, I thought we’d put it all behind us. Trouble is, Shay resents me moving my new boyfriend into the family home. I found all sorts on his laptop, including a half-written email warning me not to trust David. What does he know that I don’t? I’m beginning to fear for his safety. What is David hiding from me? Who have I let into our lives? I don’t know who I can trust. Will I ever see my son alive again?

This crime thriller follows Rachel as she tries to find her son Shay, when he doesn’t return from a party he wasn’t even supposed to be attending. When the party site becomes a crime scene after a girl is attacked, and more local children start to disappear Rachel becomes more desperate to locate her son. With shocking possibilities coming to light, she turns to dangerous routes to try and track him down. Of course, this raises two main questions...will Rachel find her son and will the other children be discovered? This crime thriller is many times, shocking, If you have a child who is getting close to becoming a teenager it may really scared you. Actually, I think it would scare most parents regardless of the age of their children. There are so many ways in which kids can now be manipulated and groomed even from their own houses. The storyline becomes gritty and suspenseful as the search continues and Rachel tries to find her answers. I’m not sure I would have reacted like Rachel did while searching, but then until you are in a situation where your child is missing, you never know what you could be capable of doing. Overall, an excellent crime thriller and well worth the reading time if you are a crime fiction or even a true crime fan.

Edited: Jun 23, 2023, 2:19 pm

The Dancing Girls - M.M. Chouinard -(California)
Detective Jo Fournier series Book 1
Narrator: Patricia Rodriguez
Genera: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
"The light in her wide brown eyes dimmed as she drew her last breath. She might have been beautiful lying there on the floor, if it wasn’t for the purple marks on her neck and the angry red line on her finger where her wedding band used to be" When Jeanine Hammond is found dead in a hotel in the picture-perfect town of Oakhurst, newly-promoted Detective Jo Fournier is thrown into a disturbing case. Who would murder this shy, loving wife and leave her body posed like a ballerina? Jo wants to know why Jeanine’s husband is so controlling about money, and where Jeanine’s wedding ring is, but before she and her team can get close to the truth, another woman is found strangled in a hotel, arms placed gracefully above her head like a dancer. While digging through old case files, Jo makes a terrifying link to a series of cold cases: each victim bears the same strangulation marks. But the FBI won’t take Jo seriously, and if she disobeys direct orders by investigating the killings outside of her jurisdiction, it will mean the end of the career she’s already sacrificed so much for, even her relationship. Just as Jo is beginning to lose hope, she finds messages on the victims’ computers that make her question whether these small-town women were hiding big lies. Jo thinks this is the missing link between the victims, but she knows the killer is moments away from selecting his next victim. Will it lead her to the most twisted killer of her career in time, or will another innocent life be lost?

This can best be described as dark, devious, and sinister. It's a crafty, compelling police procedural where we are introduced you Detective Jo Fournier, a complex, driven, young woman who is on the hunt for a murderer with a penchant for married women who enjoy spending their spare time immersed in the World of Warcraft, and are in need of a little extra attention. The writing is and intense and the characters are a mix of ruthless, cunning, and vulnerable. The plot is told from multiple perspectives, giving the already suspenseful tale lots of twists, turns, manipulation, duplicity, intrigue, violence, and of course...murder. Overall, I would have to say that it's a creepy, very promising first novel in this, a new series, by this author. It highlights just how exposed the internet has truly made us and how easy and quickly it is for those with nefarious tendencies to find and target their unsuspecting victims.

Jun 23, 2023, 11:35 pm

The Quiet Tenant / Clemence Michallon
4.5 stars

“Rachel” (the name her kidnapper gave her) has been living in a shed for five years. When her kidnapper’s wife dies, his in-laws want to sell the house he’s bee living in. An odd arrangement comes of this, as he (Aiden) does not want to kill Rachel. He and his 13-year old daughter move into a house in town, and Rachel moves into a room. Aiden explains this to his daughter as Rachel being a friend who needed a place to stay, and is renting from them. Even so, most of the time, Rachel is handcuffed in her room, but to appear normal, she is sometimes brought down to eat with Aiden and Cecilia. But does this greater “freedom” give Rachel a better chance of getting away? Meantime, Aiden has started a new relationship with a local bartender, Emily.

I thought this was really good. I wanted to keep reading when I already was and when I wasn’t, I wanted to get back to the book. It sounds implausible from my description, but it seems more believable when reading. Viewpoints include Rachel, Cecilia, and Emily the bartender. Rachel needs to figure out when and/or if she should say anything and/or run. Everything she does is to give herself the best chance of survival.

Jun 24, 2023, 9:38 am

A Dom and His Gentleman - Xenia Melzer - (Florida)
Club Whisper series Book #4
Genera: M/M Romance/BDSM
Silver fox Curtis is everything baker Andrew could want in a sub, and their chemistry is off the charts. But as a wealthy and successful gallery owner, Curtis intimidates Andrew and challenges his dominant nature. Can Andrew get used to a sub with a much higher social status? British noble Curtis Morris has all but given up on finding his perfect Dom when he walks into a bakery and meets Andrew Granger—smoldering hot, new to Miami, into the lifestyle, and with kinks that align perfectly with Curtis’s own. Andrew grew up poor and doesn’t know if he can handle a sub with so much more money, even if he’s insanely attracted to Curtis. To make matters worse, Curtis’s preferred club, Whisper, is far beyond Andrew’s financial means. Still, Andrew doesn’t want to lose Curtis to his own hang-ups, not when Curtis is far from the elitist snob Andrew expected. But Andrew keeps messing up, and with Curtis’s rich ex visiting with the hopes of winning him back, he and Curtis will need all the help they can get to make their romance of opposites work out.

This author is another first for me. I really enjoyed this story for the most part. One thing I do have to commend...it was said over and over several times even, that every relationship in the Lifestyle is different, just as it is for every relationship anywhere, in any situation. People are different the world over and it's okay to not like or be in favor of everything, but there is always the need to be respectful of the other person's right to differ from yours. When Andrew tried out a harder core club, he knew right off that it wasn’t for him, and that was alright. Everyone had their own type of kink and what they want and don’t want from it. I was glad to see his choices were respected and Andrew wasn't made to feel bad because of them. Both Andrew and Curtis had individually pretty much given up on the whole "relationship" thing. Both are in their 40s and their lives are consumed by their jobs. It doesn’t help that one is a Dom, the other a sub, that are still looking for the right "fit" for each of them. After Curtis’s experience with his ex, Jasper, Curtis found that finding a good Dom and trusting that person explicitly, was really very hard for him. He doesn’t want back in another bad situation like he had before. Then the minute Andrew lays his eyes on Curtis, he knew in his entire being, that he just had to know this man. Thanks to Curtis’s talkative friend, Collin, Andrew learned that Curtis was a sub. Absolutely perfect the way things progressed afterwards. Differences can make a difference if you allow them to, but you have to be willing to get past things and overcome your fears and doubts in order to move forward. It’s not easy. A lesson these guys had to learn. And learn it they did.

Edited: Jun 24, 2023, 1:34 pm

Nobody's Prince Charming - Aimee Nicole Walker - (Ohio)
Narrator: Joel Leslie
Road to Blissville Series Book #4
Genera: M/M Romance
Fire and ice. Oil and water. Vodka and decisions. That’s what Darren McCoy and Wren Davison are: two opposites that shouldn’t mix well. Dare believes in fairy tales, true love, and happily ever after. Wren believes in fast cars, freedom, and no-strings sex. What can these two men possibly have in common? A magnetic pull strong enough to obliterate logic and reason. For more than a year, Dare and Wren have worked together at the Curl Up and Dye Salon. Dare has pursued the mysterious, brooding man, and Wren has resisted his provocative charm. Then one day, something happens that allows the men to see each other in a new light. Wren learns that Dare hides a heavy heart behind his brilliant smile. Dare realizes that beneath Wren’s gruff exterior beats the heart of a prince. Passions ignite once the men stop fighting their attraction, but will it be enough to overcome their differences? Is Wren the prince that Dare is looking for? Can Dare teach Wren that true love does exist?

I liked the book, but I didn't especially love the character of Darren. He seemed too snippy and at times simply overbearing. Wren, on the other hand, saved the story and was a delightfully, wonderful character. I believe that the "voice" that Joel Leslie gave Darren was about 75% of the problem...not that he did a bad job, Darren was just a character that grated on the nerves. I believe that we would have given him the same voice in our reader heads as Joel did on the audiobook. These two resolved into a relationship pretty quick...but they had been dancing around each other through three books. They were two very different, very feisty men, and Aimee Nicole Walker’s supplied them with her trademark, snarky banter. Finally seeing them come together was exceptionally satisfying. We get to see more of each man’s individual lives in this story. You can't help but love Darren's grandpa. It was really good that it rounded out the characters and made them into "believable people" and not just mere words on a page. This book in particular, is a good one, perhaps one of the best of the series as far as I am concerned.

Edited: Jun 24, 2023, 8:39 pm

The Children of Llyr by Evangeline Walton
*Trigger Warnings* - domestic abuse, extreme child abuse, animal cruelty

Drawn from the Second Branch of the Mabinogion, "The Children of Llyr" is a part of the first great work. In stark, gaunt prose, it chronicles the years of Bran the Blessed--he who was so vast a man that no house could hold him nor ship bear his bulk--and of the tale of his beloved sister Branwen, his brother Manawyddan, and of his half-brothers Nissyen and the ghastly Evnissyen. It is a tale of change and storm, of love beyond death, of high courage of the end of an era--and the beginning of another.

I gotta be honest, I did not like this book. I'm giving it 3 stars because it is a necessary re-telling of this branch of the Mabinogion that brings characters and motivations and inner dialogues to the modern reader. And there are parts where Walton's language is still so sparse that the action kind of slips by the wayside.

Really, though, I think it is the story itself. One horrible tragedy, after another, evil and damage to innocents, harm with no hope. There are just some things that I don't need to read about. The story does not glorify violence, far from it, but the violence just does not stop. All that is good and lovely is crushed: Branwyn, sister to Bran the Blessed, High King of the Isle of the Mighty, accepts the marriage proposal of Matholuch, King of Ireland. Which starts a series of events that culminates in Bran, his brother Manawyddan, and all the forces of the Isle of the Mighty traversing the Irish Sea to get retrieve Branwyn from her abusive husband and end her enslavement in the kitchens of the King. And the terror and bloodshed does not end there.

Anyway, if you are interested in the larger "Mabinogion" then this book spells out the details in all of the other translations of this story. So be aware and read with caution.

Jun 25, 2023, 9:28 am

The Gumshoe, The Witch and The Virtual Corpse - Keith Hartman - (Georgia)
Genera: Mystery/Urban Fantasy (Queer elements but not M/M, F/F or even M/F)
SOME MAY FIND THE BLURB OFFENSIVE. THIS IS NOT THIS REVIEWRS OPINIONS: (I have never before felt the necessity to write that.)
Welcome to 21st century Atlanta. During your stay, depending on your tastes, you can cruise gay midtown (I hear that the Inquisition Health Club has introduced manacles and chains to the aerobics class) or check out the Reverend-Senator Stonewall's headquarters at Freedom Plaza (watch out for the Christian Militia guarding it, though) or attend a sky-clad Wiccan sabbat (by invitation only). Avoid the courthouse, where the Cherokee have turned out in full war-paint to renegotiate a nineteenth century land deal. Also stay away from all cemeteries, at least until the police find out why someone is disinterring and crucifying corpses. As you can tell, this is a lively novel, full of intricate plotting and engaging off-beat characters. Among the latter are a gay detective, a Wiccan family, an ambitious televangelist with an eye on the White House, an artist whose medium is flesh and blood, a Cherokee drag queen--and then there's poor Benji, who would just like to make it to his fifteenth birthday, assuming the MIBS don't get him first or his Baptist parents don't ground him for life because his new girlfriend is a witch.

This book has won a plethora of awards. "Different", barely begins to describe it...but not a "bad" different...just an interesting, enticing "different" that only causes you want to read more because you need to see what type characters are going to appear next. The book was written in 1999...I'm reading it in 2023. Not that I doubt that everyone has the ability to deduce that that is a 24-year difference...you may have forgotten that in those 24 years, a lot of the things wrote about here, have changed...yet some elements of the story seem a bit too close to the happenings of today...that is in no way a positive testament. Hartman delves into the Satanic Panic craze of the 80s and 90s that managed to produce a society that is segregated by the self-appointed religious crusaders whose mantra is “ONE Nation Under God” (the emphasis on "One" is the author’s), and everyone else is labeled blasphemers and occultists and devil worshipers. Oh...and the term "gay", for which it seems that there were even genetic tests for...is applied to random groups that I won't mention here. Schools, neighborhoods and almost everything else is regulated and segregated by religious/spiritual practices. A person that is running for the office of the presidency is willing to incite a "holy war," using his Christian Militia to achieve his goals...and of course there are some people who would not only like, but are more than willing, to take him down by whatever means. After we wade through all this, we now find that we have a missing person that has connections to the Gumshoe, the Witch...of the book title. The greater mystery, however, involves the other title character...the corpse. The exhumation and occult-style desecration of the corpse, and a subsequent series of murders with ritualistic elements that leads both the public and the police to deem them satanic in nature. All that, and now we have the question of how a fourteen-year-old boy fits into it all? The Gumshoe, the Witch who by the way...is a transgender Native American Shaman, the Police, the Senator...who is also a preacher...and a host of other characters are in on various parts of this cat-and-mouse race to find the killer, which is where the story gets more interesting. As you have probably figured out if you have plowed through this far, is that it takes every ounce of patience and perseverance to get there...but as I finished, I was glad I stuck with it until the end...otherwise, I would have always wondered. The main things I found hard to deal with had nothing to do with the author's writing abilities or the story. It was the editing...or lack of said editing... was subpar at best. Twenty-four years and NOBODY corrected it??? The second factor is that for the first quarter of the book, I really had no idea what I was reading. I actually had to go back and read the blurb. I hope the author's version of "near-future" is only in his head and has no hope of becoming yours and my reality. The entire idea is nightmare producing...especially as our society comes closer and closer to making this work of fiction, non-fiction.

Jun 25, 2023, 10:50 am

A Good American – Alex George
Book on CD performed by Gibson Frazier
5***** and a ❤

This is a family saga, covering four generations of the Meisenheimer family over a century. It begins in 1904 Hanover Germany when Frederick and Jette meet, fall in love and decide to sail for America, ultimately settling in Beatrice, Missouri, a relatively small town on the banks of the Missouri River. We watch them taken advantage of due to their lack of English, but also helped by the kindness of strangers. One of the first to help them refuses any money but asks that they “become good Americans,” a request they take seriously.

The story is told by Frederick and Jette’s grandson, James, as he looks back at his family’s history. As happens in real life, the family intersects with many of the residents of Beatrice: the doctor, pharmacist, bartender, preacher, banker, funeral director, teachers, farmers, those who are prosperous and those down on their luck. We view history through the lens of one family’s experiences – World Wars I and II, the great depression, floods, the assassination of JFK, etc. The one constant for Frederick and his descendants is music. From opera to jazz to barbershop quartets, music accompanies the events of their lives.

In summary, this is a story of immigrants, a story of quintessential Americans, a story of struggle and triumph and defeat and unabashed joy. I absolutely loved it and as soon as I had finished it, I wanted to read it again.

Gibson Frazier does a marvelous job of narrating the audiobook. I only wish that some of the operatic arias could have been sung. But that doesn’t really diminish Frazier’s performance.

Jun 25, 2023, 10:51 am

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Kate DiCamillo
Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline
Book on CD performed by Judith Ivey

I’ve read several books by Kate DiCamillo and even have one signed first edition (The Magician’s Elephant, of course). I’ve had this one on my TBR since it first came out and I heard one of the booksellers at my favorite indie bookstore talking about it. But I’ve just never gotten around to it, until …

I read Ann Patchett’s These Precious Days for my F2F book club meeting, in which is an essay on reading Kate DiCamillo. Patchett mentions several of DiCamillo’s works, and this is one of them.

Oh, but I loved this modern-day fairy tale! Edward is a china rabbit, hand crafted and meticulously attired. He lives with Abilene and her parents and grandmother in a house on Egypt Street. And he’s treated as the gentleman that he is, spending the days when Abilene is at school sitting on a dining room chair facing the window, so he can see her when she comes back up the walk at the end of the day. And then …

Well, you’ll have to read about his journey yourself.

It’s about compassion and sorrow and joy. About patience and perseverance and never, ever giving up hope. It’s about love and home and miracles.

I listened to the audio performed by Judith Ivey, who was simply marvelous. But I also had the text handy and found myself carefully studying the glorious illustrations. Each of the twenty-seven chapters has a detailed charcoal sketch representing something that occurs in that chapter; two further sketches open and close the book. And then there are the ten beautiful color prints sprinkled throughout the book. I could just look at them for hours.

Jun 25, 2023, 2:53 pm

Born to Be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life and Mysterious Genius of Edward Gorey
Mark Dery
3/5 stars
Interesting biography of Edward Gorey, illustrator and writer. He published and illustrated over a hundred books and influenced other writers and artists. Was known as an eccentric and secretive. Interesting book but at times it dragged on. Authors

Jun 25, 2023, 4:30 pm

Correction Road / Glen Dresser
3 stars

Alberta is a rat-free province (this is true), and to be that way, there are people staffed at the Saskatchewan border to kill them when they are found. It’s 1979 and Hugh is one of those people. Joan, who works at the liquor store, is his girlfriend, though neither seems really interested in the other. In fact, when Joan meets Walt, who works at the museum, she doesn’t act on her interest in him, but it’s there. And it’s mutual.

This is a pretty slow story. Not much to it. Overall, I’m rating it ok, though. I’m not thrilled about rats being poisoned at the border. None of the people were terribly likable or interesting. I was a child in 1979, so some of the 70s references (tv, music, etc) were kind of fun. Also, my grandparents, then parents sold farm equipment, so it was interesting for me to read about the different farm equipment, though this is unlikely to be of interest to many.

Jun 25, 2023, 10:58 pm

Final Assignment / Linwood Barclay
4 stars

Chandler wrote an essay for school that he was suspended for. It was violent and when the story seems to come true, he is, of course, suspected of the crime. Cal, a private investigator, was originally called by Chandler’s mother to help fight the school suspension, but ends up helping solve the crime instead.

This is a short novella as part of Barclay’s “Promise Falls” series and I thought it was really good. I don’t always enjoy short stories, and although (like many other short stories), I would have liked this to be longer (in this case, to draw out the suspense a bit), the mystery was still done really well, though it was much sped up. Barclay continues to be one of my favourite thriller writers.

Jun 26, 2023, 5:56 pm

Dying For Chocolate – Diane Mott Davidson
Digital audiobook read by Barbara Rosenblat

This is book two in the popular Goldy Bear Culinary Mystery series. Divorced and trying to avoid further altercations with her ex (usually referred to as “The Jerk”), Goldy and her son Arch have landed in temporary quarters where she is the private chef to a wealthy couple, Gen Bo and Adele Farquhar. The position gives her a place a live and access to a dream kitchen, and allows her time to also take on catering jobs. She’s also dating a man she originally met in college. But not everything is going her way. A food critic is writing very negative reviews of Goldy’s work. The Farquhar’s have taken in a former boarder at the tony Elk Park Preparatory School, Julian Teller, but Goldy doesn’t quite trust him, and she’s not thrilled that Arch follows Julian’s every move. And then people begin to die.

I started this series ages ago and loved the recipes. At that time I didn’t care if I read the series in order or not and have no memory of reading this one (and it wasn’t on my “read” shelf). It has all the elements of a successful cozy mystery series: an amateur sleuth whose “career” puts her in contact with a wide range of people (whether victim or suspect), a home situation with added tension, a love interest, and some great recipes. I have to admit that Goldy is pretty resourceful when getting herself out of a jam and doesn’t always rely on the big strong detective to save her. On the other hand, if she kept her nose out of business that isn’t hers … well we wouldn’t have this series.

Barbara Rosenblat does a fine job of narrating the audiobook. I loved the way she voiced Gen Farquahar. What a character! The audio does NOT include any of the recipes that are printed in the book, so be sure to grab a copy of the text if you’re inspired to try concocting your own “death by chocolate.”

Jun 28, 2023, 9:51 am

Southtown– Rick Riordan

This is book five in the Tres Navarre mysteries. Tres is a former English professor turned private investigator in San Antonio, Texas. In this case a group of five inmates escape from a prison, presumably headed north towards Canada. Despite the leader being Will Stirman, a notorious human trafficker who vowed revenge on those who put him behind bars, no one seems very concerned except for Tres’s boss, Erainya. Suddenly, she’s trying to join forces with her rival PI Sam Barrera, and Tres can’t quite figure out why.

This is a hard-hitting detective series, and the body count climbs as the plot progresses. I like Tres. He’s intelligent and a bit sarcastic. His personal relationship is also fraught, and he’s sharing custody of his enchilada-eating cat, Robert Johnson, with his former and once-again current flame, who’s pressuring Tres to move to Austin and give up the PI business.

The setting is practically a character, and Riordan includes many landmark locations that brought me back home again.

There are a total of seven books in this series; the last one was published in 2007. These days Riordan concentrates his efforts on his YA / middle-school fantasy series which have been hugely successful. I wish he’s write more books featuring Tres.

Edited: Jun 28, 2023, 1:33 pm

The Eighty-Dollar Champion: Snowman, the Horse That Inspired a Nation
by Elizabeth Letts
Snowman was a horse that was to be sent to the slaughterhouse if it weren't for Harry de Leyer. He saw this horse and ended up buying him for $80 dollars. Turns out that it was a great decision for Harry, an immigrant and his family, who cleaned him up and entered him in the sport of show jumping. What a wonderful story about their relationship!

Jun 28, 2023, 10:35 pm

The Shining / Stephen King
4 stars

Danny is only 6-years old. His dad, Jack, is out of work, but gets a job at the Outlook Hotel in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado over the winter. It’s a time when the hotel is closed to guests and he will be the caretaker. He, his wife Wendy, and Danny will be the only people there. Unfortunately, Jack is an alcoholic and has – in the past – been abusive toward his wife and son. Little Danny “knows” and hears things – he knows things that will happen, he can hear others like him as they talk to each other in their heads. Dick Halloran, the cook at the Outlook (whom the family meets at the end of the season before the hotel is closed up), is like Danny this way, and calls it “the shining”. Unfortunately, there are ghosts in the Outlook, and the hotel itself has an agenda.

This was a reread. I read it as a teenager in the ‘80s. I have, of course, seen the Jack Nicholson movie, as well as the more recent rendition of the movie. This time, though, I listened to the audio. I really liked it, but I do suspect it would have been creepier (and I would have been less likely to lose focus – though that didn’t happen often, it did happen occasionally) if I’d read the print. But, having already read the print (though it’s been decades!), I wanted to try the audio. And there were still creepy parts, but it’s pretty much impossible to get Jack Nicholson out of my head… or Shelley Duval or the actor who played Danny in the original movie.

Jun 29, 2023, 8:09 am

Taken To the Cleaners – Dolores Johnson

The first book in the Mandy Dyer cozy mystery series gets the dry cleaner involved with a local bag lady brings in one of the cleaner’s signature laundry bags, inside of which is a bloody suit.

This has all the hallmarks of a successful cozy series. A wide array of possible suspects, an amateur sleuth whose “day job” brings her in contact with lots of people, a hunky detective who just may have a personal interest in our heroine, and a cast of colorful supporting characters. She also has an irascible cat, who seems to hate everyone. The setting is Denver and this episode is set in December, so you know there will be cold and snow to contend with.

I figured out the killer long before either Mandy or the police, but it still held my attention. (Though I admit to yelling at the book several times with an “What are you thinking?! It’s obviously XXX!”) There were also a number of loose threads, but the culprit was ultimately apprehended and that’s what really counts.

This was first published in 1997 and it shows … limited computer use, no cell phones. Still, I’d be willing to try another in the series.

Jun 29, 2023, 9:05 am

The Violin of Auschwitz–Maria Àngels Anglada
Translated from original Catalan by Martha Tennent

From the book jacket: In the winter of 1991, at a concert in Krakow, an older woman with a marvelously pitched violin meets a fellow musician who is instantly captivated by her instrument. When he asks her how she obtained it, she reveals the remarkable story behind its origin…

My Reactions
I really wanted to like this book … no … I wanted to love this book. But it missed the mark for me. I think that is because it felt unfinished.

The basic story line is engaging and what kept me reading, but there were huge gaps that left me hungry for more detail. Anglada began with a date in 1991, so we know where we are at when the violin first makes an appearance. And the next chapter begins Daniel’s story (the luthier who crafted the violin) as he struggles to survive in the concentration camp. In bits and pieces we learn of the conditions, the sadistic doctor, the capricious whims of the commandant, the deprivations, the dreams and nightmares, and the fragile friendships formed. But suddenly Daniel is crafting a violin and we don’t know why. Or how he got the tools and materials. I actually went back to the previous chapter and re-read, thinking I must have dozed off and accidently skipped ahead. But I hadn’t.

Eventually we are able to piece together the story, but not until there are a few more abrupt changes in time frame that not only were disorienting, but made me feel that parts of the story were left out. In summary, while the storyline played the reader’s heartstrings like a violin virtuoso, I felt that the book was unfinished.

Edited: Jun 29, 2023, 9:35 am

If I Die Tonight - Alison Gaylin - (North Carolina)
Genera: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Late one night in the quiet Hudson Valley town of Havenkill, a distraught woman stumbles into the police station—and lives are changed forever. Aimee En, once a darling of the ’80s pop music scene, claims that a teenage boy stole her car, then ran over another young man who'd rushed to help. As Liam Miller’s life hangs in the balance, the events of that fateful night begin to come into focus. But is everything as it seems? The case quickly consumes social media, transforming Liam, a local high school football star, into a folk hero, and the suspect, Wade Reed, a high school outcast, into a depraved would-be killer. But...is Wade really guilty? If he isn't, why won't he talk?

Seldom do I love or even like, all the main characters in a story, but I did in this one. I have never read this author, but I have to say that she did a fantastic job of writing both the adult and the teen characters...all were very well-developed. The mystery was well-paced, keeping the tension high, and holding my interest. There were other surprising reveals along the way, some that related to the main crime, and others that didn’t. All the storylines were handled competently and wrapped up nicely. This novel dealt with a wide range of issues that affect both the adults and the teens...single parenting, past trauma, grief, bullying, isolation and social ostracization, and how easily what we say on social media has the power to ruin lives. I thought the quote that I read concerning this book sums it up very well, "It takes the gulf that naturally develops between teenagers and their families and stocks it with sharks.

Jun 29, 2023, 11:42 pm

Dead of Winter / Darcy Coates
5 stars

Christa and her boyfriend of 4 months, Keirnan, are in the Rocky Mountains on a trip. It’s winter, so the lodge they are heading to is closed except for the small group they are with. A blizzard has started, and when the bus is stopped due to a downed tree in the road, Keirnan (who grew up nearby and knows the mountains) brings Christa for a short walk. Unfortunately, due to the blizzard, they get turned around and can’t find their way back. When they get separated, Christa manages (frostbite and all) to find a cabin where the others from their tour have holed up, but Kiernan is still missing. It’s not long after that their tour guide also goes missing… and one by one, not only do people disappear, they reappear later, decapitated...

I love wintery, blizzardy atmospheres in books, and this one did it really well. Initially, I thought this was a mystery/thriller, but there is definitely horror mixed in, as well. Be warned that there are gruesome parts. But I loved it! So suspenseful and everyone suspects everyone else. You think each of them is the killer at some point and the twists keep coming to the end!

Jun 30, 2023, 7:53 pm

Under Cover - Amy Lane - (Illinois)
Covert Series Book#1
Genera: M/M Romance/Action Thriller/Police Procedural
For Judson Crosby, the transfer to the elite law enforcement branch of the SCTF is a great escape from the death sentence he earned as a whistle-blowing patrol officer. Calix Garcia, the fierce new guy, makes a perfect partner, catching bad guys while minimizing collateral damage. Crosby loves working with him. Of course, he’d also love to work him over in a totally different way. Garcia has waited his whole career for a solid, dependable partner like Crosby. But after six months fighting crime together, he’s done fighting their attraction. Their coming together promises to be everything they need… until a threat from Crosby’s past comes back to haunt not just him, but their entire team. When Crosby goes undercover to keep them safe, Garcia is frantic with worry. One false move could get Crosby killed and Garcia exposed. But they have to fight their way clear, because hiding your lover under the cover of darkness is no way to live. Crosby and Garcia will risk everything for the chance to live their lives in the light.

I love almost all of Amy Lane's work...some more than others...but especially her "Fish" series...so when this new series came out a few days ago I pre-ordered it. It sounded like the guys from "Fish" only on steroids... so let's go for it. What a team this turned out to be. I read all 320 pages in one sitting and wished for an additional 320. Judson and Cal are a part of a team that is government run and deeply undercover. They're called in to take the badest of the bad off the streets. Judson is happy with his team and his job. He thought his life was over, but he found this new family who accepts him "warts" and all. He’d thought he couldn’t be happier until Calix, (Cal), Garcia joins the team and becomes the perfect partner on the streets and off them too. Cal didn’t think he’d ever find a place to fit in but miracles do happen! Now he just has to figure out how to help Judson deal with his past so they can maybe have a future. I have never been let down by Amy Lane and this one keeps that record going. Great characters that I fell in love with immediately. A top-notch team of co-workers who are also friends that made me smile almost as much as Judson and Cal. There’s not a character in this book that isn’t interesting and compelling, both the good guys and the bad guys. The storyline is beyond gripping! Once you get started you can't put it down! I couldn’t go to bed without knowing how it was all going to come out. I love a good thriller, and Amy Lane is known to produce some of the best...and this one is no exception. The bad guys were terrible people that had passed themselves off for a long time as good people blending into society to carry out hat dirty deeds. They made me really understand how you can “love to hate” someone. I also loved the fact that the author acknowledged that there are issues that need to be fixed in policing, but still showed us that a lot of people in law enforcement are just doing their best to help the people in their communities and keep them safe. I’ve been trying to think if there was any "down-side" to this story, but I really can't think of a single one! It took a few twists and turns to get there but it one fantastic ride! Amy Lane always gives us characters that are personable and easy to relate to. Judson is sweet and caring and in desperate need of someone who will just love him for who he is. Cal is a caregiver and perfect for the job. The story is sweet... funny...and thrilling all at the same time. I can’t wait for more in this series.

Edited: Jul 2, 2023, 5:02 pm

The Song of Rhiannon by Evangeline Walton

In "The Song of Rhiannon," Manawyddan, brother to the mighty Bran the Blessed, and one of the seven survivors of the tragic expedition to Ireland, unites with his long beloved Rhiannon. But much stands in the way of their happiness. Dread of the seeds of evil planted by the overthrow of the Old Ways, fear for the youthful recklessness of Pryderi, and something darker yet--for Rhiannon is not of this world, and somewhere, somewhen, the Gray Man waits to take his vengeance and claim his own.

This is a much gentler book than its predecessor, and comes from the Third Branch of the Mabinogion. With Walton's ability to look into the personae of myth, she finds a theme within Manawyddan: that of the sole remaining brother who has served his elder brother, Bran all his life. And what is he to do now? It is a good theme for the middle years of one's life.

This is the homecoming that Mandawyddan has when he returns to his old haunts with Pryderi, and Pryderi convinces him to come home to Arbreth where his widowed mother, Rhiannon, lives quietly and alone. Of course there have been looks between Manawyddan and Rhiannon over the years, and as time together passes, and Pryderi and Kigva have their reunion, the older couple realizes they have much to learn from joining their lives together.

The bulk of this re-telling, and it is artfully done, is the seven years after the storm that passes over Arbreth and leaves all the humans and the castle devoid of life. The four main characters find themselves the only people in the land, and while they are certainly able to hunt and fish and they have shelter, they find it all a bit dull. So they set out for far away towns to make their livelihoods.

Again, Walton's storytelling ability takes the lines from the "Mabinogion" of how they lived during this time and creates dialogue, thoughts, actions, and brings both tension and story to this portion. Her details of day-to-day life, as well as the final culmination with the mice in the fields of wheat, are masterful and bring the story to life.

Edited: Jul 2, 2023, 6:37 pm

Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
4 1/2 ****

When the Spirit of Winter takes a fancy to Tiffany Aching, he wants her to stay in his gleaming, frozen world. Forever. It will take the young witch's skill and cunning, as well as help from the legendary Granny Weatherwax and the irrepressible Wee Free Men, to survive until Spring. Because if Tiffany doesn't make it to Spring--Spring won't come.

Such a great book and filled with such warmth and humanity and memorable events. There are laughs from the Nac Mac Feegles (helps to have heard at least one audio recording from this series), some eye rolls at the various Granny's and Witching crones (there were so many that it was hard to keep track of, hence the half star), and some great story telling to boot.

Humorous bits include Miss Treason's dialogue with the Nac Mac Feegles when they come in to check on her young ward, Tiffany Aching of The Chalk. Miss Treason is portrayed as the curmudgeonly old blind Witch who can curse with just a finger, yet when she speaks to her unexpected visitors in their language and they jump to mind their manners, hilarity ensues.

And one passage I wish someone had slipped into one of my books during my teen years that occurs after a fight between Tiffany and Miss Treason: "(Miss Treason's) voice was kindly. There had been shouts, there had been things said that might have been better put, there had been temper and defiance. But they were there together, with nowhere else to go. The quiet voice was a peace offering, and Tiffany was glad of it."

So yes, a very good "coming of age" story, or adventure story for a young Witch, or a lot of fun nonsense, or all of the above. Highly recommend to fans of Terry Pratchett, and fortunately one that can be read out of sequence in the Wee Free Men/Tiffany Aching series.

Edited: Jul 2, 2023, 6:48 pm

The Far Traveler by Nancy Marie Brown

Five hundred years before Columbus, a Viking woman named Gudrid sailed off the edge of the known world. She landed in the New World and lived there for three years, giving birth to a baby before sailing home. Or so the Icelandic sagas say. Even afer archaeologists found a Viking Longhouse in Newfoundland, no one believed that the details of Gudrid's story were true. Then, in 2001, a team of scientists discovered what may have been this pioneering woman's last house, buried under a hay field in Iceland, just where the sagas suggested it could be.

This book is why I only use 5 stars for an absolutely splendiforous book. This is one of them. Ms. Brown does not try to write a historical fiction novel or a speculative "who she must have been" book. Instead, she takes ways to research a life and puts them all together: Icelandic sagas, Viking history, archeology, and needlework. And creates a rich book that explains how Gudrid, a Viking wife, mother, and daughter, made a voyage across the Northern Atlantic ocean in about the year 1000, gave birth to a son, and made it back to Iceland 3 years later.

Along the way, we learn about Viking ship building techniques, how the forests yielded the particular tree with the particular V-shape to it to serve as the ship's ribs. Several trees, in fact. And a tree with a straight trunk, about 36' high, to serve as the mast. And how the nails were cut off once they were embedded, instead of bent down.

Then there is navigation through the Northern Atlantic, perhaps when the sun barely sets, without astrolabes, through the thick fog and possibly in pitching seas. Much of the archeological evidence about Vikings is from a prosperous farm, inhabited between 1000 and 1400, called "Farm Beneath the Sand" that was discovered in Greenland in 1991. It was later claimed by the Greenland tides 6 years later.

The map that accompanies this book is a brilliant viewpoint of an Icelandic voyage to Vinland, "Wine Land" which could be anywhere along the Eastern US coast. And Ms. Brown provides quotes and papers for all the researchers who claim what they think was *the* place where Vikings settled because, well, grapes. But the best evidence comes from northern Newfoundland in L'Anse aux Meadows where a sharpening stone and other Viking relics from the proper timeframe were found.

And the needlework! Thank the Goddesses of Threads that Ms. Brown put as much research into thread and cloth as she did into all the other discoveries and explanations! For the general public to know the painstaking way to take a shorn fleece, wash it, card it, then using a drop spindle to create thread. And the different whorls (disks) that are used to create the different thicknesses (or weights) of thread in drop spinning lends credence to the excavated homesteads where these whorls are found. They pinpoint the room, usually to the side of the Viking longhouse, where the women sat and spun, And wove. While I don't have a complete visual of a Viking loom, it is not a treadle loom. It's a walking loom. An estimate in the book is that a "hardworking weaver walked 23 miles every day."

What makes this book work on so many levels is the story-telling, the lyricism, of the words on the page. It is carefully crafted to give the history of a woman who lived a thousand years ago, who went on a dangerous voyage, and came home to create a prosperous farm, Glaumbauer, in northern Iceland that was excavated and researched in the early 2000's.