Is it just me?


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Is it just me?

May 20, 2023, 12:57 pm

I'm 14. OK. I read a lot of different stuff though and some way over my head and at college level.
I was at my community service (don't ask) and these girls were talking about The Game Plan by Breanna Hayes and The Sleeping Beauty trilogy by A.N. Roquelaure.
I tried both. I never give books 3 stars, but The Game Plan I didn't get it. Maybe it's me but it read like a porno movie. I was put off.
Sleeping Beauty was OK. I didn't really get it either. It was raunchy.
Also I don't know who the target audience is but I'm not it
Like I said, maybe it's me.
Anyone have any suggestions if I reread these?
Neither author is Bronte or Walcott for sure.

May 20, 2023, 9:15 pm

Woof. Those aren't good books for young teens IMNSHO.
That genre is rough and often sophomoric. I'd say raunchy is a nice way to put it.

May 27, 2023, 8:06 am

>1 ShayWalker: I've never heard of Breanna Hayse, but A.N. Roquelaure is the pseudonym of Anne Rice who you may have heard of. The Sleeping Beauty trilogy is considered "soft" pornography, which is not my cup of tea either. I loved Anne Rice though. Her vampire series and the Mayfair witches were all great reads.

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