Book description where it's missing

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Book description where it's missing

Apr 21, 2023, 4:17 pm

In My Books I have a lot of books with "Library descriptions", like

But also a lot of more obscure books where there's nothing:

In the 2nd link, the text on the "LibraryThing members' description" was entered by me: I thought this was the field for a plain description of the book (not a review), so I copied and pasted from the publisher's website:

But then on the Help page I see that "This description should be your words. Copying the blurb from the book or a description from somewhere else is often a violation of copyright, and when the violation is discovered, the field may be deleted." and also "This field allows you to write a short summary of the work. This should be your own summary, not text copied and pasted from a bookstore site or other source."

Now, I would like all my books to have a description but honestly I don't really want to write my own summary for each one that still doesn't have one. What is the field I have to use for the "back cover", the text that is almost in every book describing the plot or the subject? Or there isn't any field for this and the description can only be auto-populated for some books and not for others?

Apr 22, 2023, 3:54 am

The only field available for that is the Private Comments field, which is not displayed on the work page, so not as good as you'd like. Other than that, there will be a book description if LibraryThing can fetch it from some outside source, otherwise it will be empty, yes.

Apr 25, 2023, 5:46 am

>1 Moloch: Legally, there isn't, unless LT gets it given to them by Amazon or Bowker. Text on the back of a book/flap of the dust cover is copyright. You can place it in private comments as suggested. But they won't provide a site wide space for it.

Apr 25, 2023, 6:53 am


This is bad though if someone just wants to browse and discover new books, not being able to see what they are about within the site

I have deleted the copyrighted text (see post #1)