Same Books, Retitled, Different series?

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Same Books, Retitled, Different series?

Apr 19, 2023, 8:52 am

Can someone help me out here and tell me if I'm losing my mind?

As near as I can tell, these two series are the same set of books, the author just rereleased the set under a different title.
The books should be combined and so should the series, right?

Apr 19, 2023, 9:51 am

>1 gilroy: If so, yes - I would agree. I'm not familiar with the author though.

Apr 19, 2023, 11:37 am

The author's homepage doesn't say so explicitly but it certainly looks like they're the same (and should be combined) to me.

A couple pieces of evidence:
The first book actually does say "previously published as..." on Amazon -- and inside Librarything that one is already merged.

The second book does not, but the description and cover are exactly the same (except for the title).

The third book likewise, though here I can't find one of them on Amazon itself.

That's as far as I went but I'm convinced. I can see the rest of the covers on Amazon match the alternate-names versions in the first Librarything series (with different titles). Also there's the Librarything user notes evidence: the first series description saying "individual titles renamed 2021" and the second series being named "retitled". None of the things I see are saying that they've been revised/expanded/whatever. So yeah I'd say merge the books and merge the series.