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Apr 8, 2023, 2:35 pm

Having an issue with barcodes; moving library and adding barcodes to each book. When a mistake is found, I can't seem to edit the barcode via LT or TinyCat - the barcode assigned when the book was created is 'it'. Do I have to delete the book and re-add it to change/fix the barcode?

Apr 9, 2023, 12:38 pm

>1 stratacom: I can help! First, all editing of your book records will happen on LibraryThing's end, not TinyCat. Let's dig into this:

Can you explain what you're seeing "when a mistake is found"? Is it just that you need to change the "Barcode" number to reflect what's actually on the book itself?

an you give me a specific example of a title that needs its barcode number updated?

What are you trying to update the barcode number too, and how are you trying to do this (what steps are you taking to edit the barcode number)?

Where are you getting stuck, and are you seeing any error message/s? If so, what do they say?

Finally, what browser and OS (operating system) are you using (e.g. Google Chrome, version 90 and Windows 7, etc.)? Do you have any browser add-ons or extensions installed?

I should be able to help further with this information!

Apr 10, 2023, 1:08 am

I have barcodes I have been adding to my books. I used LT to scan the ISBN barcode on the book (iPhone), then clicked EDIT on the book, scroll down, down, down to Barcode and enter the barcode; click Done, then save. Then...repeat.

I was scrolling thru the books in Tinycat and noticed that some books that I had barcoded did not have a barcode showing up. A couple had the wrong barcode, and a couple had '000060' as the barcode instead of just '60' like most entries (I typed 000060). And, I turned on the automatic barcode stuff but it started numbering at the wrong number, so I need to fix several entries.

I can't seem to do that in LT - I select the book, edit, change the barcode, done and save - and the barcode is the same as it was before I started. In the list view for TC, I can click on the barcode, select Edit, Edit and Save, but it doesn't really save the change...

I'm at 'delete the entire library and start over'...

Most of my editing has been done on an iPhone 13 Pro Max; I do have a MacBook Pro (14" M1) and experience the same issue in the web version as the app version. No error messages, using Safari; no add-ons or extensions I'm aware of.

I'd really like to scan the ISBN, scan the barcode, visually verify that the book is right and the barcode matches the book, click "Enter" to accept and move on...but I don't see a way to make that workflow happen.

Apr 10, 2023, 10:22 am

Okay, can you give me a specific example of a book for this issue, so I can take a closer look? Can you give me the title of a book you're trying to edit the barcode number for? What are you trying to update the "Barcode" field to? And, have you tried to edit this book's particular "Barcode" field within the LibraryThing App's book-edit page (from your iPhone 13 Pro Max) or from itself (Safari on mobile or laptop), or have you tried both for this particular book?

I'll want to try to edit your book entry on my end to see what I can see, thanks for your help!

Apr 10, 2023, 10:57 am

If you turn off automatic barcode numbering, does that allow editing?

Apr 11, 2023, 3:39 pm

Okay, I did find some barcode editing bugs and reported them here:, if you can take a look and let me know if this aligns with what you're having trouble with. Please feel free to add details to that thread, if you need, and follow along for updates on a fix!