Problems Adding Shadow Beasts to My Library

Original topic subject: Problems adding Shadow Beasts to my library

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Problems Adding Shadow Beasts to My Library

Mar 6, 2023, 8:09 pm

I've tried to find the book several ways, but nothing is working. I even went to Amazon to see if I could find the ISBN number and I couldn't find anything.

Edited: Mar 6, 2023, 8:15 pm

Shadow Beasts

As it's an eBook, a lot of sources won't have it. It's in the EarlyReviewers catalog, but via manual entry. In fact, it looks like everyone who has catalogued it used manual entry, so you will need to do that, too.

Mar 6, 2023, 8:17 pm

Since Shadow Beasts is not out yet it might not be available in outside sources yet. You'll need to add it manually, which you can do by going to the "Add books" tab and clicking the little "Add manually" link on the bottom left. That will take you to a blank form where you can enter the information that you want. You don't have to fill out every field, only the title is required (and of course including the author is highly highly suggested)

Mar 7, 2023, 12:02 pm

>1 Antares1: Unfortunately, as lilithcat and norabelle414 have noted, it looks like you will need to enter your copy of this one manually. I often find that forthcoming books (self published ones as well) need to be entered manually, when I first catalog them in the Early Reviewers account, in preparation for an upcoming batch.

Dec 1, 2023, 2:39 am

I'm trying to post a review for Greyhowlers which I received in the October 2023 ER batch. If I click on 'Review' on its ER page, it says I have to add the book. Searching on the 'Add Books' page doesn't find it on Overcat and so on (fair enough - it hasn't been officially released yet) and clicking on 'Add Book' from its work page can't find it either. I'm happy to add it manually but I can see that this must happen with a lot (the majority?) of Early Review books.

Maybe there should be some mention on the ER page or the ER help wiki to this effect?

Dec 21, 2023, 1:55 pm

>5 humouress: Sorry you had some trouble adding Greyhowlers. There actually is a section about adding books manually, in the help wiki, but I have added a line or two, to make it clearer: