Biography/ Essay/ Possible Interest

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Biography/ Essay/ Possible Interest

Feb 18, 2023, 5:41 pm

There are two parts at this link- one is an audio podcast thing(??)

The other is written- but not a transcription of the audio portion.

It talks about Anne Carroll Moore and Margaret Wise Brown. The story is not unknown to me, I enjoy gaining further perspectives on it. I had been unaware of the Bank Street School, before this.

I am not fond of audio- podcast thingies- but I finally convinced myself to listen to it and was pleased, because it is not the same as the written text. Also, it is closer to 31 min, or less, once you get past the commercials. I have difficulty sitting and listening for 48 minutes.

If you dont know the story of Anne Carroll Moore - she ties into Newberys:
1. tremendous contribution to Children's Literature
2. won an honor- ( for one of the most cumbersome early titles)
3. She was on the committee at one point

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