♥️Valentine's Day Treasure Hunt 2023; hints for 4♥️

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♥️Valentine's Day Treasure Hunt 2023; hints for 4♥️

Edited: Feb 16, 2023, 1:30 am

A fish out of water, a mermaid on land,
Our fairy-tale heroine must understand,
That choosing between loyalty and love,
Affects those under sea and those above.
You too must choose, and take your chance,
Come find this new ER romance.

5 quondame: There was no mermaid in the title, but where a mermaid lives.

11 quondame: It isn't the page you're thinking of, the book yes, but it's the page from which you select it.

57 karenb: You filtered ER books to Romance, yes? The clue hints at mermaid; that's the key. I had to click on the book title, though.

62 EGBERTINA: if you just type the title and click- you won't get the heart. you have to click on it directly from the ER page.

98 Petroglyph: What worked for me: I went to the Early Reviewers page and filtered for Romance and ctrl+f for "mermaid". I then clicked on that title, and that awarded me the heart.

99 AnnieMod: Technically, you don't even need to filter - just make sure you do not have a filter hiding the genre.

Feb 15, 2023, 11:45 pm

When I looked, there were two versions of the book, which is where the choice comes in, I suppose.

Feb 16, 2023, 1:30 am

104 Michael.Rimmer: It's listed twice on the ER page under ebook and print. Only one of those editions gives the treasure 🙂

127 AnnieMod: #4 Make sure you are clicking on the correct page. Hint: it is Not the work page. And check different formats.

Feb 20, 2023, 12:37 am

Oh my goodness lol!!! I am an Early Reviewer and I didn't know what ER meant! Haha. Now I know. :-D

Feb 20, 2023, 12:42 am

Found it ;-)

Edited: Feb 20, 2023, 3:33 pm

I have done (more than once) what 62 and 98 say, but it's not working for me! I don't see it listed twice as suggested by 104.

I've gone to the book page (via clicking on the title and via clicking LT Work page), and clicked every option on the left menu. I've clicked the author, I've clicked the series, I don't know what else to click for that book! But I don't see it listed twice in two different formats, either

Feb 20, 2023, 3:52 pm

>6 LibraryCin: You need to click on the Early Reviewers book page, not the general LT work page. There are two different formats being offered for Early Reviewers, and only one has the heart.

Edited: Feb 20, 2023, 9:33 pm

>7 coprime: Oh, I tried both.

I was sent a PM with a direct link that worked.

Here's my guess:
the link that was sent to me that worked says "not available in your country", but the book does come up when my country (Canada) is selected... that's the link I was using. Maybe I needed to cancel out of the list of what's available to me in Canada, and that would have worked?

Hmmm, I bet only one of the formats is offered in my country. And that's the one that doesn't work for the hunt.

Feb 20, 2023, 9:54 pm

>8 LibraryCin: Ah, sorry I misunderstood you then! And there's both a paper copy and an ebook copy, with the paper copy being the one that works. It wouldn't surprise me if the physical copy was more limited on which countries it's available for.

Feb 21, 2023, 12:46 am

>9 coprime: No worries! And that does make sense.