Mary's 2023 Reading List

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Mary's 2023 Reading List

Edited: Nov 26, 2023, 9:16 pm

πŸŽ‰ Happy New Year πŸŽ‰
Its 2023 and I am going to add some new books!!

I am going to keep my Goodreads challenge at 60 this year and I am going read 23 physical books from my shelves in 2023.
Perhaps I am again being overzealous, but I am going to TRY to limit my NetGalley requests this year (no promises☺️).

I really liked that I kept track of the page numbers and genres. Also included were the locations of the books, so I am going to keep track of that as well.

I am also going to give the first line of the book to give you a feel for book.

NetGalley = ✨
Physical Book = πŸ“—

Here goes:
63/60 πŸ“– read this year:
NetGalley: 48
Physical: 6
NetGalley & Physical: 2
Kindle: 7

mystery/thriller: 56
memoir: 2
fiction: 2
true crime: 3

Edited: Jan 31, 2023, 12:56 pm

πŸ”οΈ JANUARY πŸ”οΈ

January total books: 6/5 πŸ“•
January total pages: 1790 πŸ“„

All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham ✨ pub Date 1/10/23
336 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 1/2/23

Auschwitz #34207 by Nancy Sprowell Geise πŸ“—
231 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 1/4/23

The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas ✨ pub Date 1/10/23
384 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 1/10/23

The Devil You Know by PJ Tracy ✨ pub Date 01/17/23
304 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/15/23

The In-Laws by Laura Wolfe ✨ pub date 1/26/23
283 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 1/16/23

The Newlywed by Anne Willett (released 1/10/23)
252 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 1/23/23

Edited: Jan 27, 2023, 10:31 pm

All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham
NetGalley / Book of the Month
Isle of Hope (Savannah), Georgia
January #1

A digital ARC of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️


Isabelle - mother of Mason
Ben - father of Mason
Waylon - podcaster

"Today is day three hundred and six four."
Told from THEN and NOW:
THEN - when Isabelle was 8.
NOW - tells the story of Isabelle and Ben and Isabelle now as she searches for Mason.

18-month-old Mason disappeared from his crib 1 year ago. Isabelle goes on to talk about the disappearance of Mason - at true crime shows. She meets Waylon who is a true crime podcaster and wants to help her find out what happened to her son.

All the pieces start to fit together, there are omissions of truth, lies, adultery and plenty of self-doubt. I too liked this 2nd book better than the first. Very well written and I didn't see the end coming at all.

I will say this reminded me of a Jennifer Hillier story. I was very much invested and highly recommend. Thank you, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, NetGalley and Stacy Willingham.

Edited: Jan 20, 2023, 9:17 am

Auschwitz #34207 by Nancy Sprowell Geise
Poland, Germany, US
January #2

⚠️ Scenes of children being killed and of sexual abuse ⚠️

As with all stories centered around the Holocaust, there are very disturbing scenes. However, for what it is, they are not too graphic.

"It's the Swinehund"

In the foreword the author writes, "From time to time as you read Joe's story your anguished souls may have to pause and take time to rest." I agree with this statement, not just with Joe's story but with all Holocaust survivor stories. The subject matter is deep and intense, but Joe finds a light in the world.

This story is so well written. The chapters are short for the most part and give you a glimpse of Joe's life in the concentration camps without having to dwell on the atrocities. Joe kept strong for his family and when it looked like there was no going back to Radom and the life he knew, he still kept fighting.

The author did a fabulous job in the way she put this together. In her notes at the end, she states specifically what sections were exactly as Joe described and which might have been enhanced to encompass events at that time. She states that sometimes Joe didn't go into too much detail, for obvious reasons. Even though I could not ever imagine the horrors, I could feel something in reading Joe's story that I don't even know how to describe.

If you haven't read a Holocaust survivor story before, I recommend this as your first. It is gentler than some of the others I have read. However, no matter what your experience is, I highly recommend this one.

Thank you Nancy Sprowell-Geise for sharing Joe's story with the world and Thank You Joe Rubinstein for opening up and letting us in.

Edited: Jan 20, 2023, 9:18 am

The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas
January #3

A digital ARC of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

"They were singing."

This takes place over a 5-day period, when Jenna comes to the small town to investigate the disappearance for a new podcast, on the 20th anniversary of 3 girls' disappearances. She is met with hostility from the parents of the girls and overall, the people of the town. She meets Dale, who has been assigned to investigate the cold case and he and Jenna work together trading information. This book is alternating POV between Jenna and Olivia, the survivor of the car crash in which the girls vanished.

There is a whole section of this book that I really found myself bored reading. There are 9 "new" different characters that are in Thailand. There is no date when the events transpired, but I suspected it is before the 20-year-old accident. Of course, this part of the story does feed into the investigation, but I had a hard time even liking any of those characters. In present day, I liked all the characters but Wesley, Olivia's longtime boyfriend. I had a hard time figuring out who too trust.

The epilogue wrapped up everything up beautifully and I didn't have to wonder about any piece of the book. I would recommend reading this book, for the mystery of what happened that night with the girls.

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books and Claire Douglas.

Edited: Jan 19, 2023, 10:19 pm

The Devil You Know by PJ Tracy
#3 Detective Margaret Nolan
Los Angeles, California
January #4

A digital ARC of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Margaret Nolan - Homicide detective
Al Crawford - Homicide detective (Nolan's partner)
Sam Easton - ex-army, family friend of Nolan
Daphna Love - actress
Seth Lehman - celebrity agent

"The ocean was singing in the hushed, undulating tones of low tide On this still, damp night."

This is #3 in the Detective Margaret Nolan series, and I have not read the first two books. Without having that background, I had a hard time figuring out what Sam's role in this book was and where his storyline was heading, I also didn't know/couldn't figure out who Remy was, why Al was so "smitten" with him and Margaret's relationship, or why she was able to tell him anything about her investigation. I felt like there was a lot of "advanced' vocabulary throughout the book that I had a hard time pronouncing, so it slowed me down. But for the most part I was able to use context clues and understand.

All this being said, I did enjoy this book. The murders had me guessing who it could be, and the investigation was thorough. Different police precincts and the FBI were brought in to solve multiple crimes. The epilogue explained something that I didn't think was wrapped up, so I definitely had to read to the very end.

I would recommend this book, especially if you have read the previous two books, for the crimes alone and how they were investigated is worth reading. I wasn't fully invested in any character, but my hope is that will come when I read the series from the beginning, (which I will)

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books.

Edited: Jan 24, 2023, 7:33 am

The In-Laws by Laura Wolfe
Hiawana National Park
January #5

A digital ARC of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Cast of Characters:

Abigail - fiancΓ©e of Pete
Pete - fiancΓ© of Abigail
Kristen - Abigail's mother
John - Abigail's father
Darla - Pete's mother
Kenny - Pete's father
Liam wilderness tour guide

"They were afraid to look"

Told mainly from Abigail's POV with a couple of chapters from Darla and Liam's POV.

This is the story of a camping trip gone wrong, on so many levels. With Abigail and Pete's impending nuptials, Abigail wants to get both sets of parents to like each other, so she plans this trip for a "bonding" experience. Kristen is a physiatrist and believes in science, where Darla believes in mystic powers and reads Palms, Tarot cards and healing crystals. The moms don't get off on the right foot. And with 7 people on this trip, one ends up broken at the bottom of a gulch. Fingers are pointed, tensions are high. Was it foul play or just an accident?

I didn't see the outcome and I was surprised. I love books where groups of people are stranded in dangerous situations, so this was right up my alley. Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture.

Edited: Jan 24, 2023, 7:42 am

The Newlywed by Anne Willett
#3 Cold Case Mysteries
The Book Folks/PR
Seabreak, Australia
January #6

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by Anna Willett and the Book Folks. opinions are my own and freely given.

"Why wasn't he at the wedding?"

Jane Wilson goes missing in the wee hours of the morning. She and her husband, Richard, have only been married 2-months. Fast forward 7-years, Jane is still missing, and Detective Veronika Pope, now head of the of the Cold Cases opens up the investigation. Richard was harassed and accused in the initial investigation and sued the police department for defamation, so Veronika must be very careful.

She discovers another disappearance in the same small town 15-years prior to Jane and feels like they are connected. Veronika and her team investigate Janes disappearance and other disappearances that seem connected come to light.

This is #3 in the Cold Case Mysteries and a new author to me. I really liked this book and have already purchased the first 2! I like a cold case investigation and I was not disappointed. I would recommend this book.

Thank you, Anna Willett and The Book Folks, for my copy of this book.

Edited: Mar 1, 2023, 7:28 am


February total books: 7/7 πŸ“•
February total pages: 2355 πŸ“„

Bright and Deadly Things by Lexie Elliott ✨ pub Date 2/14/23
384 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 2/1/23

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall πŸ“— (released 1/17/23)
315 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 2/7/2023

Her Final Breath by Carolyn Arnold ✨ pub Date 2/17/23
323 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 2/9/23

Knock Three Times by Emerald O'Brien ✨ pub Date 2/23/23
184 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 2/11/23

What Have We Done by Alex Finlay ✨ pub Date 3/07/23
368 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 2/20/23

The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb πŸ“— (released 2/1/22)
352 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 2/16/23

The Snow Graves by Roger Stelljes ✨ pub Date 3/10/23
429 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 2/24/23

Edited: Feb 1, 2023, 12:08 pm

Bright and Deadly Things by Lexie Elliott
Chalet des Anglais - The French Alps
suspense & thriller
February #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group. The opinions are my own and freely given.

"There's someone in the house."

This is the story of a group of professors, graduate students and undergraduate students, getting together for week in a chalet in the French Alps, with no electric and no running water.

Sounds relaxing right? Wrong. Secrets, coverups, "accidents" a missing student. These all lead to paranoia, mistrust and anger.

I liked this book ok. I felt that the chapters were really long. There are diary entries interspersed throughout from the members of the group. I really didn't love the book, until the end. There were a lot of people in the group and a couple of them were barely touched on. Olive for one really only had a small part to play and I felt like I had forgotten about her through most of it.

But everything is answered in the end. I spent most of this book suspecting 2 people, but I got there in the end right before it was revealed.

Thank you NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group.

Edited: Feb 20, 2023, 9:55 am

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall
Hardcover - buddy read
Chester, Washington
February #2

"There is a wilderness in little girls"

Pub Date 1/17/23

I read this book as my first "buddy read" with my niece and let me tell you, it was hard for me to put it down at our allotted pages. This book was so good.

Naomi had a lot of traumas from her childhood (family life) and from the accident. Olivia (Liv) had been battling mental health issues for years. At times the meds worked, at times they didn't. And Cassidy (Cass) was always the strong leader of their little group. Naomi and Liv leaned on her and she thrived on being needed.

Now they are all grown up and come together due to the fallout of "that" day. One of them wants to tell the secret they've been hiding for years, but the other two put her on pause. Then their lives are shattered once again and Naomi keeps searching for answers, but sometimes in the wrong places.

I had a really hard time putting it down. There were a few twists I didn't see coming.

I would recommend this book!

Edited: Feb 20, 2023, 9:56 am

Her Final Breath by Carolyn Arnold
#7 Detective Amanda Steele
Prince William County, VA
February #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Subject matter discusses:
spousal abuse;
military PTSD.

"Leanne's eyelids are so heavy, but there's a voice inside telling her to open them and move."

Homicide detectives Amanda Steele and Trent Stenson investigate the murders of a woman and her young daughter. Their bodies are found buried in a shallow grave in Prince Park.

I found this book to be a little slow in the beginning, setting up the murders and the investigation, but it does ramp up.

I found there was too much "tension" between Amanda and Trent. I feel like they need to discuss the "event" that happened months ago, clear the air, and get back to their normal selves. There is too much tiptoeing around the subject and not waiting to hurt the others feelings, whether something is said in a personal matter or business related.

With this case, there is a lot of Trent's worry about his aunt and that seems to affect his actions some. There is also a storyline with Sgt Graves that is brought up. It may or may not be continued in the next book or it may just be a continuous theme.

Although this wasn't my favorite Amanda Steele book, I still liked it and would recommend it.

Edited: Feb 27, 2023, 6:44 am

Knock Three Times by Emerald O'Brien
ARC from author
February #4

"The echo of my boots against the cement is drowned out by sirens, wailing somewhere close to my apartment complex parking lot."

Pub Date 2/23/23

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by the author. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Remey is riddled with guilt after the death of her neighbor, Marlena, thinking she should have done more to save her. Remey hears Marlena crying and knocking on the walls, even though she is gone. While Remey is trying to adjust and unburden her guilt, her ex-boyfriend keeps hounding her and bringing up the night Marlena died. One night after a date with a new possible romance, Remey discovers she is not alone in the house she is watching for her best friend Nicole's parents.

There are little things: her medicine and a letter are missing, the back door is open, a fire is burning outside... But there wasn't that build-up when Remey finally realizes who is terrorizing her. We don't see multiple pieces fit together; she just knows. But that did NOT take away from the story at all. This was a short fast paced read that I would definitely recommend.

Thank you, Emerald O'Brien

Edited: Feb 27, 2023, 6:43 am

The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb
North Carolina
February #5

"On the morning of the worst, most earth-shattering day of Ray McMillian's life, he order room service: scrambled eggs for two."

Ray is a black kid who picked up the violin in his school's orchestra. He used the school instrument, didn't have money for private lessons and wasn't given the time by his instructor. His family didn't backup his desire to play with the exception of his grandmother, Nora, he was alone. Fast forward to high school and he inherits his great-great-great grandfather's violin. At a competition a professor at a college takes notice of him and everything takes off from there.

I could feel the love Ray felt for his violin, and when it was stolen, he felt like he had lost a piece of himself. I could feel that too. When Ray was interviewed by Anderson Cooper, I could actually hear Anderson Cooper's voice. I feel like this book is partly autobiographical as the author himself was a black kid growing up with classical music, however, he had familial support.

This book is so well written. The author touches on racism, not just in America but by the way the world views a black classical violinist. I absolutely loved this book, and I cannot wait for Symphony of Secrets to be released.

Edited: Mar 2, 2023, 7:03 am

What Have We Done by Alex Finlay
February #6

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Cast of Characters:
Jenna - wife, stepmother
Donnie - musician
Nico - executive producer of reality show
Artemis - tech billionaire
Ben - judge

A group of foster kids from a group home all grown up with lives of their own, seem to be targeted one by one. They come together to figure out who is behind it.

Jenna's old life comes back to haunt her, and she is chased by an assassin, with her stepdaughter.
Nico is in a cave, the scene of his reality show, when an explosion causes the cave to collapse.
Donnie in a drunken stupor falls off a cruise ship.
Artemis is dining at a restaurant when there is an attempt on his life.
Ben has already been murdered.

I felt like this took a little bit to set up the characters as the story kept going back to their foster home and they would get lost in their memories; however, but it picked up and was fast paced with lots of action.

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Alex Finlay.

Edited: Mar 13, 2023, 7:13 am

The Snow Graves by Roger Stelljes
Agent Tori Hunter #5
Manchester Bay, Minnesota
February #7

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Tori Hunter and Will Braddock look into the drive by murder of high school student, his cousin and girlfriend. The problem is the neighbor takes the situation into her own hands.

This book involves the Chicago mob and there was a lot of characters named that I got me a little confused. However, the story itself really kept me engaged. Tori reaches out to her FBI contacts, and a decades old case gets pulled into the investigation.

This was fast paced with car chases and shootouts, which I really enjoyed and seemed realistic.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Roger Stelljes.

Edited: Mar 31, 2023, 8:33 am

☘️ MARCH ☘️
March total books: 5/5 πŸ“•
March total pages: 1877πŸ“„

The Night She Vanished by Wendy Dranfield ✨ pub Date 3/14/23
389 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 3/2/23

Tell Me What Really Happened by Chelsea Sedoti ✨ pub Date 4/04/23
416 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 3/6/23

The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth ✨ pub Date 4/04/23
352 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 3/14/23

The Warning by A.J. Wills
397 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 3/19/23

The Echo Man by Sam Holland πŸ“—
323 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 3/26/23

Games for Dead Girls by Jen Williams ✨ pub Date 4/18/23
320 pages
moved to April

Edited: Mar 14, 2023, 6:55 am

The Night She Vanished by Wendy Dranfield
March #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Nicole's best friend disappeared one night, without a trace. She always suspected her father of being responsible for her disappearance and her mother for covering for him. Now, years later, her teenage sister has disappeared, and she fears history is repeating itself. Nicole has not returned to her small midwestern town since she left when she was 17 years old with her then high school sweetheart, who has become her husband. Now Nicole has returned to help search for her sister. She hasn't seen her mother-in-law, her parents, her best friend's boyfriend in years, but the suspicion of her father, the sheriff is still there. Her parents aren't telling her the whole truth about something, and she is determined to figure out what they are hiding.

This book was a very fast paced read, kept me trying to guess who was involved in both disappearances and why. I didn't really guess who it was until about a paragraph before it was revealed. This is my first book by this author and will not be my last. Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Wendy Dranfield.

Edited: Apr 2, 2023, 9:07 am

Tell Me What Really Happened by Chelsea Sedoti
Pacific Northwest
mystery/thriller YA
March #2

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Cast of Characters:

Maylee - best friend of Petra
Petra - daughter of a cop
Nolan - Petra's stepbrother
John - Maylee's boyfriend
Abigail - friend of Maylee

This book takes place in the course of a day. A group of high school students are going camping for 1 night in the woods, a remote location, with no cell service, or internet. The trip was Maylee's idea, so that she could spend time with John, without her parents. She asked Petra, her best friend to join them, who in turned asked her stepbrother to go. Maylee invites Abigail whom Petra didn't even realize that Maylee knew. Petra is very much "stick to the schedule" and has the law ingrained in her because of her dad. Nolan is a conspiracy and foil hats kind of kid. John is the black kid who is always looked as the cause of trouble and Abigail the daughter of the man who is always seen sporting gun rights and hunts.
Maylee disappears and the rest of the book is spent interviewing all those that were camping with her, one by one by the cops to determine what happened to Maylee. I was very invested in this book. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I didn't actually care for Maylee, and Petra seemed a little spoiled, but overall, I would recommend this book. Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire.

Edited: Mar 15, 2023, 6:50 am

Soulmate by Sally Hepworth
NetGalley/Book of the Month
March #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. The opinions are my own and freely given.

⚠️bipolar disorder, suicide and infidelity⚠️

This book is told from the POV of Amanda and Pippa. Amanda's POV is Before and After, while Pippa's POV is Then and Now.

Pippa and her husband move to a location known as The Drop. A beautiful house on the cliff of the seaside, where people come to jump off and commit suicide. Gabe has successfully talked people off the edge, literally, until one night when a woman appears. Gabe is trying to deal with the fact he couldn't save this woman, until the news is released who she is, and Pippa realizes that they both know her. Amanda's husband Max is dealing with the fact that his wife jumped. He wants to talk to Gabe because he believes that Amanda was not suicidal.

The Before and Then goes through how Amanda and Pippa met their husbands and the events leading up to the night of the incident. The After and Now is dealing with the aftermath of that night. This is the story of two women who thought they had met their soulmates and the strains those soulmates put on their marriages. I liked this book. It wasn't super-fast paced, but it was enough to keep me interested. I spent most of the book wondering what really happened on that cliff. Was it suicide, was it an accident or was it murder. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press.

Edited: Mar 27, 2023, 7:38 am

The Warning by A.J. Wills
March #4

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by the author. The opinions are my own and freely given.

One text message. A chilling warning. A husband's deadly secret.

Megan and Justin move into a long-term rental house after their lives have been shattered by a devasting fire. This is a place where Justin would come with his family on vacation, and he felt that it would be a good place to make a new start. When they move in, Megan finds a squatter has been living in the property and therefore she is nervous about staying there. Then Justin, who promised her that he would stay with her for at least week, so they could settle in, is called away for work, leaving her alone in a country town with no one around. With the agent who rents them the home being Megan's only friend

The owners of the property want her and Justin out, they don't like him or trust him. Even though the signs were there that Justin is an abusive husband, Megan can't see it and it seems to escalate very quickly. Megan doesn't know who to trust and the text message she received that Justin is dangerous, keeps playing in her mind. Megan's only way to escape Justin is to call her new friend, the agent, who she quickly realizes she knows nothing about,

This book kept me guessing till the end, who sent the message, is Justin really as bad as she is being told and who can she trust? I highly recommend this book. Thank you AJ Wills

Edited: Apr 21, 2023, 7:20 am

The Echo Man by Sam Holland
#1 Major Crimes
March #5

Honestly, I bought this book because I was given The Twenty (Sam Holland's next book) to read on NetGalley and WOW, I am glad I did.

This is the story of disgraced police officer, his sister, also a police officer and her partner. There are many attacks in the area and one of the surviving victims see that these are all copycat killings of famous serial killers. The body count is up, and the officers are trying to piece everything together to figure it out. Multiple districts and agencies are involved which is why none of the murders were connected. I don't want to say much more because I am afraid to give spoilers, but this was so good. It wasn't too terribly graphic, until close to the end, but that didn't bother me, (I may have squirmed just a little bit!)

If you like to listen to podcast about murderers, like to watch any of the documentaries on serial killers or are just interested in serial killers, I recommend this book. I look forward to reading The Twenty!

Edited: Apr 29, 2023, 4:33 pm

πŸ’ APRIL πŸ’
April total books: 6/8 πŸ“•
April total pages: 1919 πŸ“„

Games for Dead Girls by Jen Williams ✨ pub Date 04/18/23
315 pages
⭐⭐⭐ - 4/1/23

The Last Word by Taylor Adams ✨ pub Date 05/25/23
343 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 4/4/23

The Perfect Ones by Nicole Hackett ✨ pub Date 05/02/23
272 pages
⭐⭐⭐ - 4/15/23

The Twenty by Sam Holland ✨ pub Date 05/02/23
336 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 4/21/23

The Girl by the Bridge by Arnaldur Indridason ✨ pub Date 05/02/23
352 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 4/26/23

Close Her Eyes: An Absolutely by Lisa Regan ✨ pub Date 05/03/23
285 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 4/29/23

Don't Look Back by Jo Spain ✨ pub Date 05/11/23
400 pages

I Didn't Do It by Jaime Lynn Hendricks ✨ pub Date 05/23/23
312 pages

Edited: Apr 3, 2023, 7:33 am

Games for Dead Girls by Jen Williams
April #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This story is told in 3 different timelines, NOW, 1988 and beginning in the 1949 coming up through now.

NOW - Charlie goes to a seaside vacation spot with her niece. 1988 - Charlie was at this spot with her family, met a "friend" and her life changed. 1949 - Derek is born.

So, this story goes through 1988 Charlie, meeting her new friend, Emily, and a disastrous night, that changes her young life. It flashes forward to NOW as Charlie returns to the spot where it all started. She is tasked with unburying an item that was buried that night. Along the way, a 15-year-old girl is missing, and Charlie can't help but feel that if she could only find this girl, she might get some redemption for that night.

I really had a hard time enjoying the book. I felt like the beginning was slow and it really didn't start to ramp up until about 60% through. We don't know what terrible thing had happened all those years ago until then. We don't really know the story of Charlie and Emily, or why the story of Derek is brought in, (although we can guess). I struggled with this book. For me, it was just ok, but someone else might love it.

Edited: Apr 8, 2023, 9:55 am

The Last Word by Taylor Adams
Strand Beach, Washington
April #2

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and William Morrow. The opinions are my own and freely given.

⚠️loss of a loved one⚠️
⚠️thoughts of suicide⚠️

I am very scared to leave any type of star rating on this book!

This book is the story of Emma Carpenter. A woman who left her life behind and is housesitting for Jules on a Strand Beach Washington. Emma packed up her dog, Laika, an English Cream Golden Retriever, and cut off all family and friends. The closest neighbor is an older man Deacon "Deek" Cowl, who is quarter mile away. She communicates with him through a telescope and a white board, they play hangman, and write messages to each other. That is the closest interaction she has with another human.

When she reads a book, Murder Mountain, a decides to leave a bad review on Amazon, the author contacts her telling her that she has made a mistake and asking her to change her rating. One night she decides that she is going to break her contract with Jules and leave the house, when a man shows up on her doorstep and she trapped. Throughout the night she is terrorized by this man and fights back to the best of her ability.

I liked the way Emma had a conversation with Laika, and Laika seemed to answer her back, if only in Emma's mind. This book seems to be told from Emma's point of view and the point of view of an author writing her story of that fateful night. Yes, some of the things that happened at the house seem a little farfetched but if you read this book for what it is and what "real life" would be, it is very good. Thank you NetGalley, William Morrow and Taylor Adams.

Edited: Apr 17, 2023, 7:09 am

The Perfect Ones by Nicole Hackett
Vik, Iceland (Chicago/Dallas)
April #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

An Influencer trip in Vik, Iceland is sponsored by PinkPurse. This is the story of Celeste and her best friend Alabama, from Chicago and Hollie from Dallas. Hollie has a million followers and Alabama wants that "something" that gets her likes and follows. She attempts to make friends with Hollie. Hollie is dealing with her own personal issues and really doesn't want to deal with Alabama. Celeste is worried about her five-year-old daughter. Then one of the three disappear.

This story is told from 3-months prior to the arrival in Vic, The Day Of, The Day After and then after the influencers go home to their respective cities.

I spent most of the book trying to figure out what horrible secret Celeste had and what Hollie did. (Obviously that is all revealed). I really was bored with the prior to section of the book. When the ladies all made it to Vik, it got better, but then it bounced back to tell their stories, and I sort of lost interest. This wasn't a pulse pounding, can't put down type of book. I wouldn't say this is a thriller at all, and I am tempted to say it isn't much of a mystery. The end, which is 1-year later, left me wondering what was going to happen. It just seemed to end.

To me this book was just ok. I didn't love it or hate it.

Edited: Apr 29, 2023, 4:04 pm

The Twenty by Sam Holland
#2 Major Crimes
April #4

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is the 2nd book in The Major Crimes series by Sam Holland.

On DC Ellie Quinn's first day on the job, she is sent to a dump site where multiple bodies have been discovered. It is an old construction site and near each body are Roman Numerals. DCI Adam Bishop and his teammate and best friend DS Jamie Hoxton find the bodies and realize that the numbers are counting down, based on the decomposition of the bodies. They have to search to make sure the killer doesn't get to down to number I. Some of their own are taken and it hits the team and those around them hard.

I like the way this story is told. The investigation, the crime and then from the killers POV. The murder and torture didn't seem too brutal or graphic until near the end of the book.

Again, I kept guessing who the killer was, and got the wrong person, or did I?

If you like stories about serial killers, I would recommend this book. You don't have to read the 1st one is this series, as there are new characters, and the police department is in a different location. And if anyone is brought in from the first book, it is explained and not involving the current story.

Thank you NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books and Sam Holland.

Edited: Apr 29, 2023, 4:21 pm

The Girl by the Bridge by Arnaldur Indridason
#2 Detective Konrad
April #5

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is the 2nd book in the Detective Konrad series.

Detective Konrad is retired from the police department and is asked by friends of this deceased wife to look into the disappearance of their granddaughter. Konrad finds her in a basement apartment, an apparent drug overdose. This leads to Marta, his good friend still on the force to investigate this death to determine if it was suicide, unintentional overdose or murder. Konrad's acquaintance, Eyglo, whose father was Konrad's partner doing scams, reaches out to him and says that she has seen an apparition of a young girl and that she is looking for her doll. Eyglo wants Konrad to look into this girl's death. While Konrad is investigating the granddaughter's death and the death of a 12-year-old from 1961, he is also still investigating the unsolved murder of his father.

There is a lot going on in the book, but I wasn't lost at any point. I did not like how the grandparents were not named throughout the story. It was either: the wife, the woman, the husband the man. Finally, towards the very end of the book they are named, and I understand why their identities are kept secret.

You don't have to read the first book in this series, just know that Konrad is investigating the stabbing, unsolved murder of his father, and I presume that will continue.

Like I said, there were a lot of different investigations going on, but it is all easy to follow. I recommend this book for the investigation of a 60-year-old case, that was determined an accident at the time. The drug aspect of this book was interesting to me, there were dealers and smugglers. Also, Eyglo is a medium, which is why this little girl appeared to her. Although Konrad is not a believer, he did what he could to solve whatever happened to the girl and bring her peace.

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Arnaldur Indridason.

Edited: Apr 29, 2023, 9:18 pm

Close Her Eyes: An Absolutely by Lisa Regan
#17 Josie Quinn
Denton, Pennsylvania
April #6

All the characters you love are back in this new installment. And if this is your first-time reading Josie Quinn, you will fall in love with them.

The discovery of a body at the bottom of hill leads Josie and Mettner to think there could be foul play. When the medical examiner, Anya, sees no visible signs of injury she leads them to wonder. But once Anya has the girl on the table, she calls Josie almost in tears and requests Gretchen another part of the team to come to the morgue. There Anya shows them what she found during the autopsy and shares her past.

Trinity, Josie's twin sister, who is a reporter is investigating a new case for her TV show. Some of the things she learns from Trinity appear to line up to her current investigation. The team then dive into a previous accidental death in a neighboring city and all things go astray from there. Josie finds herself in the emergency department 3 days in a row. But she won't stop until she discovers what happened.

Josie and her team unearth many, many layers of lies and abuse. From the prominent figure of the city to his son.

This story was action packed, there was a car chase, that ended in disaster. A foot chase that ended in disaster, and a gun fight, that ended in disaster. I couldn't stop reading this book and it actually brought tears to my eyes.
Just thinking about Mett's handcuffs makes me still tear up. You'll understand.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Lisa Regan.

Edited: May 31, 2023, 4:42 pm

🌱 MAY 🌱
May total books: 4/4 πŸ“•
May total pages: 1352 πŸ“„

Don't Look Back by Jo Spain ✨ pub Date 05/11/23
400 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 5/03/23

The Chateau by Jaclyn Goldis ✨ pub Date 05/23/23
336 pages
⭐⭐⭐ - 5/25/23

I Didn't Do It by Jaime Lynn Hendricks ✨ pub Date 05/23/23
312 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 5/10/23

The New Mother by Nora Murphy ✨ pub Date 05/30/23
304 pages
⭐⭐⭐ - 5/31/23

Edited: May 30, 2023, 6:42 pm

Don't Look Back by Jo Spain
May #1

Rose has a hard time trusting anyone man but when she meets Luke, all of her fears disappear. One day, Rose picks Luke up from work and has planned their "honeymoon" vacation that they hadn't gotten to go on. They spend a wonderful week in Saint-Therese. They day they are scheduled to go home, Rose tells Luke she can't go back. That she had killed her ex-boyfriend and left his bleeding dead body in their apartment.

Luke decides to go on the run with Rose, but first he needs to get something out of his safe. Enter his ex -girlfriend Mickey. Mickey goes to the apartment ot retrieve the item only to discover, there is no body.

This starts the game of who is Rose really, who is her ex-boyfriend, and what is Luke hiding?

I enjoyed this book. There was a lot going on to keep you guessing.

Thank you NetGalley and Quercus Books.

Edited: May 30, 2023, 6:47 pm

I Didn't Do It by Jaime Lynn Hendricks
New York City
May #2

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, Penzler Publishers and Scarlet. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Murderpalooza Thriller of the Year Awards

People are nominated for the best Thriller of the Year at Murderpalooza, a conference in New York. When one of the nominees is found murdered in her hotel room, 5 other authors receive a message on Instagram telling them they could be next. The 5 authors quickly meet to determine if 1 of them is behind the message. Their secrets are revealed to the group, and one of them does not want any information leaked to the others.

This is a fast-paced read, that keeps you guessing and there are a few surprises.

Thank you NetGalley, Penzler Publishers and Scarlet.

Edited: May 30, 2023, 6:53 pm

The Chateau by Jaclyn Goldis
Saint-Remy, France
May #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, Atria Books and Atria/Emily Bestler Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Four friends are called to Seraphine's chateau in Saint-Remy France. The friends met 20 years ago while studying abroad and have remained friends since. Seraphine is Darcy's grandmother. She is very, very wealthy and extremely proper. She called the 4 to the Chateau as she is nearing the end of her life and she wants to put things straight. Then in the early hours, she is murdered in her bed and all of the friends suspect each other.

This story sounds great, but to me it just didn't live up to it. There is a whole storyline about one of the women's father whose parents were sent to Auschwitz, and he was sent to an orphanage. That was the best story in this book and that storyline is what kept me interested.

To me, the book took a turned and started to get really good at about 80%, when the storylines all came together, and the motive and murderer was revealed.

Thank you NetGalley, Atria Books and Atria/Emily Bestler Books

Edited: Jun 5, 2023, 7:20 am

The New Mother by Nora Murphy
suburbs Baltimore, Maryland
May #4

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is told from the POV of Natalie, the new mother and Paul, the neighbor.

I did not care from this book from the beginning. The story opens with Natalie in the hospital, she has just given birth to her son, and she is already resenting her husband because he has fallen asleep in the hospital. She doesn't ask for help and the resentment grows and grows. Natalie has absolutely no support system whatsoever and the family that does come around, is really pushed aside.

Paul is almost as obsessed with his 10-year-old daughter as Natalie is with her newborn son. Paul gets to close to Natalie for all the wrong reasons.

This was not a suspenseful story, or a thriller in anyway. There is a bit of mystery (who dies and how) but that all is revealed about halfway through. I was very bored with this story and just could not get into it at all.

Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books.

Edited: Jun 30, 2023, 6:56 am

🌻 JUNE 🌻
June total books: 7/8 πŸ“•
June total pages: 2181 πŸ“„

Hold Your Breath by Helen Phifer ✨ pub Date 06/02/23
289 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 6/2/23

The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop ✨ pub Date 06/06/23
320 pages
⭐⭐⭐ - 6/8/23

Speak of the Devil by Rose Wilding ✨ pub Date 06/13/23
304 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 6/13/23

The Water Tower by Amy Young ✨ pub Date 06/20/23
290 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 6/17/23

The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz ✨ pub Date 06/20/23
352 pages
⭐⭐⭐ - 6/23/23

A Fatal Affair by A. R. Torre
320 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 6/26/23

The Quiet Tenant by Clemence Michallon ✨ pub Date 06/20/23 moved to July
320 pages

Taken Girls by Carolyn Arnold ✨ pub Date 06/20/23 moved to July
324 pages

The Lottery Winners by A J Willis ✨ pub Date 07/01/23
306 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 6/29/23

Edited: Jun 6, 2023, 6:52 am

Hold Your Breath by Helen Phifer
#9 Morgan Brookes
Rydal Falls, UK
June #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Morgan Brookes is back with this fast-paced story. Morgan, and the team search for a killer before he adds more bodies to the mix. Morgan is also getting creepy masks mailed to her, which she thinks are a prank. Once again, she gets herself caught up in the killer's plans. Will the team find her in time? All your favorite characters are back. Ben starts to make amends with Ettie. Morgan tries her hand at matchmaking. Once again, I teared up when Declan went to the scene and introduced himself to the victim, as did everyone else that was there.

This is still one of my favorite series that I cannot get enough of. Morgan Brookes is an auto buy for me. You will not be disappointed.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Helen Phifer.

Edited: Jun 9, 2023, 7:30 am

The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop
June #2

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This book is told from Rachel's POV, THEN AND NOW.

Then Rachel was a 17-year-old on trip with her best friend Caroline. She goes to in island in Greece, and when Caroline goes home, she stays. Now is 16-years later, and she still can't forget the time she spent on the island or the man she fell in love with.

However, Alistair was a 30-year-old who along with his boss, exploited these "island girls".

The description of the island is beautiful, but that is where my positives end. There was too much in this book that I couldn't stand behind. Rachel (now) willingly went seeking Alistair out and had an affair with him, while her husband was laid up with a broken leg. Rachel (then) was drinking, doing drugs and exploited at parties, along with all the other girls that worked at the bar. This book was not for me. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press.

Edited: Jun 25, 2023, 8:52 am

Speak of the Devil by Rose Wilding
June #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Cast of Characters -

Sarah - the alcoholic ex
Kaysha - the journalist
Sadie - the wife
Olive - the widow
Ana - the friend
Josie - the pregnant teenager
Maureen - the aunt

These seven women all had a reason to kill Jamie, but to protect each other they have to find out who did.

Told from each of the women's POV. This was a good mystery trying to figure out what really happened to Jamie, how the women all had a connection to him, and how they all came together. The DI investigating the crime is the ex of the journalist. Kaysha is trying to protect the women, so she goes back to the DI to see what has been found out and to keep the investigation away from them all. However, there was a little too much of them "together". I feel like I can infer that they spent the night together. But overall, it was a good story.

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books.

Edited: Jun 25, 2023, 9:08 am

The Water Tower by Amy Young
Lakeview, Ohio
June #4

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Level Best Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Cast of Characters:

Josie - the actress
Nikki - reporter
Alex - bartender
Heather - doctor
Jake - English teacher
Sean - cop
Amber - the victim
Tony - Amber's boyfriend

Josie has a breakdown on set of her hit TV show and has to move back to Lakeview, Ohio. There she teachers at her old high school and reconnects with her best friends. One morning while running, she discovers the body of one of her students. Autopsy confirms she had drugs in her system, and she was pregnant, but was it an accident? Josie, whose father and brother are FBI agents can't seem to stop digging. Because Josie and her 3 friends meet to discuss the case and investigate things on their own, this reminded me a little bit of James Patterson's the Women's Murder Club.

I got a little annoyed with Josie and how she was able to really look into things without being a law enforcement officer. It makes sense that this was what she was taught to do by her father, but it was just never really mentioned. However, I liked this story and will definitely look forward to another story by this author.

Thank you NetGalley and Level Best Books.

Edited: Jun 25, 2023, 9:11 am

The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz
June #5

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, Random House Group - Ballantine and Ballantine Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Cast of Characters:

Kelly - the girl who moves into the spare room
Mike - her fiancΓ©
Sabrinia - author and Kelly's acquaintance from high school
Nathan - Sabrina's husband, works for the DOD

Set during the pandemic, Kelly and Mike's relationship seem to be coming to an end. Kelly reaches out to Sabrina on Instagram and is invited to move to their Virginia mansion to escape. One thing leads to another and Kelly, Sabrina and Nathan fall into a relationship. Nathan doesn't want Kelly to tell anyone because of his position with the Department of Defense. I did not like this book. There was way too much of the three of them in bed together. Nothing really happened until 72% through when a dead body turns up in the house. After the police were involved and when we really figure out what happened it just kind of fizzled. This one was just not for me.

Edited: Jun 27, 2023, 10:04 pm

A Fatal Affair by A R Torre
Beverly Hills, California
June #6

Hollywood Superstar couple Hugh Iverson and Nora Kemp, engaged to be married in a few months discover the body of Hugh's twin brother, Trent, along with an unidentified woman in the guesthouse. Why did Trent die, and who is this woman? Was it really a murder-suicide?

This book was broken up from each main characters POV and it really helped that it labeled that way.

Without giving it away, there is a child in the story with cancer, his mother has a mental illness, and this leads to a form of child abuse; however, I don't feel like the abuse was graphic. I 100% enjoyed this book and if life wouldn't have gotten in the way, I probably would have finished it in one day. It was quick, the chapters were short, and it just kept me wondering what happened. I recommend this book. This was the first book that I have read by this author even though I have one of hers on my TBR. I read 6 books in the last two months that I just couldn't get into, and this one was perfect.

Thank you @thrillerbookloverspromotions, @hkdimin and thomas & mercer for my review copy.

Edited: Jun 30, 2023, 6:54 am

The Lottery Winners by A J Wills
June #7

⏲️ Review Coming Soon! ⏲️

Edited: Jul 27, 2023, 8:19 pm

July total books: 3/5 πŸ“•
July total pages: 980 πŸ“„

The Quiet Tenant by Clemence Michallon ✨ pub Date 06/20/23
320 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 7/10/23

Taken Girls by Carolyn Arnold ✨ pub Date 06/20/23
324 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 7/19/23

The Night it Ended by Katie Garner ✨ pub Date 06/27/23
400 pages
πŸ”–Currently ReadingπŸ”–

Have You Seen Her by Catherine McKenzie ✨ pub Date 06/27/23
336 pages - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 7/26/23

The Housekeepers by Alex Hay ✨ pub Date 07/04/23
304 pages

Edited: Aug 11, 2023, 7:43 pm

The Quiet Tenant by Clemence Michallon
New York
July #1

This is a debut novel and I had really high hopes for it.

This was told from the POV of The Woman in the Shed/The Woman in the House, Emily and the victims. I like the way this was broken up.

Emily seemed a little too obsessed with Aidan. She knows that his wife just died but still she tries to do everything in her power to get him to fall in love with her.

I was a bit disappointed with the ending. The run from the captor was great but I really didn't understand why she felt like she had to take something with her, that seemed to slow her down.

Thank you NetGalley.

Edited: Aug 11, 2023, 7:36 pm

Taken Girls by Carolyn Arnold
Amanda Steele #8
Prince William County
July #2

This is the 8th installment of the Detective Amanda Steele series. When a prom queen goes missing and then gets murdered, the search is on for the killer.
Amanda Steele and Trent Stinson are investigating the murder when a prom queen is found murdered at the prom.

You don't have to read from the beginning of the series. The relationship between Amanda and Trent is still progressing but more subtle than the past books in the series. The investigation kept me on my toes. Amanda's niece is going to be a good investigator when she grows up, it is in her blood after all.

Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture.

Edited: Aug 11, 2023, 7:52 pm

Have You Seen Her by Catherine McKenzie
July #3

This book starts with Cassie Peters being rescued and a body being found with her.

Told from the timeline of NOW and THEN leading up to the events of the rescue.

Cassie goes back home to Mammoth Lakes, California with a burner phone and not much else. She gets a job with a Yosemite Search and Resue where she worked years ago before she left. There she meets Petal with her older wife and Jada with her boyfriend Jim. Cassie suspects Petal is abused, and Petal suspects Jada is being abused. Then one day, Jada and Jim go missing and the SARS search for them.

Finding out why Cassie came back to Yosemite after all these years, and why she had to be rescued by the helicopter with a body being found with her, was very suspenseful and kept me wanting to read.

This is the first book I have read by this author, and I really enjoyed it. Look forward to reading more of her books.

Edited: Sep 1, 2023, 9:03 pm

August total books: 3/7 πŸ“•
August total pages: 966 πŸ“„

The Night it Ended by Katie Garner ✨ pub Date 06/27/23
400 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 8/03/23

Bleed by Emerald O'Brien
246 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 8/21/23

The Housekeepers by Alex Hay ✨ pub Date 07/04/23
304 pages
πŸ”–Currently ReadingπŸ”–

Close Enough to Hurt by Katherine A Olson
320 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 8/29/23

Edited: Aug 11, 2023, 7:47 pm

The Night It Ended by Katie Garner
Upstate New York
August #1

This is the debut novel by Katie Garner. I am a sucker for a boarding school storyline.

This is told from Madeline Price's PPOV and there is a transcript of a patient scattered throughout. Know that the name of patient and all that she talks about are redacted. This makes it a tad confusing, but I was able to get the gist of what was happening.

Dr. Madeline Price is asked by a private investigator to come to the remote boarding school to interview the girls who knew Charley Ridley, the girl found dead outside in the freezing cold. The cops said it was an accident, her mother wants to know the truth. This story follows Dr. Price as she interviews the four girls who stayed at the school over winter break. As she talks to the girls, she learns there are secrets between them and the few staff members left behind.

I was pleasantly surprised by the ending. Not only the investigation into Charley's death, but the secret that Dr. Price is keeping.

Thank you, NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and MIRA

Edited: Aug 29, 2023, 9:29 pm

Bleed by Emerald O'Brien
#1 Skull Serial Killer
Ontario Canada
August #2

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by the author. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Pub Date 8/31/23

There is a horrific murder in town and the murderer has been on the run. When six friends go to a halloween party, they seem to be targeted one by one. Will any of them make it out?

I really loved this story. I kept waiting for the killer to show up so there was a lot of suspense. Then I kept wondering who the killer was, is he someone we have met before or a totally new character? I am not a fan of horror (ghosts, demons, possessions etc.) but I LOVE SLASHER types so this book was perfect for me.

This was a quick read and of course it is the first in the series and I CAN NOT WAIT for the next book to come out.

Edited: Oct 10, 2023, 6:29 pm

Close Enough to Hurt by Katherine A Olson
San Francisco, California
August #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by Crooked Lane Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Dylan Truman's (AKA: Lady Justice) business is to take revenge on those that have wronged others: be it husbands, boyfriends, bosses. She exposes them to their community and businesses. With the help of her best friend Daniel Haas, they make a great team.

Then a client brings a target to her attention, and she takes personal gratification in exposing him as he was the reason, she started this business to begin with. To avenge the wrong inflicted on her sister.

I enjoyed this story. Dylan doesn't take anything from anyone and knows how to get out of a situation. I liked the relationship between Dylan and Daniel, but my personal opinion. there was a little too much detail. That was my primary dislike of this book, as I was not looking for a romance. I felt that it story focused on Dylan and Daniel and Brent (her target) was put off into the background. Everything was fast paced, and overall, a good debut.

Thank you NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books and Thriller Book Lovers Promotion.

Edited: Sep 29, 2023, 11:41 am

September total books: 8/ πŸ“•
September total pages: 2617 πŸ“„

My Child is Missing by Lisa Regan
365 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 9/1/2023

Stolen Darlings by Helen Phifer
301 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 9/4/2023

In Light of All Darkness by Kim Cross
449 pages

Her Last Tear by Stacy Green
285 pages

The Girl Who Survived Auschwitz by Eti Elboim
336 pages

These Still Black Waters by Christina McDonald
319 pages

The House Guest by A J Willis
333 pages

The Ideal Couple by Anna Willett
229 pages

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:37 pm

My Child is Missing by Lisa Regan
#18 Josie Quinn
Denton, Pennsylvania
September #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Two children are missing. 16-year-old Kayleigh and her little sister eight-year-old Savannah. Savannah has heard stories of The Woodsman and is scared. Her sister takes her for a walk in the woods to show her that The Woodsman isn't real and it just a story made up to scare kids. But when the girls don't come back home Josie and her team are called in to search for them. Then they find one of the girls whose sister disappeared, and she heard her cries. Now the race is on to find her alive. Josie is still struggling with the loss of one of her team members and trying to calm Harris' fears (her "nephew") about The Woodsman. Then the team discovers the kids in all the counties are doing "challenges" to see if they can survive The Woodsman.

This is a fast-paced story that keeps your interest. Josie Quinn is one of my most favorite series, and if you haven't read her, I urge you to do so.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Lisa Regan!

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:37 pm

Stolen Darlings by Helen Phifer
#10 Morgan Brookes
Rydal Falls, UK
September #2

πŸ•°οΈREVIEW COMING SOON πŸ•°οΈA digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Morgan, Ben, Amy and Cain are at it again solving the murder of a woman who appears to be posed at the Stone Circle of Castlerigg. When another body is discovered in the same way at another Stone Circle, the team are in a race to find the murderer before he claims his next victim.

As usual, Morgan tries to stay out of trouble, but yet, it always seems to find her. I don't know how much longer Ben will be able to last since he worries about her all the time. Declan takes the gentlest of care with the bodies and I appreciate that so much. Declan is probably my favorite character that is really a supporting cast member.

I recommend reading the Detective Morgan Brookes series. They are one of my favorite series and I look forward to reading each and every one of them. They are quick reads, that keep you invested in the story.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Helen Phifer for bringing Morgan into my life!

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:37 pm

In Light of All Darkness by Kim Cross
True crime
Petaluma, California
September #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Central Grand Publishing. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is a very informative book. Not only does us give us the story of Polly Klaas and when really happened to her, but it tells us the story of how the killer was caught. There were so many people involved in helping to bring Polly home from local police to FBI to volunteers that worked around the clock. This book explained so much is what the crime labs do to bring the killer to justice. From fingerprinting to Evidence Response Teams, to SWAT Teams, forensic artists and polygraphers. Tells how this story made it to America's Most Wanted, and Polly became the girl across the nation that everyone wanted to find. I recommend this book.

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:37 pm

Her Last Tear by Stacy Green
#7 Nikki Hunt FBI
Stillwater, Minnesota
September #5

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Nikki and Rory are trying to leave a fireworks celebration and see police are searching cars up ahead. Nikki calls Kent, the local sheriff to find out what is going on and discovers that two sisters have disappeared. Nikki helps to search for the girls. When she talks to the mother of the girls, she is very vague and doesn't seem to be sharing everything. Then her husband tells Nikki that she was part of a religious sect and escaped her life and is trying to stay under the radar, so she isn't forced to go back. This leads to Nikki looking into the sect to see if there is any connection to the girls' disappearance. This story turns things around and some cold cases seemed to be solved. Liam may or may not be hiding something as he seems to be distant.

This is a really good series and I have loved it from the beginning. Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Stacy Green.

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:36 pm

The Girl Who Survived Auschwitz by Eti Elboim and Sara Leibovits
September #4

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, Harper 360 and One More Chapter. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is the story of Sara (Suri) who was captured by the Nazis along with her family at the age of fifteen (and ten months) and sent to Auschwitz. This is also the story of her daughter, 70 years later, as a child of a survivor of the holocaust.

As all stories of the holocaust are, this is very sad and disturbing; however, it shows how this young woman rose to the many challenges, hardships and the daily fear to survive one of the most brutal places on earth. In between the chapters of the horror of Auschwitz, we hear from her daughter Eti, and how she too had to overcome the stigma of being Jewish and learning as a child what her mother went through.

This is the first book that I have read from a woman survivor. There were things from a woman's perspective that i have never really thought about, such as the cattle trains. I knew they were cramped and smelly, but i didn't realize that they were not ever cleaned from the cattle prior to the transfer of the prisoners. (I know that is minor in terms of everything else they went through, it was just a prospective I never really understood, as woman would focus more on the cleanliness than most men.) Also learning about the women's camp and quarantine after their arrivals to prevent any spread of disease. Eti's part starts at an early age, when children ask her why her mother has numbers written on her arm. Although she doesn't know why they are there or what they mean, she can sense that they bring a pain to her mother.

As disturbing as these books are, and bad as it sounds to say this, I love reading books about the Holocaust survivors and learning about this tragic time. They are a wonderful group of people that I look up to.

I would recommend this book, if you have never read a book by a holocaust survivor, or you have read a 100.

Thank you NetGalley, Harper 360 and One More Chapter for this book. Thank you especially to Sara and Eti for sharing their stories.

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:36 pm

These Still Black Waters by Christina McDonald
#1 Jess Lambert
September #6

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is the first in the Detective Jess Lambert series.

Detective Lambert is recovering from a tragedy that left her struggling, both physically, emotionally and mentally.

Neve Maguire is recovering from a home invasion, that also turned her life around.

Neve and her daughter Eve go to her childhood summer home of Black Lake to regroup her life. Her daughter seems like a typical teenager in that she just wants to go home and can't understand why her mom brought her there. She then discovers that her next-door neighbor, who was also her childhood best friend has been murdered. Enter Detective Jess Lambert. Jess is searching for the murderer and meets up with Neve a couple of times. Neve never gives Jess her history and whatever dark secret she may be hiding. Jess suspects Neve of being involved in the murder. Jess is also a functioning alcoholic, at least she thinks she is.

This book has a little touch of paranormal, crime and drama all blended together perfectly. This book shows a great relationship between mothers & daughters. I didn't figure out who the murderer was until very close to the end. It also took me a while to figure out what was going on with Jess.

This was a really well-done story and I look forward to #2!

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:36 pm

The House Guest by A J Wills
September #7

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by the author. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Present & 1925

There are women going missing in the area without a trace...

This story is told in two different time lines between present day and 1925. Both timelines revolve around a farm house. The owners of the farm house in 1925 saw Billy go off to war and return injured both physically and mentally. The house was the site of a tragedy and sat vacant for years. Then present day, the home is bought by Rufus, an architect, and his wife Carmel. Together, they restore the house to its original state and add some modern additions.

When the news does a feature on them and the house, Marcella is watching and realizes that Carmel is the person that ruined her family, and she vows to get revenge. She moves in with them under the pretense of being a new youtuber making a film about the house, the history and those that live in it.

I was really invested in this book. Trying to figure out Marcella and her sisters relationship, what Carmel did to her family and why is Carmel so cold. So many pieces just fell into place and I found myself thinking, "Oh I forgot about that!" a couple of times. This was a rather quick, easy read and probably my favorite book by this author to date.

Thank you AJ Wills!

Edited: Oct 3, 2023, 6:38 pm

The Ideal Couple by Anna Willett
#4 Cold Case Mysteries
The Book Folks publisher
Iron Creek, Australia
September #8

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by The Book Folks. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Laura and Jonas went to find gold in the mines outside of Iron Creek and they never returned. Its been three years and Veronika and her team have been called in to investigate the prominent cold case. With half of her team in Perth investigating , interviewing and searching for clues and Veronika and Jim in the outback talking to the locals and looking at the site of the couples last known whereabouts, things start to get a little intense. Both Perth and the outback have suspects, and as the investigation goes on, more and more crimes are solved.

This is the 4th in the Veronika Pope series and the 2nd that I have been able to read, (although I have them all so one day I'll get caught up!) Even though these are part of a series, I feel like you can read them out of order. I really like this series (yes I have only read two) and this book is no exception. All of the characters work well together and there doesn't seem to be any jealousy between them.

Edited: Oct 31, 2023, 7:40 am

October total books: 7/πŸ“•
October total pages: 2224 πŸ“„

Down the Hill by Susan Hendricks
272 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 10/3/23

A Friend in the Dark by Samantha M Bailey
211 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 10/5/23

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell
380 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 10/7/23

The Engagement Party by Darby Kane
368 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 10/16/23

The Christmas Party (The Bailey Family) by Mikayla Davids
289 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 10/19/23

The Vacancy in Room 10 by Seraphina Nova Glass
336 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 10/21/23

The Housekeepers by Alex Hay
368 pages
⭐⭐⭐ - 10/30/23

Edited: Oct 6, 2023, 8:19 am

Down the Hill by Susan Hendricks
true crime
Delphi, Indiana
October #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Hachette. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Down the Hill tells the story of two teenage girls, Abby Williams & Libby German who went missing while hiking on Monon High Bridge in Delphi, Indiana. After searching for the girls, their bodies were found and almost 6 years later, authorities were still searching for the man who killed them. This is written by journalist Susan Hendricks, who has been there from the beginning and has formed a relationship with the girls families.

Through interviews with the families and law enforcement and also the press conferences she takes us through the investigation. We learn (as best we can) what the families went through and how a community came together to arrest 1 suspect. This case is not 100% closed, it has not gone to trial and Richard Allen is still assumed innocent, but there is a little bit of peace of Delphi.

I must say I am a little obsessed with this case so reading this, watching the specials and listening to the news/podcasts on this case was still interesting to me. Thank you NetGalley and Hachette.

Edited: Oct 21, 2023, 11:49 pm

A Friend in the Dark by Samantha M Bailey
Thriller Book Lovers Promotions Group
October #2

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by Thomas & Mercer. The opinions given are my own and freely given.

The day that Eden takes her daughter, Ava to school, at the same college that she and her husband, Dave went, her husband tells her he wants a divorce. On her birthday, after a few drinks, sitting at home alone, and feeling sorry for herself, she decides to look up the "one that got away", Justin, on social media. They exchange messages back and forth and become very intimate, without having met up in person. Eden meets Lila at an open house, where Eden is the selling realtor. She then runs into her while shopping. They become friends.

In the meantime, Olivia, Justin's wife is stuck in an abusive, controlling marriage, with no way out. Everyone thinks that Justin is GREAT and so she can't rely on anyone, but her brother. Eden also starts finding out things about Dave, and how he had changed in the few months prior to his request for a divorce and she starts investigating.

This is the story of a woman who wants to reconnect, a wife who wants out and a daughter her wants her parents back together.

This book is not what I expected at all. There are mental health issues, abusive husbands, cheating husbands, an illicit club and the daughter that blames her mom for everything.

I recommend this book.

Edited: Nov 27, 2023, 7:38 am

The Engagement Party by Darby Kane
October #4

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, William Morrow and Thriller Book Lovers Promotions. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Will and his new fiancΓ© Ruthie invite 3 of Will's college friends to a remote island off the coast of Maine. The only way to access this home that they are staying in is by golf cart, once you depart a boat. They are completely isolated. Will has a history of getting engaged and then breaking up, so the friends don't see this lasting, nor do they understand why they were invited, as they haven't seen each other in years. The day of their graduation, one of their own disappeared and her body was found, linking them all together.

Alex and Cassie married each other and became lawyers. Cassie is the most outspoken of the group and the lone who trusts Ruthie the least. Mitch, one of the core members of the group didn't want to go this weekend getaway, but his business partner, Sierra convinced him to go, so he made her come with him.

The night they arrive, a locked door Will and Ruthie swear they don't have a key too is found open and a car is found running. This starts the night of terror and with only one way off the island, a storm and darkness setting in, the 6 have to fight to survive the night.

I really enjoyed this book. It left me wondering who could be trusted and who couldn't. The story about the friend that died in college keeps resurfacing and it seems that everybody has a slightly different version of events. This was fast paced. It was a great read as I was constantly trying to guess whodunit as the body count increases.

I would definitely recommend this.

Edited: Nov 12, 2023, 1:27 pm

The Christmas Party (The Bailey Family) by Mikayla Davids
#1 Bailey Family
October #5

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by Mikayla Davids. The opinions are my own and freely given.

The Bailey family has been together in years. Erin the middle daughter has left the family behind, married a wealthy man, had twins and now owns a boutique hotel in the English countryside. Every year she and her husband host a Christmas party at the hotel, and this year she invites her family to join them. She feels like it is time to makes amends and writes a personal letter to each of her sisters and mother and sends a swanky invitation.

Throughout the story, the oldest sister, who doesn't want to be there, but felt guilted by her mom, is having a difficult time. She gets drunk and disappears. Her younger sister keeps receiving threatening text messages. And her mom is just trying to bring the family back together.

In the beginning, two sisters are dancing and go to get some air, then they discover a body. You don't know which two sisters it is, nor do you find out who the body is. This book had me hooked from the beginning because I needed to know who was dead, and throughout the book, my mind was rolling trying to figure it out. This is part 1 in the Bailey Family Series, and leaves just enough open so you want to read #2 to find out what happens. Oh, then there is a #3 coming out in August 2024.

Thank you, Mikayla Davids. I can't wait to read more!

Edited: Oct 23, 2023, 7:15 am

The Vacancy in Room 10 by Seraphina Nova Glass
Thriller Book Lovers Promotions
New Mexico
October #6

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by Graydon House Books. The opinions given are my own and freely given.

Cass loses the high-style life she is used to and takes a job as a maintenance woman working at a motel turned apartment building. There over the course of a few months she becomes part of the residents.

Anna's husband rented an apartment at the Sycamores to use as his painting studio. One night he calls Anna in tears, and she hears what she thought was a gun shot, and realizes her husband committed suicide, so she sells her house and moves into his apartment.

Anna is trying to get to understand what led to her husband's death. She thinks the residents are hiding something. There are the pool girls, who spend their entire day at the pool playing cards while their kids are playing. And Callum, who is a former co-worker of her husband's and recommended the apartments to him.

Anna receives notes and "presents" warning her away from the place. But she can't figure out who would do such a thing? Because of what happened to Cass and what brings her to the Sycamores, she takes it upon herself to "warn" men to do the right thing, but will that get her in trouble?

This story... Oh my. I was very impressed with. There were a few things going on that you wonder how in the world they can be connected. But man do they connect. I love the pool girls. They just seem like the crass type; however, they are the real friends that would do anything for you. And you always have to watch out for the quiet ones.

This is my first novel by this author, and this will not be my last.

Thank you @thrillerbooklovers and @graydonhousebooks for my copy.

Edited: Oct 30, 2023, 8:19 pm

None of this is True by Lisa Jewell

October #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Atria Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Josie and her husband are celebrating her birthday at a restaurant and notices another woman, Alix, come in with a group, and she appears to also be celebrating her birthday. Josie follows the woman into the bathroom to tell her it is also her birthday, and they have a brief chat and introduce themselves. Josie and Alix not only were born on the same day, but at the same hospital. After the dinner, Josie seems to become a little obsessed with Alix and discovers that she is a podcaster and although her kids are older, they went to the same school that Alix's children go to. Josie meets Alix again, "by chance" and inserts herself into Alix's life. She talks Alix into making a podcast telling everyone about her life.

Josie talks about her husband and although she has two grown children, she doesn't really talk about them. Throughout the book, Alix, while trying to get to the bottom of Josie's story, also tries distance herself, because a few times Alix accidentally told Josie about her husband, and how sometimes he goes out on a drinking bender and doesn't come home.

Then Alix's husband goes missing...

I loved this book. I seriously kept you me turning the pages and you have to read up to the last page, to really find out what happened.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books.

Edited: Nov 12, 2023, 1:23 pm

The Housekeepers by Alex Hay
October #7

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Graydon House. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This book centers around two former housekeepers of the same house, who plot and plan to steal EVERYTHING from the house. Along with former and current employees of the home, they make big, big plans.

I have to admit, I requested this book because I am in love with/obsessed with Downton Abbey. The characters in this book are nothing like any of them, and I had a hard time "falling in love with them". Once the heist actually came to fruition, the story picked up some, but I struggled most of the way through it. While the two housekeepers were gathering all the accomplices and putting them into place, I had a hard time following. I did put this book down and read 17 other books before I picked it back up. Many of the people involved in this story have a secret, some of the secrets connect them to each other, but not all.

Overall, this was a decent story, I just didn't love it.

Thank you NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Graydon House.

Edited: Nov 27, 2023, 7:37 am

November total books: 7/πŸ“•
November total pages: 2100 πŸ“„

Out of Sight by Ruhi Choudhary
326 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 11/1/23

While Idaho Slept by J. Reuben Appelman
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 11/8/23
288 pages

Since She's Been Gone by Sagit Schwartz
320 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 11/11/23

Their Lost Souls by Roger Stelljes
426 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 11/13/23

Shadow Dance by Martin Ott
202 pages
- 11/17/23

Never Back Down by Christopher Swann
261 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 11/20/23

The Woods Are Waiting by Katherine Greene
278 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 11/26/23

Edited: Nov 12, 2023, 1:16 pm

Out of Sight by Ruhi Choudhary
#6 Detective Mackenzie Price
Lakemore, Washington
November #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is book 6 in the Detective Mackenzie Price series.

When a woman's body is found with one eye missing, this launches a re-opening of a decades long case.

This story involves a "cult" like religion, a police cover-up and former drug addicted women. This is a very fast-paced story and Mackenzie and Nick are rushing to find the murderer before its too late. They are also trying to bring the "cult" leader down to stop what is happening in the woods.

I have read Mackenzie from the beginning and although, you don't have to, the author does a great job of recapping the previous stories, without giving too much away, I recommend this series and therefore, if you haven't read Mackenzie Price from the beginning, I urge you to do so.

Edited: Dec 3, 2023, 4:36 pm

Shadow Dance by Martin Ott
Los Angeles, California
November #5

This book is the story of Buddy who was a POW prison guard in Afghanistan that has gone AWOL once returning to the states. He travels to Los Angeles to be with his lifetime friend Solomon and tells everyone his name is West. After breaking up a fight at a strip club, he immediately gets hired as a bouncer, which turns into a chauffeur for the owner's family. The owner, Big Z, is a former pro wrestler and Iranian crime family. Buddy's parents disappeared in Louisiana during a hurricane and Buddy has been searching for any sign that they are still alive ever since.

Buddy/West tries to please everyone and fix everyone's problems throughout his whole life. Solomon tells him at one point that his "parents really did a number on him". His Uncle Miles, who "took care of him" after his parents disappeared isn't a very good role model or someone that West can turn to. Solomon is the only one and he is so wrapped up in his drugs and life with women that he doesn't seem to give West the time of day.

I can't say that everything wraps up in this story, so perhaps, (as I have seen suggested in other reviews) there will be a sequel. I am not sure how I feel about the ending. My mind went in so many different directions, so I am not sure what really happened. Although I think that West came to terms and an understanding of his life but, all I know for sure, is the gun went off. If there is a sequel, 4 stars. If not 3 1/2, because I am still left wondering...What happened in Big Z's office and where is Solomon.

Thank you, Martin Ott, for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Edited: Nov 12, 2023, 12:56 pm

While Idaho Slept by J. Reuben Appelman
True Crime
Moscow, Idaho
November #2

A digital copy of this book was provided to by NetGalley, Harper Perennial and Paperbacks and Harper Paperbacks. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is the story of the Idaho College Murders, where four college students were murdered in their beds.
The story starts in the few hours leading up to the four students coming home for the night. It then tells us about the two students that were home and survived the attack. The author, in my opinion, stuck to the facts of what has been released to the public since we learned of the events of that dreadful night. It does not name the accused as the murders are taking place, nor does it point to things that might not have happened that night. As the accused is still awaiting trial and is innocent until proven guilty. I was wondering how this book could be written when the trial hasn't taken place yet and was worried it would taint any jury. But I felt that this book was very factually written and there is still more to come out at the trial, for both the prosecution and the defense. I recommend this book. Especially if you are intrigued by true crime.

Edited: Nov 12, 2023, 12:49 pm

Since She's Been Gone by Sagit Schwartz
thriller book lovers promotions
Los Angeles, California/New York City, New York
November #3

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by Thriller Book Lovers Promotions and Crooked Lane Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is the story of Beans, whose mother died when she was 15 and has struggled with anorexia ever since. One day, a woman shows up and tells her, her mother is alive. This starts Beans searching for her mother and learning everything she can about her mom's life. There are references to drug addiction, and pharmaceutical coverups, government and police corruption. Throughout out this, Beans finds it hard to not let her eating disorder take over. From her homebase in LA, where she grew up with her loving parents, to her travelling to New York City, where her mom was before she came to LA. I was really involved in this story, trying to figure out where her mother was and why she might have disappeared or is this woman just making it up for some reason that Beans can't figure out. Beans realizes that she needs to make herself a better person for her boyfriend Eddie and his daughter Sarah, who also lost her mom at a young age. This is a really good debut, and I can't wait to read more of her books.

Edited: Dec 3, 2023, 4:29 pm

Their Lost Souls by Roger Stelljes
#6 Tori Hunter
Manchester Bay, Minnesota
November #4

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Bookouture. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is the 6th book in the Agent Tori Hunter series.

When a young couple escapes to weekend cabin for a night alone, the night turns deadly. Reed hears a noise outside and goes to investigate. Soon after, Ally goes to check on Reed and as he is being attacked, he yells for her to call 911. They the killers accomplish goes after Ally. When the police are called to the scene, the investigation leads them to a string of thefts around the area. As Tori and Will Braddock search for the witnesses, suspects, the body count increases.

I love the characters. They all work well together to find the murdered. The plot was right on track with how 1 simple little thing can escalate into murder. This shows how people can get sucked in doing the wrong thing, just one time and it snowballs until it is too late to get out of the situation. This is a fast-paced story that answers all the questions in the investigation.

Edited: Jan 21, 1:26 pm

Never Back Down by Christopher Swann
#3 Faulkner Family Thriller
Atlanta, Georgia
November #6

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Crooked Lane. The opinions are my own and freely given.

This is #3 in the Faulkner Family Thriller series. Susannah Faulkner is on the run to protect her brother and uncle and everyone else she loves. When Finn, and ex-soldier that has it out for Susannah doesn't play by the rules, she must return to Georgia, in hopes that she can still protect them.

I really like this series. It is action packed. I read the 2nd book and haven't yet had the opportunity to read the first, but the author does a great job in explaining the important things that you need to know. I would definitely recommend this series.

Edited: Jan 21, 1:39 pm

The Woods are Waiting by Katherine Greene
Blue Cliff, Virginia
November #7

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

The Ashby's own the town. The are one of the oldest families in Blue Cliff, Virginia and Cheyenne couldn't wait to leave. But when the sheriff, a dear family friend calls and tells her that her mother, Constance isn't doing well, she comes back. Cheyenne left without a word to her friends and boyfriend.

Five years ago, 3 children were found dead in the woods. The woods, that Constance swears has a mythical beast living in, but a man was put in prison for these murders, and now that he has been released, children are starting to disappear again.

I spent most of this book wondering if this was a paranormal story. But Cheyenne and her best friend Natalie team up and try to put the truth together. I really enjoyed this book. It was a page turner that kept me wondering what was going on, and who could be the killer of these children, and why?

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books.

Edited: Dec 5, 2023, 11:17 pm

December total books: 1/πŸ“•
December total pages: 304 πŸ“„

What Waits in the Woods by Terri Parlato
304 pages
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 12/1/23

Edited: Jan 21, 1:49 pm

What Waits in the Woods by Terri Parlato
Graybridge, Massachusetts
December #1

A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Kensington. The opinions are my own and freely given.

Esme leaves her hometown to become a professional ballerina, but an injury ending her career and the end of her long-time relationship brings her home. Only to discover that her once best friend, Kara, has been discovered dead in her own backyard. With her father's health declining and her brother taking care of him, the suspicion lies primarily at the house. But detective then Rita Myers starts to look into the neighbors and deaths and accidents that happened years ago. You can never trust your neighbors, no matter what you think you know about them.

Loved this story. Kept me guessing and wondering who was behind the murder and why.

Edited: Dec 28, 2023, 9:51 pm

This message has been deleted by its author.

Edited: Dec 28, 2023, 9:52 pm

This message has been deleted by its author.