Fall of the Berlin Wall

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Fall of the Berlin Wall

Oct 8, 2022, 3:21 am

Looking for novels, any genre, which feature this moment in history. Preferably where a character is on the scene.

Oct 8, 2022, 3:50 am

Heroes like us by Thomas Brussig is a famously irreverent satire of the whole experience (a bit blokey for my taste, but you might enjoy it).

In times of fading light by Eugen Ruge is a big family saga linked to the history of the DDR that pivots around October 1989 — I don’t remember whether there’s a firsthand description of the events or whether it’s all offstage.

I haven’t read Günter Grass’s Ein weites Feld (Too far afield) yet, but that sounds as though it should be relevant too.

Edited: Dec 13, 2022, 12:49 pm

Vom Aufstehen : Ein Leben in Geschichten (in English: On Getting Up: Tales of a Life) by Helga Schubert pictures one life in short stories, the changes caused by the fall of the Berlin Wall, the German reunification and its societal impacts. Unfortunately, I think, it has not yet been fully translated into English.

Nov 30, 2022, 6:25 pm

>3 Dariah:, sounds perfect, if that's ever done; thanks.

Dec 1, 2022, 3:43 am

>3 Dariah: >4 Cecrow: Yes, a very good book. Helga Schubert seems to have got a lot of attention lately in Germany, her earlier books are all being re-issued, so maybe English-language publishers are going to notice her too...