How to catalogue short stories?

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How to catalogue short stories?

Apr 12, 2008, 7:33 am

What is the best way to keep track of short stories? I have many anthologies and would like to be able to catalogue each story so I can find it later. I don't really think Librarything can help with this problem, but maybe you readers have some creative solutions.

Apr 13, 2008, 12:06 pm

You're correct, as of now there is no way to do a smart job of this on LT. What I've done is make my own searchable text document. Any time I acquire a new ss anthology, I add its table of contents to the .doc file. This is made much easier by WorldCat, where one can usually find the TOC of most any anthology already entered and ready for a quick swipe via copy/paste. (In fairness to WorldCat, it's a good idea to register there so that, when you do find the occasional ss collection with no TOC listed, you can go ahead and be the one to add it, since you're going to have to type it all out anyway.)

Apr 13, 2008, 11:49 pm

Thanks for your help. I didn't know about WorldCat. The only thing I don't understand is where you put the .doc file. Do you add it to one of the fields in LibraryThing or store it on your own hard drive?

Apr 14, 2008, 5:13 am

Another way to go about it would be to catalogue every short story as a separate entry and add some information to the title in brackets.

For example, user shearrob lists short stories and in parentheses adds in which book / anthology / magazine that story can be found.
eg Wilson, Angus Raspberry Jam (from 50 English Short Stories)

I do not list short stories separately, but do list articles or chapters (if written by other authors), and add "Article" in square brackets. In the comments Field, I add in which book the article can be found
eg Chinese Music Article
The advantages are that in this way articles (or short stories) can be easily located, cannot be confused with book titles and are listed on the work page of authors who wrote them.

Jan 3, 2022, 6:03 pm

>4 edwinbcn: Thanks for this useful information. Short stories are one of the reasons I just joined.