Round 88 - Starting Thursday 7th July, 2022

TalkOZ VBB - The Australian Virtual Book Box

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Round 88 - Starting Thursday 7th July, 2022

Edited: Jul 13, 2022, 2:51 am

***This round is now complete***

The Australian Virtual Bookbox - Round 88


• Everyone who wants to participate volunteers two books to begin.
• The complete list of books in the box is at VBBOZ Books . This list includes the books in transit.
• If you would like to join, just let me (crimson-tide) know and you will be added to the round.
• You have 48 hours to respond and have your turn. If it appears that you may not have received a PM you will be given an additional 12-24 hours and then bumped to the end of the list for a turn at the end of the round.
• When it is your turn, you may pass, take it, or ask to be placed at the end of the list if you wish.
• Once a book of yours is removed from the box, please send it as soon as possible (unless an arrangement has been made with the receiver). TBR books are fine as long as you can read and send within a few months.
• Please only offer books you believe others would like to read, not rubbish you want to get rid of.
• If a book stays on the available list for more than two rounds it will be moved to the books to be replaced collection. Please keep track of these and replace them during your turn.
• Books in the Extras Collection are in addition to what is required. They may be left or removed at any time.
• It helps if participants have a wishlist and keep it up to date.
• I will update books in the VBBOZ Library.

On your turn:

1. Select the books that you want to take out of the box and list them in your post in this thread.
2. Replace with the same number of books and link to the BookCrossing journal page for each book. A link to the LT work page is also helpful.
3. Check the “Books to be replaced” collection and replace if needed.
4. If you do not wish to take your turn, you have the option to be placed at the end of the list.
5. PM the owners of your selected books to notify them of your selection and address.
6. Please PM the next person to let them know it’s now their turn.

The order of play is:

lolkathryn (KLL)
daisy09 (sofie777)
lofty123 (ally11)
jean-sol (Jean-Sol)


*** You have books to be replaced

- It's your turn now

Jul 5, 2022, 10:24 pm

Welcome Everyone to Round 88

Welcome back everyone - I hope you've all been well and staying safe, warm and dry.

Here are the quick links:
vbboz profile page
All books (including those in transit because I can't get the other link to work)
Books to be replaced this round (from R85)
Books owed or in transit
Mailed/Received Books

The order of play remains the same for this round except that Jean-Sol asked to be last as she is/has been recently travelling.

I still can’t contact aussieangel2 so have finally decided to remove her from the list and delete all her books.

I’m still on the road and trying to avoid the worst of the rain. So if I’m a bit slow in updating the box, just carry on anyway. You all know what to do. 🙂

As usual, it is not necessary to replace books until it is your turn unless they are no longer available.

If it's not convenient for you when your turn comes up, let me know and I'll move you to the end of the list.

Have fun, and I hope everyone can find something of interest in the box.

Jul 6, 2022, 1:26 am

Taking out Blood, & The Astonishing Elephant & replacing them with:
Romancing the Stone &
Dances with Wolves

Jul 6, 2022, 5:46 am

Kicking things off just a little early.

I would like to choose Cloud of Sparrows from amberC. Thank you.

The Mapping of Love and Death (Masie Dobbs #7)

Will contact amberC now.

Jul 7, 2022, 8:27 pm

I will replace;

Angelfall, The Witches of New York and Fragile Things

I will take;
I'm Not Scared (jean-sol)

After The Party (leah152)

The Secret Fruit of Peter Paddington and Dead North (catsalive)

I will add;

Keep Me Posted by Lisa Beazley

The Life To Come by Michelle De Kretser

The Year of The Flood by Margaret Atwood

The Readers of Brokenwheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

Amongst Our Weapons by Ben Aaronovitch

The Inaugural Meeting of the Fairvale Ladies Book Club by Sophie Green

The Woman In The Window by A J Finn

I will now go PM all those I need to.

Edited: Jul 7, 2022, 8:46 pm

I can't seem to PM leah152.

Cancel that. I have managed to PM her.

Edited: Jul 8, 2022, 6:22 pm

I need to remove The Offing by Ben Myers so now I have two books to replace.

Here are the the two I put in.

The Chimes by Anna Smail

The Memory Police by Yoko Ogowa

Edited: Jul 9, 2022, 6:51 am

Ok, I would like:
The Memory Police (jeniwren)
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend (amberC)
Keep Me Posted (amberC)
The Girl From Munich (lofty123) &
The Well of Lost Plots (Book-a-neer)
Wow, I think this is the most books I've ever requested at one time lol! I'll replace them with:
The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital by Joanna Nell
The Emerald Tablet by Meaghan Wilson Anastasios
The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell
In the Castle of the Flynns by Michael Raleigh
Devotion by Hannah Kent
Two Thousand Three Hundred & Twelve by Kim Stanley Robinson &
VInegar Girl by Anne Tyler

I'll start pming the relevant people :O)

Jul 9, 2022, 7:53 pm

Three Amazing Things About You & Table for Eight

Amongst Our Weapons (amberC)
The Toymakers (amberC)
The Bookshop Book (leah152)

The Banksia Bay Beach House by Sandie Docker
Nine Days by Toni Jordan
The Lost Man by Jane Harper
The Crime at Black Dudley by Margery Allingham
That Night by Chevy Stevens

PMs sent to KLL, amberC & leah152.

Edited: Jul 10, 2022, 5:30 am


I need to replace the ballad of songbrids etc, and would like to get:

The Year of the Flood, from amberC.

In their place I offer:

The Library Book
The Club:

I'll PM amberC and daisy/sofie now.

Jul 10, 2022, 8:55 pm

Hi All

Replacing: The Viennese Girl
Requesting: The Concubines Child (Amber C)
Adding: The Woman in White
the Dictionary of Lost Words
Another Day in the Colony

Will Pm AmberC and book-a-neer

Jul 10, 2022, 9:12 pm

Hi Crimson-tide

Can't seem to PM book-a-neer to send a msg.
Could you please ask her to send a 'friend request'and it is now her turn.


Jul 11, 2022, 1:04 am

Hi Lynnette
I’ve PMed book-a-neer as requested.
I’ve placed the initial two of your three books into Round 88 and the third into Extras.

Edited: Jul 11, 2022, 6:33 am

So many interesting books but unfortunately I haven’t got much time for reading so I’ll pass this round (again). 😊

Replacing my books with

The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett

Dreams From My Father by Barrack Obama

and an extra one

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Edit: pm sent to lofty123 and friend request sent to daisy09

Jul 12, 2022, 7:28 am

Hi Guys,

Hope you are well.

Replacing: One good turn

Breaking Dawn
A Virtuous Woman
Angela's Ashes
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Requesting: Dreams from my Father (book-a-near)

Will contact jeniwren to let her know its her turn next

Jul 12, 2022, 11:00 pm

I choose Devotion by Hannah Kent from Leah152
And put in The Pull Of The Stars by Emma Donoghue

I will pm the relevant members.

Jul 12, 2022, 11:40 pm

Oh it's my turn already!

I will snap up The Pull Of The Stars from jeniwren and also Sex with Kings from AmberC.

I will put in:
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

Days Without End by Sebastian Barry

Will PM jeniwren and AmberC.

Jul 13, 2022, 2:56 am

Thank you everyone for another very active and well conducted round.
Some very interesting books were both added and chosen.

The next round will be early September. Date to be announced, but as usual I’ll give you all a bit of a heads up.

The order of play is due for a shuffle next round.
See you all then.

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