Has the Pandemic changed your reading habits?

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Has the Pandemic changed your reading habits?

Jun 2, 2022, 7:24 am

A global survey conducted in March 2020 revealed that the coronavirus has had a direct impact on in-home media consumption around the world, with 35 percent of total respondents professing to have read more books or listened to more audiobooks at home and 18 percent having listened to more radio due to the COVID-19 pandemic, whilst more than 40 percent of consumers spent longer on messaging services and social media. Interestingly, although at least 50 percent of respondents in most countries said that they were watching more news coverage, figures for Australia and the United States were lower, amounting to just 42 and 43 percent respectively. Australians were also the least likely to be reading more newspapers; just five percent of consumers said that they were doing so compared to the global total of 14 percent. Whilst 60 percent of Italians were spending longer on messaging services, in Japan the same was true for only eight percent of respondents, and survey participants from China and the Philippines were by far the most likely to be spending more time on music streaming services.


Jun 4, 2022, 6:26 am

I am reading more this year than last year.

Jun 4, 2022, 9:14 am

There's been no significant change in the amount of of books read.

2019: 107
2020: 102
2021: 108

2021, though, saw an increase in non-fiction read: 55, as opposed to 41 in 1019 and 38 in 2020. Though whether that had anything to do with the pandemic, I don't know.

I did use more ebooks, in part because the libraries were closed, so I would use their ebook option when available. And rather than ordering books from abroad for my Italian book club, and worrying about whether they'd arrive in time, I would get the ebook edition.

Jun 4, 2022, 11:36 am

Not at all.

Edited: Jun 4, 2022, 12:09 pm

My reading has dropped since 2016, as the news was usually more fascinating/compelling/horrifying. It’s still lower than before (used to be 170/year or so), but retirement, moving and new gardens are more to blame now. And my phone. I have been averaging 110/year these past few years.

Edited: Jun 4, 2022, 8:12 pm

I don't think my habits have changed, but I did have more time as the schools were shut down. We were only permitted to assign the students a question that required no more than 3-4 sentences to answer each day, so time spent teaching online was minimal (and a waste of time). Also since retiring in the fall of 2020, I have read more, and since more time, may tend to read longer books.

2017--117 books read
2019 138
2022-thus far-118

This may seem like a lot of books, but I don't watch TV unless there is something special on, such as Downton Abbey, etc. Now I'm really into Vera!

Edited: Jun 5, 2022, 4:28 pm

I have definitely read fewer books and I also have more unfinished books. I do think it has to do with being more agitated although books used to calm me down. Or maybe I am just aging? Don't know!

ETA: I also took on a hobby of making Mother Bears, so I tend to do that in the evenings after coming home from work. I used to read at that time.

Edited: Jun 8, 2022, 5:27 pm

It wasn't the pandemic that changed my reading habits, but the political events that transpired around the same time. I am reading as much as I ever did, but it isn't books anymore. Ever since our previous @*#% prez took office all I read is news online. Constantly. It's become obsessive. I have carefully avoided social media sources, so feel that I am getting something that approaches actual reality, but it would be so nice to be able to relax and enjoy a good book again! Unfortunately, the pandemic and the politics and the general rising tide of menace all over the world have all taken away my ability to focus on anything but the present.

Jun 9, 2022, 7:21 pm

I never kept track of how many books I've read over any given period of time. It was because I'm a pathetically slow reader, and it is highly doubtful that, in a year, I would need more than one hand to count them.
My frequency of reading increased dramatically when I met MrsHouseLibrary; that's for sure. That, along with the accumulation of books.
And about a month before she died, I put books and reading aside because my priorities didn't allow time for reading at that point.
COVID didn't rear its ugly head for another fifteen months.
One would think that by now, I'd have picked it up again, but I haven't. It's not for lack of trying, though. I've got three books laying about for me to pick up anytime I want. I might get a page or two, but I've become too restless to read. Need to calm my brain down, and my attempts to do meditation (with a t, not a c) have made me more frustrated.
COVID didn't change my (lack of) reading one iota.

Jul 13, 2022, 8:33 pm

It has not. I am still as avid a reader as ever.

Edited: Oct 21, 2022, 1:02 pm

I had a difficult time settling down to read things in 2020. I was relieved to hear, mostly through podcasts, that other folks were struggling to settle down, too. I think it was anxiety because of covid. That said, I still read 40 books, which was good for me. I'm still working full time.

Oct 22, 2022, 6:12 am

Most definitely.

2019 = 78
2020 = 88
2021 = 101
2022 so far 77

I started listening to books as i walked each day. I estimated that in 2021 I listened to 17 (walking books). These are all non fiction.