The forgotten Luso-Indians

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The forgotten Luso-Indians

May 18, 2022, 8:05 pm

I am quoting from the book-jacket of 'They Whisper in my Blood' a brand new novel by Franciska Soares that has just hit the stands: The best-selling American author of historical mysteries Walter Moseley once said: If you don’t exist in Fiction, you don’t exist in History. This novel is an attempt by Franciska to document the lives and loves of a forgotten and very seldom mentioned race in English Fiction: the Portuguese-Indians or more appropriately the Luso-Indians.
The Portuguese were the first European colonizers of India and ruled Portuguese India – Portuguese Estado da Índia – for four and a half centuries. Their legacy endures even today in the lives of their descendants, one of whom is differential, intelligent, beautiful Perpetua – Pippa – Cabral, the heartsick protagonist in this novel.
They Whisper in my Blood is a moving love story, a sweeping tale, a panorama of a Portuguese-Indian family’s history told through a poignant refrain that is this clan’s nemesis. It screams across time and continents. There’s murder, girl-child trafficking, a torrid mixed-race affair and homophobia, all of which beget intrigue, sensuousness, heartache . . . but always hope. The characters – visceral, impassioned and deeply flawed – stay with you long after the last page is turned.
A must read for all those Historical fiction fans!