Round 87 - Starting Sunday May 1st, 2022

TalkOZ VBB - The Australian Virtual Book Box

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Round 87 - Starting Sunday May 1st, 2022

Edited: Jul 5, 2022, 9:57 pm

***This round is now complete***

The Australian Virtual Bookbox - Round 87


• Everyone who wants to participate volunteers two books to begin.
• The complete list of books in the box is at VBBOZ Books . This list includes the books in transit.
• If you would like to join, just let me (crimson-tide) know and you will be added to the round.
• You have 48 hours to respond and have your turn. If it appears that you may not have received a PM you will be given an additional 12-24 hours and then bumped to the end of the list for a turn at the end of the round.
• When it is your turn, you may pass, take it, or ask to be placed at the end of the list if you wish.
• Once a book of yours is removed from the box, please send it as soon as possible (unless an arrangement has been made with the receiver). TBR books are fine as long as you can read and send within a few months.
• Please only offer books you believe others would like to read, not rubbish you want to get rid of.
• If a book stays on the available list for more than two rounds it will be moved to the books to be replaced collection. Please keep track of these and replace them during your turn.
• Books in the Extras Collection are in addition to what is required. They may be left or removed at any time.
• It helps if participants have a wishlist and keep it up to date.
• I will update books in the VBBOZ Library.

On your turn:

1. Select the books that you want to take out of the box and list them in your post in this thread.
2. Replace with the same number of books and link to the BookCrossing journal page for each book. A link to the LT work page is also helpful.
3. Check the “Books to be replaced” collection and replace if needed.
4. If you do not wish to take your turn, you have the option to be placed at the end of the list.
5. PM the owners of your selected books to notify them of your selection and address.
6. Please PM the next person to let them know it’s now their turn.

The order of play is:

lolkathryn (KLL)
jean-sol (Jean-Sol)
daisy09 (sofie777)
lofty123 (ally11)

aussieangel2 ***

*** You have books to be replaced

- It's your turn now

Apr 30, 2022, 6:30 am

Welcome Everyone to Round 87

Welcome back everyone - I hope you've all been well and able to get plenty of reading done.

I'm beginning this round early in the month as we will be setting off on another road trip soonish (hopefully around the 11th or 12th May). If the round is not finished by then it doesn't matter - it just means there will be a bit of a delay before I can update the books. But that doesn't stop you taking your turns etc.

Here are the quick links:
vbboz profile page
All books (including those in transit because I can't get the other link to work)
Books to be replaced this round (from R84)
More books to be replaced this round (from R82)
Books owed or in transit
Mailed/Received Books

The order of play has been (sort of) shuffled for this round. I've put myself first as I need to replace lots of books before the round begins anyway as I've already released them. And because I haven't given much notice this time.

There are quite a few books requiring replacement this round. However - it is not necessary to replace them until it is your turn, unless they are no longer available.

If it's not convenient for you when your turn comes up, let me know and I'll move you to the end of the list.

Have fun, and I hope everyone can find something of interest in the box.

Apr 30, 2022, 10:02 pm

Has it really been two months already? That went so fast.

May 1, 2022, 12:24 am

I will replace Bones Never Lie and Selling Out with

The Secret Language of Stones by MJ Rose

The Girl In The Moon by Terry Goodkind

Edited: May 1, 2022, 3:44 am

Hi all.

I need to remove three books from the Extras Collection:
Whispers Under Ground
If I Die in a Combat Zone

Moving A Thousand Acres from R85 into Extras - this is a really good book btw. ;-)

Replacing this plus my two books from Round 84 with:

Bad Debts (Jack Irish #1) by Peter Temple

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel

Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi

I'm not choosing any books this round.

Will PM amberC

Edited: May 1, 2022, 4:58 pm

I would like to take;

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel
The Good Turn
Hearts and Minds. - all from crimson-tide

Complicity - from KLL

I will offer;
The Concubines Child by Carol Jones

Cloud of Sparrows by Takashi Matsuoka

Baking Cakes In Kigali by Gaile Parkin

The Toymakers by Robert Dinsdale

I will PM all I need to.

May 1, 2022, 5:34 am

Hi Amber, This link is wrong The Toy Maker by Robert Dinsdale

May 1, 2022, 5:46 am

>7 catsalive:
The book is called The Toymakers and the correct link is:

I've asked amber to correct it. :-)

May 1, 2022, 8:17 am

I would like: Kim Jiyoun, born in 1982, &,4
The Windup Bird Chronicles please :O)
I'll add:
Creativity by John Cleese &
After the Party by Cassie Hamer
I'll pm the relevant parties :O)

May 1, 2022, 5:42 pm

I'll take

The Labyrinth (jeniwren)
My Bookstore (daisy09)

The Secret Fruit of Peter Paddington, Brian Francis
Dead North, Silvia Moreno-Garcia

PMd everyone.

May 1, 2022, 8:44 pm

I'm taking out:
The Light Between Oceans, A Sleep & a Forgetting, Tidelands & Anywhere But Here & replacing with:
The Snow Song by Sally Gardner
Beautiful by Katie Piper
Bellydancing for Beginners by Liz Byrski &
The Woman Next Door by Yewande Omotso

May 2, 2022, 4:18 am

Hi all, I will not take any books out this round. I'll PM jean-sol now.


May 2, 2022, 8:05 pm

Hi everyone,

First I'll replace
The Night Buffalo
We Need New Names

The Mermaids Singing by Val McDiarmid
I'm Not Scared by Nicolo Ammaniti

I promised myself I wouldn't grab any books this round but...crimson-tide could I please have Bad Debts by Peter Temple? I have been meaning to start reading the Jack Irish series (and Peter Temple) for ages so that's an opportunity to good to miss. If it gets here in time I might even take it on the plane to Europe with me!

I will PM crimson-tide and daisy09 who is after me on this month's list.

Take care everyone!

May 3, 2022, 12:44 am

Replacing Vincenzo's Garden and The Lives of Stella Bain (think this is also listed in extras)
with the following
Cloud Cuckoo Land

migrations A Novel

Daughter of the River

No books this time. Will post My Bookstore to Cats-a-alive and Pm

Regards to all

May 3, 2022, 2:47 am

Is there a replacement for Bad Debts?

Edited: May 3, 2022, 5:13 am

Not taking anything this round.

Please move The Graveyard Book to Extras and I will add The Zahir by Paul Coelho
Edit: Pm sent to lofty123

May 3, 2022, 5:10 am

>15 catsalive:
Under control and will be coming…

May 3, 2022, 6:14 am

Sorry everyone and thanks catsalive for reminding me! I forgot to replace Bad Debts. Here it is, a bio of Nellie Melba:
Nellie by Robert Wainwright

Edited: May 5, 2022, 5:11 pm

Hi Guys,

I need to remove Hermetica, Longbourn and The Horse Whisperer.

I am replacing them with:

The Watchman

Across the Nightingale Floor

The Chokng Doberman

I will not choose any books this time.

Will message jeniwren as its her turn next

May 5, 2022, 5:21 pm

I need to remove Piranesi and will replace with The Offing by Benjamin Myers I won’t take anything this round. I will DM the next person.

May 10, 2022, 11:44 pm

I’m closing off this round now; many thanks to everyone who took part.

I am unable to contact aussieangel2 either by PM or email. She has not been in contact for the past two rounds and has also not registered any books for quite a while. Has anyone had any recent contact?

If we don’t hear anything by the start of the next round I’m planning to take her name off the list and move all her books into a seperate (inactive) collection so they are still there in case she reappears later.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

So, everyone keep safe and read lots. 🙂

The next round will be sometime in July - start date dependent on where I am at the time . . .

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