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Mar 26, 2022, 10:13 am

What Are We Planning to Read in April?

Edited: Apr 30, 2022, 5:11 pm

Carol's April Reading Plan
🎂- ★
April (Happy Birthday to Me)
🎂First You Fall - Scott Sherman - 4.5★ (Pick a Winner, Make A Friend)
🎂Stronger Than Hope - Katherine McIntyre - 5++★ (Early Reviewers)
🎂Whispers of The Dead - M. Kato - 4★ (Early Reviewers)
🎂Yesterday Is History - Kosoko Jackson - 5★
🎂Chase in Shadows- Amy Lane - 5★
🎂Hell and Back - Dirk Greyson - 5★
🎂Clashing Hearts - Nicky James - 5★
🎂Demon - Matt Wesolowski - 4.5★
🎂City Problems - Steve Goble - 4★
🎂Diablo Mesa - Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - 5★
🎂The Speckled Beauty - Rick Bragg - 3★
🎂The Ghosts of Thorwald Place - Helen Power
🎂Ghost of Lies - Alice Winters - 5★
🎂Backward - Andrew Grey - 2★
🎂The Mirror - Marlys Millhiser - 5++★
🎂High Alert - Becca Seymour - 5★
🎂Going Public, Jade Harbour Capital - Lin Hudson -5★
🎂House of Windows - John Langan -2.5★
🎂The Two-Bear Mambo - Joe R. Lansdale 2★
🎂Whistlers of The Dark, Tales from The Dark Past - Helen Susan Swift - 5★
🎂The Book of Cold Cases - Simone St. James- 4★
🎂Three Little Words - Allison Cassatta -2.5★
🎂The Nothingness of Ben - Brad Boney - 5★
🎂Madison Square Murders - C.S. Poe- 4★
🎂The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamper- 3.5★
🎂What She Left - H.K. Christie - 3.5★
🎂The Grave Between Us - Tal Bauer- 3★
🎂Second Go Round - Andrew Grey - 5★
🎂The Seventh Link - Margaret Mayhew- 2★
🎂Dry Bones- Margaret Mayhew - 3★
🎂Unspeakable Words - Sarah Madison - 4.5★
🎂Frankie-Unforgettable - Felice Stevens - 4.5★
🎂Cort Unbreakable - Felice Stevens - 3.5★
🎂All That's Left In The World - Erik J. Brown - 4★
🎂James Uncontrollable - Felice Stevens - 4★
🎂Constantly Cotton - Amy Lane - 5★
🎂Takeover - Anna Zabo - 5★
🎂Just Business - Anna Zabo- 5★
🎂Due Diligence - Anna Zabo -5★
🎂Daily Grind - Anna Zabo - 5★
🎂Reckless Girls - Rachel Hawkins - 4★
🎂A Walk Through Fire Felice Stevens- 5★

Apr 1, 2022, 1:28 pm

Whispers of The Dead -M. Kato - (Japan)
Kazuki didn't plan to be buried in debt after his aunt and uncle's funeral. And he definitely didn't plan to spend his weekend stuck in his newly inherited cabin during a snowstorm with Satoru, the handsome owner of a cleaning company Kazuki had hired. To make matters worse, the forest next to the cabin is haunted. Kazuki can hear them. The whispers of the dead. He always ignored them because no one believed him anyway. But Kazuki finds a partner, and maybe more, in Satoru who reveals he also sees ghosts. When the cold winter wind brings a plea of help with it, Kazuki and Satoru decide to venture in the haunted forest and solve an eight year old mystery.

This is a novella...slightly over 100 pages. The story was interesting...especially if you are a ghost story junkie like me. I was intrigued enough to search out some full-length books by this author. I really like the two main characters, Kazuki and Satoru, and how they worked together even though Satoru was scared to death through most of the story. I would have loved to see how this story would have come together if it had been longer with more detail about Satoru's abilities as a supernatural and more about the situation with Kazuki's aunt and uncle. So much of it left me wondering. I wish to thank the author for allowing me the opportunity to review this book and meet these two characters. I look forward to more like this.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author, M.Kato, in exchange for an honest opinion. The views expressed here are entirely my own

Apr 1, 2022, 7:00 pm

Apparently There Were Complaints by Sharon Gless
3.5 ★

This was a memoir of actress Sharon Gless who’s probably best known for the show Cagney & Lacey. She was quite candid about the ups and downs of her acting career, including the complaints she got. She was also candid about love affairs, anecdotes of other actors she met or worked with, drug and alcohol use, and relationships with friends and family. She was hard-working, funny, determined, and a risk taker. But she could also be quick tempered, reckless at times, and a bit too dramatic. I had mixed feelings about Sharon but she was not boring. I listened to this on audio which was read by the author.

Apr 2, 2022, 9:33 am

Yesterday Is History - Kosoko Jackson - (Massachusetts)
An epic, heartfelt romance about a boy torn between two loves, one in his present ... and one in the past. A story of Black queer history, love, loss, and learning to stay in the moment before it passes you by. Weeks ago, Andre Cobb received a much-needed liver transplant. He's ready for his life to finally begin, until one night, when he passes out and wakes up somewhere totally unexpected...in 1969, where he connects with a magnetic boy named Michael.
And then, just as suddenly as he arrived, he slips back to present-day Boston, where the family of his donor is waiting to explain that his new liver came with a side effect―the ability to time travel. And they've tasked their youngest son, Blake, with teaching Andre how to use his unexpected new gift. Andre splits his time bouncing between the past and future. Between Michael and Blake. Michael is everything Andre wishes he could be, and Blake, still reeling from the death of his brother, Andre's donor, keeps him at arm's length despite their obvious attraction to each other.

There is nothing "simple" about this book. It can be best described as a contemporary love story...a novel of time travel...and a story about a young gay black man at the center of a fairly unconventional love triangle. I'm not a fan of books that are described as sci-fi or time travel...but then, some books just aren't done proper justice on a list of themes, subjects, or genres, and Yesterday is History is certainly one of them. I had read Jackson's book I'm So (Not) Over You last month and absolutely loved it...so I was expecting nothing less from this one. The "Big Questions" are well discussed and answered in this fairly short book. It tackles the otherworldly question of time travel.... but more importantly the very real-world issues of equality yet leaves room for the mundane. A teenager who's working on finding his way in life without disappointing his parents...a family struggling with a serious illness and recovery...and a couple of boys who have no experience with romance and aren't necessarily looking for one...but fate has other plans for them whether they like it or not. This book was absolutely incredible

Edited: Apr 2, 2022, 8:08 pm

Hell and Back - Dirk Greyson -(Wisconsin)
Seventeen years ago, Forge Reynolds fell in love… and had his heart broken. When Staff Sergeant Gage Livingston was brought into Forge’s Army field hospital, temporarily paralyzed, Forge sat with him, read his letters, answered his mail, and formed a connection he thought would last. But Gage was sent home, Forge transferred to a new post, and his letters to Gage went unanswered. Now in the middle of a bitter divorce, Forge is sick and tired of his husband’s manipulation. He's almost ready to make any sacrifice to get closure―then he finds Granger murdered execution-style in their home. Forge had no idea about Granger’s illicit activities, but the killers don’t believe that. They think Forge has something they want, and they’re coming after him. When Forge’s lawyer arranges for professional protection, the last face Forge expects to see is Gage’s. Can he even contemplate a second chance for them after almost two decades, or will hoping only lead to more heartache? Before they can explore the possibilities, they must figure out what information Granger had―that others are willing to kill for―or that possible heartache could become a certainty.

It doesn't matter if this author writes as Andrew Grey or as Dirk Greyson, he produces one fantastic, adventure and a sizzling hot romance. I liked that both Gage and Forge were strong lead characters. They had both been in the army, and they stood up for themselves. Forge and Gage reunited after losing track of one another for seventeen years, so you had to root for them to get the destiny they both so deserved. The suspense was great, and the story moved along like a well-oiled machine churning out a second chance, steamy, sexy romance with a genuine bond between two loving men.

Apr 3, 2022, 10:22 am

Frankie Unforgettable - Felice Stevens - (New York)
Man Up series Book #3
Frankie: No one understands why I love him. Why I need him. Why I took him back. But they don’t have to. I know. Despite the hurt and the heartache, I see beneath his skin. And I’m different now. No more Flirty Frankie. I'm done with being king of the club. My dreams have changed, and so have I. I’m stronger. I believe in myself. And I’m a hell of a lot smarter than a year ago. Now it's his turn to show me the man he really is. To prove it. I've always loved him. But that's not enough. I need to learn to trust him.

Aaron: No more excuses. No more chances. I make this right or lose him for good. I have to do this. No one has ever believed in me but him. No one has ever wanted me but him. I can’t let him down. I won’t. I can’t let myself down. I’m trying, but it's so damn hard. No matter what they throw at me, I’m stronger. And I’m going to make it. I’m on my way. With Frankie by my side. I can see the future. I have a future. Us. Together. Forever.

We met Frankie's boyfriend, Aaron, in the first two books but only by reputation as an abuser. We also knew that he was in prison...so finding out he's back with Frankie, I was a bit skeptical. I should have given him more credit. This quickly became a story of second chances and trust and hope. How much Aaron had changed and how anxious he was to prove to the people in his world that he was no longer the person that had abused Frankie was in a word...AMAZING. I should have known Felice Stevens would make us fall in love with both Frankie and Aaron and made us see that doing the hard work is worth it and love really can conquer all. I'm on now to meet with Cort and give Frankie and Aaron a little alone time.

Apr 3, 2022, 4:07 pm

Chase in Shadows - Amy Lane
Johnnies series Book #1
Chase Summers: Golden boy. Beautiful girlfriend, good friends, and a promising future. Nobody knows the real Chase. Chase Summers has a razor blade to his wrist and the smell of his lover’s goodbye clinging to his skin. He has a door in his heart so frightening he’d rather die than open it, and the lies he’s used to block it shut are thinning with every forbidden touch. Chase has spent his entire life unraveling, and his decision to set his sexuality free in secret has only torn his mind apart faster. Chase has one chance for true love and salvation. He may have met Tommy Halloran in the world of gay-for-pay―where the number of lovers doesn’t matter as long as the come-shot’s good―but if he wants the healing that Tommy’s love has to offer, he’ll need the courage to leave the shadows for the sunlight. That may be too much to ask from a man who’s spent his entire life hiding his true self. Chase knows all too well that the only things thriving in a heart’s darkness are the bitter personal demons that love to watch us bleed.

Chase's story is a real rollercoaster of emotions. Living with his secret is tearing him apart. Then Tommy comes into his life. Chase knows that Tommy is his future, but Chase has some painful decisions to make in order for that to ever happen. Dex from the first book, is like a big brother to all the guys at Johnnies. They need someone like Dex to combat all the ignorance that they have to face. I thoroughly sympathized with Chases predicament, I hate the fact that anybody has to live a lie, it's stories like Chase's that brings to the forefront the damage this can cause not only to the person who is conflicted but also everyone who loves them and is involved with them. Everyone seems to have a different opinion about Chase's behavior...more so than any of the other books in this series...but like books of any genera there will be some that love it and some that hate it. I was on the side that loved it. Like all of Amy Lane's stories, it was beautifully written, and I will give it 5-stars.

Apr 4, 2022, 8:24 am

Whistlers of The Dark - Helen Susan Swift
Tales From The Dark Past series Book #4
Scotland, 1899. When young orphan Ellen Luath starts work as a kitchen maid in a remote farm, she hopes she has left her troubled past behind. But something is not right at Kingsinch farm. Soon, supernatural forces of long past return to haunt Ellen, and she finds herself in a circle of darkness that invades her mind and threatens her life. As time and place alter, can Ellen keep her sanity, and find her place in an increasingly confusing world?

The "Ghost Story Junkie" is more than happy with this one. Its a goosebump producing , hair raising tale with a few surprises and a very unexpected twist at the end. Ellen is a young woman that goes to work on a remote and sinister farm that already has a sinister reputation, in Scotland in the late 19th century. Helen Swift's knowledge of Scottish history, the dialect and folklore is what gives the book an authenticity often lacking in others. It was almost impossible to put down. I grew up with a Scottish grandfather but readers that were not that fortunate may have trouble with some of the words, so I would suggest that the authors or the publishers or whoever is responsible for the end result that becomes a book, might consider a glossary of the Scottish words for reference.

Apr 4, 2022, 5:48 pm

All That's Left In The World - Eric J. Brown
When Andrew stumbles upon Jamie’s house, he’s injured, starved, and has nothing left to lose. A deadly pathogen has killed off most of the world’s population, including everyone both boys have ever loved. And if this new world has taught them anything, it’s to be scared of what other desperate people will do . . . so why does it seem so easy for them to trust each other? After danger breaches their shelter, they flee south in search of civilization. But something isn’t adding up about Andrew’s story, and it could cost them everything. And Jamie has a secret, too. He’s starting to feel something more than friendship for Andrew, adding another layer of fear and confusion to an already tumultuous journey. The road ahead of them is long, and to survive, they’ll have to shed their secrets, face the consequences of their actions, and find the courage to fight for the future they desire, together. Only one thing feels certain: all that’s left in their world is the undeniable pull they have toward each other.

I was good to see the two different views expressed by these two young men that have suddenly found themselves in a difficult and unforgiving world. I thought some of the things that they had that prepared them for their journey was a bit improbable. An example was the book that Jamie's doctor mother wrote and left for him before she died. On their journey south the story became a bit rushed. I wondered if the last two years that the world has lived through was maybe a little too soon to present a "pandemic" themed book although the author says it was not intended to represent COVID. So ...if you're looking for a good character driven post-apocalyptic novel, this one will probably fit the bill. Be aware that it is a YA book.

Edited: Apr 5, 2022, 11:30 am

Stronger Than Hope - Katherine McIntyre - (Maryland)
Chesapeake Bay series Book #1
One man looking to set down roots, the other looking to leave...Fresh out of a relationship, Nate's searching for a change-what better way is there than renovating his uncle's old coffee shop in Chesapeake City? He has a new job, in a new town, and a new lease. And when he almost runs over his hot neighbor, Linc, who happens to be his contractor? Well, based on the explosive attraction between them, maybe he'll find something new there too. Linc's been treading water ever since his wife passed away in childbirth, focusing all of his energy on raising his son, Beckett. The obvious solution? He needs to get the hell out of Chesapeake City. But when Nate charmingly fumbles his way into Linc's life, he finds his defenses lowering for the first time in years. One date leads to another, and hell, this man makes him feel in ways he'd forgotten. Even though Nate just finished piecing his heart back together, he falls fast. Yet Linc's made it clear he's a bad bet. The man hasn't clicked with anyone since his wife, and if Nate ends up being "not enough" again, that won't shatter just his heart-the fragile home he's trying to build in this town will crumble too.

This is the first book I have read by this author, but it certainly will NOT be my last. I was lucky enough to receive a copy for an Early Reviewer review and I can truly say that I now have a new favorite author to add to my list. To make it even better, I am also receiving another book by Katherine McIntyre to review which I am really looking forward to. Indeed, I am, a happy camper. This story was well written and so much fun. We meet Nate, new in town and openly gay and Linc, his neighbor who is bi, and still grieving his wife's death. Nate was simply adorable, and my heart went out to Linc for all he had been through while trying to keep a business going while raising a young son. Two broken characters who are trying to heal through one another. Believe me, the reader welcomes every encounter between these two. I don't usually care for children in M/M romances, but Linc's son was the perfect little guy. I would call this a "light" read with just the perfect amounts of humor and angst. There are some really great secondary characters also that perhaps will get their stories told in future books. I sure hope so. I am so grateful to the publisher, Hot Tree Publishing, and the author for the opportunity to review this more than 5-star book. You have another fan, Ms. McIntyre!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Hot Tree Publishing in exchange for an honest opinion. The views expressed by this reviewer are entirely my own

Edited: Apr 5, 2022, 3:15 pm

Cort-Unbreakable - Felice Stevens
Man-Up Series Book #4
Cort: I spent years waiting for someone who never put me first. He took my love; took me for granted. Took my heart. Now I’m on my own. Living life my way. The crowd only sees my smile. Never my loneliness and pain. I need someone to need me. When I meet another lost soul my friends try to warn me. He’s a liar. A user. Homeless. Heartbroken. He’s all that and more. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted.
Harlan: I’m king of my world. Untouchable. Then it all comes crashing down. My secrets are exposed. I’m cut off from my family. Unrecognizable from the man I used to be. Barely surviving, living day-to-day and out of control. Nothing to hold on to. I let go and fall so far there’s no way up. Until a cowboy reaches into my darkness and brings me back to the light. With him I can breathe. I can be who I am. Who he needs. He gives me hope To find myself. To find love.

This was probably my least favorite of the series. Not because it was a bad story in itself or a badly written story...it was that there was just so much turmoil, and sorrow, and conflict to wade through. Harlan, turns out to be more altruistic than predatory and that becomes the key to the entire story. Harlan has a past that is so incredibly devastating and heartbreaking in how he lost his job, his fortune his family...his entire life as he knew it. It came as such a shock to those of us that have read the other books. All the other books contained characters that were broken and tormented, but none like Harlan. What i did really like about the book was the way this author can take a totally unlikable character and make you end up caring about them...how she makes them vulnerable. Harlan was the bad guy in an earlier book making him very easy to dislike. When I saw he would be part of the couple in this story I wasn't sure how it would work out...how he could overcome his past. Harlan and Cort were men that had demons that needed to be dealt with. It took a while for me to get into this one. As always, I enjoyed seeing the characters from the previous books. Since I'm hung up on this series, I am looking forward to learning James's story.

Apr 5, 2022, 6:54 pm

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok
4.5 ★

Caught between the pressure to succeed in America, her duty to their family, and her own personal desires, Kimberly Chang, an immigrant girl from Hong Kong, learns to constantly translate not just her language but herself back and forth between the worlds she straddles.

I was really drawn into this story of Kimberly’s life. She and her mother lived in a condemned building and worked long hours at a factory for low pay while Kimberly worked hard at school. She had so many struggles and difficulties with school work and kids at school. She and her mother also had to work hard at the factory run by her sister Paula who they were in debt to. Then there was a romance with Matt, a boy at the factory, which also had it’s difficulties. Their lives were so tenuous that anything that went wrong could result in dire consequences for their lives. I really enjoyed the story and will look for more by this author.

Edited: Apr 6, 2022, 10:57 am

The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamoer - (Florida)
As a successful social media journalist with half a million followers, seventeen-year-old Cal is used to sharing his life online. But when his pilot father is selected for a highly publicized NASA mission to Mars, Cal and his family relocate from Brooklyn to Houston and are thrust into a media circus. Amidst the chaos, Cal meets sensitive and mysterious Leon, another “Astrokid,” and finds himself falling head over heels—fast. As the frenzy around the mission grows, so does their connection. But when secrets about the program are uncovered, Cal must find a way to reveal the truth without hurting the people who have become most important to him.

It's not in any way, a bad story and it could have just been me, but I had a difficult time forming any attachment to the story's characters. I waited for some surprises in the plot, but I never seemed to find them. I read enough m/m romances that I readily recognize the signs of attraction/love between the characters, and I know these are teens, and neither boy has had any experience, but they seemed more like very good friends that were experimenting. I have a great deal of respect and praise for the author to present the feelings and discoveries that the two boys experienced. As the mother of a gay son, I saw so much of what my own child experienced while growing up at a time that he was never sure how he was going to be excepted. The author did a great job of showing how the boys learned life lessons that are not only important for teens, but also for adults. It's not only the boys that grew in this novel but some of the adults also. The NASA mission complication was also interesting. Overall... It seemed like the author was having a hard time finding a good way to make the two main stories work together. I'm going to reread the book at some point this year to see if my perspective has changed.

Edited: Apr 6, 2022, 4:21 pm

Dry Bones - Margaret Mayew
The Village Mysteries Book #3
In his time living in the peaceful village of Frog’s End, the Colonel has learned that although the place might look as lively as a stagnant pond, beneath the surface there is plenty going on. But after recovering from a nasty bout of flu, the Colonel’s most pressing concerns are of a prosaic nature – his new garden shed, and the terrace that his friendly neighbor, Naomi, has talked him into having built. When he receives a letter from an old friend of his late wife, telling him that "something horrible has happened" and asking for his help, he is intrigued and happy to assist her. But when he travels up to see Cornelia, he is shocked by what he uncovers, and he soon realizes that, unless he takes the investigation into his own hands, Frog’s End will have to do without him for longer than he expected.

I read the first two books a couple of years ago and thought I'd see how the little village of Frog's End was doing. The character of the Colonel is the driving force behind these books. He breathes to solve murders and his little village has more than their share. Much of his sucess is that he draws the people to him and makes them comfortable enough to share everything they know about everybody and anything that is happening. I do have to admit that other than the Colonel, the majority of the characters are pretty unlikable. While he's solving the murders he's also worrying constantly about things at his home like his garden and his cat, Thursday. These stories thus far have been lightweight. I'm used to having more suspense in my mysteries and there was not a lot of that in these books. It's more about the characters, and of course the one that is dead. The ending was a surprise.

Edited: Apr 7, 2022, 9:28 am

Madison Square Murders - C.S. Poe -(New York)
Memento Mori series Book #1
Everett Larkin works for the Cold Case Squad: an elite—if understaffed and overworked—group of detectives who solve the forgotten deaths of New York City. Larkin is different from others, but his deduction skills are unmatched and his memory for minute details is unparalleled. So when a spring thunderstorm uproots a tree in Madison Square Park, unearthing a crate with human remains inside, the best Cold Case detective is assigned the job. And when a death mask, like those prominent during the Victorian era, is found with the body, Larkin requests assistance from the Forensic Artists Unit and receives it in the form of Detective Ira Doyle, his polar opposite in every way. Factual reasoning and facial reconstruction puts Larkin and Doyle on a trail of old homicide cases and a murderer obsessed with casting his victims’ likeness in death. Include some unapologetic flirting from Doyle, and this case just may end up killing Everett Larkin.

As usual with this author, the writing and the mystery are very well done. The character of Everett Larkin is a quirk that I don't think I have ever encountered before. As a result of being hit in the head with a baseball bat he recalls the most mundane facts...continuously. This can be a help in his job as a New York City Police Detective, but it is usually a turn off to most people he encounters...until he met Ira Doyle. To complicate matters he's thinking of divorcing his husband, or at the most leaving him....we really won't miss the husband as it was like he only had a "walk-on" role and not at all necessary to the story or the series. Several things make this different than any other books that I've read by this author...Larkin's memory recall and the death masks was the most interesting and unusual. In spite of the good points with this first book in a new series, she is going to have to go some to put this one even on the level with her Snow and Winters series. I'll hold judgement until I've read the second book,

Apr 7, 2022, 3:07 pm

Clashing Hearts - Nicky James- (Wyoming)
Hometown Jasper series Book #1
EASTON: There is nothing I hate more than when some big-city outsider stirs trouble in my peaceful little town. When Mr. Arrogance himself waltzes in and thinks he can slap a price tag on my land, he doesn’t know what he has coming. I’m not just a hick cowboy who’s going to bend to his good looks and charmless personality. No, sir. I don’t care how smart he looks in his fancy suits, all he cares about is money.
LACHLAN: The last thing I wanted was to get stuck in a small town with a plethora of quirky people. If the stubborn cowboy doesn’t see sense soon, I don’t know what I’ll do. Failure is not an option. I was sent to make a deal, and I’m not leaving until it’s done. I don’t care how hot he looks in his low hanging denim, boots, and hat, he wouldn’t see a good opportunity if it smacked him in the face.

The story is a well written, low-angst, opposite-attract, enemy-to-lovers story with all the feels and emotions you could want. Easton is your typical family loving, country guy who would do anything for the people he loves. He needs to do whatever he can to keep his family ranching business from folding... anything that is BUT sell to the arrogant city boy who waltzed into town. Lachlan is your typical big-city, executive guy. He has been tasked with the job of obtaining Mr. Campbell's property and he cannot disappoint his father. There's plenty of banter, quick witty comebacks and lots of tension, both good and bad. From the start, Easton's character endears himself to the reader, while Lachlan takes a little while. There are also some side characters with interesting stories that hopefully are waiting to be told in future books. There is everything to love about this story. I can't wait for the next in the series.

Apr 8, 2022, 8:35 am

James Uncontrollable - Felice Stevens
Man Up Series Book #5
James Never good enough. Not the real son. I will prove him wrong—prove everyone wrong. I am someone. I will succeed. I don’t need my brother to help me. I don't need anyone. My enemy holds my secret. He teases me. Taunts me. Follows me with his eyes. Our hot, angry kisses keep me up at night. I don’t want him. I hate him. But I can’t stop thinking about him. That there's more to him I want to discover him. The truth is unexpected. My enemy might not only be my friend but the love I never thought to have. Malcolm Live, love, laugh. Life is too short to worry when you don’t know how long you’ve got. I want every day to be my best. Like it’s my last. My friends see what I let them. Not the real me. Only one man has ever crawled beneath my skin. He drives me crazy. Makes me wild. Makes me care. A night of bad decisions changes the course of my life. Everything I've known no longer makes sense. My enemy now stands by my side. I’m no longer running. I want to stay. I want a future. Hate has changed to something new and wonderful. Something terrifying. Uncontrollable. Love.

After all the Man-Up guys have had their stories told we finally get to meet James who started the Man-Up club and has done so much for the dancers that find safety and happiness there. Felice Stevens has managed to take two completely unsympathetic and emotionally crippled individuals in James and Malcolm and nurtured them through a plot and nascent romance that is the ultimate definition of the phrase "it's complicated." The author brought in all the characters who wandered through the previous books in the series...not that they could help with the ultimate dilemma of James and Malcolm's two-decades-long and hidden deep lust for each other...but they helped to keep them from completely flying apart physically and emotionally. This series is not for anyone that deep despair is a trigger. Page by page we see hate and animosity from James turn into an exploration of possibilities with Malcolm. A good ending to a really good series.

Apr 9, 2022, 10:47 am

The Seventh Link - Margaret Mayhew - (England)
Village Mysteries Book #4
The mystery was slow in developing and the death/murder almost periphery to the story. The dead man didn't even appear until half-way through he book. I try not to be too judgmental since I am not a fan of cozy mysteries and I had already read one book in this series this month because they...what else?...fit a challenge task. On the plus side, the Colonel is an interesting character but he spends why too much time repeating what he already knows about a case. The same thing happened in the first book. One thing that I found disturbing and tarnished the story for me, was the slight made on Britian's brave bomber pilots. I am an American and I would have certainly been offended if it had been on ours and these men were our allies. I found it distasteful and quite unnecessary. Don't think I'll be visiting this village again even for a challenge.

Apr 9, 2022, 12:42 pm

Going Public, Jade Harbour Capital - Hudson Lin - (Canada)
Jade Harbour Capital series Book #2
I didn't think at first that I was going to like the book as well as the first one in the series. Then Ray, Elvin and Ming are sent to take account of a paper company Jade Harbor owns and things begin to pick up. I didn't especially like Ming. He was conniving and underhanded always hitting on Elvin when he knew how Elvin felt about Ray. Maybe because the author and the characters are from a different culture than myself, but it was difficult for me to understand Elvin feeling that he "owed" his family the amount of concern and time, running to meet their every demand to satisfy their every whim. Also, another difference that I didn't quite get. Canadian laws are probably different that those of the U.S., but I didn't see that Ray had done anything wrong with his decision of how to protect his employer. At least not to the degree that was levied. The punishment didn't fit the crime...even if there even was a crime to begin with. I really liked, and had high hopes for Ray and Elvin's budding relationship. Elvin was perfect for Ray. He understood where Ray was coming from all the time, and his desire to put Ray first in his life made him a wonderfully sweet man. It's an intriguing M/M romantic suspense novel. The plot is full of unexpected twists and turns. More than enough to keep you reading.

Apr 9, 2022, 5:55 pm

Demon - Matt Wesolowski -(England)
Six Stories series Book #6
In 1995, the picture-perfect village of Ussalthwaite was the site of one of the most heinous crimes imaginable, in a case that shocked the world. Twelve-year-old Sidney Parsons was savagely murdered by two boys his own age. No reason was ever given for this terrible crime, and the ‘Demonic Duo’ who killed him were imprisoned until their release in 2002, when they were given new identities and lifetime anonymity. Elusive online journalist Scott King investigates the lead-up and aftermath of the killing, uncovering dark stories of demonic possession, and encountering a village torn apart by this unspeakable act. And, as episodes of his Six Stories podcast begin to air, and King himself becomes a target of media scrutiny and the public’s ire, it becomes clear that whatever drove those two boys to kill is still there, lurking, and the campaign of horror has just begun.

There are more twists, turns, creepy, emotional, sad, scary things about this book than you can imagine...checking all your boxes if you are a fan of horror and crime, and physiological thrillers. The story the author weaves is addictive and cleverly joined together by the end of the book. His skill at doing this is nothing short of phenomenal. There's a positive message in this book. It's asking people to check facts. To take a step back and think, before commenting on a situation they don't fully know about, no matter how tragic. We are all sometimes too quick to judge. With social media the way it is it's a platform to allow people to take the role of judge, jury and executioner. It's way too easy to join in and hate, We can all sometimes use a little more kindness and understanding. The book asks us to think about all the possibilities and angles before hitting that "Send" button. You will likely find yourself pondering the whole nature versus nurture debate, and who wouldn't? The author has made sure that this story is far from that simple.

Apr 10, 2022, 10:53 am

The Book of Cold Cases - Simone St. James - (Oregon)
In 1977, Claire Lake, Oregon, was shaken by the Lady Killer Murders: Two men, seemingly randomly, were murdered with the same gun, with strange notes left behind. Beth Greer was the perfect suspect—a rich, eccentric twenty-three-year-old woman, seen fleeing one of the crimes. But she was acquitted, and she retreated to the isolation of her mansion. Oregon, 2017. Shea Collins is a receptionist, but by night, she runs a true crime website, the Book of Cold Cases—a passion fueled by the attempted abduction she escaped as a child. When she meets Beth by chance, Shea asks her for an interview. To Shea’s surprise, Beth says yes. They meet regularly at Beth’s mansion, though Shea is never comfortable there. Items move when she’s not looking, and she could swear she’s seen a girl outside the window. The allure of learning the truth about the case from the smart, charming Beth is too much to resist, but even as they grow closer, Shea senses something isn’t right. Is she making friends with a manipulative murderer, or are there other dangers lurking in the darkness of the Greer house?

This book explores the elements of the human responses to trauma.... fear, guilt, and trust especially. The reader will also have to examine the "nature vs. nurture" of true evil. It has a deficient spooky vibe. If you've read Shirley Jackosn's Haunting of Hill House you'll have an idea of what awaits you. Characters are well defined but I found the back and forth conversation between the two main characters a bit distracting. If you are a fan of mysteries with a supernatural element and true crime...you will probably enjoy this one.

Apr 11, 2022, 7:24 am

The Speckled Beauty - Rick Bragg
Speck is not a good boy. He is a terrible boy, a defiant, self-destructive, often malodorous boy, a grave robber and screen door moocher who spends his days playing chicken with the Fed Ex man, picking fights with thousand-pound livestock, and rolling in donkey manure, and his nights howling at the moon. He has been that way since the moment he appeared on the ridgeline behind Rick Bragg's house, a starved and half-dead creature, seventy-six pounds of wet hair and poor decisions. Speck arrived in Rick's life at a moment of looming uncertainty. A cancer diagnosis, chemo, kidney failure, and recurring pneumonia had left Rick lethargic and melancholy. Speck helped, and he is helping, still, when he is not peeing on the rose of Sharon. Written with Bragg's inimitable blend of tenderness and sorrow, humor and grit, "The Speckled Beauty" captures the extraordinary, sustaining devotion between two damaged creatures who need each other to heal.

There is no other way to describe this book other than simply "wonderful". The story is about an old stray that adopted Rick Bragg's family. To quote the author, and it pretty much sums it up, especially in the two years the world had recently been through..."In a time when the days seem twice as long and the whole world drags, could it hurt to go out and find every awful, hopeless dog on every dirty street and desolate country road, and give them a home?” Hey...why not?

Edited: Apr 11, 2022, 8:22 pm

Constantly Cotton - Amy Lane - (California)
Flophouse series Book #2
When Jason Constance rescued a busload of kidnapped children, he didn’t expect a parade. He didn’t expect to be hunted by mobsters and the military either. Wounded and half out of his mind, Jason finds himself at the tender mercies of an angel-faced nurse named Cotton. Cotton has just flunked out of porn, and as far as he can tell, he’s flunking life too. Having an injured colonel in his bed seems par for the course, but he’s too busy keeping Jason alive to question how fate brought him there. But fate isn’t done with them. When they go on the run from the mobsters who shot Jason, there should be no time to fall in love, but neither man seems suited for an average life—or relationship. Jason and Cotton can probably survive homicidal mobsters and rogue military operations. The question is, can they survive the work they’ll have to do to forge a place just for them?

I read the first book Shades of Henry a few years ago and didn't realize that it was the first book of a series so I was pleasantly surprised to see so many characters from that book as well as characters from the Johnnies series, and the Fish Out of Water series which was the series that really turned me on to Amy Lane. I loved Cotton and Jason. Jason was exactly what Cotton needed to get his shattered life back on track and pursue his schooling to become a nurse. I didn't quiet see how they were going to get their "happy ever after", but the story was so sweet. I hope there is many more books yet to be "born" in this series and my other favorite characters keep appearing.

Apr 12, 2022, 2:23 pm

House of Windows - John Langan
When a young writer finds himself cornered by a beautiful widow in the waning hours of a late-night cocktail party, he seeks at first to escape, to return to his wife and infant son. But the tale she weaves, of her missing husband, a renowned English professor, and her lost stepson, a soldier killed on a battlefield on the other side of the world, and of phantasmal visions, a family curse, and a house — the Belvedere House, a striking mansion whose features suggest a face hidden just out of view — draws him in, capturing him. What follows is a deeply psychological ghost story of memory and malediction, loss and remorse.

"The Ghost Story Junkie" was looking for a good, haunted house, ghost story and this sounded like it would fit the bill...but it only patricianly did the trick. Too many unimportant details that might not have "broken" the story, it did nothing to "make" it either. Characters walk from room to room, or have showers, or order food to take out, or go up and down stairs, or ponder this, that and the other…all of which took from the story’s momentum. There was also a rather long narrative thread involving research into their house which seemed to peter out and just become forgotten. The toxic tension between the father and the son went on throughout the entire story. It just needed less mundane details and more, well more something.

Apr 13, 2022, 7:50 am

First You Fall - Scott Sherman - (New York)
Kevin Connor Mystery series Book #1
When his friend's death is ruled a suicide, Kevin Connor--a hustler by trade, sleuth by default--sets out to prove a case of murder. It doesn't help matters that the victim's grown children, who disapproved of their father's sexual orientation, are only concerned about their inheritance. But they are not Kevin's only problem. His high-strung mother has moved in with him--and she knows nothing about his questionable . . . job. Throw in his super-hot ex - now a New York City detective - and Kevin has more than his hands full.

This turned out to be a fun little mystery. Early on it becomes obvious that this is as much a light, almost screwball, comedy as it is a mystery. If you just go along for the ride, you’re in for an enjoyable read. The deceptively humorous story makes the twist to the mystery at the end all the more surprising. Kevin is an engaging character; in spite of what his age and profession might make you believe otherwise. He is also surrounded by a large group of equally well-defined characters, including some of Kevin’s customers, who are portrayed in a quite non-judgmental fashion. If the story has any weakness at all it’s in the last part of the story which stretches credulity just a little bit too far. Otherwise, it's a really good and worth your time read. Those that like to follow award winners will be pleased to know that this was the winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Best Mystery in 2009.

Apr 13, 2022, 2:18 pm

Diablo Mesa - Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - (New Mexico)
Nora Kelly series Book #3
Lucas Tappan, a wealthy and eccentric billionaire and founder of Icarus Space Systems, approaches the Santa Fe Archaeological Institute with an outlandish proposal—to finance a careful, scientific excavation of the Roswell Incident site, where a UFO is alleged to have crashed in 1947. A skeptical Nora Kelly, to her great annoyance, is tasked with the job. Nora's excavation immediately uncovers two murder victims buried at the site, faces and hands obliterated with acid to erase their identities. Special Agent Corrie Swanson is assigned to the case. As Nora’s excavation proceeds, uncovering things both bizarre and seemingly inexplicable, Corrie’s homicide investigation throws open a Pandora's box of espionage and violence, uncovering bloody traces of a powerful force that will stop at nothing to protect its secrets—and that threatens to engulf them all in an unimaginable fate.

Although Nora doesn't believe it for a second, the urging of billionaire, Lucas Tappan and a generous grant to the institute, has done nothing to loosen her hold out but not her disbelief. Lucas specifically wants Nora to lead the expedition because of her reputation. She declines and is fired. But he doesn't give up easily. The site he wants her to investigate is where an unidentified aircraft, perhaps a UFO, supposedly crashed in 1947. Although the book started out a little slow, it soon ramped up. It kept getting better and better, but the reader will right about here, be forced to take a giant breathe and suspend your disbelief. Get ready to meet ET without his bicycle or his ability to "hone home". Combining the Roswell Incident, the H-bomb, Cold War spies, UAPs, and a secret military organization may seem like a lot to cram into a single story, but as with most of this duo's books, it soon becomes a riveting adventure full of far-flung conspiracies. Nora also gets a bit of a shock from her brother, Skip. Up to this point I haven't really cared much for this series but I have to give this one a full 5 star rating.

Apr 13, 2022, 6:22 pm

Takeover - Anna Zabo - (Pennsylvania)
The Takeover Series Book #1
Anna Zabo's writing here is simply amazing. Sam's entire emotional world is laid out for the reader during Sam and Michael's first encounter. From the time Sam and Michael met in the hotel bar you wanted them to be together...forever. Of course, as how 98% of these books are written, the two "perfect for each other" guys will have to go through doubts and other heart wrenching hardships before that happens. Both men are struggling with trust issues because of past experiences, and the choice to make life-altering decisions that could affect both of their futures, whether they’re together or apart. I loved how these two men gradually overcame their insecurities and learned to communicate openly and honestly with each other. I'm not a tech wiz so some of the content of the story was beyond me, however, this in no way detracted from my enjoyment. I am hopefully looking forward to seeing these two again in other books in the series or better yet, a sequel. I don't usually give warnings about a book, especially one that I enjoyed...but I feel that a warning might be in order here. The story contains several scenes of BDSM which some readers may find unacceptable.

Apr 14, 2022, 12:36 pm

City Problems - Steve Goble
Ed Runyon Mystery series Book #1
Ed Runyon bolted from the NYPD after his failure to save a runaway teenage girl, and now enjoys life as a sheriff’s detective in rural Ohio—until a city cop comes to find a missing girl. A second tragic failure awakens Ed’s demons, sparking a moment of avenging violence that will ultimately change his life to the core.

The author has created a tough but weary detective in Ed Runyon. Runyon has fled to Ohio in the aftermath of a violent murder of a young girl; Runyon believes he failed to investigate the girl's disappearance in a timely fashion and thus allowed the murderer time to torture and kill the girl. Guilt weighs heavily on Runyon and all the therapy and alcohol and logic don't eliminate his sense of failure. Now in Ohio Runyon works as a detective and SWAT member for a much smaller department where domestic assaults and drug crimes far outnumber murders. The arrival of a Columbus detective investigating the disappearance of a teen girl from a party forces Runyon to confront his demons. If you throw in some anti-government radicals with huge numbers of weapons and some local football stars and you have an environment for great storytelling. I look forward to reading more in the series

Apr 14, 2022, 4:20 pm

Unspeakable Words - Sarah Madison
Sixth Sense series Book #1
Special Agent John Flynn is everything Jerry Parker is not: dangerously handsome, coolly charismatic, and respected by his peers. Special Agent Parker is dedicated and meticulous, but his abrasive personality has given him a reputation for being difficult. When new information on a cold case appears, Parker is assigned to work with Flynn, and the sparks fly as their investigative styles clash. Contact with a strange artifact changes everything when it bestows unusual and unpredictable powers on Flynn… and the two men must learn to trust each other before a killer strikes again.

It was a really good mystery with lots of sarcastic banter between Agents Flynn and Parker, with some romance rolled in to make it just about perfect. How the two came to even meet was unexpected and it was fun watching them. There was really another mystery besides the main one with a paranormal element. I believe that this book was probably intended to introduce the characters and start their relationship off for them working together. I'm going to find the next book soon because I can't wait to find out about the artifact.

Apr 15, 2022, 8:59 am

The Fight Within - Andrew Grey - (New Mexico)
The Good Fight series Book #2
Bryce Morton needs a change of scenery. Since his partner’s death a year ago, he’s become withdrawn and quiet, so his friends, Jerry Lincoln and Akecheta (John) Black Raven, convince him to go camping with them on a Sioux reservation. Though he’s not immediately sure he’s done the right thing, Bryce becomes more interested when he meets Paytah, the man who owns the reservation's trading post. Paytah Stillwater's life is filled with hurt, and sometimes the only thing he has left is pride. After being abused as a child and disbelieved when he spoke up, he has withdrawn into himself―but he can never truly put his past behind him, because the source of his pain still lives on the reservation. Paytah is proud of his heritage and careful with his heart, but when Bryce commits a selfless act of kindness for one of the reservation’s children, the walls around Paytah’s heart begin to melt. Bryce and Paytah each fight the pain within them. When Paytah's abuser sets his sights on one of the reservation youngsters, Bryce and Paytah must set their individual fights aside. Finding a way to stop the abuser unites them to fight their way forward―together.

I love Andrew Grey's books.... It amazes me that he can handle such a deep story, abuse and rape, with such a light hand. It really is a gentle love story between Paytah and Bryce, but underneath is the true story of the fight of the Native Americans. Both Bryce and Paytah are lonely and damaged, one due to the loss of a lover, one due to childhood abuse. They are so ready for each other but scared to reach out. When they do, it is sweet and gentle and healing for both of them. The story of the Native American tribe that runs through this book and the first in the series, well written, well-developed characters, fun in parts, dark and sad in others. A really fantastic book!

Apr 15, 2022, 3:16 pm

Golden Boys - Phil Stamper
t's the summer before senior year. Gabriel, Reese, Sal, and Heath are best friends, bonded in their small, rural town by their queerness, their good grades, and their big dreams. But they have plans for the summer, each about to embark on a new adventure. Gabriel is volunteering at an environmental nonprofit in Boston. Reese is attending design school in Paris. Sal is interning on Capitol Hill for a senator. Heath is heading to Florida, to help out at his aunt's boardwalk arcade. What will this season of world-expanding travel and life-changing experiences mean for each of them--and for their friendship?

The back and forth among characters in order to keep the story cohesive and entertaining was sadly lacking. It just didn't hold my interested very well. It was a nice effort and the story had promise, but it just fell short for me.

Apr 16, 2022, 11:33 am

The Grave Between Us - Tal Bauer - (Iowa)
Noah And Cole series Book #2
It was just one moment. It was just one mistake. For years, men have been disappearing. A father in North Carolina. A boater in California. A hiker in Arkansas. And more, scattered across the United States. The FBI knows who’s responsible: a serial killer they caught, a man they sent young profiler Cole Kennedy to interrogate. But then the killer escaped, leaving the FBI in chaos and Cole’s psyche in tatters. Eight years later, Cole’s life has changed. He’s found the man of his dreams, and he’s moved to Iowa to be with Special Agent Noah Downing, leaving the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit and the murderers behind. Or so he thought. An attack on the backroads of Iowa shatters the FBI, and in the aftermath, they uncover the signature of the last man they expect: the killer who got away. Now he’s hunting Noah, and the BAU descends on Des Moines, sending Cole back on the psychological chase. To catch the only man who has ever beaten him, Cole will have to delve inside the killer’s mind. It’s a place he barely survived before, and the deeper he goes, the more horrors await. And though Noah is ordered to back off the investigation, he won’t leave Cole to face this darkness alone. If Cole has any hope of saving the man he loves, he must unravel the killer’s twisted profile and follow his trail of death… even when it leads him into the marrow of his worst nightmares.

I love this author. I loved the first book and meeting Noah and Cole and watching their relationship develop...BUT...I really, really, really hated the character of Katie, their daughter. She's an annoying self-absorbed, the world owes me because I'm me, teen. She reappeared from the first novel and her dialog was beyond boring. I tried avoiding her by skipping but it just went on and on. If not for the characters of Noah and Cole, who I adore...I would have stopped reading before the half-way point. The idea of the plot would have been absolutely fantastic if only young Katie could learn the world doesn't revolve around her.

Apr 17, 2022, 10:05 am

The Nothingness of Ben - Brad Boney - (New York/Texas)
The Austin Trilogy Book #1
Ben Walsh is well on his way to becoming one of Manhattan’s top litigators, with a gorgeous boyfriend and friends on the A-list. His life is perfect until he gets a phone call that brings it all crashing down: a car accident takes his parents, and now he must return to Austin to raise three teenage brothers he barely knows. During the funeral, Ben meets Travis Atwood, the redneck neighbor with a huge heart. Their relationship initially runs hot and cold, from contentious to flirtatious, but when the weight of responsibility starts wearing on Ben, he turns to Travis, and the pressure shapes their friendship into something that feels a lot like love. Ben thinks he’s found a way to have his old life, his new life, and Travis too, but love isn’t always easy. Will he learn to recognize that sometimes the worst thing imaginable can lead him to the place he was meant to be?

I usually avoid trilogies as I hate becoming attached to characters just to have them just disappear after book #3. Seem that didn't stop me from doing it again:) It's a well plotted story about what happens when reality slams head-long into your life. It seems that all M/M romances have characters that are flawed. I hate that as I just want everyone to have love and be happy. i know that's not how life works no matter if you are gay or straight. Still keeps me wishing and wanting. Be prepared for Ben to be slightly less than likeable for most of the book, but you can be assured that by the end he has matured and is much more likeable. I really liked how Ben handled his three younger brothers...especially Jason. The book does a beautiful job of conveying life as what is.

Edited: Apr 17, 2022, 1:37 pm

Just Business - Anna Zabo - (Pennsylvania)
Takeover Series Book#2
Justin White may not look like an up-and-coming corporate superstar, but his new boss knows that he has the smarts, grit, and determination to succeed. Now he just has to convince his company's CFO, Eli Ovadia. Unfortunately, Justin can't seem to keep his cool around the domineering Eli, and soon he finds himself taking their heat from the boardroom into the bedroom. Still haunted by a tragic accident that left him with a wounded leg and broken heart, Eli has a need to be in control. But his desire for Justin makes him want to lose that control and push them both far beyond their limits. Will his need to dominate Justin drive him away, or will Eli find a way to be the man he needs for both of them?

I loved the first book that told Michael and Sam's story and I loved this one equally as much, that told Eli and Justin's story. I wished that these people would just talk to one another instead of running off the deep end and nearly drowning. There is a lot of BDSM scenes in this one, even more than the first one but somehow, they came off as sweet and caring, if you can use those two adjectives for what it was. I wished that Justin could have just told Eli why he triggered so easily, it was understandable, and Eli loved him enough give him space or whatever he needed. Eli's parents were something else. I just have trouble wrapping my mind around how any parent could possibly feel the way they did about any child. Anna Zabo is going to have to go some extra miles to top these first two books, but I'm going to see if she can. A rarity for me, but I am reading them in order... but thus far I believe they can easily be read as standalones. I'm off to #3.

Apr 18, 2022, 8:27 am

The Two-Bear Mambo -(Texas)
Hap and Leonard series Book #3
Full of savage humor, heart-stopping suspense, and a cast of characters so tough they could chew the bumper off a pickup truck, The Two Bear Mambo is classic country noir. In this rollicking, rollercoaster ride of a novel, Hap Collins and Leonard Pine take a break from their day jobs to search for Florida Grange, Leonard's drop-dead gorgeous lawyer and Hap's former lover, who has vanished in the Klan-infested East Texas town of Grovetown. Before she disappeared, Florida was digging up some dirt behind the mysterious jailhouse death of a legendary bluesman's son, who was in possession of some priceless merchandise. To Hap and Leonard, something doesn't smell right. With murder on their minds, Hap and Leonard set out to investigate as only they now how chaotically.

I believe I might have the honor of being the only living human being on this planet that doesn't get the sense of humor in these books. This is my second try and I just don't see anything comical or entertaining about this couple. Since I'm sure I am in the minority, I will leave Hap and Leonard to those that are members of their fan club and go on to something else.

Edited: Apr 18, 2022, 8:53 pm

The Ghosts of Thorwald Place - Helen Power
Trust No One. Especially Your Neighbors. Rachel Drake is on the run from the man who killed her husband. She never leaves her safe haven in an anonymous doorman building, until one night a phone call sends her running. On her way to the garage, she is murdered in the elevator. But her story doesn’t end there. She finds herself in the afterlife, tethered to her death spot, her reach tied to the adjacent apartments. As she rides the elevator up and down, the lives of the residents intertwine. Every one of them has a dark secret. An aging trophy wife whose husband strays. A surgeon guarding a locked room. A TV medium who may be a fraud. An ordinary man with a mysterious hobby. Compelled to spend eternity observing her neighbors, she realizes that any one of them could be her killer.

Good one for "The Ghost Story Junkie". I've read a million ghost stories but never one where the ghost tries to solve their own murder. Just the idea and the execution of this plot line by itself, should be worth a 5-star rating. It's partly a murder mystery and partly a supernatural thriller. Rachel, finds her ghost tied to the scene of her murder in a fancy apartment building. She's stuck in a sphere surrounding the elevator where died. She begins to discover more about the secrets of the people that lives in her building than she ever would have ever discovered while alive. Not all of them were good and one of them might even be her killer. Rachel is a wonderful character. You can easily sympathize with her. You begin to feel as desperate as she does to discover what really happened in that elevator. Overall...very well written and compelling.

Posible trigger warnings: Contains references to domestic violence, brief reference to severe self-harm by a child and pet death

Apr 19, 2022, 8:13 am

What She Left - H.K. Christie - (England)
Martina Monroe Series Book #1
Martina Monroe is a single bad day away from losing it all. Stuck catching insurance fraudsters and cheating spouses due to a DUI, the despondent PI yearns to return to more fulfilling gigs. So when a prospective client asks for her by name to identify an unknown infant in a family photo, she leaps at the opportunity and travels to the one place she swore never to go: back home. As the pressure mounts and the temptation of booze calls like a siren, Martina digs into the mystery and discovers many of the threads have razor-sharp ends. And forced to partner with a resentful detective investigating a linked suspicious death, the haunted private eye unravels clues that delve deep into her past… and put her in a dark and dangerous corner. Can Martina and Detective Hirsch unlock the truth before they’re drowned in a sea of secrets?

Martina is a widowed single parent struggling with alcoholism and the need to show the people that she works for that she can still do her job. It's the first book in a new series...but I understand that the character is built on a character in another series by this author. All of the characters were so flawed that it actually gave them creditability. The story was interesting and was built around a captivating idea. If you like stories with secrets, mystery, suspense, and danger then this will probably be something you would enjoy.

Edited: Apr 20, 2022, 8:25 am

Three Little Words - Allison Cassatta
Is it better to keep some secrets locked away? Matt thought his life was perfect, but he learns there’s no such thing when the man he planned to marry breaks his heart and leaves him holding the pieces. Needing to escape and lick his wounds, Matt heads to New England to spend time on his brother’s lobster boat. A one-night stand proves to him that empty sex does nothing to mend old hurt, and neither does running away. So when Matt’s best friend, Luke, a firefighter, is seriously injured, Matt steps up, even if it means facing bigotry and ignorance. Luke has been hiding his feelings from Matt all their lives, and revealing them after so many years won’t make life easier for either of them. But nothing worth having ever comes easily.

We've got best friends, a bit of hurt. comfort, a firefighter, and a secret crush that's lasted for more than 20 years. Sounded interesting but the story had several faults. There's a main character who isn't all that likable or sympathetic...a disjointed plot with over-the-top drama just for the sake of drama. Add the choppy writing and I began to become more than frustrated. I've had less than stellar experiences with this author's books before but wanted to give it another chance, so I really wanted to like this book. The opening was strong, and I thought "okay, much better", but then it went downhill from there. It took about 65% of the book for Matt and Luke to get together. Then there was a one-night stand for Matt that somehow resulted in having the potential to be something serious. Really Matt? Matt's flip flopping between being angry at his ex, Brandon, that I'm still not quite on board with, to his long lived unrequited love for Luke that didn't stop him from being with someone else ... I just couldn't get behind any of Matt's motivations or any of the rest of the book.

Apr 21, 2022, 12:27 pm

Ghost of Lies - Alice Winters
Medium Trouble Series Book #1
Hiro Though I was born with the ability to see the dead, I struggled with it until my brother was killed and his ghost was left behind. Now, I’m determined to figure out who is responsible for his death… the problem is that Detective Maddox Booker, the one working the case, is a grumpy and stubborn man who wants nothing to do with me and definitely doesn’t believe in ghosts. It doesn’t help that I keep finding myself looking ridiculous in front of the detective, thanks to interfering ghosts who enjoy laughing at my expense. Still, the more I’m around Maddox, the more I realize that beneath that surly exterior is a kind and caring man who will do anything to help. Maddox - When another man dies, I know we have a serial killer on our hands—the same murderer who has remained elusive for a year and a half. To add to my frustration, I keep running into Hiro at crime scenes only to hear him claim that he can talk to ghosts. The words of the dead could lead us to the serial killer and even tell us who is next, but ghosts? There’s no such thing as ghosts. Hiro is determined and charming, and no matter what I do, I can’t stop letting him get involved. He's definitely snagged my attention, but when he nearly winds up dead, I know he's getting closer to the truth—and if I don’t do something soon, he might be next.

This was exceptional! I am a huge fan of almost anything paranormal...so that was on the table from the beginning. Add two hot guys and a budding romance and you have me. I fell in love with Hiro immediately and could not wait for him to melt grumpy Maddox. It doesn't take too long for Maddox to start to thaw as they embark on working together to solve a murder. This book had everything! It was funny, with that sharp and snappy banter that Alice Winters just seems to excel at. There was plenty of action, romance, and suspense, to keep you completely engaged and guessing until the very end. I just loved everything about it from start to finish and I am anxious to get book 2.

Apr 21, 2022, 5:14 pm

Due Diligence - Anna Zabo - (Washington & Pennsylvania)
Takeover Series Book #3
A business trip to get away…A trip to Seattle to help S.R. Anderson Consulting audit Singularity Storage takes Fazil Kurt’s mind off breaking up with his girlfriend, until he runs into his greatest regret: the boyfriend he ghosted on fifteen years ago. Leads to a past love and plenty of regrets…Todd Douglas never got over losing his best friend and first love. Seeing Fazil again lets them clear the air, reconnect, and forgive. The sparks of their youth heat into an inferno as adults, and neither man can say no to the other. But their rekindled love threatens everything they’re building. Fazil and Todd know they shouldn’t get involved on the job, especially with bigoted co-workers watching their every move. If their affair is uncovered, they could lose more than their jobs.

I have really enjoyed this series from the very first book. I am especially fond of series where the characters from the previous books are a part of the future books. I hate getting to love these people and then never seeing them again. This one is the story of a second chance romance. I can't imagine a company like S.R. Anderson Consulting. What a great place to work. Misunderstandings and lack of communication in high school drove Todd and Fazil apart. Now, 15 years later, they accidently meet again and find that they still love each other. Fazil spends almost too much time blaming himself for his actions and what happened in high school. One of the things I really hated was the homophobia and racism at Todds workplace, To make matters worse the management treated it with unfair and inadequate discipline. Eli, who is Jewish, and Fazil were the subject of racist remarks and a Quran was burned and left for Fazil. What shocked me most, however, was the corporate leaders attitudes that Todd had to face when the ugliness was trumped by unspoken homophobia. This is book three in the series and it can easily be read as a standalone without too much taking away from the first two books. I've loved meeting all these men but Eli and Justin remain my favorite couple.

Apr 22, 2022, 8:15 am

Second Go-Round - Andrew Grey
Former world champion bronco rider Dustin and rancher Marshall have been life partners for more than twenty years, and time has taken its toll. Their sex life is as dusty as the rodeo ring. Somehow their marriage hasn’t turned out how they planned. But when a new family moves in up the road with two young boys, one very sick, Dustin and Marshall realize how deep their ruts are and that there might be hope to break them. After all, where they’re from, the most important part of being a man is helping those who need it. A new common purpose helps break down the deep routines they’ve fallen into and makes them realize the life they’ve been living has left them both cold and hollow. Spending time with the kids—teaching them how to be cowboys—reignites something they thought lost long ago. But twenty years is a lot of time to make up for. Can they find their way back to each other, or are the ruts they’ve created worn too deep?

After twenty-five years together Dustin and Marshall feel like they are growing apart. This is something that sometimes happens to all long-term couples, no matter what their sexual orientation is. Dustin feels that he and Marshall are worth saving, so he begins to take things into hand and begins by confronting Marshall and listening to him, to see if they can find a way back to the love that they both know they still share. They are lucky that they have neighbors and friends to help and encourage them as they begin their journey. The story felt way too real. It will pull on the heart strings and make you pause and think... and yes, there are a few tears that are not just in the story. Their lives weren't perfect, but then what in life is? The only thing I wish could have been different was the almost "take over" of the story by the two young neighbor boys. Other than that...another good job, Andrew.

Apr 23, 2022, 9:12 am

High Alert - Becca Seymour - (Australia)
It's a tale as old as time. I've crushed on my brother's best friend since I sprouted hairs on the unmentionables. Once upon a time, he was straight, until he wasn't... and talk about bad timing. And when we're finally at a place for me to make my move, sexy rural firefighter Dan clams up and acts weird and I'm left with pants that are too tight and my heart feeling bruised... but he's a good friend and I'm grateful he's in my life. Because of course Dan is a good guy. Though him being "good" and ridiculously easy on the eyes and possibly the best man I know only makes me want him more. When we're thrust into a situation that brings both of us close to danger, it's hardly the time to be chasing first kisses or finally acting on my crush. But Dan doesn't seem to mind. I just know that when the stakes are high and emotions are running wild, sometimes you have to show your hand and go all in. And that's exactly what I plan to do.

It's a slow burn romance about two friends who were secretly pining for each other for a long time. It was a little frustrating because the reader had to watch them circle around one another while they decided if it was worth it to accept and confess their love for each other or just to forever hold their silence. AHHHH! I began to want to strangle them both:) There was sweet moments, a dash of angst and several good action scenes. The chemistry between these two is undeniable and the development of their relationship from being friends to lovers was done really well. I would have to call it a really good read and since I am famous for rereading books that I really like...this one I will diffidently go on my reread list!

Apr 23, 2022, 4:40 pm

The Mirror - Marlys Millhiser - (Colorado)
In this twisting time-travel thriller, a woman faints on the eve of her wedding—and awakens at the turn of the century in her grandmother’s body . . .
The night before she is supposed to get married, Shay Garrett has no idea that a glimpse into her grandmother’s antique Chinese mirror will completely transform her seemingly ordinary life. But after a bizarre blackout, she wakes up to find herself in the same house—but in the year 1900. Even stranger, she realizes she is now living in the body of her grandmother, Brandy McCabe, as a young woman. Meanwhile, Brandy, having looked into the same mirror, awakens in Shay’s body in the present day—and discovers herself pregnant. As Rachael—the woman who links these two generations, mother to one and daughter to another—weaves back and forth between two time periods, this imaginative thriller explores questions of family, identity, and love. Courageous, compassionate Shay finds herself fighting against the confines of a society still decades away from women’s liberation, while Brandy struggles to adapt to the modern world she has suddenly been thrust into. The truth behind this inexplicable turn of events is more complex than either woman can imagine.

I believe that this was one of the most interesting and intriguing books that I have read this year, or perhaps any year. My library was putting some of the books that they had more than two copies of on the shelf that they have to sell them for a little bit of nothing... and I was lucky enough to be there to grab it up. Lucky, lucky, me! There are some unexplained deaths in the book and a supernatural plot, but it's not really horror. It's actually more of a time travel book, much like Jack Finney's famous Time and Again, which I have also read several times. Finney's book had a murder mystery plot, and this one doesn't. This mirror is an Oriental mirror of unknown origin that travels from one place to another, enticing its victims. It hums and crackles with anticipation, pulling the victim in to either drive them insane or to switch them with someone else either decades in the past or into the future. That was one of the things that I found extremely fascinating. Image being a young woman of the twenty-first century with equal rights and the freedom to do pretty much what you please and suddenly finding not only are you in someone else's mind and body and the rights and freedoms you enjoyed in 2022 are no longer yours and you may even face death if you object or attempt to pursue them. I absolutely loved it. I believe that The Mirror is going to be one of those books that really stands the test of time.

Apr 24, 2022, 1:24 pm

Backward - Andrew Grey - (Pennsylvania)
Bronco Boys Series Book #3
Club owner Harry Klinger has had his eye on Tristan Martin for months, but never had the nerve to approach him. He’s watched as Tristan dated Eddie and then reluctantly sat on the sidelines during the emotional breakup when Tristan discovered Eddie was dealing drugs. Now that Tristan seems to be healing, Harry hopes to get his chance. When Eddie sends his men into Harry’s club to harass Tristan, Harry steps in to help. Tristan is reluctant at first since he admittedly has terrible taste in men, but Harry seems genuine, and Tristan can’t help but think Harry’s sexy as well and begins to hope for happiness for both of them. Unfortunately, Eddie isn’t behaving rationally, sampling too much of his own product. With his determination to take Tristan back, it’ll take more than Harry’s help to keep Tristan safe as Eddie ratchets up his attempts to get what he wants.

This is a first for me. I don't believe I have ever given a book by Andrew Grey anything less than a 5-star rating. He is one of my absolutely favorite authors. So I was very surprised at the attitude he created for these guys. They were whiney and both insecure, making them very unlikable in the extreme and extremely irritating. Book 1 and 2 of this series was very good. Good characters, good storyline, all good...so I didn't know what to think of this one. The Bronco Boys has been an excellent series written by a really good author...but I guess every author is allowed a less than stellar offering now and then.

Apr 25, 2022, 12:28 pm

Fatal Shadows - Josh Lanyon
Adrien English Mystery series - Book #1
One sunny morning Los Angeles bookseller and aspiring mystery author Adrien English opens his front door to murder. His old high school buddy (and employee) has been found stabbed to death in a back alley following a loud and very public argument with Adrien the previous evening. Naturally the cops want to ask Adrien a few questions; they are none too impressed with his answers, and when a few hours later someone breaks into Adrien's shop and ransacks it, the law is inclined to think Adrien is trying to divert suspicion from himself. Adrien knows better. Adrien knows he is next on the killer's list.

A Dangerous Thing
Adrien English Mystery series Book #2
In his second sleuthing adventure, bookseller Adrien English arrives at the Pine Shadow Ranch (left to him by a beloved grandmother) to find a corpse in the dusty driveway. But by the time the unfriendly local sheriffs arrive, the body has disappeared.

The Hell You Say - Josh Lanyon
Adrien English Mystery Series Book #3
In the third in the popular Adrien English series, the "ill-starred and bookish" mystery writer has to contend with a Satanic cult, a handsome university professor and his on-again/off-again relationship with the eternally conflicted LAPD Detective Jake Riordan. And, oh, yes, murder.

The Dark Tide - Adrien English Mystery Series - Book #4
Like recovering from heart surgery beneath the gaze of his over-protective family isn't exasperating enough, someone keeps trying to break into Adrien English's bookstore. What is this determined midnight intruder searching for? When a half-century old skeleton is discovered beneath the floorboards during the renovation of Cloak and Dagger Bookstore, Adrien turns to hot and handsome ex-lover Jake Riordan -- now out-of-the closet and working as a private detective. Jake is only too happy to have reason to stay in close contact with Adrien, but there are more surprises in Adrien's past than either one of them expects ...and one of them may prove hazardous to Jake's own heart.

So This Is Christmas - Josh Lanyon
Adrien English Mystery Series Book #5
God Help You Merry Gentlemen...Arriving home early after spending Christmas in jolly old England, sometime amateur sleuth Adrien English discovers alarming developments at Cloak and Dagger Books...and an old acquaintance seeking help in finding his missing boyfriend. Fortunately, Adrien just happens to know a really good private eye.

I'm not crazy...well not so that you would hardly notice:) This is another of my favorite series by yet another of my favorite authors. This is my fifth reread, relisten, re-everything of this series. I love the characters even though I want to shake Jake and scream at him. The last 4 visits with Adrien and Jake was better than the first because in spite of the difficulties and Jakes pig-headedness I knew it was going to be okay. Musch easier to enjoy the visits. Even though this is an M/M romance, the mysteries are as good as the romance.

Apr 25, 2022, 5:52 pm

Daily Grind - Anna Zabo - (Pennsylvania)
Takeover Series Book#4
A man as roasted as his coffee: Brian Keppler’s in a grind. As owner of Grounds N’at, he barely has time to sleep or eat, let alone a relationship. Then Rob Ancroft, a charming, ginger Brit walks into his shop, and Brian’s world tilts on its side. A recovering workaholic: Rob, CEO of CirroBot, knows about breaking apart under pressure. The last thing he wants is to watch Brian become as roasted as his espresso. He’s in love, but there’s only so much help Brian will accept, and watching him crack apart unearths ghosts from Rob’s past. An impossible choice: Love’s on the menu, but so's burnout. As Brian struggles to keep his business afloat, stress fractures the relationship he’s building with Rob, and he has to choose between the man he loves or the shop that’s his life.

Brian owns the coffee shop where all the characters from the first 3 books that work at S,A, Andreson, come every morning for coffee. Justin worked there before he went to work for Anderson and he married Eli (book #2). I thought that I was going to get from the first to the last page with everything going great for Rob and Brian. Brian's family liked Rob...the guys were learning about one another...business at the coffee shop was good...what could go wrong? Well...prices went up and Brian spent almost every waking hour in the shop because he couldn't get dependable help and things began to fray. I found that the crisis point and the resolution was balanced perfectly. A story with sexy, mature, realistic and romantic men. I'm going to miss the guys and the coffee shop, but they deserver their happy after after...and I am the Queen of Rereads:)

Apr 26, 2022, 7:19 am

Reckless Girls - Rachel Hawkins - (Hawaii)
ONE ISLAND...SIX VISITORS...COUNTLESS SECRETS...When one person goes missing and another turns up dead, the remaining friends wonder what dark currents lie beneath this impenetrable paradise―and who else will be swept under its secluded chaos. With its island gothic sensibility, sexy suspense, and spine-tingling reimagining of an Agatha Christie classic, Reckless Girls will wreck you.

I have to admit that if it hadn't been for a challenge, I probably would never have picked this up...especially when it was touted to be reimaging of Agatha Christie. I believe that I am the only living human being that doesn't like Agatha Christie. Once I got past the first couple of chapters I found that it was a fairly fast read...and that I had become enthralled to find out who the killer was. There is absolutely nothing predictable about this book. It's filled with lies, not knowing if you can trust the person you have known for years, and what all good mysteries need...deceit.

Apr 29, 2022, 4:03 pm

Sunburst I had trouble getting into the story at 1st. You would read a chapter and halfway in the point of view/time period would change. Some chapters changed even more than twice. I would just start to get interested in one time period and it would change again. I don't mind changing pov & story-lines, but it felt like it was changing too quickly. It did get better as it went on and focus on the current story with out going back to the past as often. Also the conclusion was very exciting.

Edited: Apr 30, 2022, 2:26 pm

A Walk Through Fire - Felice Stevens - (New York)
Through Hell and Back series Book #1
Years after running away from an abusive foster family, Asher Davis still struggles with the guilt of leaving his foster brothers behind. He’s climbed to unimaginable heights as a ruthless, high-powered attorney, creating a life of power and control and takes whatever and whomever he wants.Blaming himself for the death of his parents, Dr. Drew Klein retreats into a shell of loneliness, merely going through the motions of life. After a disastrous, short-lived marriage, Drew leaves his lucrative medical practice to set up a clinic for abused young men and women. The decision has more repercussions than Drew could ever imagine when the dark and sensual Ash Davis volunteers to help.Although Drew isn’t gay, Ash is inexplicably drawn to him. He vows to simply bed him and forget him like he's done with every other man. However, Drew's sweet and caring nature and unexpected passion both stun and frighten Ash, who questions his right to any happiness at all. And when Ash befriends an abused young man who unwittingly draws the clinic into danger, threatening Drew’s safety and that of his beloved grandmother, Ash discovers that there is nothing he won’t sacrifice to protect the love he never thought he’d find

The book had lots of angst and the story is deep on so many different levels. I didn't care for the way some of the secondary characters took over Drew's life like he was 10-years old, and the way they treated Asher in spite of them knowing Drew's feelings for him. I really wished the book could have ended differently. It took a lot away from Drew and Asher's happiness not to mention it produced heart stopping moments for the reader, not to mention the depletion of an entire box of tissues. In spite of all that, I did very much enjoy the book, especially Drew's grandmother. I will diffidently go on the book 2 in the series.

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