Fleece Press

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Fleece Press

Mar 10, 2022, 8:53 pm

I hope no one minds a new thread for Fleece Press, as all the ones I found for it were covering specific releases. Sometimes it's useful to have a general news thread, like now.

Simon recently announced a new release - Cut to Impress. It's an accordion-fold printing of woodblocks and is in a limitation of 95.

Mar 12, 2022, 6:19 am

I have this and it is a delight - a well printed small book and the original blocks are beautifully printed. I think that this is Simon's first "Accordion" style publication and it is great fun.

Mar 12, 2022, 6:42 am

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Mar 12, 2022, 9:10 am

>2 AndyEngraver: Excellent! I've asked Simon to add it to my growing pile which is awaiting the publication of My Brush is My Sword.

Mar 12, 2022, 11:11 am

It’s a great idea to have a main thread, as the discussions get fragmented a bit.


We have:
The Fleece press is advertising My Brush is my Sword. Anthony Gross, war artist by Julian Francis.

The prospectus states it will be available in June and will cost £218 + £10 postage.

There will be 330 copies and the first 200 orders will receive Today I worked well – the picture fell off the brush. The artistry of Leslie Cole by Malcolm Yorke for free (Otherwise this has been reduced to £160

Edited: Jun 16, 2022, 1:57 pm

I just noticed that Fleece Press has added rediscovered stock to their available titles: Thomas Turner’s Diary, 1754-1763


64 copies (out of 330 printed) of this 1987 printing are available at £42 singly or £60 for a pair. I'm going to ask Simon to chuck one onto my growing wait pile.

Jun 16, 2022, 4:55 pm

>6 Shadekeep: That does look interesting. I'm curious what "highly abbreviated text" means in this context though. Does anyone have insights here? Thanks!

Jun 19, 2022, 7:34 pm

Received this from Simon today in email. Congratulations to him on such an exalted run, and he's not quite finished yet.

Jun 22, 2022, 3:56 pm

I have this and it’s really more like a pamphlet (an incredibly lovely one) than a book. I’m not at home but I think the original book was 200-300 pages and the chapbook might be between 8-12 pages. I’ll check when I get home and let you know if I’m far off.

Jun 24, 2022, 7:39 am

I wondered if Thomas Turner’s diary was a
miniature work?

I received a copy of Endeavours and Experiments (B edition) as well as Dear Mercia yesterday. Endeavour and Experiments is stunning. It is currently reduced to £335 from £425 which is why I took the plunge (otherwise I was going to order Sensuous Lines), and has the perfect amount of text as I felt like I learned about the artist (I knew nothing beforehand!) but wasn’t overwhelmed.
Dear Mercia looks a lot more impressive in person rather than the website! It isn’t essential reading, but is readable, however at just £20 if ordering any other work is a bargain, and anyone wavering should definitely opt for it

Edited: Jun 24, 2022, 11:21 am

>10 DMulvee: thanks for the intel. I am currently deciding between Endeavours and Experiments or Gargoyles & Tattie-Bogles, both of which look quite good.

Jun 24, 2022, 11:05 am

>10 DMulvee: Thanks for the impressions. I had overlooked Endeavours & Experiments, that does sound a good one. I have the B edition of Sensuous Lines, and it's a beautiful book chock full of wonderful art. Dear Mercia is in my pending order as well, glad to hear it's even better in the flesh (well, pulp).

Jun 24, 2022, 11:26 am

I picked up 3 Fleece Press works secondhand, and I'll put my thoughts here.

First 'The Golden Reign' by Clare Sydney Smith. This is about her friendship with T E Lawrence from 1929-1932. It is a good book, but really one aimed at those who are enthralled by Lawrence (which worked for me!).
Secondly 'Herbert Hodgson Printer', this is a fantastic read, the first half is him working on the Original Seven Pillars of Wisdom for Lawrence, and the second how he then works at the Gregynog press. This is recommended.
Finally, 'The Last Autobiographical Notes of Thomas Bewick', this isn't particularly long, and as someone who only knew the name of Bewick rather than many details of his life, it is not a great read. For those with more background knowledge heading into this, it might be of value, but I can't honestly recommend it.

Edited: Nov 19, 2022, 11:05 pm

Just received the following notice in an email from Simon.

Jan 4, 2023, 2:49 pm

Simon has posted about his next forthcoming title, 103 Not Out David Gentleman’s Stamps by Brian Webb. Looks to be another eclectic and interesting title from Fleece.


Jan 4, 2023, 6:07 pm

From the title I hoped it had something to do with cricket.

Jan 14, 2023, 11:42 am

Received the final prospectus from Fleece Press. Below are the images of the remaining titles to come and their editions/prices. Good to hear that Simon will likely continue printing on a smaller scale under another name afterwards as well.

Jan 14, 2023, 4:54 pm

A follow-up from Simon, the special editions of both the Bibliography and the Yvonne Skargon volume are fully reserved now.

Jan 30, 2023, 9:49 am

The Fleece Press website has had another refresh, with all remaining titles to be published listed now.


Feb 13, 2023, 9:27 am

Fleece Press is offering their rarest miniature - Yan, Tyan, Tethera - in a fundraising auction for Disasters Emergency Committee. More info here:


Feb 21, 2023, 11:56 am

Final day on the above charity auction.

Feb 18, 10:48 pm

Gargoyles & Tattie-Bogles has been added to the special offers. It's reduced from £282 to £100 and includes in-country postage. I've asked Simon for the shipping to the US, as this has been on my list for a while.

Mar 6, 2:44 pm

I ordered slipcases from Chris Shaw for All Around the Block, they arrived today and fit perfectly. I have previously used Chris to construct slipcases for any of the larger (or medium) works I had that didn’t have slipcases. These have all been done to the highest standards, and I would recommend him to anyone on the fence who is considering this.

Mar 6, 3:32 pm

>23 DMulvee: Fully concur. Mine also arrived today. Very elegant they look too.

Mar 6, 3:48 pm

>23 DMulvee: Thanks for the recommendation, I do get slipcases made on occasion and have been on the lookout for a good maker.