January 2022

TalkWhat did YOU buy today?

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January 2022

Jan 6, 2022, 11:43 am

Yay! Two books arrived in the mail today.

Tinker, which I read on my iPad and knew I’d want to more readily re-visit.
And Project Elfhome, a collection of shorts in that same universe. Thankfully, the second came in hardback. Much easier on my old eyes.

Jan 8, 2022, 10:42 pm

And the third book in the same series arrived today; Wolf Who Rules.

Jan 13, 2022, 2:20 pm

And today I bought (at Mannheim Main Station):
Cornelia Funke & Guillermo del Toro: Pan's Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Faun.

Edited: Jan 13, 2022, 3:38 pm

Edited: Apr 2, 2023, 10:04 pm

I need to slow the heck down. I've brought home a bunch of ARCs this month and on Saturday I bought 8 books!

First, the ARCs:
* All the Queen's Men by SJ Bennett (pub 3/22; humorous contemporary mystery, book 2 but I haven't read book 1)
* Angels of the Pacific by Elise Hooper (pub 3/22; historical fiction)
* The Cartographer's Secret by Tea Cooper (pub 11/21; historical fiction)
* The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn (pub 3/22; historical fiction)

I saw one of the Library of Congress Crime Classics on the shelf, ended up looking for more, and bought four (originally published between 1866 and 1940):
* The Dead Letter by Seeley Regester
* Final Proof by Rodrigues Ottolengui
* Jim Hanvey, Detective by Roy Cohen
* The Rat Began to Gnaw the Rope by C.W. Grafton (Sue Grafton's father)

And succumbed to four more books:
* The Redemption of Philip Thane by Lisa Berne (historical groundhog day romance)
* The Rebel and the Rake by Emily Sullivan (historical romance)
* The Blitz Detective by Mike Hollow (historical mystery)
* How To Be Content: An Ancient Guide for an Age of Excess by Horace, trans by Stephen Harrison (philosophy; noticed it while straightening)

Jan 17, 2022, 3:29 pm

>6 ReneeMarie: 😂 You're awesome!

Jan 19, 2022, 7:07 pm

Nalbinding: What in the World is that? I have aspirations to learn Viking knitting. Wish me luck.

Jan 19, 2022, 8:17 pm

The Meaning of Jesus (plus) was specified in the syllabus for a class, and the library only had the original publication. So I ordered the (plus) edition. The (plus) materials prove to be not especially useful or relevant.😤

Jan 20, 2022, 8:33 am

Do we include here random books that just appear without being purchased?
One of my neighbors sent out a blanket email that he has books to give away. Of course I had to stop by and browse. I was looking at his religion shelf, but it bled into history.
Doubt; a history
The Wisdom of Catholicism
Roger Williams: the Church and the State
Teaching a Stone to Talk - a lovely hardcover edition
Jefferson & Madison: the great collaboration
Intellectual History in America
Democracy in America, volumes 1 and 2

Jan 20, 2022, 4:37 pm

I was in the vicinity of a Barnes & Noble today, with a gift card in my pocket from a year ago. I bought a 2022 book calendar at 50% off and my own copy of We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

Jan 22, 2022, 9:50 am

The day before yesterday I ordered online from my fave bookstore (because of special offers...🙄):
A series of unfortunate events: The bad beginning and A series of unfortunate events: The Reptile Room
by Lemony Snicket;
Simon Lelic: The house;
Carlos Montero: El desorden que dejas;
Mary Kubica: Pretty Baby.
The last three are psychological thrillers.

Jan 26, 2022, 3:48 pm

On a book-buying spree as it seems... 🙄😁 Today (Jan. 26) I bought:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The sorrows of young Werther (in German);
Olga Tokarczuk: Drive your plow over the bones of the dead (in German - it's called 'Song of the bats' here...? I guess I'll understand that different title once I read the book?);
Christina Henry: Looking glass;
Kara Thomas: That Weekend;
Faridah Abike-Iyimide: Ace of Spades;
Maxine Mei-Fung Chung: the eighth girl;
Sosuke Natsukawa: The cat who saved books...

Jan 26, 2022, 4:20 pm

Had to stop by Powell's: https://www.librarything.com/venue/354/Powells-Hyde-Park today, their first day opening after another temporary closure around Christmas.

The timing was good; I just had some new bookcases installed yesterday! (Although, as my sisters have rightly pointed out, once I unpack the boxes in the back room, the new bookcases will be full.)

So I was pretty restrained:

Judge This, by Chip Kidd
Ichiro: Master Netsuke Carver, by Norman L. Sadfield and Huey G. Shelton

Jan 26, 2022, 5:19 pm

>14 lilithcat: oooh! Must look for the Ichiro book!

Jan 28, 2022, 10:38 pm

>7 Yuki-Onna: Not sure "awesome" defines me... Gluttonous, maybe.

>10 2wonderY: Fairly yummy list.

>13 Yuki-Onna: Goethe & Tokarczuk are on my "someday" list. I have the Natsukawa out from the library right now. Untouched as yet.

Not under control yet, as you will see.

One ARC: One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle (pub 3/22; contemporary fiction with a touch of fantasy)

And 4 purchases today:
* Miss Austen by Gill Hornby (historical fiction)
* A More Perfect Union by Tammye Huf (historical fiction)
* That Affair Next Door by Anna Katharine Green
* Escape from Paris: A True Story of Love and Resistance in Wartime France by Stephen Harding

Jan 29, 2022, 12:11 pm

I haven't actually bought anything this month, but I do have birthday money, and I am trying to decide what to buy with it. This is a very difficult problem, though obviously one that I am happy to have.

Edited: Feb 1, 2022, 11:24 am

>17 Julie_in_the_Library:: 😁 Perfect!
>16 ReneeMarie:: Oh yes, awesome definitely defines you! There's no rule someone can't have several adjectives defining them, right? So: awesome and gluttonous!

Ok, so I went completely off the rails this month... 😎
But today is the 31st, so I won't be able to buy any more books this January!!! -Apart, of course, from the ones bought today at my fave local bookstore ... 😁:

Joyce Carol Oates: Blonde (in German);
Paolo Coelho: Manual of the Warrior of Light (in German);
Lydia Benecke: Psychopathinnen (= female psychopaths; non-fiction);

To excuse myself a bit: the three above were the only ones I bought full price. The rest all were in the bargain section (they had a lot of English books for a few € each, so HOW could I resist?):
Alex North: The whisper man;
Amy Heydenrych: The pact;
Annie Ward: Beautiful bad;
Mark Billingham: Their little secret;
Stephen King: Flight or fright;
Riku Onda: The Aosawa Murders;
Pico Iyer: A beginner's guide to Japan (non-fiction).
That's it... 😁

Jan 31, 2022, 4:34 pm

You reminded me to check my mailbox. I count them when they arrive.
Why Four Gospels? came today.

Feb 1, 2022, 11:17 pm

Came by mail.
The latest from one of my favorite authors.
Lily: A Tale of Revenge by Rose Tremain

Edited: Feb 13, 2022, 1:21 pm

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