New fine editions of Gothic Literature

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New fine editions of Gothic Literature

Apr 21, 2021, 1:05 am

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Apr 21, 2021, 5:42 am

I think it depends on your definition of a fine edition. There are small presses that produce volumes on a level with, or rather better than, mass-market hardbacks without approaching the dizzy heights of a "fine press". You might want to look at Tartarus Press, Swan River Press, Egaeus Press, Zagava Press (although the bulk of their output is late 19th, 20th and modern Weird/Horror/Fantasy). Actually, Zagava do offer (like Suntup) editions of their books at different tiers as regards materials, quality, etc.

Black Letter Press, which is primarily a publisher of occult books, has an edition of Polidori's The Vampyre currently available.

Apr 21, 2021, 11:05 am

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