The Essay

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The Essay

Apr 19, 2021, 1:53 am

Monday 19th April 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

The Feurtado's Fire. Episode 1.

The first of a series in which 10 academics make and present radio programmes for Radio 3 based on their research. Christienna Fryar uses diaries and archives about a devastating fire in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1882 to reveal what lessons can be learnt about how societies rebuild after disasters.
(Episode 1)

May 3, 2021, 1:47 am

Monday 3rd May 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

The People. Episode 1.

Dan Rebellato examines the Paris Commune and its legacy, bringing populist movemen to life with vivid description of key moments and exploring how it shaped French society and beyond. He begins by looking at its founding in March 1871 in the wake of the Franco-Prussian war.
(Episode 1)

Jul 19, 2021, 1:49 am

Monday 19th July 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

David Suchet stars as English Renaissance composer William Byrd in five imagined encounters by DJ Britton looking back at key influences in his life and career as he composes his major liturgical work the Gradualia, a collection of 109 pieces written for each of the feasts and events in the Church calendar. In 1603, the early years of James I's reign bring change and turbulence and a renewed threat to Catholics following the Reformation, and Byrd's wife Juliana convinces him not to be afraid and to continue with his composition.
(Series 1, Episode 1)

Aug 2, 2021, 1:51 am

Monday 2nd August 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Ian Rankin on The Lord of the Flies. Episode 1.

The first of five programmes in which writers take favourite fictional stories and imagine what happened next, beginning with Ian Rankin speculating on the adult lives of Ralph and Jack from William Goldman's The Lord of the Flies.
(Repeat, Episode 1)

Aug 9, 2021, 1:55 am

Monday 9th August 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Becoming What You Are. Episode 1.

For more than a decade, a week's summer break in Europe has provided author Ken Hollings with uninterrupted leisure time to read a different work by influential 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and this series of five essays reveals his personal thoughts and impressions about these literary encounters. In the first one, he offers an overview of Nietzsche the thinker as the restless traveller dissatisfied with the complacency of the world around him.
(Repeat, Episode 1)

Oct 4, 2021, 1:48 am

Monday 4th October 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Ted Hughes and Animal Encounters. Episode 1.

The first of five programmes in which leading poets examine the poems of Ted Hughes, exploring how the works match up to, inform and contradict what is known of the man. Helen Mort explores what animals signify in his work and how they might connect to the way the poet writes about the tricky, mysterious lives of others, whether human or animal. Recorded with an audience at the BBC's Contains Strong Language festival in Hull.
(Repeat, Episode 1)

Nov 23, 2021, 1:47 am

Tuesday 23rd November 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Camilla Smith looks at the art of the Weimar Republic.
(Repeat, Episode 2)

Nov 24, 2021, 1:47 am

Wednesday 24th November 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Katie Sutton, author of The Masculine Woman in Weimar Germany, looks at sexuality in the republic.

Dec 20, 2021, 1:55 am

Monday 20th December 2021 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

The End of Ritual? Episode 1.

The first of five talks exploring aspects of ritual, with author Madeleine Bunting asks why it has been such a pervasive feature of human societies and whether the 21st century may see much of it disappear.
(Episode 1)

Jan 17, 2022, 1:48 am

Monday 17th January 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

The Cantiaci. Episode 1.

Examining the peoples of Iron Age Britain, from the western reaches of Cornwall to the tribes of Essex and across to the wilds of Scotland and Wales. In the opening edition, archaeologist David Miles tells the story of the Cantiaci of Kent and how the inhabitants of this `land on the edge" became the first to fall under Rome's influence.
(Episode 1)

Jan 31, 2022, 1:48 am

Monday 31st January 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Anne Enright on Telemachus. Episode 1.

Five Irish writers each take a passage from James Joyce: Ulysses and through a close reading explore its meaning and significance within the wider work, as well as what it means to them. Anne Enright examines the first couple of pages, which introduce the characters of Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus.
(Episode 1)

Feb 21, 2022, 1:49 am

Monday 21st February 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Armando Iannucci. Episode 1.

Writer and director Armando Iannucci presents the first of five essays celebrating 300 years since the publication of the first book of JS Bach's landmark collection of preludes and fugues in every available key. He contemplates the role of hard work and craft in creativity, and the connection between the structure of music and that of comedy.
(Episode 1)

Mar 28, 2022, 1:50 am

Monday 28th March 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Kate Davis on Thomas Hardy. Episode 1.

Artists, writers and thinkers talk about the ways they have been shaped by their 'ways of being', their individual bodies - what freedoms they allow, and their sensitivities or limits. In the first episode, poet Kate Davis explores the way Thomas Hardy's poem 'Afterwards' has influenced her way of being.
(Episode 1)

Apr 25, 2022, 1:50 am

Monday 25th April 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Walking with the Ghosts of the Durham Coalfield. Episode 1.

Jake Morris-Campbell reflects on the poetry of William Martin and the pilgrimage he made in 2016 carrying Martin's ashes in a ram's horn from Sunderland to Durham Cathedral.
(Episode 1)

May 17, 2022, 1:50 am

Tuesday 17th May 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Kipling. Episode 2.

Inua Ellams considers Kipling's poem The White Man's Burden, the invention of race and racism, how its myth was evidenced in philosophy and biology in an endeavour to prop up the colonial enterprise and the slave trading industry, and how these beliefs still play out in the world, during the pandemic, across countries and cultures and in the death of George Floyd.

Jun 13, 2022, 1:46 am

Monday 13th June 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Lauren Elkin on Oscar Wilde. Episode 1.

Writers go on reflective, restorative and even playful walks in search of the final resting places of their literary heroes, and the stories of how they came to be there. In the first edition, Lauren Elkin visits the grave of Oscar Wilde in Pere Lachaise in Paris - where the outsider in life overshadows in death the greats of French literature who jostle for space in the famous cemetery.
(Episode 1)

Jul 11, 2022, 1:48 am

Monday 11th July 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

The Mower. Episode 1.

In a week of programmes marking Philip Larkin's centenary year, five contemporary poets each take a short poem of his as the starting point for an exploration of their own attitudes to faith, belief and the spiritual. To begin the series, London-born poet Raymond Antrobus responds to Larkin's The Mower with an essay on kindness, care and moments of epiphany.
(Episode 1)

Jul 18, 2022, 1:47 am

Monday 18th July 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Charlotte Turner Smith. Episode 1.

In the first of five programmes in which New Generation Thinkers shine a light on neglected female writers, Sophie Coulombeau champions poet and novelist Charlotte Turner Smith.

Aug 31, 2022, 1:47 am

Wednesday 31st August 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Pogroms and Prejudice. Episode 3.

New Generation Thinker Brendan McGeever traces the links between anti-semitism now and pogroms in the former Soviet Union, and the language used to describe this form of racism.

Oct 10, 2022, 12:54 am

Monday 10th October 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Clare Shaw. Episode 1.

Five artists reflect on what Ralph Vaughan Williams means to them, beginning with poet and dramatist Clare Shaw considering the role that his setting of the Welsh hymn Rhosymedre has played in their life since first playing it on the viola as a teenager in the Burnley Youth Orchestra.
(Episode 1)

Oct 24, 2022, 1:43 am

Monday 24th October 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Finding a Way. Episode 1.

Samuel West introduces a centenary celebration of BBC radio productions of Shakespeare plays, beginning with the early days, when plays were performed live for an audience of journalists.
(Episode 1)

Oct 31, 2022, 2:42 am

Monday 31st October 2022 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

1920s, Reviving Old Ayres. Episode 1.

Former Radio 3 controller Nicholas Kenyon explores the BBC's role in reviving the hundreds of years of early music from before the 18th century. In his first essay, he explores how in the 1920s there was a new approach to performing the music of past, which tried to recreate the scale and sound of the music when it was written.
(Episode 1)

Feb 6, 2023, 1:45 am

Monday 6th February 2023 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

The Paradise Crater. Episode 1.

New Generation Thinkers champion authors they think deserve to be better known, beginning with Sarah Dillon reading Philip Wylie's short story The Paradise Crater, a tale that led to him being arrested by military intelligence. Wylie went on to become an adviser to the chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee for Atomic Energy, and at least nine films have been made out of stories he published, which ranged across topics including ecology, science fiction and the threat of nuclear holocaust.
(Episode 1)

Feb 13, 2023, 1:47 am

Monday 13th February 2023 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Marian Anderson. Episode 1.

Opera singer Peter Brathwaite shares his passion for five very different singers whose voices, artistry and lives inspire and move him, and whose stories he needs to tell. He begins with African-American contralto Marian Anderson, whose Easter Sunday concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 became a defining moment in the US civil rights movement.

Apr 17, 2023, 1:46 am

Monday 17th April 2023 (starting this evening)
Time: 22:45 to 23:00 (15 minutes long)

Richard Eyre on King Lear. Episode 1.

To mark the 400th anniversary of the printing of the collection of Shakespeare's plays, five writers are each asked to examine a speech from one of the works, explain what they think it means, and what it means to them. In the first edition, award-winning theatre and film director Richard Eyre chooses a speech from Act 5, Scene 3 of King Lear.
(Episode 1)

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