Chats in March 2021

TalkMystery and Suspense Extra!

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Chats in March 2021

Mar 1, 2021, 8:24 am

Every time you post what you have read and I can find where the story takes place, it is added to the travel site in Mystery & Suspense. Since this site is an extension of the Mystery & Suspense site, I count your places visited. If you are a Member of the Mystery and Suspense site also, your state or country is counted there and not twice.

As of February 28th we have visited 75 states and 45 other countries this month. This gives us a grand total of 267 places visited. Let's see where March will take us. Bon Voyage!

New York was the most state visited with 15 visits, with California in second place with 13 visits. England was the most visited "other country" with 24 visits and Scotland was in second place with 2 visits.

Keep up the good work!

Mar 28, 2021, 11:05 pm

April 2021 Americana Challenge posted

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