Virago Secret Santa 2020: Recipient Numbers

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Virago Secret Santa 2020: Recipient Numbers

Nov 4, 2020, 2:28 pm

If you are participating in the Virago Secret Santa, you will receive a number from one of the elves. You might have to be patient, because LibraryThing restricts the number of messages that a member can send at one time now, but you will get your number.

When you have that number, look for it on the list below to see whose Santa you are this year.

There is a chance that you might have been assigned yourself or someone who doesn’t match your shipping preference. If that happens, please tell a Virago Elf as soon as possible so we can arrange a swap. Please wait a day or two before shopping for gifts, just in case we need your help with that.

The Virago Elves can supply postal addresses when you need them.

You can let your Santa know what you are wishing for on Letters to Santa thread.

Now, here are those all-important numbers:

1. kaggsy
2. BeyondEdenRock
3. Soupdragon
4. LyzzyBee
5. Cornishgirl
6. alvaret
7. SassyLassy
8. stuck-in-a-book
9. bleuroses
10. alexdaw
11.Lisa Morr
12. HeavenAli
13. mrspenny