am i getting it wrong?

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am i getting it wrong?

Oct 30, 2020, 6:18 am

hi everyone, someone deleted some series i added and i wondered if i am doing it wrong. i added series to cover ongoing stories in a comic, i.e. a series of related stories with the same title, so all the issues with a New Statesmen story will be in that series. Is this wrong?

Oct 30, 2020, 6:50 am

That was me, apologies for being overzealous. I deleted some series with only one work that didn't seem like a real series, but in this case I judged too quickly apparently. Again, sorry for the incovenience!

Oct 30, 2020, 8:52 am

oh, i see! no worries, i'll be adding more to those series as i go along. glad i'm not making a mess of LibraryThing :)