Author CK

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Author CK

Sep 15, 2020, 6:31 am

This is an appeal to anyone adding large amounts of CK to an author page to check first whether the author's books are all by the same author. At least whether it is likely that they are all by the same author. If an author needs splitting, the person doing the split has to decide to

leave the CK as an error message where it won't be seen

move the most important data and delete the rest to get rid of the error message

spend a lot of time moving data s/he considers unimportant

If you want to spend a lot of time entering lots of CK, it makes sense to do any necessary splitting first, and not depending on the person who does the split choosing the third alternative.

Sep 15, 2020, 12:57 pm

It's also possible that when the CK data was entered that all the books were by the same author but a new book by a different author with the same name was added later.

Sep 15, 2020, 2:00 pm

>1 MarthaJeanne: This is excellent advice. (I wish I remembered it every time.)

Feb 12, 2022, 11:48 am

Anyone any idea what's going on at this "author", ?

The CK has somehow managed to survive unedited since 2009.

Is there any way of seeing if further chapters have been scattered around LT?

Feb 12, 2022, 12:13 pm

>4 Cynfelyn: Ha! History says n1a150 did all that. Private member since 2007. I guess someone could look at any other CK contributions by this member.

Feb 12, 2022, 12:36 pm

Edited: Feb 12, 2022, 9:30 pm

>1 MarthaJeanne:

This seems logical to me:
1 ) Check the separation of homonyms (or combinations)
2) Check the CK** already filled in + the language (version) in which they entered
3) Check the bibliography as much as possible for each author (and reassign it if necessary)
4) Reallocate the CK initially entered (eventually correct and complete) after identifying the author

Finally, if and only if everything is clean, delete the CKs that no longer have an object***

** Nota Bene 1: This is not only valid for CKs but also for http links and images

Nota Bene 2: I regularly notice that CK disappear and this is probably due to actions far too fast. Too bad because sometimes the energy put is important.
I spent a few hours on those. There was great confusion between the combinations, the CKs, the works...:
- Jean DAVID (David JEAN)***
- René DAVID ( David René or David Ren)

*** there remains here the problem of combination for "male" that I cannot erase (reported bug)


If you have examples, put a link, we could try to take a closer look to complete ALL the CK / autorities. And this without being satisfied to indicate only the gender or the nationality. :-) and doing this indiscriminately.

Edited: May 2, 2023, 3:33 pm

FIRST OFF, please check for multiple author pages for the author you want to update. Combining author pages is straightforward.

>1 MarthaJeanne: "This is an appeal to anyone adding large amounts of CK to an author page to check first whether the author's books are all by the same author. At least whether it is likely that they are all by the same author. If an author needs splitting, the person doing the split has to decide to..."

GENERALLY, please check that the author doesn't need splitting BEFORE adding CK. This goes double when you're adding birth and death dates.

If you don't check, you're adding bad info to someone's record, not to mention doubling the work of the LT user who does the splitting.

May 8, 2023, 11:43 pm

>8 karenb:
problem is in .fr
How delete here
this :
Date de naissance : 1911-09-16
Date de décès : 2003-02-02

. com
"Combination issues. This author has combination issues that need to be cleared up."

May 9, 2023, 6:00 am

>9 JMK2020: You are talking about a known bug with its own post(s). This post is about author CK in general, not about that bug.

Edited: Jan 19, 6:41 pm

Please, please, please aim for more care, not less, when adding lots of CK.

For the golfer John Joseph "Jackie" Burke, Jr., who died this week: the original name was a bad combination of two names, Jack and Jackie (bonus! a wrong canonical name). Each separate name needed splitting, for a total of four authors (at least). ETA: Okay, five authors, including two golfers (father & son).

And only half the original author's books were about golf. FFS.

Edited: Feb 15, 2:34 pm

>11 karenb:
What is the problem ? Which url/http ?? To understand my mistakes...**


nb : For information, I take even more care in the Ck than in my daily actions on academic and/or official bases (It's part of my job). Beyond that, I correct and have corrected a lot of data in the “governmental” databases.

**Sometimes I can make mistakes (I do millions and millions of data manipulations). I extract from these what is relevant and reliable by checking the source at 99% before act in LBThing

ps : I do not harvest or increment without expertise and primary source (wikipedia is not a source for me, wikidata if the primary source is indicated... and not a newspaper)

Feb 15, 3:06 pm

>12 JMK2020: Since this thread is directed at more than just you, I suspect that >11 karenb: was a general post request.

Feb 15, 10:15 pm

>12 JMK2020:
>13 gilroy: is correct: I was making a general plea. The example I gave was a complex problem left over from other users -- and multiple users, over time. You know, the way things happen around here on LT.

Feb 17, 11:50 am

>13 gilroy:
>14 karenb:

Thanks for return.

I am not immune to errors. Telling me this allows you to:
1 - to correct
2 - to go back to the source

nb: I repeat, I take the greatest care to provide the best CK in Librarything (It is not so much quantitative as qualitative). And this for all the authors and/or works that I am allowed to come across and/or meet physically by one means or another ;-)

May 8, 12:15 pm

To remember the bug (CK author)
Can' errase date of birthday to have a beautiful LBThing

May 8, 12:22 pm

>16 JMK2020: This is not a bug report, it's a general thread about editing Author CK, especially split authors