Protocol for short stories and multi-author anthologies in series

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Protocol for short stories and multi-author anthologies in series

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Mar 27, 2020, 7:34 pm

A while back I cleared out multiple entries of short stories in Patricia Briggs's World of the Marrok series. I removed multi-author anthologies if the stories existed as works on LT and added a note in the series description box asking that multi-author anthologies only be added if the short story wasn't cataloged on LT. A few days ago I looked at the series again and found that all of the stories had been deleted and replaced with multi-author anthologies. I switched it back to the short stories and added a bit to my note explaining that adding the anthologies messed up the related series section. I looked at the series again today and found my work undone and my note changed to say "do not add titles that are not the real published books."

I don't want to get into an edit war over this and I can't find official word on whether it's right to add only the works that are actually part of the series even if they may not have been published as a stand-alone title or to add the work that contains the story even though it will mess up the related series field. I favor adding the individual stories when possible, not only to keep the related series field populated with only related series, but to keep from having *every* reprint of a story listed. Is there any official policy or general consensus on which is the preferred way?

Mar 27, 2020, 8:12 pm

Sadly, there is no official word on how to do this. (Perhaps this is why Tim and Co are redoing the series feature entirely)

Right now, the best way to do it is to create a series with a name like "World of the Marrok Books only" or something to that effect. Because if you try to "fix" the main series, you'll have an edit war.

Personally, I always leave the short stories in the series, but drop them to the bottom, especially if they are part of a multi author anthology. It doesn't take away people's work for putting it there, but it also moves them out of the middle of the series.

Mar 27, 2020, 9:50 pm

Short stories go in the series as their own entries. There is no requirement for a story to have been published as a standalone to be entered in LT. Anthologies do not go in the series that they contain stories in (large anthologies could be listed as members of upwards of a dozen series if they did!).