Advanced CK: Book vs. Video Series With Same Name

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Advanced CK: Book vs. Video Series With Same Name

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Edited: Feb 11, 2020, 2:48 pm

I would like suggestions for how to differentiate a series of videos (movies, TV shows, and webseries) that parallel a book series with the same title. For example, if a book series and a TV series featuring many of the same scenes were both called "Awesome Adventures of LibraryThingers", then what would you type in the series field for each work of the TV series?

I see that the author's name for each series is usually added on to differentiate multiple book series with the same name. That won't work as well when a series is known for its collaboration by multiple authors, multiple directors, possibly a recognizable producer, or several prominent actors.

Would a tag like "video" at the end make sense? Do brackets work in that field? Also, are dashes preferred where keywords are added?

Feb 11, 2020, 3:08 pm

Yep I would use "Awesome Adventures of LibraryThingers TV Series" as the series name for the TV (or video if it is more than just TV) and "Awesome Adventures of LibraryThingers" for the book series.

Feb 11, 2020, 3:42 pm

I would go with adding "video" or "adaptation" or "multimedia" or something at the end. A dash is fine, or I like to use {curly brackets} because they're not used for anything else on LT.
I'm also a big fan of having a "universe" series with sub-serieses underneath it (either separate serieses or by sorting)

Feb 11, 2020, 4:14 pm

If there are movies, TV shows AND webseries, those should each be a separate series.

So Name (movies), Name (television show), Name (webseries). Don't lump them.

Feb 12, 2020, 8:22 am

And the "universe" series should be entirely separate. Don't make one "universe" series and rely on sorting to separate books vs. videos.