Virago Secret Santa 2019: Letters to Santa + Help and Advice

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Virago Secret Santa 2019: Letters to Santa + Help and Advice

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Edited: Nov 2, 2019, 3:03 pm

This is the place to Help your Secret Santa!

Do you have any special items you are "wishing" for? Do you have any preferences towards used or new books, paperback or hardback?

Are you only interested in VMCs, or would you enjoy receiving other types of books?

Is there anything else your Santa might send you? Maybe they could send you something you collect or something that would be a particular treat?

It would be really helpful to point Santa to any places where you record what you read and where you record what books you would love to add to your collection.

Please post anything you think will help your Secret Santa in their quest to find a gift for you.

This is also the place to offer help and advice

Do you have any tips for other Santas?

There have been lots of helpful comments and suggestions over the years, and I remember some of them but I am sure that I have forgotten others.

One thing that I will mention here is that it is really helpful if you can write 'Virago Secret Santa' on any packages you send, and to indicate whether or not the contents are wrapped, making the parcel safe to open - or not.

And if you are sending via a third party and can't mark the parcel, remember that the Virago Elf Service can pass on a message to the recipient to make sure they don't open it and spoil their surprise.

Nov 5, 2019, 10:12 am

Dear Virago Secret Santa,

I have very much enjoyed everything you've picked out for me over the years, and I know I'll be very happy this year too.

I'm happy to receive VMCs, used are just fine. All my VMCs are tagged as such in my library so you can avoid duplicates. I also enjoy Persephones (5 of my 6 from you!) - tagged as such in my library. I have a long wishlist here - I get so many great recommendations from my fellow LTers - please feel free to pick anything from that list.

You have also introduced me to wonderful new authors that were your favorites, and I would certainly welcome a surprise like that! I enjoy most genres, with a preference for fiction over non-fiction.

Warm regards,

Edited: Nov 6, 2019, 4:38 am

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year and haven't bought too many books, well one or two, it's just too tempting.

I received a wonderful parcel last year and enjoyed putting one together, it was such fun.

I love second hand books with inscriptions, new books.
Just can't be without one in my bag when I go out.

I especially love the classics , Persephone books, I see Dean Street Press have reissued lots of new books so would love one of those.

Perhaps you could surprise me with a book you have read and loved.
Maybe one with a connection to where you live.

I have a wish list on goodreads which will also give you an idea of what I like.

I love anything organic, if sweet treats vegan is my preference.
Tea has to be Earl Grey which is perfect for when I'm reading.

Have just got back into knitting so maybe a vintage pattern or one for making dishcloths in DK wool.

Just one book would be wonderful.

Thank you Santa,

Mary Xxx

Nov 6, 2019, 2:41 am

Dear Santa

How fast this time of year comes around. I have had some wonderful parcels from you in the past. So I am sure this year will be equally fabulous.

I have many VMCs in my library, tagged as such, and over 100 precious Persephone books also tagged.

My wishlist is on the wishlist thread rather than my profile. I am happy to receive any VMCs that I don't currently have and I am just as happy with second hand as new. However I struggle with the print size of old orange penguins, so tend to avoid those now.

As well as vmcs and Persephone I really enjoy Dean Street press books. I already have a few, and they are tagged in my library as Dean street press.

I very much enjoy the British Library Crime Classics mysteries but they aren't added into my library because I don't tend to keep them. If you wanted to double check whether I have read something my blog is somewhere to look.

Also Santa, sometimes I have received a little bit of chocolate with my books. Just to let you know, last January I became vegan so I can only eat vegan chocolate that isn't made with dairy.

Thank you in anticipation.


Nov 6, 2019, 6:35 am

Dear Santa,

I have been a VERY BAD GIRL this year and have bought far too many books. However, there is no such thing as too many books, amiright? I have added a wishlist on the thread for Virago and other similars - I also have a full wishlist here:

I don't have to have some huge pile of Viragoes, though. I love books set in your home town or by a local author (not yucky crime or hard sci fi, though, please, or animal books). And I love pre-loved books with writing in and dog-eared corners.

Regarding extras, if any chocolate was to slip into my parcel, I prefer over 70% cocoa solids. Although I have been a cat owner until recently so might present that way, I don't like cat-related gifts, esp this year. Thank you!

Thank you, lovely santa!

Nov 7, 2019, 10:35 am

Dear Santa,

Hope this finds you well and rested after a summer away from gifting and elves!

I have been very bookishly bad this year, I'm afraid. I can never resist a bargain, and as my home library is in a constant state of flux this means that my library here is woefully out of date.

To help, I've put a wishlist on the thread which has a list of Viragos and Persephones and any others which might be of interest. I love to discover new things, and you can see the kind of things I read on my blog (which also might be of some help...)

I am happy to receive pre-loved books (as they always have a story to them) and if you have a favourite author or book that you don't think I've read and that I might love, that would be wonderful.

If you're looking for non-bookish ideas, I am vegan (and looking for low-sugar options). I also art journal in spare moments and have a weakness for gorgeous stationery.

Thank you for whatever you happen to decide would be right for me this year, Santa - I'm sure it will be wonderful! :D

Karen x

Nov 7, 2019, 3:10 pm

Dear Santa,

The first winter snow fell a few days ago and although it didn’t stay I’m sure it was a sign telling me to start writing my Christmas wishlist. I have been very good this year and only bought books when I either needed them, wanted them, or the bargain was just too good to pass on, so surely I deserve books for Christmas too?

Unfortunately my LT catalogue have little resemblance with my actual library, although I guess it may give you some feeling for my reading tastes (however, my blog, may be somewhat more helpful there). Fortunately I have only read a tiny minority of all the books in existence so feel free to take a chance if you know of something I should read. Last year I got introduced to two books I hadn’t heard of but really enjoyed, so if you would share some favourites too that would be lovely. However, if you want to play it safely I did kind of write a Virago wishlist in the other thread and my LT wishlist is up to date.

Either used or new books are fine, and I always welcome a well-loved book. It doesn’t have to be a Virago either. I am probably on the wrong side of a customs border from where you live so if you send things yourself it might help if it is clearly labelled as a gift. For things sent through a company it is easiest if they include nothing but books as books have 0 % VAT and sails through customs which mixed packages don’t.

God Jul!

Nov 8, 2019, 9:37 am

Dear Santa,

How is it this time again?? I've always been SO lucky with my VSS gifts.

My LibraryThing should all be up to date, and I'm happy to be surprised with what I get. I do have an Amazon wishlist where I store things I might want - but am very, very happy with secondhand books and with surprises!

Things I'm not super keen on: historical fiction, fiction set in countries the author wasn't from (though translated fiction is fab), enormously long books

And if there's an obscure and out of print woman writer you think I should have read, then that's perfect!


Edited: Nov 8, 2019, 5:02 pm

Dear Santa

It's lovely to be back in the world of good books again. Its been a strange year for reading. At the beginning of the year I read a book a day, whilst off work following surgery and complications. It was very intuitive reading so often not what I had planned. And then when I was back in the outside world, I had a massive reading slump because sitting alone and reading reminded me of when I couldn't do anything else.

I'm now happily reading again and would love to receive anything you think I'd enjoy. I like most kinds of well written fiction but have a particular fondness for those mid century, middle class, middle brow ladies. Some of my all time favourites also have a touch of the fantastical (such as The Victorian Chaise Longe). I've recently rediscovered Shirley Jackson and would love anything by her (or about her) that I don't already have. If you'd like a bit more guidance my wishlist is here:

Don't feel you need to use the wishlist though. I know you have great taste and I would love to receive anything you endorse.

Thank you Santa and happy festivities 🎅🎄

P. S editing to add: My LT catalogue is up to date and I am equally happy with books that are shiny new or scruffy pre-loved x

Nov 13, 2019, 2:27 pm

Dear Santa,

I am surprised and delighted to have already received two little packages marked 'Virago Secret Santa.'

I have no doubt at all that you can make excellent choices without any help, and it's lovely to be completely surprised. Because often the best books of all are the books you didn’t know you wanted until you saw them ….

For the record, I'll just say that my library is as up to date as it ever will be, that I've added the VMCs and the Virago Travellers I would love to add to my library to the wishlist thread, that I’d love anything at all that I don’t have by any of the favourite authors you will see on my profile page, and that I've constructed a little wishlist here.

My favourite books take me out of the here and now; and I'm happiest in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Pre-loved books and new books are all very welcome here.


Jane x

Nov 14, 2019, 6:09 pm

Dear Santa,

I must confess, I've been rather unbridled in my book buying this past year and I'm not at all repentant! There is no such thing as too many books, I think we all agree.

I've just posted my Virago wishlist to help you; however, I am, and always have been, so wonderfully surprised by your choices. Viragos (of course), Persephones and Dean Street Press are all wonderful.

Here is my 'To Read' list on goodreads. I do own several of the books on this list so double-check my library to be sure. It's up-to-date for the most part.

Gently used books are always well received.

Thank you, dear Santa. I hope you have fun!

Cate 🌹💝