DisassemblyOfReason's 2019 Challenge

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DisassemblyOfReason's 2019 Challenge

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Edited: Jan 1, 2020, 9:25 am

(Alphabetical order - combined TBR and alternate list, a lot of it carried over from last year.)

  1. Asbury, Herbert: The French Quarter: An Informal History of the New Orleans Underworld
    Carried over from 2018.

  2. Blum, Robert S: The Girl from the Emeraline Island
    Begun 14 Nov 2019

  3. Breshears, Clay: The art of concurrency
    Carried over from 2018.

  4. Bunce, Tim and Descartes, Alligator: Programming the Perl DBI
    Carried over since 2017...

  5. Cherryh, C.J.: Forty Thousand in Gehenna - COMPLETED
    Begun 23 Mar/completed 31 Mar.

  6. Eddison, E.R.: The Worm Ouroboros (annotated)
    Carried over since 2017.
    Begun 8 June 2019

  7. Ford, John M.: The Dragon Waiting
    Carried over from 2018.

  8. Gentle, Mary: Ash: a secret history, book 3: The Wild Machines
    In effect, carried over from 2018 - for last year I had the entire omnibus on my TBR list but only finished volumes 1 and 2.

  9. Gentle, Mary: Ash: a secret history, book 4: Lost Burgundy

  10. Gentle, Mary: 1610: A Sundial in a Grave
    Carried over from 2018.

  11. Hambly, Barbara: A Free Man of Color - COMPLETED
    Begun 4 Jan/completed 20 Jan.
    I've read several later books in the series, but not this, the first one, until now (or the second one, come to that).

  12. Loomis, Stanley: Paris in the Terror: June 1793-July 1794 - COMPLETED
    Carried over from 2018.
    Begun 15 Dec 2018/completed 1 Jan 2019.

  13. McIntyre, Vonda: The Moon and the Sun - COMPLETED
    Begun 8 Apr/completed 17 Apr

  14. Renault, Mary: The Bull from the Sea - COMPLETED
    Begun 28 Jan, completed 17 Feb

  15. Ross, Kate: Cut to the Quick - COMPLETED
    Begun 9 Feb, completed 16 Feb.

  16. Ross, Kate: A Broken Vessel - COMPLETED
    Begun 16 Feb, completed 24 Feb

  17. Ross, Kate: Whom the Gods Love - COMPLETED
    Begin 24 Feb, completed 17 Mar.

  18. Russell, Sean: Beneath the Vaulted Hills - COMPLETED
    Begun 25 Jan/completed 3 Feb.
    Of the four books in this setting, which in effect form two 2-volume works, I've read Moontide and Magic Rise, the pair that were first written but are set later, but not River into Darkness, the second pair that are set a little over a generation earlier. This is the first volume of River into Darkness.

  19. Scott, Melissa: Trouble and Her Friends - COMPLETED
    Begun 12 Apr/completed 19 May.

  20. Silverberg, Robert: Kingdoms of the Wall - COMPLETED
    Begun 21 Jan/completed 25 Jan 2019.

  21. Soltis, Andrew: Karl Marx plays chess : and other reports on the world's oldest game
    Carried over from 2018.

  22. Stevermer, Caroline: A College of Magics - COMPLETED
    Begun 11 May/completed 8 Jun.
    I've read the sequel, but never read this one all the way through.

  23. Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Silmarillion - COMPLETED
    Begun 2 Apr/completed 6 Apr.

  24. Yolen, Jane: Dragon's Blood

Edited: Jan 1, 2019, 12:41 pm


Double post removed.

Jan 1, 2019, 7:29 am

Nice list! I'll be following along this year, too.

Happy reading!

Jan 1, 2019, 1:39 pm

Following along. Good luck with your challenge :)

Jan 1, 2019, 2:08 pm

I'm pretty sure I have one of those Kate Ross books in my TBR stack somewhere. Good luck with the challenge!

Edited: Jan 2, 2019, 8:16 am

You've pulled a lot of older fantasy out of the woodpile, which can be a lot of fun. I've not tried Ford or Hambly but I hear good things. The Silverberg I've sampled (mostly Valentine) has been very good and I've marked him as a Favourite, although I understand he's hit/miss. Jane Yolen's Briar Rose was fantastic. Eddison and Tolkien are genre classics all the way.

For some fantastic help with the Silmarillion, when/if you get to it, you gotta check out this recently completed primer from Tor.com:

Jan 2, 2019, 9:37 am

I've been wanting to read The Silmarillion for quite a while now, so I look forward to your thoughts. Happy Reading in 2019! You are off to a great start!

Edited: Apr 6, 2019, 7:48 pm

The audiobook of The Silmarillion - read by Martin Shaw - is extremely good so far.