Orange County (CA), Canada and Estonia (Horror)

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Orange County (CA), Canada and Estonia (Horror)

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Jun 15, 2018, 6:59 pm

I couldn't find a topic for horror novels from 2018 dealing with historical eras (1960's and 1970's) in southern California, so am posting this here for anyone interested. The most recent book I know of dealing with Orange County is Harper: A Collection of Horrors by Gunnar K. A. Njalsson. It is a horror book, but also deals with life in southern California in the 1950's as well as the 1960's and 1970's. That part is pretty charming. However, the book is very unsettling- as much if not more so than a Clive Barker book. So for those who are sensitive it may not be the right choice. "Harper" is actually published in Estonia and even features some Cold War history. The book even has a trailer up on TrailerShelf: .